The eye can see more colors than you can perceive, because of how the signal is compressed to be sent from eye to brain. Yellow and blue light mix and create a white signal, they are opposites and cancel each other out. the other colors mix to create different color hues, but pure blue and pure yellow are special in that they mix to white (all colors, not just themselves) We are unable to perceive 'bluish yellow / yellowish-blue'
this is also why yellow street signs are used in contrast with the blue sky.
Combining blue and yellow pigments does not make white, so I'm going to assume you're talking about combining wavelengths of light. Combining blue (#0000FF) and yellow (#FFFF00) wavelengths also does not uniquely make white. For example, combining green (#00FF00) and magenta (#FF00FF) wavelengths makes white. There are three different primary color wavelength complements that make white.
The #RRGGBB representation of color is how colors are often represented in computers. Each pair of digits corresponds to a hexadecimal value for red, green, and blue, with 00 being the least amount of light and FF being the most amount of light.
then you have two signals, that these get combined into. You have a Red (actually pink) + Green - Blue (actually cyan) signal, (magenta-green continuum) and a Red + Blue - Green signal. (blue-yellow continuum) You brain does math on these two signals to extract a red green blue components back out of them, but there are some mixtures that can't be encoded/decoded with that method.
Nobody is talking about paint, or pigments, or color charts - or the representation of those things on computers (which you are also confused about). Try to keep up.
Blue and yellow are on opposing sides of the spectrum of visible light. Light, as in photons and electromagnetic wavelengths. Physics, not RGB color schemes.
I can't make sense of that in any respect, paint nor ink nor computer displays nor light wavelengths, which is what all the above represent. Yellow-green and blue-green are easily distinguished, just look at lime and aqua. Red signs are more important than yellow ones, green signs are more used than yellow ones.
I wasn't talking about blue green or yellow green. those have green in them. If you mix blue and yellow light your brain 'interprets' it as white. It cannot sense blue yellow.
In the USA yellow signs are used for safety warnings.
Red is ONLY used for stop, green is used for directions, and blue is used for info, white is used for legal notices, but yellow is safety, when visibility is most required.
inks and pigments act different, I'm only talking about the light wavelengths.
Just what kind of intelligence are the British and Americans trying to intercept through their base on Ascension? In light of recent revelations, it seems highly likely that both are interested in oil espionage in the South Atlantic.
FOCUS is a fourth-generation programming language (4GL) computer programming language and development environment that is used to build database queries. Produced by Information Builders Inc., it was originally developed for data handling and analysis on the IBM mainframe. Subsequently versions for minicomputers and such as the VAX and other platforms were implemented. FOCUS was later extended to personal computers and (in 1997) to the World Wide Web: the WebFOCUS product.
The description of FOCUS brought my mind immediately to the 702 to/from and about queries that were abused by contractors and Admiral Rogers brought to everyones attention.
I dont know if it is related. Look through the Conservative Treehouse archives for many articles concerning the illegal 702 queries. FOCUS was never mentioned as far as I can remember.
Ascension Island is insane with its history. Events of interest: Preventing rescue of Napoleon, fighting the Atlantic slave trade, Eastern Telegraph Company in 1899, used to launch research rockets into the upper atmosphere while NASA tracked Apollo flights to the moon.
These events are suspect, and this doesn't even get into the Intelligence and War(s) angle.
I hadn't been on Qagg in so long, I'd forgotten that the alarm goes off when new drops are posted. I was reading something and all of a sudden the Star Trek klaxon started blaring from one of my tabs. Surprised the heck out of me lol.
Dominion, Runbeck, Command Central, ElectionGuard, Election Group, CTCL, CEIR, ERIC, Center for Voter Information (SBF/FTX), Zuckerberg-Chan Foundation, Obama Foundation, Knight Foundation and many others.
They all focused on Racine, Wisconsin - Paul Ryan’s district. It is also where the Council for a Community of Democracies was conceived.
What is Epic Systems? Why is it private? What is unusual about the company? Who are their partners?
Why did Joe Biden make the “highly unusual move” to rig a billion dollar referendum in Racine, Wisconsin in the April 2020 primary to use COVID and Cornell University-connected Mason Lab to expand community health, education and policing models?
Is Epic Systems the medical information processing (aka healthcare software) firm? Headquartered in Verona (near Madison), Wisconsin, leader/founder Judith Faulkner (billionaire, btw). Looks like Judith is another tranny - no surprises there.
" Epic Systems Corporation, or Epic, is an American privately held healthcare software company. According to the company, hospitals that use its software held medical records of 78% of patients in the United States and over 3% of patients worldwide in 2022...."
"... The company also has offices in Bristol, UK; 's-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands; Dubai, United Arab Emirates; Dhahran, Saudi Arabia; Helsinki, Finland; Melbourne, Australia; Singapore; Trondheim, Norway; and Søborg, Denmark..."
In trying to find out about partners, I came across TEFCA which seems to be some kind of centralized healthcare information system, perhaps part of the ONC under HHS (I'm just starting to dig here so bear with me). From Wiki (link below) it looks like it was initiated back in Bush's presidency.
It definitely has the stench of bad actors all over it.
"... The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) is a staff division of the Office of the Secretary, within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. ONC leads national health IT efforts, charged as the principal federal entity to coordinate nationwide efforts to implement and use the most advanced health information technology and the electronic exchange of health information.
President George W. Bush created the position of National Coordinator on April 27, 2004 through Executive Order 13335.[1][5] Congress later mandated ONC in the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act provisions of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, under the Obama Administration..."
And its Verona location is on Milky Way (street name, presumably). The reclusive tranny founder is married to a longtime pediatrician in the area. Dear Lord, please save the children from these people.
And here's an article about Judy Faulkner and his friend (?) Doris Weisberg, (involved in producing The Food Network) from Racine, getting awards from the Wisconsin Alumni Association.
I want a Fren local to Racine to do some work. I've sold cyber security near there, Honeywell and others. Check out the Racine FBI building and it's neighbors. Incredible building. Concerning neighbors.
I know what you mean..a modern redux would be very worth seing; TBS, it DID show why the moslems are so set on avenging their defeat on any anniversery, though.. 🤔
The 11th was the date of the victory-the movie compresses the artillery being moved up the mountain and that was the key to the victory-the moslems were caught short by the bombardment followed by the Winged Cavalry charge. I sure would like to see see an upgraded movie..
Full story of the Hussars involves intense faith and prayer as well as courage:
The Battle of Vienna
In 1571 the Muslim Holy War to destroy Christianity and conquer Europe was stopped at the Battle of Lepanto, due primarily to lots and lots of ordinary people praying the Rosary. I’ll share that story with you on Oct 7, on the Feast of Lady of Victory.
With that failed sea invasion, the Muslims sought to conquer Europe and Christianity by land. By 1683, the Islamic forces had reached the heart of Europe and laid siege to Vienna.
The Emperor fled Vienna and King Louis XIV of France ignored their cries for help.
Less than 15,000 defenders were trapped within the city walls of Vienna, while the Muslim army swelled to more than 150,000. If Vienna fell, nothing would stop the Muslims from sweeping through the rest of Europe.
The small number of fighters left in the city were abandoned by their leaders and surrounded by a much larger force bent on their destruction.
It certainly looked like there was no hope.
But God and Our Lady never abandon their children.
King Jan Sobieski and Mary
Blessed Marco d’Aviano, a Franciscan monk and chaplin to the Christian army in Vienna encouraged everyone trapped in the city under siege to resist by praying the Rosary every day.
Rejected by the King of France, Pope Innocent XI then appealed to King Jan Sobieski of Poland to come to the aid of Vienna and all European Christianity. Sobieski led the most feared cavalry in Europe, called the Winged Hussars because they had sown eagle’s feathers to back of their armor and looked like eagles flying as they rode into battle.
More importantly, Sobieski was ardently devoted to Mary and the Rosary. When he received word from the Pope, he summoned his cavalry and army, and went straight to Czestochowa, where the miraculous Icon of the Black Madonna is kept. There they consecrated themselves to Mary, then marched more than 400 miles, to Vienna.
Sobieski ordered his army to pray the Rosary as they journeyed.
Sobieski and his forces arrived outside of Vienna on the evening of September 11, 1683
This was supposed to be the day Islam launched its final blow to Christianity, but they did not account for Sobieski and the Mother of God.
At 4:00 am, on the morning of September 12, King Jan Sobieski and his forces celebrated Mass and reconsecrated themselves to Mary. Without hesitation they threw themselves into the assault. Sobieski’s soldiers ran with abandon down the hill toward the Muslim army, shouting as they ran, “Jesus and Mary, save us!”
While the famed cavalry, the Winged Hussars charged with 18,000 strong, the largest cavalry charge every.
And Jesus and Mary did save them, as well as the city of Vienna.
By the end of the day, the massive Muslim Army was completely destroyed and those who survived fled in disarray, leaving everything behind in their camps.
After the battle, King Jan Sobieski related the events of the victory to Pope Innocent XI, describing to the pontiff exactly what had happened that day. He said, “I came, I saw, and God conquered!”
Upon his return to Poland, Jan Sobieski went immediately to the shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa on a pilgrimage of thanksgiving and laying the captured Muslim flag before the miraculous icon of Mary.
Once again, the victory came through Mary, the Rosary and the countless faithful who responded to her call. In gratitude the Pope declared September 12, the Feast of the Holy Name of Mary.
There are many examples of culinary inspired symbolism incorporating factional and even national friction that is rooted in ancient ethnic and cultural conflicts.
But I gotta say this thread is rich in history, fact, conspiracy, and clues. I'm loving it. Feels like I get to relive those exciting days as a kid where we waited for the new Halo, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, etc
Runbeck Printing Company prints some or maybe all of the mail in ballots. They've been in the news before, back in 2020.
During the midterms, a MAGA journalist (I forget his name) followed a suspicious Penske rental truck to runbeck. The election officials supposedly claimed that the ballots are/were transported there to perform some sort of scan then shipped back to the counting facility. People pointed out that all of this was occurring outside the chain of custody and without observers. Then I think that observation just got ignored or avoided. Still haven't seen an explanation.
I think maybe the "Focus. FOCUS." lines were directed toward those here that OD'ed on doomium earlier this week, including the more prominent anons like Clandestine.
And Trump started coming out openly associating himself with Q (reposting, music at rallies, etc) right about the same time as this new wave of Q drops came out. Seems like more than a coincidence.
Tbh I don’t think it’s about belief, drops appear - we dig and info either pans out or doesn’t. It’s not a faith thing for me personally, I kind of take in all I read and file it away to see if it is borne out, supported or discredited subsequently…
Located mid-way between Brazil and Africa, Ascension Island is a tiny volcanic island in the South Atlantic. Here, the deep sea and the remote mountains collide, leaving the island as the small visible tip of a massive 3,200-meter mountain. Ascension Island sits on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, part of the longest underwater mountain range in the world.
Originally settled by the British in 1815, Ascension is one of three islands in the St. Helena U.K. Overseas Territory: St. Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha. The island is known to be a global biodiversity hotspot: In addition to 44 endemic species, a number of important fish species, including bigeye tuna, yellowfin tuna, albacore tuna, swordfish, marlin, sailfish and blue sharks are present in the waters around the island.
In collaboration with the Ascension Island Conservation Department, the British Antarctic Survey, the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, and The Blue Marine Foundation, the Pristine Seas team recently conducted an expedition to explore, survey, and document Ascension Island’s offshore and deep-sea environments. Aboard the Antarctic research ship, the RRS James Clark Ross, the team sailed nearly 2,000 kilometers from Recife, Brazil to Ascension Island, where they completed a comprehensive science survey of the deep ocean surrounding the island including the isolated biodiversity hotspots—the seamounts.
The team used remote imaging deep drop-cameras and pelagic cameras along with a full range of remote sensing equipment including scientific trawls, plankton nets, acoustic arrays, and CTD’s to measure temperature, salinity and depth. They also used lander cameras and Swath bathymetry to accurately map the seabed and seamounts.
On August 24, the Ascension Island government announced plans to designate the island’s waters as a marine protected area (MPA). The designation would make it the largest MPA in the Atlantic Ocean covering 440,000 square kilometers, an area roughly the size of California. Once implemented, the area will receive the highest level of marine protection by banning commercial fishing and extractive industries.
Once established, Ascension Island MPA will be the 22nd marine reserve sparked by the work of the Pristine Seas team.
If you believe in Q, then you would have to believe he/they would have already called it out as fake. Or we would have gotten comms that it's not to be trusted.
Runbeck Elections is a subject matter expert on process. They are always involved and want to know more. Runbeck is reliant as a partner not a vendor; their competence helps them identify issues before they become an issue.
Rey Valenzuela
Director of Elections, Maricopa County Elections
In a nutshell, the follow one course until success strategy means you put all your focus on one goal at a time. Your “one thing“. You give all your time and resources on that specific goal until you achieve it.
Runbeck Election services Defending Democracy®
That blue and yellow theme just keeps on appearing...
Why are they so obsessed with that color theme?
They are the Rothschild colors:
The eye can see more colors than you can perceive, because of how the signal is compressed to be sent from eye to brain. Yellow and blue light mix and create a white signal, they are opposites and cancel each other out. the other colors mix to create different color hues, but pure blue and pure yellow are special in that they mix to white (all colors, not just themselves) We are unable to perceive 'bluish yellow / yellowish-blue'
this is also why yellow street signs are used in contrast with the blue sky.
Combining blue and yellow pigments does not make white, so I'm going to assume you're talking about combining wavelengths of light. Combining blue (#0000FF) and yellow (#FFFF00) wavelengths also does not uniquely make white. For example, combining green (#00FF00) and magenta (#FF00FF) wavelengths makes white. There are three different primary color wavelength complements that make white.
Edit: The #RRGGBB representation of color is how colors are often represented in computers. Each pair of digits corresponds to a hexadecimal value for red, green, and blue, with 00 being the least amount of light and FF being the most amount of light.
I know how pigment and computers work. I'm not talking about that.
it's called the opponent process.
You have three light sensors.
red, green, and blue.
then you have two signals, that these get combined into. You have a Red (actually pink) + Green - Blue (actually cyan) signal, (magenta-green continuum) and a Red + Blue - Green signal. (blue-yellow continuum) You brain does math on these two signals to extract a red green blue components back out of them, but there are some mixtures that can't be encoded/decoded with that method.
The magenta-green you mention is the 'blindspot' the other signal nerve, and the second unperceivable color.
Nobody is talking about paint, or pigments, or color charts - or the representation of those things on computers (which you are also confused about). Try to keep up.
Blue and yellow are on opposing sides of the spectrum of visible light. Light, as in photons and electromagnetic wavelengths. Physics, not RGB color schemes.
I can't make sense of that in any respect, paint nor ink nor computer displays nor light wavelengths, which is what all the above represent. Yellow-green and blue-green are easily distinguished, just look at lime and aqua. Red signs are more important than yellow ones, green signs are more used than yellow ones.
Where the heck is this conversation going? I'm only just now drinking my coffee. I guarantee this is throwing everyone off.. lmao
I wasn't talking about blue green or yellow green. those have green in them. If you mix blue and yellow light your brain 'interprets' it as white. It cannot sense blue yellow.
In the USA yellow signs are used for safety warnings.
Red is ONLY used for stop, green is used for directions, and blue is used for info, white is used for legal notices, but yellow is safety, when visibility is most required.
inks and pigments act different, I'm only talking about the light wavelengths.
I provided evidence in the video though
Yes you are on to something. Swedes not so much but where do (((they))) hide their fortune?
Israel became a country why?
Hat tip to Blockbuster Video in relation to the Epstein videos.
From their Twitter today:
The comments are great
That one is my fav, 😆
Ascension Island
The US Space Force is also there. Space Operations Command (SpOC). 45th Mission Support Group.
This pretty much confirms it for me. A is A.
I know there were threads digging into Ascension Island, this is interdasting all over again.
The description of FOCUS brought my mind immediately to the 702 to/from and about queries that were abused by contractors and Admiral Rogers brought to everyones attention.
Not sure if related but came across organization “ Federation on Computing in the United States” or FOCUS.
Do you more info or a link so I can better understand the FOCUS connection to that
I dont know if it is related. Look through the Conservative Treehouse archives for many articles concerning the illegal 702 queries. FOCUS was never mentioned as far as I can remember.
Thank you for the articles.
Ascension Island is insane with its history. Events of interest: Preventing rescue of Napoleon, fighting the Atlantic slave trade, Eastern Telegraph Company in 1899, used to launch research rockets into the upper atmosphere while NASA tracked Apollo flights to the moon.
These events are suspect, and this doesn't even get into the Intelligence and War(s) angle.
Good digs, thanQ!
Testimonial on the home page from Maricopa County. 😂😂😂 You can’t make this up.
I hadn't been on Qagg in so long, I'd forgotten that the alarm goes off when new drops are posted. I was reading something and all of a sudden the Star Trek klaxon started blaring from one of my tabs. Surprised the heck out of me lol.
One Word exposes the entire system.
The Word is Racine.
Dominion, Runbeck, Command Central, ElectionGuard, Election Group, CTCL, CEIR, ERIC, Center for Voter Information (SBF/FTX), Zuckerberg-Chan Foundation, Obama Foundation, Knight Foundation and many others.
They all focused on Racine, Wisconsin - Paul Ryan’s district. It is also where the Council for a Community of Democracies was conceived.
On the final note, what is Project Nightingale?
Why did Ascension acquire Wheaton-Franciscan?
Who are the Racine Dominicans? What is Siena? Why did Tim Dolan move to the Racine-Milwaukee area and how was he rewarded?
What is Epic Systems? Why is it private? What is unusual about the company? Who are their partners?
Why did Joe Biden make the “highly unusual move” to rig a billion dollar referendum in Racine, Wisconsin in the April 2020 primary to use COVID and Cornell University-connected Mason Lab to expand community health, education and policing models?
Is Epic Systems the medical information processing (aka healthcare software) firm? Headquartered in Verona (near Madison), Wisconsin, leader/founder Judith Faulkner (billionaire, btw). Looks like Judith is another tranny - no surprises there.
According to Wikipedia...
" Epic Systems Corporation, or Epic, is an American privately held healthcare software company. According to the company, hospitals that use its software held medical records of 78% of patients in the United States and over 3% of patients worldwide in 2022...."
"... The company also has offices in Bristol, UK; 's-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands; Dubai, United Arab Emirates; Dhahran, Saudi Arabia; Helsinki, Finland; Melbourne, Australia; Singapore; Trondheim, Norway; and Søborg, Denmark..."
In trying to find out about partners, I came across TEFCA which seems to be some kind of centralized healthcare information system, perhaps part of the ONC under HHS (I'm just starting to dig here so bear with me). From Wiki (link below) it looks like it was initiated back in Bush's presidency.
It definitely has the stench of bad actors all over it.
"... The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) is a staff division of the Office of the Secretary, within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. ONC leads national health IT efforts, charged as the principal federal entity to coordinate nationwide efforts to implement and use the most advanced health information technology and the electronic exchange of health information.
President George W. Bush created the position of National Coordinator on April 27, 2004 through Executive Order 13335.[1][5] Congress later mandated ONC in the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act provisions of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, under the Obama Administration..."
EPIC has an entire building/area within its campus that is Alice in Wonderland themed.
And its Verona location is on Milky Way (street name, presumably). The reclusive tranny founder is married to a longtime pediatrician in the area. Dear Lord, please save the children from these people.
(((They))) flaunt their symbolism.
And here's an article about Judy Faulkner and his friend (?) Doris Weisberg, (involved in producing The Food Network) from Racine, getting awards from the Wisconsin Alumni Association.
Just wow.. I didn´t know about this.
I want a Fren local to Racine to do some work. I've sold cyber security near there, Honeywell and others. Check out the Racine FBI building and it's neighbors. Incredible building. Concerning neighbors.
One word without context? Takes more than that, son.
"Okay, some town in Wisconsin. So what?"
For normies yes, no meaning in the beginning...
But for [them], who know THE SECRET, is would cause ABSOLUTE PANIC!
Ah yes the Root of the problem :)
btw Racine means “root” in French.
There is a pretty good film about this: 'Siege of Vienna' dated effects but compelling. Key date??? September 11, 1683... 👀
I know what you mean..a modern redux would be very worth seing; TBS, it DID show why the moslems are so set on avenging their defeat on any anniversery, though.. 🤔
The 11th was the date of the victory-the movie compresses the artillery being moved up the mountain and that was the key to the victory-the moslems were caught short by the bombardment followed by the Winged Cavalry charge. I sure would like to see see an upgraded movie..
The real life battle of Helm's Deep.
I guess they weren't so elite.
Winged horsemen 🤔
Google images: “husaria”
Full story of the Hussars involves intense faith and prayer as well as courage:
The Battle of Vienna
In 1571 the Muslim Holy War to destroy Christianity and conquer Europe was stopped at the Battle of Lepanto, due primarily to lots and lots of ordinary people praying the Rosary. I’ll share that story with you on Oct 7, on the Feast of Lady of Victory.
With that failed sea invasion, the Muslims sought to conquer Europe and Christianity by land. By 1683, the Islamic forces had reached the heart of Europe and laid siege to Vienna.
The Emperor fled Vienna and King Louis XIV of France ignored their cries for help.
Less than 15,000 defenders were trapped within the city walls of Vienna, while the Muslim army swelled to more than 150,000. If Vienna fell, nothing would stop the Muslims from sweeping through the rest of Europe.
The small number of fighters left in the city were abandoned by their leaders and surrounded by a much larger force bent on their destruction.
It certainly looked like there was no hope.
But God and Our Lady never abandon their children.
King Jan Sobieski and Mary
Blessed Marco d’Aviano, a Franciscan monk and chaplin to the Christian army in Vienna encouraged everyone trapped in the city under siege to resist by praying the Rosary every day.
Rejected by the King of France, Pope Innocent XI then appealed to King Jan Sobieski of Poland to come to the aid of Vienna and all European Christianity. Sobieski led the most feared cavalry in Europe, called the Winged Hussars because they had sown eagle’s feathers to back of their armor and looked like eagles flying as they rode into battle.
More importantly, Sobieski was ardently devoted to Mary and the Rosary. When he received word from the Pope, he summoned his cavalry and army, and went straight to Czestochowa, where the miraculous Icon of the Black Madonna is kept. There they consecrated themselves to Mary, then marched more than 400 miles, to Vienna.
Sobieski ordered his army to pray the Rosary as they journeyed.
Sobieski and his forces arrived outside of Vienna on the evening of September 11, 1683
This was supposed to be the day Islam launched its final blow to Christianity, but they did not account for Sobieski and the Mother of God.
At 4:00 am, on the morning of September 12, King Jan Sobieski and his forces celebrated Mass and reconsecrated themselves to Mary. Without hesitation they threw themselves into the assault. Sobieski’s soldiers ran with abandon down the hill toward the Muslim army, shouting as they ran, “Jesus and Mary, save us!”
While the famed cavalry, the Winged Hussars charged with 18,000 strong, the largest cavalry charge every.
And Jesus and Mary did save them, as well as the city of Vienna.
By the end of the day, the massive Muslim Army was completely destroyed and those who survived fled in disarray, leaving everything behind in their camps.
After the battle, King Jan Sobieski related the events of the victory to Pope Innocent XI, describing to the pontiff exactly what had happened that day. He said, “I came, I saw, and God conquered!”
Upon his return to Poland, Jan Sobieski went immediately to the shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa on a pilgrimage of thanksgiving and laying the captured Muslim flag before the miraculous icon of Mary.
Once again, the victory came through Mary, the Rosary and the countless faithful who responded to her call. In gratitude the Pope declared September 12, the Feast of the Holy Name of Mary.
By Dr. Mike Scherschligt
"This has led to croissants being banned by some Islamic fundamentalists."
There are many examples of culinary inspired symbolism incorporating factional and even national friction that is rooted in ancient ethnic and cultural conflicts.
Here is an example... (timestamp / 45 seconds)
I see your food fight, and raise you another... BANGARANG!
Perhaps our food should be the pretzel, given all the bakers here
And we shall have a Pretzel Day! methinks u/NewExpertBread would approve 👍
Coming down they turned the tide
Definitely piqued my interest!
Time to show the world. Goosebumps; time to fucking drop the moab
Q doesn’t mean now. Who the fuck knows when
Not you.
But I gotta say this thread is rich in history, fact, conspiracy, and clues. I'm loving it. Feels like I get to relive those exciting days as a kid where we waited for the new Halo, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, etc
My dear fren, you are making me feel old-Sky King, Lone Ranger and Buck Rogers for me, oh and the Sunday funnies.. 😎
I seriously was doing a dig on Runbeck last week. They doubled the size of their building in Phoenix earlier this year.
What we know:
Runbeck printed mail-in ballots.
Runbeck gave mail-in ballots to USPS to deliver.
Runbeck received mail-in ballots.
Runbeck sorted received ballots - 40k per hour.
Runbeck has been partnered with Dominion.
Runbeck has been partnered with Maricopa County.
Runbeck was allegedly caught sending pallets of fake ballots to Fulton County, Georgia.
Runbeck was allegedly caught printing ballots with a ~30% error rate for Tarrant County, Texas.
Runbeck Printing Company prints some or maybe all of the mail in ballots. They've been in the news before, back in 2020.
During the midterms, a MAGA journalist (I forget his name) followed a suspicious Penske rental truck to runbeck. The election officials supposedly claimed that the ballots are/were transported there to perform some sort of scan then shipped back to the counting facility. People pointed out that all of this was occurring outside the chain of custody and without observers. Then I think that observation just got ignored or avoided. Still haven't seen an explanation.
Yeah that's the guy
Same shit happened this election with the Maricopa county ballots.
Now hear me out on this ...
I think maybe the "Focus. FOCUS." lines were directed toward those here that OD'ed on doomium earlier this week, including the more prominent anons like Clandestine.
My initial thought too
Oooh we like the whistleblower parts. Veritas, bobolinski(spelling?) and more
I'm confusion - I thought the tripcodes are bunk and we are waiting for Q+ to confirm before we believe new drops.
I'm relatively new to the journey, so I must be off base.
Q+ is making a statement at 8:30est tonight. Might get more confirmations.
Your reasoning is right. But Trump retruthed one of the new Q statements, so it's good.
And Trump started coming out openly associating himself with Q (reposting, music at rallies, etc) right about the same time as this new wave of Q drops came out. Seems like more than a coincidence.
Retruthing dozens of q-related posts a few days ago doesn't count?
Hi, Confusion. I'm dad. Sorry I couldn't help myself.
Tbh I don’t think it’s about belief, drops appear - we dig and info either pans out or doesn’t. It’s not a faith thing for me personally, I kind of take in all I read and file it away to see if it is borne out, supported or discredited subsequently…
Well, most of us believe enough to put in the time and effort, expecting there's something important enough in there to warrant eyes on.
Ascension is a place:
Located mid-way between Brazil and Africa, Ascension Island is a tiny volcanic island in the South Atlantic. Here, the deep sea and the remote mountains collide, leaving the island as the small visible tip of a massive 3,200-meter mountain. Ascension Island sits on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, part of the longest underwater mountain range in the world.
Originally settled by the British in 1815, Ascension is one of three islands in the St. Helena U.K. Overseas Territory: St. Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha. The island is known to be a global biodiversity hotspot: In addition to 44 endemic species, a number of important fish species, including bigeye tuna, yellowfin tuna, albacore tuna, swordfish, marlin, sailfish and blue sharks are present in the waters around the island.
Interesting as Napoleon lived out rest of his days in exile on St Helena after he lost at Waterloo.
THE MISSION In collaboration with the Ascension Island Conservation Department, the British Antarctic Survey, the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, and The Blue Marine Foundation, the Pristine Seas team recently conducted an expedition to explore, survey, and document Ascension Island’s offshore and deep-sea environments. Aboard the Antarctic research ship, the RRS James Clark Ross, the team sailed nearly 2,000 kilometers from Recife, Brazil to Ascension Island, where they completed a comprehensive science survey of the deep ocean surrounding the island including the isolated biodiversity hotspots—the seamounts.
The team used remote imaging deep drop-cameras and pelagic cameras along with a full range of remote sensing equipment including scientific trawls, plankton nets, acoustic arrays, and CTD’s to measure temperature, salinity and depth. They also used lander cameras and Swath bathymetry to accurately map the seabed and seamounts.
THE RESULT On August 24, the Ascension Island government announced plans to designate the island’s waters as a marine protected area (MPA). The designation would make it the largest MPA in the Atlantic Ocean covering 440,000 square kilometers, an area roughly the size of California. Once implemented, the area will receive the highest level of marine protection by banning commercial fishing and extractive industries.
Once established, Ascension Island MPA will be the 22nd marine reserve sparked by the work of the Pristine Seas team.
odds are that it's another beautiful spot for sick globohomos to do horrible things to children.
yeah they are trying to keep to keep ppl out of the area
LOVE it. Thanks for the Hopium, Q!
Wonder if this coincides with DJT's 830 announcement?
Er... Arrested 13 people from 17 countries?
Dual nationality
Yup, my wife is dual... or 17 countries involved, but only 13 nabbed.
Can these new drops be trusted?
They seem fake to me.
^ This.
Doesn't matter anymore, just research whatever "Q" posts, if it's a dead end who cares, if it's good we win. Nothing to lose.
Well said!!
If you believe in Q, then you would have to believe he/they would have already called it out as fake. Or we would have gotten comms that it's not to be trusted.
Future proves past. If legit, it won't take too long in the future to prove this one is legit.
Why do you trust the original posts then?
Portals for school system personnel. Data harvesting anyone?
Testimonial on Runbeck www site...
Runbeck Elections is a subject matter expert on process. They are always involved and want to know more. Runbeck is reliant as a partner not a vendor; their competence helps them identify issues before they become an issue.
Rey Valenzuela Director of Elections, Maricopa County Elections
That's the mission statement equivalent of lorem ipsum.
Ascension is real? How does Q define ascension? I thought that was a airy fairy new age concept.
Also an island with many intel and spy connections as well as numerous companies. Expand your thinking, sooooo many double meanings.
The US Space Force is also there.
Focus mentioned twice.
In a nutshell, the follow one course until success strategy means you put all your focus on one goal at a time. Your “one thing“. You give all your time and resources on that specific goal until you achieve it.
Check out this GP post
Who wants to bet that all of this data is in China too?
Portals. Portals everywhere.
Hmm... school software
Phillips I believe has mentioned school portals as part of Konnech's business. Personnel data.....
Kids' data, emergency cards, doctors, insurance (income proxy), employment and home addresses...
Just for starters, I'm sure there is much more......
Focused meditation / prayer
Is this confirmed?
Let's do it
Apologetix - We're More Than Champions
Some fuckery going on. I show 9 comments, can only see 2.
They take a minute to show. The counter updates quicker.
IMO: Runbeck Election Services has done a REAL CRAPPY JOB of preserving American elections. Since 1972, yet.
Isn't this tripcode confirmed compromised?
I hope I'm wrong. But a zero delta would assuage my fears.
Do you think any of the NATO countries would rush to our aid if we were attacked?