Federal Reserve Formed - December 23, 1913
The Fed creates and pops bubble stealing the wealth of the middle class. They steal everyone's wealth through inflation.
Gold will end the Fed. When we end the Fed we restore free markets. Restore prosperity. Central Banking is one of the 10 pillars of communism. There is no real capitalism when central banks control the markets. Capitalism leads to prosperity. Communism leads to poverty and loss of all freedom.
Bubble, crash, 1913.. They are going to pull out GameStop (squeeze) and crash DS stocks hard. I don´t see any reason why to drop such a post when we are all watching nothing than elections.
And FTX crashing huge dem donor Ponzi scheme funding evaporation; margin calls looming. DWAC GME AMC and probably TSLA- hell the entire market is probably oversold and if they are all forced to cover what they’ve sold (America) they are deprived of all their money /power. Bond apocalypse led to crypto apocalypse which will collapse fiat. BlackRock could burn, the central banks could be ruined.
It's the financial side of the plan. It drains walstreet, central banks, the FED and has tied up BILLIONS in money that could have been used against us.
Battles are fought on many fronts.
Tokenized securities and distribution & ownership of digital assets is a MASSIVE power shift away from gatekeepers and that's what GameStop is launching.
No, I'm looking at a system hat goes into the casino, wrecks it like Jesus in the Temple, and builds a balanced system in it's place that frees people from a rigged house.
Sir the topic is GameStop. Why are you bringing up sound money? That has nothing to do with the topic and if we were talking about sound money I would agree on something that has all 5 characteristics of money in the best fashion.
The member banks are the ones who "own" it and get the dividends. The real issue is that all the major banks (member banks) all own one another by being majority share holders but finding out who benefits from that is protected by national security. They absolutely will not allow that information to be public. I think it was Eustace Mullins or G. Edward Griffin who attempted to uncover that info and found national security in the way.
Growing up I was a Titanic enthusiast. I even read a book on the international investigation and court proceedings as they were sorting out who was at fault.
I seem to remember that while the ship was sinking, one or more people were shot. The official "story" was that people were desperate and fighting for the life boats (the movie with DiCaprio illustrated that narrative also), but something didn't add up when discussed in court.
This is simply untrue, the ship swap theory has been thoroughly debunked by titanic historians. The two ships were NOT identical. There were actually significant alterations between the fittings of titanic and Olympic. While I do believe the ship was intentionally rammed into an iceberg for insurance purposes, that and to kill the opposition to the federal reserve, the ship that sunk was 100% the titanic.
Not in this case, it’s just facts on examining the wreck. Visible serial numbers of the propellers for one. The number of portholes along the forecastle of the bow section of the wreck matches titanic, not Olympic which had a different number. The captains fly bridge extended beyond the superstructure of the hull on the wreck. It did not on Olympic. I could cite more examples, but instead invite you as Q would to do your own research. Titanic sunk.
This could be huge. Praying that it is. 11.11 (11/11). Everything in this drop lines up to today, and the heat is rising in Maricopa County, which is becoming the epicenter of obvious fraud.
Is there an easy way of looking this up? CO just has a retain/not-retain vote on judges and I had to go on who appointed them if zi couldn’t find obvious cases.
I can't remember the source, but I had a listing of the judges on my ballot with a summary of whether their past decisions were by the Constitution, or if they were making up law.
I did some research on the income tax several years ago. 1913 was the year they enacted the "individual" income tax. However, it was an amendment to the corporate tax act of 1909, as part of the Tariff act of 1913. It is my contention they were regulating foreign commerce.
Thus, there had already been an "income tax" enacted before 1913. It was not a new tax, per se. However, they twist words and the meaning of words to try and fool everyone. They've done a good job. And yes, I do participate in their extortion scheme.
Something a lot of people don't seem know is that it was a relatively small tax (like 1% if I recall right) that only applied to people making like the modern equivalent of $75,000.
This honestly sounds like Ron Watkins when he was trying to be cryptic and speak “like Q” but it fell flat because he was grifting people with “next week bombshells” that were never bombshells.
I just had a “right leaning” Qskeptic coworker send me this drop via text, I had not even seen it yet. If this is* the case I would absolutely say it’s working🤯🤯
Also, the 16th amendment was never legally ratified. Of the 48 states that existed at that time, 36 (3/4th as required by the Constitution) of the state legislatures had to approve it. They never reached that number. The votes of the state legislatures at that time can be looked up. American Secretary of State, Philander Knox, a big name in the banking industry just declared it ratified and the states did not fight it. This happened during the transition from the Taft to the Wilson presidencies.
I did not know this. So definitely illegal. Humm, once they abolish the fed would be nice to get some returns from the it's of all the monies stolen from we the people.
Same thing happened with the original 13th Amendment. When that Amendment was ratified the British attacked and we had the War of 1812. People have gone to all the states that were in the union at that time to research if they ratified that Amendment and they did. It is another one of those "lost in the melee" and the States didn't fight it.
The original 13th Amendment is the Titles of Nobility amendment. It is written into the COnstitution already but they felt at the time it needed its own Amendment. No one who holds a title of nobility from another government, king, or anything was allowed to hold office in the US Government.
Berlin, would you mind making a post on this, to correspond to the most recent Q post. Very relevant and important. I'll nominate you for a sticky on it
1913: The Blow That Killed America 100 Years Ago - Free-Man's Perspective 1913 was the year of the coup that overthrew the government of the people and instituted the government of the Morgan's and the Rockefellers. Bob_Robert says: August 14, 2013 at 7:05 pm. One more point. The provision that "no state shall be denied its representation in the senate" was not repealed.
"The Federal Reserve System (also known as the Federal Reserve or simply the Fed) is the central banking system of the United States of America. It was created on December 23, 1913, with the enactment of the Federal Reserve Act, after a series of financial panics (particularly the panic of 1907) led to the desire for central control of the monetary system in order to alleviate financial crises."
As This IS a Real Game Of Jeopardy, My Answers Will Be In Question Form:
What is The Federal Reserve and its banking system? for 5000 an Ounce Gold, Q.
Why don't people see what a disaster the federal reserve is, and the real people behind the theft of our savings and practically everything else? Otherwise we would insist on an end to the Fed, and similar money systems that enable the players to grow rich at the expense of everyone else's rights, and prosperity. For the restoration of sound money, Q
What are Inflation and The Personal Income Tax?- Both are Regressive Taxes that punish the poor first. For Back To Constitutional Justice, Q
What is the Direct Election of Senators? This removed a huge power from states and local governments as well. For Restoring State's Rights, Q
They're trying to create central bank digital currencies as a new, global Fed. They manipulate the free crypto markets then say they are unstable and need regulating. The economic enslavement must be stopped.
I thought we still needed direct confirmation from Trump on Truth before we believed these 'new' Q posts? What is our confidence that these posts are legit?
Trump came out and started publicly associating himself with Q a couple months ago. The timing of that related to these new Q drops being released isn’t definitive proof of anything, but it does seem like more than a coincidence.
However, the real question goes back to 1816 and maybe 1791.
In 1816, Justice Marshall delivered a landmark ruling on whether or not the fed government is entitled to setup banks.
Interestingly, this ties in with Trumps contention that he only wants judges who follow the Constitution as it is written and not try to legislate from the bench by finding lawyerly hair splitting solutions, like Justice Marshall. In essence his opinion was that the Constitution should have the phrase: expressly in order to be counted as not enumerated.
And this brings us to 1791, when the Constitution of the United States was put into being. The reason for saying good bye to the Articles of Confederation was the dispute over the debts of the Revolutionary war. These were not only internal debts, like debts towards states and individuals, but also towards foreigners. And it is especially this category of creditors that time and again play a significant role in the direction of the country.
Debts, especially foreign debts, in this case at least 3 million gold francs to the Rothschild bankers, had to be paid back. And without taxes, it would become very difficult for the government of the Federation to pay it, or at least, there would be a difficulty in establishing a trustworthy framework.
So, basically, this is the main driver for establishing the Constitution: to be able to impose and collect taxes.
The Civil War basically put all new States to the Federation under bankruptcy law, and have remained there till now.
Another factor in this story, is that world-wide, during the 19th century, silver was being demonetized. It is interesting to note the role the India -> China -> Great Brittain trade played with a special mention of opium. This particular item was used to bled China dry of Silver. Yet, at the same time we see demonetization of Silver in the UK, The Netherlands, The US, etcetera in favor of paper money.
The Fed, by booms and bust, created the need to demonetize gold, and require more collateral. Not only in the US, but everywhere.
So, yes, step 1 would indeed be to focus on the FED. Once the FED is gone, the rest will follow, including the implosion of the debt-cycle-system. However, it requires a reassessment of the distribution of the means of production, due to the nature of the Central Bank system: the coagulation of real property towards the less than 1%.
OMG!! FINALLY!!! The ficus is being redirected to the Federal Reserve (1913) and the evil world central banks!!! Take out the Federal Reserve and the others will fall.....
1913: The Blow That Killed America 100 Years Ago - Free-Man's Perspective
1913 was the year of the coup that overthrew the government of the people and instituted the government of the Morgan's and the Rockefellers. Bob_Robert says: August 14, 2013 at 7:05 pm. One more point. The provision that "no state shall be denied its representation in the senate" was not repealed.
February 3 – The 16th Amendment to the United States Constitution is ratified, authorizing the Federal government to impose and collect income taxes on all sources of income, not just some.
December 23 – The Federal Reserve System is created as the central banking system of the United States, by Woodrow Wilson's signature of the Federal Reserve Act.
I thought the decode for that was the first letter of all the words following Endless. IWIP and OSS.... are open source code of some type....over my head here.
Yes please, Q. Put an end to the endless. Now please.
S & T are capitalized
S + T = $ = caduceus
Stock Trading.
? I don't know how you got caduceus out of that. 'Splain, please. I'm interested.
Is it your suggestion that the Silent thieves are the medical professionals and the military?
S is the snake, T is the rod?
There's some masonic rant about S & T that I heard one time...
Federal Reserve Formed - December 23, 1913 The Fed creates and pops bubble stealing the wealth of the middle class. They steal everyone's wealth through inflation.
Gold will end the Fed. When we end the Fed we restore free markets. Restore prosperity. Central Banking is one of the 10 pillars of communism. There is no real capitalism when central banks control the markets. Capitalism leads to prosperity. Communism leads to poverty and loss of all freedom.
The Federal Reserve - the craziest thing about it is you do not know who owns it and who gets the 6% dividends
Bubble, crash, 1913.. They are going to pull out GameStop (squeeze) and crash DS stocks hard. I don´t see any reason why to drop such a post when we are all watching nothing than elections.
And FTX crashing huge dem donor Ponzi scheme funding evaporation; margin calls looming. DWAC GME AMC and probably TSLA- hell the entire market is probably oversold and if they are all forced to cover what they’ve sold (America) they are deprived of all their money /power. Bond apocalypse led to crypto apocalypse which will collapse fiat. BlackRock could burn, the central banks could be ruined.
We have the answer. https://greatawakening.win/p/16ZDqd4c4H/gameover--elon-/c/
Btw it sounds depressive but it needs to be done. I hope DS burns but little guy survives without to much troubles.
"GOLD shall destroy FED"
The BRICS nations are about to release a new global reserve currency backed by commodities [Gold]. That will destroy the US dollar [FED].
Please stop with this Gamestop BS.
GameStop = Game Over
It's the financial side of the plan. It drains walstreet, central banks, the FED and has tied up BILLIONS in money that could have been used against us.
Battles are fought on many fronts.
Tokenized securities and distribution & ownership of digital assets is a MASSIVE power shift away from gatekeepers and that's what GameStop is launching.
I would suggest reading this post to get an idea of what that means https://greatawakening.win/p/15Ir28rdyw/the-revolution-will-be-tokenized/
You are lost in the weeds, brother.
that's both a broad generalization of quite a bit of data if you bothered to look at the link and an unfounded assertion.
You are looking for a way to fix a casino instead of getting rid of the casino.
Returning to sound money [Gold] is the answer.
Think big picture
No, I'm looking at a system hat goes into the casino, wrecks it like Jesus in the Temple, and builds a balanced system in it's place that frees people from a rigged house.
Sir the topic is GameStop. Why are you bringing up sound money? That has nothing to do with the topic and if we were talking about sound money I would agree on something that has all 5 characteristics of money in the best fashion.
No, that is getting rid of the casino. Watching it burn to the ground, then roasting some marshmallows over the cinders.
Agree..time for global currency reset (white hats) we’re all money is 1:1. All Money and transactions will be blockchain on QFS.
Buy war torn countries currency for big upside Iraq Nam Venezuela Zimbabwe Etc
Not just that, but who is required to buy into the scam, no other options here.
Ill bet my left nut their name ends in Stein.
could also be berg or witz.
Every fucking time.
No, that is not what is important.
I will create a new thread on this, the history, how it is structured, and how the insiders get rich.
The member banks are the ones who "own" it and get the dividends. The real issue is that all the major banks (member banks) all own one another by being majority share holders but finding out who benefits from that is protected by national security. They absolutely will not allow that information to be public. I think it was Eustace Mullins or G. Edward Griffin who attempted to uncover that info and found national security in the way.
1913 Habbenings [bad year for the US]:
It's also related to the Titanic. 3 very rich men who were against a central US bank died at sea that night. It was not an accident.
followed by WW1 in 1914. All related events.
The rule "women and children first" was unheard of. This novel rule only appeared once and only existed on one side of the Titanic.
I thought it was an iceberg... /s
Ready for the true history to come out on all this corruption.
At this point, I wouldn't rule out explosives inside the ship. 🤔
Growing up I was a Titanic enthusiast. I even read a book on the international investigation and court proceedings as they were sorting out who was at fault.
I seem to remember that while the ship was sinking, one or more people were shot. The official "story" was that people were desperate and fighting for the life boats (the movie with DiCaprio illustrated that narrative also), but something didn't add up when discussed in court.
The Titanic Never Sank.
This is simply untrue, the ship swap theory has been thoroughly debunked by titanic historians. The two ships were NOT identical. There were actually significant alterations between the fittings of titanic and Olympic. While I do believe the ship was intentionally rammed into an iceberg for insurance purposes, that and to kill the opposition to the federal reserve, the ship that sunk was 100% the titanic.
“Historians” have been known (paid) to lie. They literally rewrite history. From the Bible to school books.
Not in this case, it’s just facts on examining the wreck. Visible serial numbers of the propellers for one. The number of portholes along the forecastle of the bow section of the wreck matches titanic, not Olympic which had a different number. The captains fly bridge extended beyond the superstructure of the hull on the wreck. It did not on Olympic. I could cite more examples, but instead invite you as Q would to do your own research. Titanic sunk.
Relevant to this drop and to today's date:
The 17th Amendment was passed by Congress on....WAIT FOR IT...
MAY 13th 1912.. Same day as this Q post.
This could be huge. Praying that it is. 11.11 (11/11). Everything in this drop lines up to today, and the heat is rising in Maricopa County, which is becoming the epicenter of obvious fraud.
Kari Lake herself said she's not expecting a big drop until Monday
I know my county in NC went red on judges this year, in spite of being a mostly blue area. We also went red on the House and Senate.
Is there an easy way of looking this up? CO just has a retain/not-retain vote on judges and I had to go on who appointed them if zi couldn’t find obvious cases.
I can't remember the source, but I had a listing of the judges on my ballot with a summary of whether their past decisions were by the Constitution, or if they were making up law.
In Utah we only vote to retain judges. Do you vote for which judges you want to take the bench in NC?
Yes we vote our judges in. I live in NC.
I did some research on the income tax several years ago. 1913 was the year they enacted the "individual" income tax. However, it was an amendment to the corporate tax act of 1909, as part of the Tariff act of 1913. It is my contention they were regulating foreign commerce.
Thus, there had already been an "income tax" enacted before 1913. It was not a new tax, per se. However, they twist words and the meaning of words to try and fool everyone. They've done a good job. And yes, I do participate in their extortion scheme.
Something a lot of people don't seem know is that it was a relatively small tax (like 1% if I recall right) that only applied to people making like the modern equivalent of $75,000.
We have am individual income tax law that doesn't define "individual." You have to go to the regulations to find a definition of individual.
2.Or Trump can define individual as anyone who consents to be taxed.
.. and whatever else I might be missing, lol.
(And thank God for Ron Paul for waking me up!)
I too owe this great man of integrity a debt of gratitude for him educating me.
Ross Perot was my first wake-up call.
I remember him, but was too young to appreciate the issues ... though I felt a natural affinity.
Has the Anon community confirmed this Q is legit?
If legit, then why do we need more Q drops at this point?
I don't understand the downvotes? It was an honest question. Jeez.
Tough crowd
<adjusts tie>
I gave you an upvote. Just a few months ago the new Q posts were supposedly debunked. Somehow now nobody is questioning them.
Why, Thank you. Thank you very much.
Have a source on the debunk....I haven't seen one?
It’s more so that the is usually a “Q proof” that follows the original drop and these don’t seem to follow that MO.
There's between 50 and 100 Q proofs, depending on how one defines a proof and we are coming up on 5000 drops.
Not for Q as a whole. He's talking about verifying this is Q posting lately. The trip was compromised and he hasn't verified the trip, nor has Trump.
This isn't Q.
I think you’re right. That’s been the contention of some Q analysts on TruthSocial, that there is no proof from President Trump.
Well, either way it seems we are still waiting on the “Q proof” for these latest drops to confirm if it’s Q
This honestly sounds like Ron Watkins when he was trying to be cryptic and speak “like Q” but it fell flat because he was grifting people with “next week bombshells” that were never bombshells.
A few Q analysts on TruthSocial are questioning the validity of all of these new drops.
Upvoted you both. With all the important things happening, this seems like a big distraction to me.
Some are saying it's real and these "easier" drops are for normies.
I'm on the fence.
I just had a “right leaning” Qskeptic coworker send me this drop via text, I had not even seen it yet. If this is* the case I would absolutely say it’s working🤯🤯
🔥🔥Everything's Fine🔥🔥
We got a long way to go HS!
Yes, confirmed. Still necessary because we ARE actually in a war still.
In case you are interested, in the most recent video from Praying Medic, Dave actually talks about the verification of newer Q drops https://rumble.com/v1sopju-q-november-8-2022.html
Apes assemble!!
I just want this shit storm to start. GME silver gang LFG
11/22 is Tuesday
On the 22nd, the Q-Clock will be pointing to the drop that told us to start the clock and "Ten Days". 😲
whats the significance of 11/22?
JFK assassination. Now they are going to "kill" DS in return. BTW it´s Tuesday.
Tuesday Morning :)
Is it the day JFK was killed so his Issuance of silver backed currency could be ignored?
I'm following the Artemis 1 launch which has been pushed several times but now appears to be 16th November or maybe 19th.
But I have been wondering if it has been a signal device of some sort by white hats or black hats. Relating to when to Launch 'to the Moon'.
If it launches next week, could be signal to initiate MOASS.
just saw this come out saying 50 or more countries (central banks) could go bankrupt.
Also, the 16th amendment was never legally ratified. Of the 48 states that existed at that time, 36 (3/4th as required by the Constitution) of the state legislatures had to approve it. They never reached that number. The votes of the state legislatures at that time can be looked up. American Secretary of State, Philander Knox, a big name in the banking industry just declared it ratified and the states did not fight it. This happened during the transition from the Taft to the Wilson presidencies.
I did not know this. So definitely illegal. Humm, once they abolish the fed would be nice to get some returns from the it's of all the monies stolen from we the people.
Same thing happened with the original 13th Amendment. When that Amendment was ratified the British attacked and we had the War of 1812. People have gone to all the states that were in the union at that time to research if they ratified that Amendment and they did. It is another one of those "lost in the melee" and the States didn't fight it.
Please enlighten me, what was the original 13th amendment? I research it myself, but I like to hear from people in the know.
The original 13th Amendment is the Titles of Nobility amendment. It is written into the COnstitution already but they felt at the time it needed its own Amendment. No one who holds a title of nobility from another government, king, or anything was allowed to hold office in the US Government.
Thanks for the input.
Berlin, would you mind making a post on this, to correspond to the most recent Q post. Very relevant and important. I'll nominate you for a sticky on it
This should be its own separate post. First I've ever heard about this not being legally ratified.
1913: The Blow That Killed America 100 Years Ago - Free-Man's Perspective 1913 was the year of the coup that overthrew the government of the people and instituted the government of the Morgan's and the Rockefellers. Bob_Robert says: August 14, 2013 at 7:05 pm. One more point. The provision that "no state shall be denied its representation in the senate" was not repealed.
Research Edward House, the guy pulling Wilsons puppet strings.
Nevermind, I'm' on the run so in case you don't see this in time I will post what you said there and tag you in it. Thanks! ;)
Create the dip, buy the dip, create the peak, sell the peak. Repeat.
"The Federal Reserve System (also known as the Federal Reserve or simply the Fed) is the central banking system of the United States of America. It was created on December 23, 1913, with the enactment of the Federal Reserve Act, after a series of financial panics (particularly the panic of 1907) led to the desire for central control of the monetary system in order to alleviate financial crises."
Must memorize to repeat to all your friends:
1912 titanic purposefully sunk by JPMorgan, collecting insurance, going down with the ship wealthy men who opposed federal reserve
1913 federal reserve created
1914 WW1 starts
also add in the amendments for income tax 16th and direct election of senators 17th.
regarding the 17th, who ratifies international Treaties?
That's right, the Senate. How else would they get us into NWO bullshit treaties?
I like
As This IS a Real Game Of Jeopardy, My Answers Will Be In Question Form:
What is The Federal Reserve and its banking system? for 5000 an Ounce Gold, Q.
Why don't people see what a disaster the federal reserve is, and the real people behind the theft of our savings and practically everything else? Otherwise we would insist on an end to the Fed, and similar money systems that enable the players to grow rich at the expense of everyone else's rights, and prosperity. For the restoration of sound money, Q
What are Inflation and The Personal Income Tax?- Both are Regressive Taxes that punish the poor first. For Back To Constitutional Justice, Q
What is the Direct Election of Senators? This removed a huge power from states and local governments as well. For Restoring State's Rights, Q
"Endless" from previous drop = Federal Reserve
Who had that figured out before now?
Federal Reserve is a private company that needs to be abolished, and replaced with a free market for banking and US Treasury using gold-backed money.
I will tell you exactly who will put an end to the endless: Apes on the Moon! IYKYK 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
They're trying to create central bank digital currencies as a new, global Fed. They manipulate the free crypto markets then say they are unstable and need regulating. The economic enslavement must be stopped.
I thought we still needed direct confirmation from Trump on Truth before we believed these 'new' Q posts? What is our confidence that these posts are legit?
Trump came out and started publicly associating himself with Q a couple months ago. The timing of that related to these new Q drops being released isn’t definitive proof of anything, but it does seem like more than a coincidence.
Good point and updoot for username
I think there's like a 95% chance this is fake Q
Exactly this
FED into focus is the right path.
However, the real question goes back to 1816 and maybe 1791.
In 1816, Justice Marshall delivered a landmark ruling on whether or not the fed government is entitled to setup banks. Interestingly, this ties in with Trumps contention that he only wants judges who follow the Constitution as it is written and not try to legislate from the bench by finding lawyerly hair splitting solutions, like Justice Marshall. In essence his opinion was that the Constitution should have the phrase: expressly in order to be counted as not enumerated.
And this brings us to 1791, when the Constitution of the United States was put into being. The reason for saying good bye to the Articles of Confederation was the dispute over the debts of the Revolutionary war. These were not only internal debts, like debts towards states and individuals, but also towards foreigners. And it is especially this category of creditors that time and again play a significant role in the direction of the country.
Debts, especially foreign debts, in this case at least 3 million gold francs to the Rothschild bankers, had to be paid back. And without taxes, it would become very difficult for the government of the Federation to pay it, or at least, there would be a difficulty in establishing a trustworthy framework.
So, basically, this is the main driver for establishing the Constitution: to be able to impose and collect taxes.
The Civil War basically put all new States to the Federation under bankruptcy law, and have remained there till now.
Another factor in this story, is that world-wide, during the 19th century, silver was being demonetized. It is interesting to note the role the India -> China -> Great Brittain trade played with a special mention of opium. This particular item was used to bled China dry of Silver. Yet, at the same time we see demonetization of Silver in the UK, The Netherlands, The US, etcetera in favor of paper money.
The Fed, by booms and bust, created the need to demonetize gold, and require more collateral. Not only in the US, but everywhere.
So, yes, step 1 would indeed be to focus on the FED. Once the FED is gone, the rest will follow, including the implosion of the debt-cycle-system. However, it requires a reassessment of the distribution of the means of production, due to the nature of the Central Bank system: the coagulation of real property towards the less than 1%.
Q trip is unconfirmed and may be compromised.
They steal your wealth via inflation, stock market, taxes, big pharma, diseases, you name it.
Add: FEMA and all other insurances
Well, they are sure suggesting people stop paying taxes, that'd do the trick.
this all happened on 1913:
OMG!! FINALLY!!! The ficus is being redirected to the Federal Reserve (1913) and the evil world central banks!!! Take out the Federal Reserve and the others will fall.....
1913: fed created What destroys the fed? GOLD
Time to go Gold Backed currencies. BRICS
1913: The Blow That Killed America 100 Years Ago - Free-Man's Perspective 1913 was the year of the coup that overthrew the government of the people and instituted the government of the Morgan's and the Rockefellers. Bob_Robert says: August 14, 2013 at 7:05 pm. One more point. The provision that "no state shall be denied its representation in the senate" was not repealed.
Federal Reserve Act of 1913.
Think about it… everyone’s eyes are on the midterms. Can this be used to our advantage?
Q is more than one person.
-16th Amendment authorizing income taxes.
-Creation of the Federal Reserve.
Gold shall destroy the fed. It is climbing towards $1776/oz. Would be a nice confirmation to see it close the week there.
Just a couple of notes from 1913:
February 3 – The 16th Amendment to the United States Constitution is ratified, authorizing the Federal government to impose and collect income taxes on all sources of income, not just some.
December 23 – The Federal Reserve System is created as the central banking system of the United States, by Woodrow Wilson's signature of the Federal Reserve Act.
They will not stop until WE stop them.
Proof it is Q ? Remember "no outside comms" ?
That is written in the format of Q but it doesn't feel like a Q drop to me.
Put an end to the endless. What, the endless Federal Reserve that was founded in 1913 through an act of Congress?
Q is more than one person.
My theory is that Q is (don't laugh) a time traveling Nikola Tesla.
Look at the last drop before today, endless is written several times.
I thought the decode for that was the first letter of all the words following Endless. IWIP and OSS.... are open source code of some type....over my head here.
yes, you're right!
I think Trump put Powell in there to destroy the Fed and to turn the public against them. Shit show still in Act I.
We're starting to get into "Vampire Shit" with this constant "Endless" talk.
I know some of my fellow, deeply weird pedes are with me. 😉
According to 8kun.top/QResearch/: “Jannies are trannies. Q never posted beyond Dec 8 2020.” 🤔