Yes. Also, Trump would never have allowed anything or anybody to take over his base or movement. He would have called out Q as F&G a long time ago. Plus Trump continues to re-truth other peoples Q related posts.
Edit; Also not to mention the thousands of Qoincidences.
And you know this how ??? Did Trump not have Bolton as a foreign policy advisor? Trump admin had many snakes in the grass including his own daughter and Jarred the fallen Kushner
He is right here with his family members reciting where we go one we go all.
Gotta love CNN trying to stoke fear and panic among their left-wing base of slack-jawed mouth breathers by showing....people pledging to support and defend the Constitution and saying God Bless America.
O the horror, the terror! Who will save us from these people...who like their country!
In 1960, a hardy group of prep school students boards an old-fashioned sailing ship. With Capt. Christopher Sheldon (Jeff Bridges) at the helm, the oceangoing voyage is intended to teach the boys fortitude and discipline. But the youthful crew......
In the old days the bell was also used to indicate the time of day. In one scene of the Hollywood-movie "White Squall" this bell with its engraving WHERE WE GO ONE - WE GO ALL plays an important role. In the audio file you hear the spoken words "Where we go one - we go all" and two double-chimes of the bell. Striking the bell that way means either 2 o'clock, 6 o'clock or 10 o'clock.
Here's the script for White Squall.
Skipper manages a sobering look and climbs on top of the
chart house. He pats a small brass sign that is welded to
the main mast and reads the inscription.
"Where we go one, we go all."
With that, he disappears below. Nobody moves. This is
exactly the kind of man you want around when the shit hits
the fan.
Excellent point. As you might have
noticed, being out here pretty much
puts you in the moment. If you
panic, if you lose your head, you
die. Maybe you take your mates with
you. How'd you like to have to bet
on Terry here getting us home today?
Each one of you is responsible for
the rest. "Where we go one, we go
all". If your buddy is asleep at
the switch we're all fish food.
Tears begin to stream down Chuck's face. His father,
Charles, slowly stands meeting his sons eyes. Go for it.
Tell me Skipper, was it all just a
lie? "Where we go one, we go all".
We listened to you. We believed it.
And we're still here!!
We don’t have to know why he said that. We just need to trust him.
I didn't downvote, but sorry that's not gonna do it for me. And I bet I'm not alone in that I trust NO MAN except Donald Trump and Jesus to not fuck me over. (And I'm not even a member of any organized religion, but I believe Jesus would never hold that against anyone.)
Yep. There's a certain someone who has called him out in fact, take it for what it's worth...Ariel @Prolotario1 has called him out along with, Jordan, Ballard and others who seem to be fighting with us. Of course I don't blindly follow, but I most certainly am the type to question...particularly the issues that go unquestioned. Hardly matters to me, we already won.
And to be clear, I do not feel as though the whole 'who's behind the funding of SOF' topic (Ballard and Caviezel included) is an open and shut case although it seems to be the general consensus here.
My thoughts exactly. His views are highly controversial, even here. He's named everyone from Flynn to Liz Crokin, both names I thought I held in high regard. Again, I'm not pulling a knee jerk reaction here and absolutely agreeing...but as you pointed out, his track record is second maybe only to Trump.
One way to assure that we lose everything is to put trump on a level equal to or greater than Jesus! I have seen some refer to trump as GEOTUS! Are you friggen kidding me? Trump is a man...NOT GOD! Jesus was, is and will always be GOD ALMIGHTY! It concerns me that people are so wanting to be saved from whatever lies ahead that they will put their faith in mere men as opposed to the One Who literally walked on water and spoke to the elements and they obeyed Him. So far I have not seen trump walk on water! Have you? He made many very destructive mistakes when in office, the two that rapidly come to mind being operation Warp Speed and his handling of J6. That being said, one good way to assure trump's failure in the future is to encourage his ego by placing him above his Creator Jesus Christ!
One way to assure that we lose everything is to put trump on a level equal to or greater than Jesus!
And! No one did that! I said I trust no one but those two! About the only things they have in common! Are that they love and respect God! They're both physically male human beings! And their names start with a capital letter!
Should we expect anything different, it is a psyop after all? It works both ways, and the 'bad guys' (black hats) are banging their heads against the wall right about now, ha-ha. Like Trump said when he was asked about "Q", and exposing child trafficking, corruption, etc.., "Is that a bad thing?"...
Thanks for the sticky: this is a really important discussion that we should have had long before. I don’t care about people’s opinions: everyone is entitled to one and eventually changing it is a natural part of our Great Awakening. I care about their arguments.
“The people are not waiting for someone to come rescue us.
The people do want someone in power to legally expose and arrest the criminals in suits”
THIS EXACTLY. We want arrests & criminals in office to be removed. Joining local politics is part of the change needed in our country- but we need direction confirmed! Arrests would confirm that direction.
He says in the tweet the traitors are there via a constitutional process. How can being installed via election fraud instead of being elected be considered a constitutional process? He's clearly trolling people...
According to his statements he doesn't even want the military to arrest anyone for treason, ever, because that wouldn't be following the "elected government" even though it wasn't elected. Make it makes sense because I can't. Hopefully it isn't supposed to.
If Flynn thinks it’s a good idea for the people to take action and start arresting people on their own. Things would do down hill very fast.
I have this same thought every time someone scolds this community to quit sitting around eating popcorn and enjoying life, get out there and force the change to happen, rise up and take back our own country, no one is coming to save us, etc. Chaos is exactly what the cabal thrives on. An operation by military special forces would squelch the chaos.
We're all going to disagree from time-to-time and that's A-OK as long as we stay united in our purpose and convictions. Overall, this post was fantastic. So many perspectives and interpretations shared. It took me half the day to read thru 'em all. Good stuff!
Anons need to get off their asses and help take local action.
Local action is key because EACH STATE IS SOVEREIGN. Federal gov't is indeed "FEDERAL", not "NATIONAL". Each Sovereign State is controlled via "We the People" at the COUNTY LEVEL. Thus, local action = national, or "FEDERAL" impact because each Sovereign State can reign in or neuter the Federal gov't they created.
I think he is trying to get people to understand the nature of our gov't and how much true authority we have over the Federal gov't.
Flynn saying this is a head fake. Don’t look over there, look here. It’s a White Hat distraction for something else haha. What I don’t know yet, but what ever it is, this is to throw the Cabal off. Or have them crash into a parked car staring at the beautiful girl. Distractions and misinformation abound Anon. ;)
Interesting thoughts, but I respectfully disagree. It is neither a distraction nor to throw the cabal off.
The Q op was to kick off the great awakening. To help wake people up and take back control of what is theirs. That last sentence is vital. The people must wake up and they must take back their power.
What does that mean? It means they re-engage with the system. They take ownership. They quit sitting on the sidelines bitching that nothing ever changes.
I think Flynn is concerned that too many people interpreted Q to mean, "they got this, sit back and enjoy your popcorn."
He cannot directly acknowledge the op, so the only way he can course correct people is to publicly disparage it. He used his words carefully. He never said it was evil or an enemy op or even that it had bad intentions. He said it did a "disservice", which implies there were good intentions.
To be honest, we are probably guilty of that here on this board. Not by directly telling people to do nothing, we actively work against that narrative, but by failing to focus on what Q meant for us to be doing. Interpreting the drops, finding new proofs, etc is great fun. I personally love it. But maybe we should promote more posts on engagement such as promoting rallies, promoting town halls, etc. Anything that helps an anon/patriot engage the system and help shape it going forward.
Yeah I don't think people actually read the rest of his post. This is immediately after the "disservice" comment:
What I see are a bunch of people sitting and waiting for something to happen instead of doing what I have been calling for now for quite some time (LOCAL ACTION).
Great Awakening needs to start posting how to get involved locally: local elections, run for local offices, partake in local school boards, engage tour neighborhood, teach your children. We need to get active, and it starts with this board, starts with us.
Possibly, but I think that part had a purpose and also had to be done. Patriots knew something was terribly wrong and we were way off course. But we also didn't understand our numbers and our power. I view those sort of comments as beacons of hope to draw everyone together.
I don't say that as hopium or an excuse. He only used that phrase "patriots are in control" twice and only in the first year of drops. However, there are literally hundreds of drops where he tells us to fight, right up to the very end.
Sorry I edited since people didn’t get what I meant. Flynn saying this is a head fake. A distraction. Flynn knows plenty about Q. And to publically say anything about it that appears to be against is clearly a head fake to throw someone off, like the Cabal. To confuse them from their own digging.
When an illusionist produces a dove from nothing, he doesn't simply reach inside his lapel and grab it from a hidden compartment. That's too easy. Even if his sleight-of-hand is fast enough and skilled enough to do so! Watch Teller with cups and a ball.
No, instead he says something witty while drawing attention to his foot by lighting a bit of flamecord on the toe of his boot and letting it spark and burn up his leg. As the audience gasps and claps at the pyrotechnics and their eyes are exposed to bright light, he deftly shakes the pigeon loose from its secret pouch in the arm of his suit and let's the bird slide down his sleeve as it suddenly seems to appear out of thin air in his hands.
The caged bird doesn't 'sing' until it's on stage. It's how the magician makes his 'music'. It's all part of the 'performance'.
Sorry I edited since people didn’t get what I meant. Flynn saying this is a head fake. A distraction. Flynn knows plenty about Q. And to publically say anything about it that appears to be against is clearly a head fake to throw someone off, like the Cabal. To confuse them from their own digging.
It’s to just throw off. So keep them guessing what is real or not. A “what if” to the “what if”, when a “what if” was said yesterday, to that other “what if” that was said after the “what if” that covered the prior “what if” to keep sides guessing “what if” things aren’t like or are like what is being said.
It's not about who, it's about what's going to happen next. Flynn is saying the military is not going to come to the rescue. So now the cabal has to decide whether that's true or false.
I agree it's a head fake. He says, "I'm a big fan of X22"; well, X22 has been cheerleading for Q every day for years, right? (I haven't watched it that much since it was booted off YouTube.)
So, what is the head fake about? I think this part is the key: " The nonsense about trump is still the president and the military is coming to the rescue is just that…nonsense. "
No, the military isn't going to take action. IWe only want people to speak out at school board meetings and vote-in patriot dog-catchers for your neighbourhood. The enemy breathes a sigh of relief and sets their guard down just enough to make the action even more swift and effective than it already was going to be.
I can't count the number of times Q directly wrote that [soon] [in hot August] [in red October] [in the next few days] we would notice a military force retaking control of this country.
I still believe that was the Plan, that they intended for the steal of 2020 to be exposed in Nov-Dec, and for Trump to be the one inaugurated so as to continue the job he had started—not for a traitor to secure the presidency in a coup and for everything Trump did to be undone. Some kind of action from the enemy forced a change to a contingency plan set up just for that purpose.
Soon means a great deal of time to God/Christ. Soon also means short or longer time in war. War can be short, or long and drawn out. So in saying soon confuses those that don’t get this. But soon also keeps some hope up as well. We have to remember Q and Dave at X22 speak to a “global” event, not just for individual countries or the US. Multiple Meanings”. I get confused myself at times, but again must remind myself, my impatience doesn’t matter to the White Hat’s Plan’s time or God’s.
Let's look at this. The Q and Flynn connections go back to the early days. Flynn "knows where the bodies are buried", and came out and said that just a few weeks back, a phrase also used by and imbued with significant meaning in the Q drops.
DJT has dropped LOTS of Q affirming hints, including tippy top, and using the wwg1wga music them for his rallies. DJT denied direct knowledge of the Q movement, but did not deny or disparage it.
DJT recently called out Flynn directly to get ready to serve again in the DJT administration. Reconcile those two points.
Close DJT confidants, such as Kash, have gravitated to X22 and many others. Why? Flynn himself. There was a time when Kash, Flynn and other relateds were directly courting and engaging with Q movement podcasters and influencers. Why?
Flynn emphasizes 5G warfare, and yes, local action. This is an obvious and critical part of the DJT operation. The People have to become involved.
I recall that Flynn's brother was a guest on Inthematrixxx, which now appears to have a feud with Flynn and is denouncing him.
The positive impacts of the Q operations are overwhelming and undeniable. Mass movements in this era are directly connected to Q: the rallies and citizen demonstrations in Europe, the Canadian truckers, etc. There are so many people awakening through the impacts of the Q operation that its nonsensical to deny that.
So Flynn saying the Q op did a disservice, while this might be true to some extent, it is an obvious apparent fact that Q did a great service as well.
Flynn has to know these things. He didn't get recruited in to the Trump admin for no reason, and he IS someone who knows about everything that Q would be IF Q is legit.
The fact that he can go on x22 multiple times and yet make this declaration that "Q…I believe it is a major psyop and from what I can tell, it or they or whatever or whoever is “running this op” has done a major disservice" only makes sense if he's doing this for a reason.
It's curious. For example, he could have said something else, like "I think the q operation has had some interesting impact, but whether its legitimate or not, its time now to focus on getting engaged in local action."
But I suspect, if Flynn acknowledged or recognized Q in any way, it would get negative airplay. It's easy think that IF Flynn knows about Q and IF Flynn is well informed, that Flynn was already prepared and when Dave raised "the military....", Flynn cut him off vehemently because he needed to.
None of the above are contradictory with the idea that Flynn knows about, supports or might be part of the Q operation.
So the question here is NOT whether Flynn is legitimate or not. Or whether the Q operation is legitimate or not. Both are patently obviously legitimate. The question is "Why is Flynn saying this and saying these things".
The answer has to be: because its very important that people become involved and engaged and move from research into localized action, and NOT get sidetracked by indulging in speculative offshoots that might distract from that involvement.
The implication is that it is even more important for people to be focused on local action than on what Q is or was.
Whether either of the previous statements about Flynn or Q's legitimacy are wrong, even if both or one is not legitimate, the message of local engagement and taking up responsibility, this is on point.
OG anons are also big boys (and girls) by now. We don't get tied up in knots because the spookiest 5G warfare savvy general comes out and says "Q is a major psyop and it has done a major disservice."
@GenFlynn - I have defended you and supported you and I financially supported your legal battles. Hell, you followed me for years under my account @40_Head
before it was suspended. We understand that you may not be part of the Q group but based on your words, you are totally ignorant of what this "psyop" was doing. Remember, PsyOps are not always negative. Sometimes they produce great fruit!
I’ll be damned if anybody in this movement is sitting on their ass waiting for shit to happen! This movement has spurred more research and more threads and more public dissemination of hidden facts than any other movement in the history of the world! We've informed millions!If you don’t see value in that then I can't understand you're reasoning.
The fact is, Q, and everybody in this movement has encouraged each other to get active, to call our representatives, to call our senators, to call our governors and to vote accordingly. We have been encouraged to go to city council meetings, and to county hearings, and school board hearings. We are there! We've been encouraged to build our faith in God, to pray, to gird ourselves in the full armor of God.
Our voices are being heard! Trump didn’t get 74 million votes in 2020 because we were sitting on our asses! You have done a huge disservice to your own reputation by coming out with this statement of ignorance.
I'll also say this, whoever Q is, they were in Trump's Whitehouse until he left because the zero Delta drops kept lining up with Trump's tweets, all the way through 2020. That means Q and Trump or at least Q and Scavino were working together to time their postings and their content. The drops are still coming to fruition, they're still gold in the hands of digital soldiers. We're still red polling life long Democrats with them.
But here's the deal, I won't run an agenda against you. I'll still support you. I'll still defend you because I think you're a valuable asset for America. You've earned my respect with your years of service. But please rethink your position.
Now there’s one more thing that needs to be addressed and you were completely correct on. There are some insanely stupid beliefs that get passed around inside this movement, and I firmly believe that they are plugged into this movement by infiltrators in an effort to discredit the reputation and integrity of the individuals as well as the movement itself. JFK Jr being alive and Trump is still president and all that stuff did not come from Q drops! In fact Q adamantly said JFK Jr was dead. Q never said Trump is still the president. The military is the only way is the term that Q used but Q didn’t say that the military was gonna sack the Biden or anything like that, it’s still undetermined what that meant.
The only downfall to this movement that I see is that some people, in their excitement, will chase just about anything as long as it’s against the deep state. But even that is quickly countered by more mature and informed Anons. The fact is, the conservative base is always looking for what is being hidden and they’re always looking for the crime that has been covered up. So it’s natural for us to jump at conspiracies because they so often come true. But we dig to prove or disprove then correct faulty thinking. You are right in that aspect, some of the stuff that the fringe portion that I basically disown in this movement, still push some pretty stupid shit but it did NOT come from Q and it was already happening on the chans and reddit and GLP. It didn't start with Q. In fact Q tried to stop it!
So don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater! Instead, join us and help refute some of the things that are astronomically ridiculous. Be a voice of reason and leadership, and you’ll have millions coming to rally with you. You said you like it when people are frank and honest. I feel like I’ve been frank and honest in this message to you. God bless you and God bless this beloved country both of us are trying to save.
I don't think Flynn is tossing Q under the bus. I reread his X post a couple of times and the syntax is a bit sketchy. I think he is saying that Q and the military are not coming to the rescue, but is a rallying point for people to get off their butts and ban together in their local areas and effect change. Small changes, in local places, when added together cause bigger changes regionally, and those regional changes cause nationwide changes, and those nationwide changes when combined with other nations will force world wide changes. It takes a nation of people to force change upon the status quo, not an ephemeral Q to swoop in and cleanse the cabal out of their positions of power. It is We The People who will force the change, not Q. Q will show us the path, but we are the ones who must take action. I think that's what Flynn was trying to impart to his readers.
IF J6 resulted in peaceful patriots being LOCKED UP for years while govt and 3 letter agency moles set up the 'insurrection appearance and narrative', the only recourse in OUR lifetime would be actual insurrection as we are positioned to go past the precipice and over the cliff. It's crazy and scary times. What's keeping me sane? The OBVIOUS replacement of Biden, BO, Hilary signals SOMETHING good has happened and things are NOT what they seem.
Flynn also has quite a resume in military, legal and constitutional matters; years of personal experience in the field, mil intel, in the dark halls of DC, in the courtroom, from all of which he speaks. He KNOWS almost everyone that we here daily theorize about from a distance. I am going to take a wild guess none of us can speak from the same vantage point. So take that for what it's worth.
I used to admire him, now he raises my eyebrows… Not sure anymore he’s a hero, unless he actually plays a bad guy for the good guys in that movie we spent the last years watching...
I have been back and forth on him, well everyone actually. I think this stuff just enforces what I Believe, no matter who is saying it.
Like even Jan Halper.... man, she says all the right stuff, but too right, at a time we are all hungry for it, ya know?
Both of them are trained in psy-ops.... I'm just a simple pede that worked hard all my life making a honest living... I'm not an expert in anything nowadays... just going keep my trust to only in the Lord.
Good morning brother. I am doing wonderful. Been getting really involved at my church. Planting seeds with stuff. I feel God slowly calling me to speak truth to the church. I'm practicing my words and ideas with a small group in my church. Then gonna speak to my whole church. Then wanna help organize other churches as well. I wanna bring the churches to here on .win on some state community pages I have created. Still working on getting my thoughts and the overall goal together so I truly truly appreciate the prayers. They mean the world to me. How r u
Check out what my relative is doing at their church. This is having a great impact locally. They are training others to do the same.
To stimulate conversation, could Flynn be acting the drill seargent? Nobody like the drill seargent yelling in their face, but they do it to motivate the troops. They are mean, but not bad. They say a lot of stuff, but it is all to shape and mold the troops to be the fighting force that is needed.
Wow this is a great analogy my fren. The amazing thing is that on graduation day you see the purpose in all there actions and you actually kinda like and respect them. Ah good times 😁🙏
Does it mean it is a negative? No. Because the object of this psyop can be seen as a positive, as it awakens us from our deep slumber.
See what he did here? Just like with the term: conspiracy theory, the term Psyop is used to trigger an emotional response.
And did Q challenge us to take local action? Yes.
Did Q challenge us to take action on regional and state and federal level action? Yes.
From which point of view? Simply, to consider your civic duty in a greater scheme of things. Maga is carried by Q and the anons.
And where is the disservice in that?
So, what could the reason be to all of a sudden take this position? What is the value of him distancing himself from this movement?
I guess, some people came a bit to close? Or is it simply a means that has outlived it usefulness as the swell in people moving in a desired direction is big enough to sustain itself?
I dunno, but it seems to me to be geared towards plausible deniability.
Riddle me this, if the powerful, decision making positions have ‘selected’ persons through a system controlled by fraud, how does a lowly local position, perhaps free of fraud, fix the system above? The higher ‘selection’ process is rigged against correction. So what is the fix (if not the military)? Perhaps MAGA winning local positions ensures we are in place in the process when the $hit goes down to secure continued integrity going forward in the post-deep state world?
Flynn was on X22! One of the biggest Q-focused podcasts. We can’t ignore that. He said he has respect for Dave called him a “big boy”. He clearly has listened to a lot of it and still went on it for the interview.
This does not make me think Gen. Flynn is anti-Q.
Anons do not typically believe in one specific thing. Some things are generally accepted but as far as solutions or actions for Anons to take, there isn’t anything set in stone.
Nothing about his comment disproves Q at all. It could simply be another point to prove that even people as Senior as Flynn don’t have to agree on everything. He could be just pushing certain discussion points.
He may even be on here reading the reactions here.
Stay salty frens.
We all know even many normies can see that Anons have been on the side of truth with events unfolding globally now. They just will never admit it. Until it smacks them in the face.
The issue is the disconnect between what Q provided, and how anons continue to interpret it.
Everyone knows that the primary criticism of Q is the implicit complacency among those who "follow" Q --- the WH military is currently in control (via CoG / Law of war / Devolution), and DJT is still President. IOW a complete inversion of all face value circumstances perceived by the American population (left and right).
None of which Q ever indicated. But it maintains as the most powerful narrative, here and elsewhere, and it completely recolors the interpretive lens of current events - these are not real world events with real world consequences, at least nothing that threatens a positive outcome (by 2024? 2028? 2030?) after some moving target precipice is reached.
So how on earth can those of us, springboarding off of Q interpreting the world today through this CoG / Law of War / Devolution, be able to work alongside patriots who absolutely reject all of that as wishful thinking and fantasyland? It's a major wedge in the MAGA movement. By design? Infiltration of Q influencers that have steered the movement towards this unofficial "you're watching a movie" narrative? I don't know, but it needs to get resolved one way or another.
Can anything say LOCAL ACTION louder than taking the time and effort to wake up family, friends, neighbors, and coworkers? What can be more important and fundamental than opening people’s eyes? If people are not awake neither local or national level politics will change.
Frankly, I don’t care if Q is technically a psyop, running alongside the efforts of President Trump, it has fueled an effective political movement that even the likes of Donna Brazile begrudgingly recognized. A movement that was hardly sitting and waiting when it lit up the RINOS phones and emails this week in support of Jim Jordan.
I’ll say it again, the fact President Trump is still standing in the face of unprecedented lawfare proves there is a plan.
Don’t care. Trump retruths Q phrases daily, makes air Q with his hands, has never once disavowed Q when asked by legacy media, and Scavino does the same.
Think about it. If it was run by the deep state, Trump would be out of the loop. They wouldn’t tell him. So he would know if he isn’t doing it, the bad guys are. He obviously is in the loop, because he endorses it. He has to be in the loop. It’s the only thing that makes sense.
Optics are not for people who have read the Q drops, optics are for the cabal to continue their playbook, that playbook is KNOWN, you allow them to continue opening the doors for you.
I wouldn't be shocked to find out Pence was tasked to accept election stealing, not all is as it seems and do not make your minds up on anyone. Keep an open mind and keep discussing it with as many people as you can. Their greatest fear is people being awake to them, their plans and how they do it and a fully controlled movie would do just that wouldn't it?
Multiple countries aligned on Q drops, this is not a 4 year election, this is not just USA, the cabal infiltrated worldwide and to root them out you have to make them believe they are in control. Do not get caught up in that optical illusion. The optics are not for you, the drip > flood is not for you, and the flood is certainly not going to drown those who read the posts, a digital Noahs Ark. Backchannels are important!
I hear you about Pence bc of the Cristopher Miller comment BUT think Pence is 'dirty' and was forced to follow direction, not bc he is a 'really good guy'.
Its a minefield out there, I trust military, military intelligence, Trump and very few others in the grand scheme. You may very well be right regarding Pence, but for some reason I think his actions were purely part of the theatre. I guess we will all find out at some point?
Exactly, either way its taken care of. My view on people doesn't matter, of course some people in this movement are shills, some are paytriots, some are disinformation/misinformation agents, but my mind is open to finding out some of the people I currently dislike for various reasons/actions or lack of action may turn out to be true patriots. It wouldn't surprise me, I guess that is all I am saying there regarding Pence.
Part of the psyop/movie is to have THE PEOPLE stand up at some point. Imo it will take a cataclysmic event at some point ie economy collapse and/or nuke scare most people in America are still living as though they are in a fucking Enya video
This must be setting up for plausible deniability, we must be getting close. He came out for Q several times in past. Trump himself has given soooo many Q proofs. Now he does a 180?? Local action works to a point but we still can’t vote in people we need in the major positions like Governors, Congress, President. How are we supposed to get past that when we can’t get the major players on position to actually bring accountability and fix the system. I believe we are winning the information war and people are waking up but without anyone in office to bring accountability he’s then leaving us with only option to physically remove these corrupt people with some kind of citizens arrest. It doesn’t make sense that there would be no plan, not to mention but if there was no plan how in the world is Trump still alive??? They would’ve suicided him loooong ago if they could have
He's quite the Doomer, isn't he? Complains about people not getting out to do things at a local level yet we've been seeing the opposite of that...the truckers' convoy and the support for it may have been the final nail in Covid's coffin. And parents pushing back against sex trash in the schools, just to name two things off the top of my head. Little pebbles that signal an avalanche.
OH! And let's not forget that there are people turning towards God, or at least questioning a bit. On the boards that I frequent, I'm seeing much less of the "hur hur magical Sky Daddy" comments if someone mentions God and that's a good thing with potential.
And if the whole thing was a "psyop", what does that make you, Michael? Some sort of useful idiot perhaps?
He took the oath with his family. He had merch with "WWG1WGA" and "Digital Soldiers" on it. He sent personal letters to supporters with "WWG1WGA" as a sign off. He followed mine, as well as tens of thousands of other, Twitter accounts who were obviously Q believers/followers. Many of his family members posted seemingly in support of Q... Make of it what you will.
It could be he's trying to do damage control on the misinterpreters of Q who sit back waiting for the military. I think the military is already busy but they still need our help and that's where Flynn comes in to tell us to do something.
All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near. - GEOTUS-TZU
The only thing Q has told people not to do is engage in violence. (Not even sure if that was specifically stated but it's the consensus). If people aren't getting active that is their mistake to fix. Anyone supporting Trump or even DeSantis could do the exact same thing we're accused of doing with Q by supporting him too much and expecting him to fix everything.
Everyone who has turned against Q seems to think we should have just stormed the Capitol for real with weapons or something and it's that pesky Q that stopped us. Truth is at that point normie boomer Republicans weren't remotely ready to side with us when push came to shove and we would have fallen flat. Every day we get more and more Americans to the point where they will side with us if SHTF. That's really what it's all about. Both sides want just enough public support that they can make their move and have the people in the middle land in their camp.
Imagine if it’s true that Trump was the CIC the entire time. If this gets out in the end wouldn’t there be a huge backlash?? He sat there and let this nonsense propagate the ruining of our country??
Not really. The normies would just keep going on doing that they are doing and nothing would change. There never seems to be any backlash. We said that about Brandon swearing in.
That is the problem. We just keep waiting.
I think the operation that was Q was not as successful as whoever ran it had hoped.
Personally, I believe that the spirit of the great awakening is unstoppable, and if Q was meant to slow us down it backfired in classic CIA fashion, creating a new, less predictable problem for them.
We, the awakened ones, are far more powerful than even the idea of Q.
Is there anything Flynn could say that would lessen your belief in Q? If no, maybe you need to strongly consider that position. Everyone is capable of being wrong about something, even those on this site.
I'm not saying anything about the veracity of Q, but if you hold a position that no amount of evidence would dissuade you, you're in danger of believing something over the available evidence. Why? Could it be because that's what all WANT to happen, rather than what's really happening?
Everyone likes to talk about the "coincidences" of the Q movement, but what about the misses? "Trust Sessions" - How did that work out? Should we "Trust Sessions"?
I think Flynn is a better General than a Salesman. Also to effect change locally, the people would need to know that change is needed- (system is broken) and IF you are in a Blue state like I am- that voting for a change- would result in a positive outcome- rather than another stolen election process.
Knows where the bodies are buried. Openly promotes Q. Now Q is bad. Make it make sense.
He is right here with his family members reciting where we go one we go all.
Yes. Also, Trump would never have allowed anything or anybody to take over his base or movement. He would have called out Q as F&G a long time ago. Plus Trump continues to re-truth other peoples Q related posts.
Edit; Also not to mention the thousands of Qoincidences.
And you know this how ??? Did Trump not have Bolton as a foreign policy advisor? Trump admin had many snakes in the grass including his own daughter and Jarred the fallen Kushner
Are you under the impression that Trump's first term did not go as he expected? As according to the PLAN?
Bolton followed Scarramuci model. They used him to glean a bunch of info they needed and then dumped him.
Gotta love CNN trying to stoke fear and panic among their left-wing base of slack-jawed mouth breathers by showing....people pledging to support and defend the Constitution and saying God Bless America.
O the horror, the terror! Who will save us from these people...who like their country!
I heard someone saying this pledge was not invented by Q but is an oath known by military. Is that correct?
White hats will never admit Q is real, why are people here surprised by Flynn's statements?
Head fake.
I think due to his vehemence. He could deny it many ways without insulting us.
Prior service Marine. Never heard it before Q.
wwg1wga was engraved on the bell on a boat owned by JFK.
The saying is highlighted in the film "White Squall" as the rallying cry for the crew.
I've never heard that it has ever been used as "an oath by the military".
WWG1WGA is a quote from the movie White Squall.
In 1960, a hardy group of prep school students boards an old-fashioned sailing ship. With Capt. Christopher Sheldon (Jeff Bridges) at the helm, the oceangoing voyage is intended to teach the boys fortitude and discipline. But the youthful crew......
It's used three time in the movie, White Squall.
Here's a website about a sailboat
Here's the script for White Squall.
Skipper manages a sobering look and climbs on top of the chart house. He pats a small brass sign that is welded to the main mast and reads the inscription.
With that, he disappears below. Nobody moves. This is exactly the kind of man you want around when the shit hits the fan.
SKIPPER Excellent point. As you might have noticed, being out here pretty much puts you in the moment. If you panic, if you lose your head, you die. Maybe you take your mates with you. How'd you like to have to bet on Terry here getting us home today? Each one of you is responsible for the rest. "Where we go one, we go all". If your buddy is asleep at the switch we're all fish food.
Tears begin to stream down Chuck's face. His father, Charles, slowly stands meeting his sons eyes. Go for it.
Skipper keeps moving.
Yeah lol... He literally uses to post wwg1wga and was a major part of the "great reawakening" tour.
He was signing books that way IIRC.
Someone started to accuse him of doing some sick shit not long ago. Either right before that or right after that he seems to have flipped.
5th generation warfare. Keep them guessing.
He is playing a role. We don’t have to know why he said that. We just need to trust him.
I didn't downvote, but sorry that's not gonna do it for me. And I bet I'm not alone in that I trust NO MAN except Donald Trump and Jesus to not fuck me over. (And I'm not even a member of any organized religion, but I believe Jesus would never hold that against anyone.)
Opening yourself to trust someone who has not done something for you personally is asking for disappointment.
Trust is earned, not given. Trump earned my trust, Flynn never has. It's that simple
Yep. There's a certain someone who has called him out in fact, take it for what it's worth...Ariel @Prolotario1 has called him out along with, Jordan, Ballard and others who seem to be fighting with us. Of course I don't blindly follow, but I most certainly am the type to question...particularly the issues that go unquestioned. Hardly matters to me, we already won.
Ariel seems to be worth following, in retrospect he is hardly ever wrong.
Just think Obama, but 'conservative'. So well spoken...
And to be clear, I do not feel as though the whole 'who's behind the funding of SOF' topic (Ballard and Caviezel included) is an open and shut case although it seems to be the general consensus here.
My thoughts exactly. His views are highly controversial, even here. He's named everyone from Flynn to Liz Crokin, both names I thought I held in high regard. Again, I'm not pulling a knee jerk reaction here and absolutely agreeing...but as you pointed out, his track record is second maybe only to Trump.
Gonna be hard to vote after Trump's 3rd term.
One way to assure that we lose everything is to put trump on a level equal to or greater than Jesus! I have seen some refer to trump as GEOTUS! Are you friggen kidding me? Trump is a man...NOT GOD! Jesus was, is and will always be GOD ALMIGHTY! It concerns me that people are so wanting to be saved from whatever lies ahead that they will put their faith in mere men as opposed to the One Who literally walked on water and spoke to the elements and they obeyed Him. So far I have not seen trump walk on water! Have you? He made many very destructive mistakes when in office, the two that rapidly come to mind being operation Warp Speed and his handling of J6. That being said, one good way to assure trump's failure in the future is to encourage his ego by placing him above his Creator Jesus Christ!
And! No one did that! I said I trust no one but those two! About the only things they have in common! Are that they love and respect God! They're both physically male human beings! And their names start with a capital letter!
Should we expect anything different, it is a psyop after all? It works both ways, and the 'bad guys' (black hats) are banging their heads against the wall right about now, ha-ha. Like Trump said when he was asked about "Q", and exposing child trafficking, corruption, etc.., "Is that a bad thing?"...
Hello LQdy!🤗💐
Thanks for the sticky: this is a really important discussion that we should have had long before. I don’t care about people’s opinions: everyone is entitled to one and eventually changing it is a natural part of our Great Awakening. I care about their arguments.
And no one knows whose role is really which.
Flynn is looking at this wrong: Flynn pushes local action is how we make change..
That can only work with a partnership of leaders in government that are willing to arrest the criminals in suits.
The people are not waiting for someone to come rescue us.
The people do want someone in power to legally expose and arrest the criminals in suits.
If Flynn thinks it’s a good idea for the people to take action and start arresting people on their own.
Things would do down hill very fast.
“The people are not waiting for someone to come rescue us. The people do want someone in power to legally expose and arrest the criminals in suits” THIS EXACTLY. We want arrests & criminals in office to be removed. Joining local politics is part of the change needed in our country- but we need direction confirmed! Arrests would confirm that direction.
For sure! I don't like how Flynn ignores this aspect.
He could be playing mind games for sure.
He knows damn well that the people cannot arrest the criminals!
There is the doctrine of the lesser magistrate, but that does need powerful people to band together to enforce it.
“…and then one day, for no reason at all…”
I agree!
We put people in power to enforce certain rules. This prevents "The Mob" from being the enforcement agents.
He says in the tweet the traitors are there via a constitutional process. How can being installed via election fraud instead of being elected be considered a constitutional process? He's clearly trolling people...
That was my thought as well. Cheating is not a constitutional process.
Constitutional process from the corporate Constitution. Remember there are 2 and that one is corrupt.
And a clean and true election season with NO machine interference like what has gone on since 2000.
According to his statements he doesn't even want the military to arrest anyone for treason, ever, because that wouldn't be following the "elected government" even though it wasn't elected. Make it makes sense because I can't. Hopefully it isn't supposed to.
Flynn is either playing a role.
He knows if they start arresting people. He has skeletons in the closet as well.
Lots of generals are wannabe politicians.
Yeah, like we would all be thrown in prison gulag camps… seriously.
-Anon to the gulag guards
I have this same thought every time someone scolds this community to quit sitting around eating popcorn and enjoying life, get out there and force the change to happen, rise up and take back our own country, no one is coming to save us, etc. Chaos is exactly what the cabal thrives on. An operation by military special forces would squelch the chaos.
Well said!
Flynn needs to be careful about saying "Local Action". There are a lot of frustrated people in the base who want a simple solution.
That solution is massive arrest and accountability.
Flynn has to know this!
When you have millions of people who just want criminals to go to jail for their crimes.
Flynn cannot just tell us to "Get Involved". For a lot of us... "Getting involved would mean arresting traitors!".
We don't need the people to arrest anyone.
In my view... we the people are already doing our jobs.
We now need leaders like Trump/Flynn to get into power to throw the book at the criminals!
This message and all of your others on this post I agree with entirely. Well done phantom!
Thank you friend!
I know sometimes I upset people here. But I am not that bad most of the time lol :)
We're all going to disagree from time-to-time and that's A-OK as long as we stay united in our purpose and convictions. Overall, this post was fantastic. So many perspectives and interpretations shared. It took me half the day to read thru 'em all. Good stuff!
I couldn't agree more.
Local action is key because EACH STATE IS SOVEREIGN. Federal gov't is indeed "FEDERAL", not "NATIONAL". Each Sovereign State is controlled via "We the People" at the COUNTY LEVEL. Thus, local action = national, or "FEDERAL" impact because each Sovereign State can reign in or neuter the Federal gov't they created.
I think he is trying to get people to understand the nature of our gov't and how much true authority we have over the Federal gov't.
Correct.. the people are doing this:
But none of it matters if we don’t hold the criminals accountable.
This is all about setting legal standards in the future.
If we set historical precedent that massive amounts of politicians got caught committing crimes.
This will write a chapter in history that will set the precedent of how people feel about giving governments too much power.
Public arrest has to happen in conjunction with local action.
Flynn saying this is a head fake. Don’t look over there, look here. It’s a White Hat distraction for something else haha. What I don’t know yet, but what ever it is, this is to throw the Cabal off. Or have them crash into a parked car staring at the beautiful girl. Distractions and misinformation abound Anon. ;)
Interesting thoughts, but I respectfully disagree. It is neither a distraction nor to throw the cabal off.
The Q op was to kick off the great awakening. To help wake people up and take back control of what is theirs. That last sentence is vital. The people must wake up and they must take back their power.
What does that mean? It means they re-engage with the system. They take ownership. They quit sitting on the sidelines bitching that nothing ever changes.
I think Flynn is concerned that too many people interpreted Q to mean, "they got this, sit back and enjoy your popcorn."
He cannot directly acknowledge the op, so the only way he can course correct people is to publicly disparage it. He used his words carefully. He never said it was evil or an enemy op or even that it had bad intentions. He said it did a "disservice", which implies there were good intentions.
To be honest, we are probably guilty of that here on this board. Not by directly telling people to do nothing, we actively work against that narrative, but by failing to focus on what Q meant for us to be doing. Interpreting the drops, finding new proofs, etc is great fun. I personally love it. But maybe we should promote more posts on engagement such as promoting rallies, promoting town halls, etc. Anything that helps an anon/patriot engage the system and help shape it going forward.
Yeah I don't think people actually read the rest of his post. This is immediately after the "disservice" comment:
Great Awakening needs to start posting how to get involved locally: local elections, run for local offices, partake in local school boards, engage tour neighborhood, teach your children. We need to get active, and it starts with this board, starts with us.
Wonder if that's because of all the times Q insisted "Patriots Are Now In Control" and "Enjoy the show."
Possibly, but I think that part had a purpose and also had to be done. Patriots knew something was terribly wrong and we were way off course. But we also didn't understand our numbers and our power. I view those sort of comments as beacons of hope to draw everyone together.
I don't say that as hopium or an excuse. He only used that phrase "patriots are in control" twice and only in the first year of drops. However, there are literally hundreds of drops where he tells us to fight, right up to the very end.
The last line.
Right there in black and white.
"You are safe" "Your Families are Safe" loose quotes to add.
I think you have nailed it u/BasedCitizen 👈🏻
Your comment is worth reading more than once to let it sink in.
Sorry I edited since people didn’t get what I meant. Flynn saying this is a head fake. A distraction. Flynn knows plenty about Q. And to publically say anything about it that appears to be against is clearly a head fake to throw someone off, like the Cabal. To confuse them from their own digging.
I'll head down to the bank and get my share of the 50 billion we sent to Zelensky back then...oh wait...
Why would white hats need a distraction? Nothings going on but Israel/Hamas…
Does Cabal care or are they even affected by what Flynn thinks and whether or not he believe in Q?
It’s not like he’s mainstream or any normie knows who Flynn is or follows what he says, his only followers are MAGA.
When an illusionist produces a dove from nothing, he doesn't simply reach inside his lapel and grab it from a hidden compartment. That's too easy. Even if his sleight-of-hand is fast enough and skilled enough to do so! Watch Teller with cups and a ball.
No, instead he says something witty while drawing attention to his foot by lighting a bit of flamecord on the toe of his boot and letting it spark and burn up his leg. As the audience gasps and claps at the pyrotechnics and their eyes are exposed to bright light, he deftly shakes the pigeon loose from its secret pouch in the arm of his suit and let's the bird slide down his sleeve as it suddenly seems to appear out of thin air in his hands.
The caged bird doesn't 'sing' until it's on stage. It's how the magician makes his 'music'. It's all part of the 'performance'.
There's always more going on than it seems.
There are three parts to every good magic act.
Deception is a part too.
Which man goes into the box? Which man comes out of the box?
Sorry I edited since people didn’t get what I meant. Flynn saying this is a head fake. A distraction. Flynn knows plenty about Q. And to publically say anything about it that appears to be against is clearly a head fake to throw someone off, like the Cabal. To confuse them from their own digging.
How would this confuse the Cabal?
It’s to just throw off. So keep them guessing what is real or not. A “what if” to the “what if”, when a “what if” was said yesterday, to that other “what if” that was said after the “what if” that covered the prior “what if” to keep sides guessing “what if” things aren’t like or are like what is being said.
String and Game Theory.
Right but all of the white hats know who the white hats are.. the cabal know who the cabal are. Both sides are aware of the other side..
How is a tweet from Flynn confusing the cabal?
It's not about who, it's about what's going to happen next. Flynn is saying the military is not going to come to the rescue. So now the cabal has to decide whether that's true or false.
I agree it's a head fake. He says, "I'm a big fan of X22"; well, X22 has been cheerleading for Q every day for years, right? (I haven't watched it that much since it was booted off YouTube.) So, what is the head fake about? I think this part is the key: " The nonsense about trump is still the president and the military is coming to the rescue is just that…nonsense. "
No, the military isn't going to take action. IWe only want people to speak out at school board meetings and vote-in patriot dog-catchers for your neighbourhood. The enemy breathes a sigh of relief and sets their guard down just enough to make the action even more swift and effective than it already was going to be.
I can't count the number of times Q directly wrote that [soon] [in hot August] [in red October] [in the next few days] we would notice a military force retaking control of this country.
I still believe that was the Plan, that they intended for the steal of 2020 to be exposed in Nov-Dec, and for Trump to be the one inaugurated so as to continue the job he had started—not for a traitor to secure the presidency in a coup and for everything Trump did to be undone. Some kind of action from the enemy forced a change to a contingency plan set up just for that purpose.
Soon means a great deal of time to God/Christ. Soon also means short or longer time in war. War can be short, or long and drawn out. So in saying soon confuses those that don’t get this. But soon also keeps some hope up as well. We have to remember Q and Dave at X22 speak to a “global” event, not just for individual countries or the US. Multiple Meanings”. I get confused myself at times, but again must remind myself, my impatience doesn’t matter to the White Hat’s Plan’s time or God’s.
Don't know why you're getting downvotes but I canceled one of 'em for ya
Hahaha! Thank you. It’s all good.
He's saying it's nonsense because so many people are waking up to the fact that he possibly still is.
Let's look at this. The Q and Flynn connections go back to the early days. Flynn "knows where the bodies are buried", and came out and said that just a few weeks back, a phrase also used by and imbued with significant meaning in the Q drops.
DJT has dropped LOTS of Q affirming hints, including tippy top, and using the wwg1wga music them for his rallies. DJT denied direct knowledge of the Q movement, but did not deny or disparage it.
DJT recently called out Flynn directly to get ready to serve again in the DJT administration. Reconcile those two points.
Close DJT confidants, such as Kash, have gravitated to X22 and many others. Why? Flynn himself. There was a time when Kash, Flynn and other relateds were directly courting and engaging with Q movement podcasters and influencers. Why?
Flynn emphasizes 5G warfare, and yes, local action. This is an obvious and critical part of the DJT operation. The People have to become involved.
I recall that Flynn's brother was a guest on Inthematrixxx, which now appears to have a feud with Flynn and is denouncing him.
The positive impacts of the Q operations are overwhelming and undeniable. Mass movements in this era are directly connected to Q: the rallies and citizen demonstrations in Europe, the Canadian truckers, etc. There are so many people awakening through the impacts of the Q operation that its nonsensical to deny that.
So Flynn saying the Q op did a disservice, while this might be true to some extent, it is an obvious apparent fact that Q did a great service as well.
Flynn has to know these things. He didn't get recruited in to the Trump admin for no reason, and he IS someone who knows about everything that Q would be IF Q is legit.
The fact that he can go on x22 multiple times and yet make this declaration that "Q…I believe it is a major psyop and from what I can tell, it or they or whatever or whoever is “running this op” has done a major disservice" only makes sense if he's doing this for a reason.
It's curious. For example, he could have said something else, like "I think the q operation has had some interesting impact, but whether its legitimate or not, its time now to focus on getting engaged in local action."
But I suspect, if Flynn acknowledged or recognized Q in any way, it would get negative airplay. It's easy think that IF Flynn knows about Q and IF Flynn is well informed, that Flynn was already prepared and when Dave raised "the military....", Flynn cut him off vehemently because he needed to.
None of the above are contradictory with the idea that Flynn knows about, supports or might be part of the Q operation.
So the question here is NOT whether Flynn is legitimate or not. Or whether the Q operation is legitimate or not. Both are patently obviously legitimate. The question is "Why is Flynn saying this and saying these things".
The answer has to be: because its very important that people become involved and engaged and move from research into localized action, and NOT get sidetracked by indulging in speculative offshoots that might distract from that involvement.
The implication is that it is even more important for people to be focused on local action than on what Q is or was.
Whether either of the previous statements about Flynn or Q's legitimacy are wrong, even if both or one is not legitimate, the message of local engagement and taking up responsibility, this is on point.
OG anons are also big boys (and girls) by now. We don't get tied up in knots because the spookiest 5G warfare savvy general comes out and says "Q is a major psyop and it has done a major disservice."
An interesting response to Flynn on X.
Alright @GenFlynn - I have defended you and supported you and I financially supported your legal battles. Hell, you followed me for years under my account @40_Head before it was suspended. We understand that you may not be part of the Q group but based on your words, you are totally ignorant of what this "psyop" was doing. Remember, PsyOps are not always negative. Sometimes they produce great fruit!
I’ll be damned if anybody in this movement is sitting on their ass waiting for shit to happen! This movement has spurred more research and more threads and more public dissemination of hidden facts than any other movement in the history of the world! We've informed millions!If you don’t see value in that then I can't understand you're reasoning.
The fact is, Q, and everybody in this movement has encouraged each other to get active, to call our representatives, to call our senators, to call our governors and to vote accordingly. We have been encouraged to go to city council meetings, and to county hearings, and school board hearings. We are there! We've been encouraged to build our faith in God, to pray, to gird ourselves in the full armor of God.
Our voices are being heard! Trump didn’t get 74 million votes in 2020 because we were sitting on our asses! You have done a huge disservice to your own reputation by coming out with this statement of ignorance.
I'll also say this, whoever Q is, they were in Trump's Whitehouse until he left because the zero Delta drops kept lining up with Trump's tweets, all the way through 2020. That means Q and Trump or at least Q and Scavino were working together to time their postings and their content. The drops are still coming to fruition, they're still gold in the hands of digital soldiers. We're still red polling life long Democrats with them.
But here's the deal, I won't run an agenda against you. I'll still support you. I'll still defend you because I think you're a valuable asset for America. You've earned my respect with your years of service. But please rethink your position.
Now there’s one more thing that needs to be addressed and you were completely correct on. There are some insanely stupid beliefs that get passed around inside this movement, and I firmly believe that they are plugged into this movement by infiltrators in an effort to discredit the reputation and integrity of the individuals as well as the movement itself. JFK Jr being alive and Trump is still president and all that stuff did not come from Q drops! In fact Q adamantly said JFK Jr was dead. Q never said Trump is still the president. The military is the only way is the term that Q used but Q didn’t say that the military was gonna sack the Biden or anything like that, it’s still undetermined what that meant.
The only downfall to this movement that I see is that some people, in their excitement, will chase just about anything as long as it’s against the deep state. But even that is quickly countered by more mature and informed Anons. The fact is, the conservative base is always looking for what is being hidden and they’re always looking for the crime that has been covered up. So it’s natural for us to jump at conspiracies because they so often come true. But we dig to prove or disprove then correct faulty thinking. You are right in that aspect, some of the stuff that the fringe portion that I basically disown in this movement, still push some pretty stupid shit but it did NOT come from Q and it was already happening on the chans and reddit and GLP. It didn't start with Q. In fact Q tried to stop it!
So don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater! Instead, join us and help refute some of the things that are astronomically ridiculous. Be a voice of reason and leadership, and you’ll have millions coming to rally with you. You said you like it when people are frank and honest. I feel like I’ve been frank and honest in this message to you. God bless you and God bless this beloved country both of us are trying to save.
Very good thread Patriot ! Thanks for posting.
But the baby needs 🛟 😂😂
Well said Anon!! I love it! And want to sticky this as it’s own thread.
I'll think about doing a development and stand alone post.
cope cope cope cope
I don't think Flynn is tossing Q under the bus. I reread his X post a couple of times and the syntax is a bit sketchy. I think he is saying that Q and the military are not coming to the rescue, but is a rallying point for people to get off their butts and ban together in their local areas and effect change. Small changes, in local places, when added together cause bigger changes regionally, and those regional changes cause nationwide changes, and those nationwide changes when combined with other nations will force world wide changes. It takes a nation of people to force change upon the status quo, not an ephemeral Q to swoop in and cleanse the cabal out of their positions of power. It is We The People who will force the change, not Q. Q will show us the path, but we are the ones who must take action. I think that's what Flynn was trying to impart to his readers.
IF J6 resulted in peaceful patriots being LOCKED UP for years while govt and 3 letter agency moles set up the 'insurrection appearance and narrative', the only recourse in OUR lifetime would be actual insurrection as we are positioned to go past the precipice and over the cliff. It's crazy and scary times. What's keeping me sane? The OBVIOUS replacement of Biden, BO, Hilary signals SOMETHING good has happened and things are NOT what they seem.
This ^
OK that sounds effective. We'll force the change with no leadership in front of us and no muscle behind us.
Gen. Flynn is now a “Paytriot” on X with content for subscribers only so take that for what it’s worth.
Flynn also has quite a resume in military, legal and constitutional matters; years of personal experience in the field, mil intel, in the dark halls of DC, in the courtroom, from all of which he speaks. He KNOWS almost everyone that we here daily theorize about from a distance. I am going to take a wild guess none of us can speak from the same vantage point. So take that for what it's worth.
I used to admire him, now he raises my eyebrows… Not sure anymore he’s a hero, unless he actually plays a bad guy for the good guys in that movie we spent the last years watching...
I have been back and forth on him, well everyone actually. I think this stuff just enforces what I Believe, no matter who is saying it.
Like even Jan Halper.... man, she says all the right stuff, but too right, at a time we are all hungry for it, ya know?
Both of them are trained in psy-ops.... I'm just a simple pede that worked hard all my life making a honest living... I'm not an expert in anything nowadays... just going keep my trust to only in the Lord.
Yeah. I haven't liked a lot of what I've seen from him lately. I don't feel like he's the good guy anymore.
Somebody uses the downdoots to disagree with us… why doesn’t he want to discuss and maybe change our point of view… that’s a mystery.
It's an emotional post for some my fren.
Hey! Brother Ryan!🤗🙏🏻
How are you doing these days? I always pray you remain ardently inspired!
Good morning brother. I am doing wonderful. Been getting really involved at my church. Planting seeds with stuff. I feel God slowly calling me to speak truth to the church. I'm practicing my words and ideas with a small group in my church. Then gonna speak to my whole church. Then wanna help organize other churches as well. I wanna bring the churches to here on .win on some state community pages I have created. Still working on getting my thoughts and the overall goal together so I truly truly appreciate the prayers. They mean the world to me. How r u
Check out what my relative is doing at their church. This is having a great impact locally. They are training others to do the same.
Wow awesome stuff. Definitely gonna check this out. Maybe they would be willing to make an account here on .win and join my project. These are just rough draft thoughts so far but here
Like I said just rough draft thoughts
Always running after my overcrowded todo list but still managing to post my HOLD THE LINE: our Holy Father needs me to be busy and focused.🙏🏻🔥
We appreciate all your hard work and dedication. God bless u. Praying for you. Love you
To stimulate conversation, could Flynn be acting the drill seargent? Nobody like the drill seargent yelling in their face, but they do it to motivate the troops. They are mean, but not bad. They say a lot of stuff, but it is all to shape and mold the troops to be the fighting force that is needed.
Wow this is a great analogy my fren. The amazing thing is that on graduation day you see the purpose in all there actions and you actually kinda like and respect them. Ah good times 😁🙏
Is Q a psyop? Yes it is.
Does it mean it is a negative? No. Because the object of this psyop can be seen as a positive, as it awakens us from our deep slumber.
See what he did here? Just like with the term: conspiracy theory, the term Psyop is used to trigger an emotional response.
And did Q challenge us to take local action? Yes.
Did Q challenge us to take action on regional and state and federal level action? Yes.
From which point of view? Simply, to consider your civic duty in a greater scheme of things. Maga is carried by Q and the anons.
And where is the disservice in that?
So, what could the reason be to all of a sudden take this position? What is the value of him distancing himself from this movement?
I guess, some people came a bit to close? Or is it simply a means that has outlived it usefulness as the swell in people moving in a desired direction is big enough to sustain itself?
I dunno, but it seems to me to be geared towards plausible deniability.
Agreed. All the things he said are accurate. Local action is needed.
Please let's also note he called the psyop Q, not Qanon. Who calls the psyop that?
Only folks that are paying attention make the effort to not use qanon. Youre right
Sharp! Thank you!
To anyone who thought we would ever be vindicated.
Think again.
Trump is not the only one who has to take some arrows.
I've felt pretty vindicated on a lot of things already though.
Sure, the shit keeps happening and that sucks, but there has been a lot of vindication.
Riddle me this, if the powerful, decision making positions have ‘selected’ persons through a system controlled by fraud, how does a lowly local position, perhaps free of fraud, fix the system above? The higher ‘selection’ process is rigged against correction. So what is the fix (if not the military)? Perhaps MAGA winning local positions ensures we are in place in the process when the $hit goes down to secure continued integrity going forward in the post-deep state world?
The fact is…Q never said either.
Flynn was on X22! One of the biggest Q-focused podcasts. We can’t ignore that. He said he has respect for Dave called him a “big boy”. He clearly has listened to a lot of it and still went on it for the interview.
This does not make me think Gen. Flynn is anti-Q.
Anons do not typically believe in one specific thing. Some things are generally accepted but as far as solutions or actions for Anons to take, there isn’t anything set in stone.
Nothing about his comment disproves Q at all. It could simply be another point to prove that even people as Senior as Flynn don’t have to agree on everything. He could be just pushing certain discussion points.
He may even be on here reading the reactions here.
Stay salty frens.
We all know even many normies can see that Anons have been on the side of truth with events unfolding globally now. They just will never admit it. Until it smacks them in the face.
The issue is the disconnect between what Q provided, and how anons continue to interpret it.
Everyone knows that the primary criticism of Q is the implicit complacency among those who "follow" Q --- the WH military is currently in control (via CoG / Law of war / Devolution), and DJT is still President. IOW a complete inversion of all face value circumstances perceived by the American population (left and right).
None of which Q ever indicated. But it maintains as the most powerful narrative, here and elsewhere, and it completely recolors the interpretive lens of current events - these are not real world events with real world consequences, at least nothing that threatens a positive outcome (by 2024? 2028? 2030?) after some moving target precipice is reached.
So how on earth can those of us, springboarding off of Q interpreting the world today through this CoG / Law of War / Devolution, be able to work alongside patriots who absolutely reject all of that as wishful thinking and fantasyland? It's a major wedge in the MAGA movement. By design? Infiltration of Q influencers that have steered the movement towards this unofficial "you're watching a movie" narrative? I don't know, but it needs to get resolved one way or another.
Can anything say LOCAL ACTION louder than taking the time and effort to wake up family, friends, neighbors, and coworkers? What can be more important and fundamental than opening people’s eyes? If people are not awake neither local or national level politics will change.
Frankly, I don’t care if Q is technically a psyop, running alongside the efforts of President Trump, it has fueled an effective political movement that even the likes of Donna Brazile begrudgingly recognized. A movement that was hardly sitting and waiting when it lit up the RINOS phones and emails this week in support of Jim Jordan.
I’ll say it again, the fact President Trump is still standing in the face of unprecedented lawfare proves there is a plan.
FFS 🙄, I can't with the bullshit anymore. I am not listening to anyone but PDJT.
Trump said you need to be vaccinated though
lol 😂
Get the vax guys.
I am not on board with the idea that every single coincidence and the high frequency upper domain processes in awakening are all a larp.
Nor am I on board with the idea that this timeline can only be changed by some retarded 2d lower domain civil war.
Flynn is just a talking head. Not Jesus, Q, or Trump. So to this I say, whatever!
Don’t care. Trump retruths Q phrases daily, makes air Q with his hands, has never once disavowed Q when asked by legacy media, and Scavino does the same.
Think about it. If it was run by the deep state, Trump would be out of the loop. They wouldn’t tell him. So he would know if he isn’t doing it, the bad guys are. He obviously is in the loop, because he endorses it. He has to be in the loop. It’s the only thing that makes sense.
"disinformation necessary" - Q
Optics are not for people who have read the Q drops, optics are for the cabal to continue their playbook, that playbook is KNOWN, you allow them to continue opening the doors for you.
"What advantages might exist when you know the other sides playbook? Enjoy the show! Q"
I wouldn't be shocked to find out Pence was tasked to accept election stealing, not all is as it seems and do not make your minds up on anyone. Keep an open mind and keep discussing it with as many people as you can. Their greatest fear is people being awake to them, their plans and how they do it and a fully controlled movie would do just that wouldn't it?
Multiple countries aligned on Q drops, this is not a 4 year election, this is not just USA, the cabal infiltrated worldwide and to root them out you have to make them believe they are in control. Do not get caught up in that optical illusion. The optics are not for you, the drip > flood is not for you, and the flood is certainly not going to drown those who read the posts, a digital Noahs Ark. Backchannels are important!
I hear you about Pence bc of the Cristopher Miller comment BUT think Pence is 'dirty' and was forced to follow direction, not bc he is a 'really good guy'.
Its a minefield out there, I trust military, military intelligence, Trump and very few others in the grand scheme. You may very well be right regarding Pence, but for some reason I think his actions were purely part of the theatre. I guess we will all find out at some point?
Either pence playing the role of enemy
Or enemy pence playing the role of VP and white hats knew he wouldn't fold
Exactly, either way its taken care of. My view on people doesn't matter, of course some people in this movement are shills, some are paytriots, some are disinformation/misinformation agents, but my mind is open to finding out some of the people I currently dislike for various reasons/actions or lack of action may turn out to be true patriots. It wouldn't surprise me, I guess that is all I am saying there regarding Pence.
I like PSYOP in caps.
Yeah. Riiight. I saw him take the Q oath and WWG1WGA. Something fishy here.
I always find the comments to be very thought provoking...both pro AND con...gets the old noggin joggin'...
Well, all i know is Trump told him to get ready and serve
Part of the psyop/movie is to have THE PEOPLE stand up at some point. Imo it will take a cataclysmic event at some point ie economy collapse and/or nuke scare most people in America are still living as though they are in a fucking Enya video u/#q828 u/#q563
Please make it stop. For all the doubters and Debbie Downers may I remind you General Flynn wrote a book on this. Just stop. He is still on team Q.
This must be setting up for plausible deniability, we must be getting close. He came out for Q several times in past. Trump himself has given soooo many Q proofs. Now he does a 180?? Local action works to a point but we still can’t vote in people we need in the major positions like Governors, Congress, President. How are we supposed to get past that when we can’t get the major players on position to actually bring accountability and fix the system. I believe we are winning the information war and people are waking up but without anyone in office to bring accountability he’s then leaving us with only option to physically remove these corrupt people with some kind of citizens arrest. It doesn’t make sense that there would be no plan, not to mention but if there was no plan how in the world is Trump still alive??? They would’ve suicided him loooong ago if they could have
He's quite the Doomer, isn't he? Complains about people not getting out to do things at a local level yet we've been seeing the opposite of that...the truckers' convoy and the support for it may have been the final nail in Covid's coffin. And parents pushing back against sex trash in the schools, just to name two things off the top of my head. Little pebbles that signal an avalanche.
OH! And let's not forget that there are people turning towards God, or at least questioning a bit. On the boards that I frequent, I'm seeing much less of the "hur hur magical Sky Daddy" comments if someone mentions God and that's a good thing with potential.
And if the whole thing was a "psyop", what does that make you, Michael? Some sort of useful idiot perhaps?
My theory it's simple. Someone stop the cheating in 2016. This team is Q.
He took the oath with his family. He had merch with "WWG1WGA" and "Digital Soldiers" on it. He sent personal letters to supporters with "WWG1WGA" as a sign off. He followed mine, as well as tens of thousands of other, Twitter accounts who were obviously Q believers/followers. Many of his family members posted seemingly in support of Q... Make of it what you will.
It could be he's trying to do damage control on the misinterpreters of Q who sit back waiting for the military. I think the military is already busy but they still need our help and that's where Flynn comes in to tell us to do something.
All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near. - GEOTUS-TZU
Interesting. I don't believe what he's saying though.
The only thing Q has told people not to do is engage in violence. (Not even sure if that was specifically stated but it's the consensus). If people aren't getting active that is their mistake to fix. Anyone supporting Trump or even DeSantis could do the exact same thing we're accused of doing with Q by supporting him too much and expecting him to fix everything.
Everyone who has turned against Q seems to think we should have just stormed the Capitol for real with weapons or something and it's that pesky Q that stopped us. Truth is at that point normie boomer Republicans weren't remotely ready to side with us when push came to shove and we would have fallen flat. Every day we get more and more Americans to the point where they will side with us if SHTF. That's really what it's all about. Both sides want just enough public support that they can make their move and have the people in the middle land in their camp.
Imagine if it’s true that Trump was the CIC the entire time. If this gets out in the end wouldn’t there be a huge backlash?? He sat there and let this nonsense propagate the ruining of our country??
Not really. The normies would just keep going on doing that they are doing and nothing would change. There never seems to be any backlash. We said that about Brandon swearing in. That is the problem. We just keep waiting.
I think the operation that was Q was not as successful as whoever ran it had hoped.
Personally, I believe that the spirit of the great awakening is unstoppable, and if Q was meant to slow us down it backfired in classic CIA fashion, creating a new, less predictable problem for them.
We, the awakened ones, are far more powerful than even the idea of Q.
Is there anything Flynn could say that would lessen your belief in Q? If no, maybe you need to strongly consider that position. Everyone is capable of being wrong about something, even those on this site.
I'm not saying anything about the veracity of Q, but if you hold a position that no amount of evidence would dissuade you, you're in danger of believing something over the available evidence. Why? Could it be because that's what all WANT to happen, rather than what's really happening?
Everyone likes to talk about the "coincidences" of the Q movement, but what about the misses? "Trust Sessions" - How did that work out? Should we "Trust Sessions"?
The psyop is unshakable; all inconvenient information gets chalked up as optics or “disinformation is necessary”.
I think Flynn is a better General than a Salesman. Also to effect change locally, the people would need to know that change is needed- (system is broken) and IF you are in a Blue state like I am- that voting for a change- would result in a positive outcome- rather than another stolen election process.