Sorry for the black pill… but there’s really no other way to address this issue. we NEED to be prepared for the worst case scenario even though we may not ever get there. And those who have not yet prepared, let’s help them out.
Here’s why one needs to be prepared for the worst…
US gas prices projected to hit over $300 a barrel
Hungary cut off world wide wheat supply
Wheat price is SOARING!
Broken supply chain in the US
Empty grocery store shelves
Prices going up
Stock markets going absolutely fucking wild (and these clowns trying to justify it 😂😂)
Huge housing disruptions
Expect more power outages more frequently
Near Impossible to buy a car due to chip shortage AND inflation
Money printers go brrrrrrrrr
The rich just getting richer
Precious Metals hitting highs. Gold over $2k
Our dollar is trash
And I can go ON AND ON AND ON AND ON!!!
I think it’s time we help each other with preparing for potentially the worst. I believe we will jump into a severe depression, so our commodities may actually end up being tradable goods and benefit us.
Please contribute information for our fellow community members who may not understand much about prepping. I will comment below as well.
And on top of all that, don’t go forget to pay your taxes. 🙃
With how sore my asshole feels after every paycheck I think we can throw RAPE in there as well
It's not YOU being raped, bigot.
It's your paycheck. Have some empathy, racist!
OnLy wYmiN cAn Be rAped yOu sExiSt piG!
You must be a biologist!
What we all have right now, is taxation without representation and it's serious. Your vote was ignored so Biden could be installed.
Property and income taxation are also unconstitutional.
edit: should be "are", not "is"
The worse is sales tax when you buy smth. Why they hell are we paying when we buy something.
22% federal; 5-7% on goods and services (somexs 10%!) and capital gains on anything you buy that increases in value and you want to sell it!
you can deduct the cost of improving your house out of the profit b4 they collect the tax, but not the endless hours of labor you invested instead of working a second job.... where you would be taxed! and might throw you into a higher tax bracket.....
Exactly because it immediately stops people from being involved with politics. If we’re spending time protesting, or attending every single school hoard meeting, then we aint workin, and will be homeless.
It’s designed to keep the people preoccupied
Excellent point; we mistakenly think that paying these unconstitutional taxes will get done what should be done.
Property @ federal level yes
so Called Income- at every level.
Property at EVERY level. If you pay taxes on YOUR property, that property is not YOURS. You are just renting it forever even though you may possess the deed. The Constitution is clear: Article 1, Section 9, Clause 4.
Income taxation, definitely
It is also murder!
(this is just the money going for all PP's 'services', if we entered the unjust war zone, it would be significantly higher)
This was a major facet of the COVID lockdown.
Get people inside, away from each other, and watching TV for endless updates on the faux crisis.
This is war unlike any we have ever witnessed. Real MKUltra type mind manipulation shit going on. Truly evil.
Fortunately, the tool of the Cabal's war shall become the means of their demise. T'would be most unfortunate should an EBS interrupt all that propaganda...
They’re fear porn addicts. You can’t even watch a weather report without them playing ominous music for rain storms. Seriously? We need music for the weather??
Music is vital to their “magic”. Background music really gets into peoples subconscious esp for people who are less aware or awake. It can really alter their state of mind and set them up for easier manipulation.
I watched main stream global a couple of days ago, i was blown away how blatantly obvious the propaganda is. I havent watched msm for years. Even the commercials are brutally racist and biased. Its crazy that people dont see it.
The commercials on broadcast TV now include a disproportionate percentage of black people, and seem to always insert a little clip of some gay couple. Since homosexuals comprise ~2% of the population, they shouldn't even be included in commercials if the goal of commercials was to sell as much of a product as the company produces, but for some reason, they have decided social engineering is more important than the company profit, which is just incredible since that would seem to violate any business sense. Business schools must have been pumping "wokeness" into their curriculums during the past 20 years or more.
They're most likely being propped up. Businesses that should be out of business, losing $$ with their wokeism, double-down, lose more $$, yet stay floating just fine somehow.
I often find myself asking out loud, "Are you suicidal?". Watching a business, who just watched another business go down in flames, decide to step up to the plate and give it their own try. One after the other. Why some go down in flames and others seem to be unfazed, Im not sure about.
Sometimes they do it just to crash their business so they can short sell it. Making that $$ on its way down.
Remember when Al-Jazeera had an American station for a minute? They only lost money. 100% Saudi-propped.
So who's REALLY keeping CNN alive?
With CNN down to, what, a million viewers (half in airports :) ), there is no way they are close to profitable, so yes, who is keeping it going? Maybe Ted Turner is spending his retirement money on it.
I stopped watching TV about 5-7 years ago but I have to assume that according to TV commercials, white men are the absolute dumbest people on the planet, by far. And that there's always a black man nearby to shake his head at the stupidity.
That may be the theme of the tv shows, but the commercials are about the same they've always been, but they now use the disproportionate racial mix, and throw in quick glances of homosexual couples. I'm noticed that the two CBS game shows, "Let's Make a Deal", and "The Price is Right", include a VERY large fraction of homosexual contestants. I'm thinking that a good way to possibly be a contestant is to act really flamboyantly gay :) (and then, if I win, break out of the act in a very blatant manner :) ) (but there is probably some clause in an agreement you have to sign that says you can't do something like that; and they would probably just cut out the part where you make them look like fools :) )
Brainwashing at it’s depths indeed … but there is no one specifically at the stove. They’re all on the stove top with us, which is the advantage we have. They’re just much more willing to disregard the slowly boiling pot in favor of jumping to which ever burner is coolest at the moment and ignoring those in the pot.
KEK. Jokes on them. I had zoom evenings with other like minded people where we talked about all the stuff that was happening and shared resources such as how to do stuff for yourself.
It's both frightening and laughable.
Frightening because everyone and their mother 'stand with Ukraine' because the TV told them to.
Laughable because the real world effect was a half dozen blue haired 370 pound ver/zhe non-binary turtle owners signed up for war. Hopefully the Nazi army they are joining will find the humor in it as well.
Q community says a lot of things haha
10 days of darkness should just about do it!
Long as it's only ten days of darkness.
Last time we believed 15 days, it turned into 2 years
When they said two weeks to flatten the curve, you immediately knew it would be over two years? Amazing and inspiring! You might be the most prescient member of the forum!
As I recall, you posted that at the time too, right? ;)
Hurricane Flornece a few years ago gave me 10 days without power. I survived just fine. As long as you have canned goods, water, and fresh towels to handle the humidity with, you're good.
I was a nurse on Mississippi’s coast for Katrina. 3 weeks out of power for us. We did just fine. Our community pooled defrosted food, fired up grills and fed linemen. National guard came to our rescue with supplies on day 3. It was eye opening how a disaster can pull everyone together.
Same story- survived 2011 F5 through AL.
Hurricane Floyd was the worst I’ve been through & I didn’t really have it bad. Those that lost everything were the ones that suffered. I was just inconvenienced for short while. It was like indoor camping. We learned you can cook more than burgers and chicken on a grill. My cousin lived a few miles away. We went back & forth to eat & shower. One day my power was out the next her’s, etc. I think they were cutting power to conserve. Can’t say for sure because I’m not an expert in utility work.
IDK, once most people get their convinces back they soon forget. Look at all the natural disasters people have been with out modern convinces. Indoor plumbing, electricity, phone, internet & when it’s over people go back to normal.
👏 We have several generations of kids who have become adults hooked to video games. I’m not downing video games! However it’s up to the parents to set limits. There will always be sorry people in every generation. Some people are just lazy scumbags that want to live off others work. Others were never taught hard work & that’s what we are facing today. The majority of people under thirty don’t know how fix anything. Think about the generations to follow them. Thankfully some still want to learn and there’s good how to videos. That’s the one positive about YouTube. My husband was never trained to work on cars. He’s learned from YouTube. He rebuilt a motorcycle from YouTube videos.
Think about the generations before them!
Your perception of "there will always be sorry people in every generation." is astute, so allow me to sling some mud on the ones that came before me.
Our parents generation took everything to a mechanic, and waited until it broke and was dead on the road to call a tow truck to get it there.
No concept of preventative maintenance whatsoever!
They did this with everything, kids, relationships, jobs - if it wasnt it deadass in front of them, or blasted on the tube, it didnt exist!
And they got the nerve to blame everyone else who came after them about the mess they SEE ON TV.
They used to make me think I was some asshole kid for pointing this out as a teenager, but after listening to grandparents complain about them, and listening to "the salt of the earth type of people", I learned we had a lot of similar complaints.
went to dinner with new friends --the husband is based-- works with mine-- but the wife's hobby is to binge watch tv, gets her news from cnn, and works in a hospital. aggghhh -- nice lady but VERY naive! (& no, she's not fat. just brainwashed.)
I will have to get to know her better -- and control myself better than last time -- if I have any hope of educating her.
I think of it like this: when my daughter was in the 6th grade, the little sisters were being sued over their unwillingness to fund abortions. I simply asked, "What if I made you take part of your allowance every week to pay for cat abortions, because, you know there are too many cats and they will just have a bad life without a good home."
Sweet sweet girl, highly principled, was HORRIFIED at the thought of someone killing kittens.
Seeing this at the top comment gives me hope that we will get through this precipice perfectly fine!
Don’t forget the fees for everything! In my opinion that’s just another way for the state to get your money. Fee is just another word for tax. New car fee License fee Building permit fee (not that we do that) Some do! I’m sure I’m leaving out a lot.
yea, i've wondered how prop taxes will work if paper money has no value and our esg score is too low to play? hubby says don't worry about it -- local level will find a way to get their pound of flesh, so..... --?
Reminder prep in the shadows DO NOT tell people you prep unless they are trying to prep themselves. Do not make yourself a target.
Take care of yourself and immediate family first. Focus on like minded family, friends and neighbors.
Quality information friend!!
You need to prepare yourself for handling a family with kids begging. Grifters and thieves are great actors. Cooking odors, lights and the sound of generators will bring the zombies to you. If they come to the door, cough a lot and ask if they have any medication to offer. Use fear of plague to keep them moving along.
Fear of plague? What, of Covid? No one truly gave a damn about that then, they 1000% won't give a damn about it when they're hungry.
Then they leave or remain a threat that must be handled. Even in the country, loud reports will draw more attention. If it gets to this point, humanity is gone. What will a win look like.
Lol and get skinny right at the same time they do. If you are the only well fed person in the village they will know!
Buy some clothes at the thrift store that are too big.
Not a bad idea 😂
buy 2 dozen cans of soup or similar theres always someone or multiple asking why you need so much.
I always respond i work nights and its 2 weeks of meals
Nice. I'm using that if anyone asks.
For myself… to name a few Obviously Water!!! Lots of water!!! Rice and more rice Pancake mix Flour Canned tuna Dried meat/fish Pickled foods Have extra propane on hand Have solar panels for lite usage Flashlights obviously Med kits
Don’t stock water, stock water purification
But could it not be finite or become contaminated??
I guess it depends where you live. I just see a lot of peepers being hung up on storing water in Massive amounts and it takes up a lot of room, most aren’t storing enough to last more than a month tops, and good luck taking it with you in an emergency at 8 lbs a gallon. Obviously store some water, but having good filters, that you can take with you is key. My good hiking filter can do 10k gallons and is the size of a water bottle. Water can also go bad if you don’t rotate it or treat it for storage.
I've had a berkey for a long time. Highly recommend. Gravity filtration so it takes time yes....
Yup I use my berkey filter for my brewing water. It’s fantastic.
They are bad ass. Nice. My brother has one, but since I am on a good well and have holding tanks, I never got one. This being said, I just asked for one for my birthday just in case. Lol.
Do you have a way to get water out of the well in the event of power failure?
Generator only but have holding tanks as well. Well too deep for hand pump. There is no shortage of water where I live, so that helps my cause immensely if the well can’t be used.
This is what I need to look into again. I'd looked once. We live in an Amish area so I'm sure we'd have help as we neighbors already help each other
Hopefully you have spare filters for yours. Also, if you have to filter turbid water, you should pre-filter through a sand (or DE) filter, then run through the Berkey. It will make the filters last a lot longer.
I love our Berkeys, the filters ... yea they are 😳 $$
How long do the filters last? I see a bunch out of stock, any recommendations?
Can you share what kind of water filter bottle you have please? And what other type of water purification is good? Can I go to a store to get or do I need to purchase online?
Sorry I'm new to prepping and it gets a little overwhelming. We've stocked up some on can foods, rice, pasta, flour, sugar, some water & paper products. And each time we run into the store we grab a little extra over the counter meds. Have walkie talkies, small radio, matches, lighters, fire starter, ponchos, emergency blankets, flashlights, and first aid kit (which has the basics). I'm sure I'm forgetting some things.
You are in the right track. Don’t forget lots of Bleach (unscented), it can be used for water purification, decontamination, sterilization, ..... it’s the duct tape of chemicals. And cooking oil goes fast. Gotta have oil. For the water filters, just search Katadyn and check out the options. There are other great brands too, but this is what I use. Cheaper ones for in car (or a lifestraw) and a more expensive ceramic one for hiking and shtf. The ceramic filter is cleanable so it will last forever if you take care of it. You get what you pay for, but an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Yes, I got a bottle of those bleach tablets last year because of all the craziness with cleaning supplies, couldn't find liquid bleach anywhere. We didn't need it at the time but wanted to buy just one bottle of bleach to have. When no store had any I saw the tablets and said well this could be even better as it will be easier to store. We have been just picking a few extra items each time we hit the store, so as not to have to buy a bunch of items last minute and to have plenty on hand in case we can't get them.
I have Katadyn and Sawyer. katadyn are very expensive and don't have the gallon capacity of sawyer. You can get a 3 pack of sawyers for around $50. Each one lasts for over a million gallons because they can be reversed flushed. The Katadyn is good for 10k gallons before a filter change is needed. The $300 one well built, but heavy and can be scrubbed because it is a ceramic one. The Sawyers are light weight and don't/can't be disassembled. They used to make a .02 micron filter that was the best in the world. It would actually filter out viruses. It was only $125
Where did u get bleach tabs ,, TY
I use a Berkey water filter.
Yes, so do I.
I used to constantly buy water and having one has helped with not having to do that these days.
Me too. We love it.
If you have children, I recommend something comforting for them. I keep a bag of dumdum lollipops in the basement because if we have a weather emergency, that's where we go to wait it out. Maybe a bag of those little round peppermints? Peppermint is supposed to be a good stomach soother as well (but also a choking hazard for little ones, so maybe peppermint sticks or lifesavers).
Peppermint tea helps to soothe your stomach as well.
Also ginger is great. Almost any herbal tea helps my stomach. I find best relief with ginger & 2nd choice is green.
All our kids are grown, but do have grandchildren and they are all school age now. Good advice.
Go to the dollar tree if you have one and make a medical kit. They have everything from asprin to ace bandages and you can get all the necessities
You'll need a minimum of 1 gal/day pp. I recommend a Big Berkey with spare filters. Very simple to operate. Also the Mini-Sawyer filters are good if you are on the move. Heck, even a LifeStraw has its place. There is no one solution. Also, read up on using bleach to purify water. I've done it and it works well. I stored 8 X 55 gal drums of water for 10 years and it was fine.
Great point! I’ll need to acquire one
I bought an extra 1.5 L bag filtration system for hiking. In winter I can melt snow, in summer I can use the stream. I have two now so three liters drinking water available every day. Twice a day if I filter into other storage containers. They roll up and pack super small so one in in the go bag at all times.
What filters are u buying ? Thank you so much
Berkey water filters. All you need is a mud puddle and you have drinking water with these things. There are filter straws you can drink straight from a puddle or a creek. After a water filter, do food. Canned is easy and cheap and easy to rotate our. Freeze dried and dehydrated is great, but it's expensive. Pasta, rice, sauce, gravies, canned chicken, tuna and spam are basic proteins that go a long way. Mylar everything and it will last for years. Even cannes food. Myasthenia can of spam was 6 years past the expiration date, and it was fine.
Rain water purification made easy
Buy a big ass agri tank
Paint it black (so light cannot penetrate, thus algae can grow)
Build proper stand/structure to elevate tank
Buy or make charcoal filters
Utilize PVC to add piping, or install a bottom spout (taster' s choice).
Unscrew top, toss in chlorine tablet.
Boom, start collecting rain water to use for everything.
Adjust formula and methods to suit individual needs.
Go to the prepper sites. They have quantities of bleach to water ratio. Bleach will be needed in many instances. Remember if power goes down, so will sewerage pumping. Go out now and get a port a potti or look around where you will dispose of it. Cholera is real and deadly. There are two very important thing. Clean teeth TWICE a day. Clean hands especially after going to bathroom, before meals etc. Especially monitor children and make it clear to teens just how important it is to do this.
Ordinary bleach. No additives, no scents...just chlorine bleach.
Look up a table right now to figure out how much per gallon based on what percentage bleach you have and how long to let it sit.
It’s nice to buy bottle that dispenses in drops, and write the common conversions on side of it. Even a visine sized bottle can hold enough bleach to purify a sizable amount of water.
Also, when you get/find important information like this, print it out and keep it with the supplies it pertains to. We might be without power or internet access, so having hard copies of important stuff will be vital.
Or realize how much water a persons actually uses, even if trying to conserve. It goes real fast.
If you can run your house on solar, with battery B/U and/or with a generator, would your work only issue come in if you had to leave it? We are stocked for a year. Almost there for the animals. Have non drinkable water stocked for toilets and such. But your right, water dies become your issue. Also prescription meds, if there is a restriction on them.
Both. A water supply will get you through until you have a source of water that can be purified. If the water is tainted with chemicals, most likely, the filter isn't going to get it out. Learn how to pre-filter turbid water. Learn how to use bleach to purify water. Learn how to build a still.
Very true. Pre filtering your water will increase the lifespan of your filters.
I’m going to make the assumption that a still is usable for more than alcohol. Can you please elaborate?
Steam vaporization aka still, is the only way to get completely pure water. It’s not recommended using alcohol still for water.
Ok- water still is different. Thanks!
Good starting point:
Thank you. We’ve been working on lots of stuff, but I still see water as a concern. I’ve got printouts of use of bleach, and making a filter with sand/charcoal, etc... but that’s not much
Great point. Thank you.
Don’t forget hygiene items like tampons, soaps and what not.
Silver colloidal soap is antigenic and promotes healing. I stocked up on that. I see any skin disruption heal faster with it.
Where do you find colloidal soap? I’ve heard of liquid silver colloidal, just not as a soap. Would love to try it!
I recently started using Dr. Bronner’s Castile bar soap. And I also got some of their liquid soap, I get unscented. The bar soap is around $3.62+ depending where you get it. It lathers up and washes nice. Also can get the liquid Castile soap and make your own soap, shaving cream & shampoo. I was going to make my own toothpaste with coconut oil & baking soda, but I found that Dr. Bronner’s makes toothpaste also (not with their soap, lol). It works great but doesn’t lather up like regular toothpaste so it’s weird at first.
The homemade shampoo made with this soap & coconut milk isn’t the same as regular shampoos. It lathers up real nice, you only need a little bit (and it’s not thick liquid it’s very watery like) and it rinses nice also. The only thing is your hair feels kinda weird after you rinse, hard to describe, but your hair will dry quickly and feels nice & clean. You can add essential oils if you like. You can also do a hair rinse for after washing your hair with apple cider vinegar & water, you can also add essential oils to that also. After getting use to it, it doesn’t seem weird anymore. We are just so used to commercial products with who knows what in it, that it takes time to get use to homemade stuff.
Would you be so kind as to share the shampoo recipe? Thx!!
~1 can of coconut milk
~1 cup and a half of liquid castile soap (I use Dr. Bronner's castile soap)
~10 drops essential oil (whatever scent you like, use 100% essential oil)
Mix all the ingredients in a large bowl. Use a glass bottle for storage since the essential oils require it. You can also put it in a plastic bottle if you don’t have it.
Here's some other recipes also ...
Dr. Bronner's castile soap website...
You can also buy Dr. Bronner's castile soap & other products online at Walmart. I haven't seen their products in store in my area. The bar soap is great though a little expensive at over $3 a bar. Sometimes our grocery store has a few bars.
If you want to do the apple cider vinegar rinse, this is the recipe I use on my hair. I just washed out an empty plastic syrup bottle (maybe a 24 oz bottle), works great, my hair is a little long (mid-back length), so if you have shorter hair you can use less if you want. I found that lavender works great with the ACV, makes my hair soft, however you can use any scent of essential oils you like (make sure they are 100% essential oil) ...
~2 - 3 tablespoons ACV
~few drops of lavender or whatever type of essential oil you prefer, add as little or much scent as you prefer. A little bit of essential oil can go a long way.
~water (fill up the container with warm/hot water.
I usually just put in the ACV & essential oil in bottle, put the cap on and fill the bottle in the shower so the water will be same temp.
There are other recipes you can use castile liquid soap with. Like body wash, face wash, hand soap & shaving soap.
I usually use dawn dish soap, water & essential oil mixed together in a foam pump soap bottle for hand soap.
Hope this helps! Sorry it took so long to answer you back.
Maybe I should do a post about this, wonder anyone would be interested?
This entire set of info is wonderful- thank your for sharing!!!! I’m going to try all of this <3
Your welcome!
Whether you can believe it or not, some women are not able to use anything internally. Just because you can put things inside you and feel nothing doesn't mean literally every other woman on the planet can. Unbelievable that you have to be taught this.
You can also put solar little solar lights outside during the day and bring a few in at night instead of flashlights
I'd recommend against stocking refined fuels, simply because if you didn't stock renewable alternatives (wood) or have a means to burn alternatives then you're going to be SOL once the fuel runs out.
Can never go wrong with a simple kettle grill, you can burn nearly anything in it to cook and for heat so long as what you're burning isn't soaked in chemicals that will contaminate your food.
We have two freezers full of deer meat & 1/4 of a cow at the moment. That’s just from this season. Hubby & daughter are the hunters. If it gets really bad we have land we can hunt. I seriously doubt the game warden will be working if we are in Armageddon type situations. (I mean movie Armageddon, not biblical)
Sewing needles are very hard to make, but are cheap to buy now. I have a supply, regular sewing needles and larger ones for upholstery and leather.
Buy the glassware, etc. necessary to build a still.
Being able to sharpen blades will be a valuable skill. Buy sharpening equipment and supplies.
Thank you. These are great ideas. I’m always looking for gaps in my preps and these have been overlooked for too long! I have antique Singers, 1 electric, 1 foot powered, and have been learning to make repairs to clothes and other fabric household items, but I hadn’t thought much about having a good stock of needles.
Here's a tip on the old treadle type Singer machines. If the belt breaks, and you can't find one, you can use a long strip of cloth tied in a loop. There'll be a bump as the knot goes around, but it will hold you in a pinch. My mother did this on the school machine in home economics. The teacher thought they were screwed because of the belt breaking, but my mother was smart.
Thanks, good tip. Thankfully I just replaced the belt, so hopefully it lasts a while.
Re-stickied for info and prepping
A good quality multi-tool is handy. Paracord is cheap and very useful. Some good quality tarps are very useful. Using these three together you can build a shelter such as a tent, you could build a stretcher or sled with some sticks if needed. You can create shade, cover valuables or clothing in poor weather. If you have to really pack stuff onto your car or vehicle, you will want it covered. Containers of various sizes are essential for dry storage and can be used in many situations.
If SHTF, think of what you would do if you're camping, you might be. Tent, sleeping bags, potable Aqua, hunting, fishing, gardening supplies, etc. Soap for your dishes and soap for yourself. You can't take your whole wardrobe so have a good multi-use jacket with layers, etc. Good hiking boots and good socks. Light underwear that washes and air dries quickly.
Even without power, internet, gas or heat, your home is the best shelter possible. It's way better than camping. How can you run your house without gas or electricity? Candles, wood, generator, etc.
And last and most important. Make sure you have guns you know how to use, and ammo. Lots of ammo. In a SHTF situation, those who don't prep will be looking for those who did and they will try to take everything from you.
Guns and ammo can obviously be used for both defense and hunting. A long rifle is best for keeping looters at a distance. A shotgun is best for close encounters. A handgun is best for concealed carry and last resort.
Nail on the head. Everything you just stated is correct and worth its weight in gold. I would add body armor to the mix and the best first aid and advanced aid you can assemble.
My investment is becoming self employed. I am preping up on food this weekend.
Besides that. Most of my spare cash is going into building a business.
There is no turning back now!
Good luck. It’s a lot of hard work but worth it!
Are you doing self employed IT? That's your area IIRC
Check out a book called Expert Secrets on Amazon. Look at the tables of contents.
We are building apps to make some of the concepts in this book come to life. Basically our main goal is to handle Marketing, Sales and Accounting for other people who want to become self employed.
Wow. That sounds really exciting!
Sounds like a really good idea.
Hope it goes well.
Thanks friend.
Been working on it for a few years. But the way.
If you ever see a website called "TimeOppression".
That's me :)
I'll take a look!
These suggestions are great BUT too few people talk about keeping up with your physical fitness. Don’t neglect it - it will come in handy in a SHTF situation. The basic ability to walk, run and lift things will be irreplaceable.
Amen to that. Imagine be 50/100lbs or more overweight trying to bug out....tough go.
There are tons of sites and YT vids on basic prepping. However, 3 things. 1) people panic and don’t know what to do first. Target 2 weeks, can I live for 2 weeks, in my house, with no power or water? Just 2 weeks. Go through your day, and see what is critical. Water, water, water. 2) if you can, find some like minded folks. It helps to bounce things off each other. We have a group of 25 that meet monthly, we discuss current events and prepping. It really helps. 3) contrary to #2, be careful what you say to whom about what you do or do t have. Desperate people can do some stupid shit. Water, food, light, candles, way to cook, if you don’t have books, better buy some, MEDS, vitamins, fem hygiene and heavy duty plastic bags. Research what to do if you can’t use toilet.
You are correct duck, big storm last august 12 days no electric. Wife and I tried cooking over an open fire and learned quickly we did not have the right tools for that. We do now. Also try
Another info source:
A resource for "old timey" DIY info is:
Don't forget about self protection. i hate to say it, but desperate times make people do terrible things. Protecting yourself and family is paramount. The crap masks for covid was a demonstration that these are extremely limited in protecting from airborne viruses. The best they can manage is from droplet nuclei. Think about a half mask respirator with organic vapor cartridges or a full mask. If you have the resources, a CBR rated gas mask is optimal. It can get you around without exposing you to the next serious pandemic. Gates mentioned weaponized small pox. That one will not be a joke, it will be highly contagious and lethal. Let's hope they don't get that one released. The rest of the bio-weapons could send us back to the stone age for the rest of our lives. Be prepared to do what is necessary to survive, including abandoning an urban area and living in a rural location. The fewer people around you, the better. This being said, a group of trustworthy and like-minded people increases your safety, security and survivability. People bring a different set of experience and skills and can increase survival odds dramatically. This is worst case scenario, so don't go nuts. Just think about and have an idea of a plan. Just in case.
That last bit I hadn't thought about, but trying to look it up brings up articles on constipation🐸
If you have your own septic system, set up a child size swimming poor to catch rain water for flushing. I keep an 8x8 about knee deep in the backyard all the time. Toss some bleach in occasionally or dump and let the rain refill. I'm currently researching connecting a hand pump to my well. Purchased a Berkey with extra filters when obayme was elected.
When you find out about the hand pump for your well, please let me know. We have a generator and can get water but generators make a lot of noise.
“If you haven’t started preparing yet, you might be a handshake.” ~Jeff Foxxworthy (probably)
KEK 🤣🤣
Yet many non shill handshakes are here for a reason, and could be freshly red pilled so they may not know
I know I know. Haha. We all have to start somewhere; people just need to start ASAP where they can right now and build off it, is all you can do (and hope for time). I’m just glad they are waking up and don’t begrudge them for a late start.
Same fren! There’s a lot of newbies and freshly awakened folks here
You in Poland?
No, but sometimes I am. Like two to three times a year. We have land and family out there, which is good in case “the west” crumbles
Yeah, I’m jealous about that. Haha. Man, mad respect for Poland here; I appreciate so much how they go about their business. Standing up to the commies. Telling EU to fuck off. Restoring their heritage and not ashamed of it. It sounds like the country I would want to be in if I ever left US. You will find my body next to a pile of brass before I would ever leave, but Poland would be it if i did. Hope it’s as good as it sounds.
For the most part, it still is. You have to remember, communism officially ended in Poland around 1989 so a lot of the boomers and millennials still remember what true communism is… you wanna talk about money and jewelry tucked away in the house?? Lol! Go meet a polish old timer
Here’s a little crash course on polish communism. Best overall I can find is wiki
Interesting read. Thanks fren. If you ever have any prepping questions, hit me up.
Will do! Feel free to post tips and threads any time! Value added content like such will be sure to get attention
I agree, something is coming up on the horizon. The gas prices are an indication, with a situation like this it will not end well.
We’re primed for a market implosion. At this point it’s truly a house of cards.
Lighters for use and for barter. We get a 5 pk each run thru th he grocery store
Fishing supplies. Ugly Stick makes a kid's size for $13 and it's just a beast.
Seeds. Tools in good working order.
Kerosene heater and fresh kerosene as another heat source. Can be used as a stove as well.
Local plant guide.
Learn how to.make a zoom stove
300$ crossbow/.22/12 or 20 gauge/ 223/.410/...
Fire stater supplies... bought and homemade
Afrin...can help stop.bleeding in a pinch. Benadryl! Ibuprofen Self cling wrap, etc Peroxide Pure grain. Iodine Ankle and wrist wrap/support...thank me later. Duct tape Emergency shiney blankets...can also obscure one from night vision/IR for a time heats up Knife
Etc, etc...
A well equipped first aid kit with some advanced tools are critical. Lots of bandages and medical tapes are cheap and beyond ridiculously important to have. A basic surgical kit for field surgery is scary as hell to use, but it beats a pocket knife. Even if you don't know how to use it, someone else nearby might. Worth the 4oz to carry. Surgical needles and thread (silk or synthetic) is cheap and invaluable. Super glue can be used to close a wound that is relatively non-life threatening. Betadine, iodine, hydrogen peroxide or alcohol is a must for preventing infection. If you have anti-biotics, keep them with you. They are worth more than gold or diamonds in a survival situation.
Don't forget tampons for through N throughs..
Top o the list, if you want to be prepared for a worst case scenario, take God as your personal Lord & Savior, pray daily.
Your soul is the utmost importance, the rest are just niceties.
buy gold/silver soon.
hold some cash for when the banks run out.
No new purchases.
I'm shorting the market with inverse leveraged index (risky but i've played with it before)
I cashed out an IRA and paid off mortgages Not advice.... Just what I've done because I think it's all gonna fall apart
Cash for the cyber pandemic. Also it’s a shitty thing to say but as the dollar plummets you can rip off a libtard with cash instead of using gold, silver or bitcoin.
If it all comes down to the "realistic extreme," it will literally be survival of the fittest, if you think a piece of paper has value.. well ... Best of luck to ya.. 😬
(not reffering to you personally, but hypothetical lefty. Text sucks to convey what I want)
You’re not wrong lol. Watched a Mark Dice video where he offered people a ten dollar bill or an ounce of gold, they all chose the cash. Unreal.
It was actually a candy bar vs 1/10 oz gold coin! Pretty amazing.
What is the 'power out for 60 days' plan?
Debt and new purchases are exactly what you should be doing if you think it is all going to fall apart. You can't eat stock market gains in a database or gold even. It is still possible to buy 50 years worth of food for $75k.
Wait until COMEX blows up as more and more people continue to demand delivery of metals and they can't tamp down the price of metals.
I have quite a bit of silver and gold that I secured over the last year. From low premium jewlery to coins and bars.
A bunch in crypto as well. Cashed out my profiting stocks, hopefully I made the right decisions.
Same. Purged all my stocks accept GME and DWAC. Everything else is in prepping, silver and bitcoin.
No GME but 1000 shares of DWAC and letting it ride. Dumped everything else.
This is EXACTLY what I did.
I did this as well, moved it to food, solar, water storage etc.
Wheat prices are up 50% in roughly 2 weeks. And as a bonus you can eat it anytime within your lifetime.
It stores that well? Anyway it's not like I have a place to store it. I live in a small apartment in the NYC area. I do have a couple of thousand rounds of .223 and .22LR 🤷♂️
Yes, 30+ years if stored in cans or mylar bags with oxygen absorbers and stored at room temperature and below.
I'll stick to my bugs that Gates and Schwab recommend, thanks! /S
Trump marked the high gas price at $7 last year. We might be at the precipice.
What better way to show people than hit everyone's pocketbook and pantry.
This link has a list of different dry foods and how many lbs of each fits inside different size food grade buckets. The amounts that fit will be a little less when used with mylar bags and oxygen absorbers inside the buckets.
Food vacuum packed this way will last 25 years for most on the list.
Note that flour is said to only last like 5 years so also store some whole wheat berries and a good grain mill if you're planning on storing for a longer period of time. Brown rice will turn rancid after a couple of years due to the natural oils it contains so for long term store only white rice.
For water filtration, I use an Alexapure gravity filter system. Each filter lasts for up to 5000 gallons. The filters come soaked in alcohol and sealed in thick mylar bags so buy spares. This will filter down to viruses and 97.6% of sodium fluoride without needing separate fluoride filters.
OPSEC is key here. Keep your prepping to yourself. When the balloon goes up, you do not want Karen from down the street to show up with half the neighborhood demanding you share your preps because they failed to stock up food themselves.
Remember, civilization is only 9 meals away from anarchy. Plan accordingly.
I didn't see anyone comment this: but scissors, kind of an important tool to keep handy.
Medical shears are cheap and highly effective. I bought a three pack on Amazon and put them in three different first aid kits. I believe it was less than $20
Nice reserve, proving yourself also involves reality, often that seems the disconnect.
If you haven't prepared or are on a tight budget, go to Home Depot or Lowes and buy yourself some plastic 5 gallon buckets with lids. Then go to Sam's or Costco and buy 15 - 20 lb bags of rice, flour, sugar, beans, and powdered beef and chicken bullion. Place them in plastic trash bags and then fill your buckets with them. For protein get some powdered protein mixes. Don't forget the bottled water. It will get you by in a pinch and if it really hits the fan. Also have some form of protection. Atleast this way you will not go hungry.
Purchase manual can openers. Lots of them. Even the expensive one won't last more than a few months opening all those cans of beans.
Dried beans - last longer, not packed with sodium, more can be packed/moves easier than cans equally the same amount.
Hey, you only need to hoard once. Once you have everything you feel comfortable with, you’re back at your normal routine just consuming/rotating through your goods while you continue to acquire what you consume to increase overall shelf life. I mean, isn’t that how strategic reserves work?? So now, would that make the govt (more) crazy for hoarding excess fuel??
Not a blackpill. We all knew it was coming. Only the braindead fear-porn-addicted TV watchers will be surprised. Stock up, share your love, and be at peace. Every birth comes with some pain, but we'll see how much all that was worth it in the end.
Just be sure you have plenty of toilet paper, and don't let your guests sit on the furniture. I expect there'll be a lot of dirty bottoms out there until things resolve.
Prepping is not a Black Pill IMHO. It's just being smart since... well.... we don't have a "looking glass".
The Encyclopedia of Country Living is a huge book with lots of useful information. I gifted copies to my adult kids because If the SHTF, there will be no internet to look up survival advice.
People with student loans will need to start paying those back may 1st. While it may not effect you directly, it will impact the economy as many people will default on loans, won’t be able to purchase things requiring credit, etc. so it will be a big problem.
I actually see this as a good thing for our economy. When you give people free Monopoly money for doing nothing, and then allow them to ignore rent and debt, it just adds to the crazy inflation. Of course that was all done by design, so I’ll be surprised if they actually follow through with ending it. Especially with midterms.
That power outage article from The Texas Tribune was from April of last year (updated in June of last year). I remember when they pushed that narrative after they tried to freeze us all to death in Feb 2021. Fortunately the summer was fine. I’m not saying it couldn’t happen this summer, but I haven’t seen them try to push that narrative again.
You’re right. I tried to find a more recent article, though, I was making this somewhat quickly and pulled one of the first I can find. And Texas could’ve very easily pulled energy from Oklahoma during that freeze yet it didn’t and people perished.
Yup, including my friend’s grandmother. I think the tragedy was intentional, not including the manipulated weather. But they also wanted to make the Texas power grid appear weak and imply that it needed to be taken over federally. When in reality, the Texas power grid is quite strong.
Inexpensive book to get:
"53 Essential Bug Out Bag supplies" 2nd Edition
How to build a Suburban "Go Bag" you can rely on by Damian Brindle
Ton of great resources in this book.
well to everyone on here, i sure hope you live off grid away from society. when shtf many of you will have prepped for nothing. hunger will make people do crazy things.
dont rely on hunting for food cause everyone else will be as well and the supply will quickly run dry.
dont let your gardens be visible to the public as theyll quickly be ransacked and youll be left with nothing.
have plenty of guns and ammo, cause when the food and water from the cities are gone, the hoards of people from the cities will be coming and you will absolutely need to fight for survival
get your personal affairs in order cause one of your next family visits might be your last
i understand it's easy to go down the world ending scenario and believe that you'll need to be self sufficient, and although it definitely is smart to prep and to be prepared for the worst, you need to be aware that if these scenarios take place, then you will need much more that just basic supplies to survive. millions will die including many of us on this site.
Luckily I live in the country, when things hit the fan the unprepared will flock to the cities thinking govt will set up and take care of them, Not! I have stocked up on rice, beans, flour, canned meats, canned veg. Been dehydrating soup bases for years so all your veggie scraps etc and herbs together would make a tasty soup. I have bottled water, a well and life straws, hiking water backpacks, going to look for a larger filtration today. Full medical, sewing and fishing kits, axe, knife, plus sharpening tool. Matches, flint, tarps that will block night vision, hiking shoes and clothes. MY BIBLE, i have a few other things but reading this think i may need a few more. Ty frens for sharing! God bless you all and keep us safe!
Years ago I read a web site written by someone someone who survived Argentina’s crash in the early 2000s (I think?) The people in the city quickly raced out to the country because they knew that was where they would find food. And it wasn’t pretty what happened.
He was a city dweller who had lessons learned. The 3 that I remember:
Buy lots of gold rings and small jewelry that you can cut into small pieces to use at the black markets that will spring up almost immediately.
Have a way to charge flashlights. It is dark with no lights. Now we have all sorts of solar chargers.
Those defending a house/property need concertina wire.
Problem for me (and many I assume) is not having the funds to be able to prepare for all this shit. Like, living paycheck to paycheck nearly or doing so even with two incomes or working two jobs still is barely close enough have extra.
Any frugal options would be great to mention or list out
Even if you could spend $10-20 every paycheck getting what you can it is better than nothing. Sometimes you can find sales on camping items or find a surplus store near you. I am a firm believer in growing your food $1.50 for a pack of seeds and $1-2 pot and then dirt. Put it on your porch, balcony etc. You can also regrow some vegetable scraps. I personally can't afford a Berkley but I have life straws and then another hiking water filter that I found a while back.
Why only wheat? I don’t eat it so why should I be worried? It’s not in any horse feed.
To make bread for human consumption??
Today's wheat is not good for us. Other grains are better. The wheat that farmers grow today is not even the same species as the wheat we had 100 years ago.
There are grains other than wheat that are actually better. As far as america, corn is a prime example and is the “wheat” of America.
Powerhouses worth stockpiling lbs of instead of wheat:
These all keep well dried when stored whole, just get a good grinder/mill or at least a mortar/pestle/elbow grease.
You preppers need to understand that they will not let you go hide in the woods in hopes of riding them out. They will not leave you alone. These are driven ideological radicals and they cannot have any other way of existing to shine a beacon of light to the masses they intend to oppress. So they will come for you. They will take your gold. They will take your 30 day emergency food supply, and since I know many of you are single issue libertarians, they will take your weed. Then you will be dragged off to the quarantine camp where you will have to exist without the help of mind altering chemicals. So, now is the time to work to prevent the above from reaching those levels. How we do that is what has to be discussed.
God is with you, fren!
What the Globalists, CCP, Muslim Caliphate Sharia Law enforcers, and any other bunch with authoritarian designs on us is that we are simply ungovernable. We enforce and follow common sense laws that gave been put in place by duly elected officials, but we will not obey some bunch just because they claim power and try to tell us what to do. We simply won't listen to them. I don't think such groups realize this yet. They thought they would infiltrate us, steal the election, rule from behind a placeholder suffering dementia, and we would just obey. Wrong.
Eh majority are good though. We are looking at single digits regarding the types you are mentioning.
Which doesn’t mean that is nothing to bat an eye at… but it does mean that only certain cities will have that sort of problem in a sizable force that can overwhelm us … it also assumes they have the fortitude, physical shape, skills etc to be effective… I would estimate 50% of them do at best.
Even mentioned in the Q posts that majority are good folks, so be cautious and don’t underestimate … but also don’t build them into something they’re not.