Yes. If people would look more closely, he is QUOTING Joe. See the quotation marks, people? See the part where he thanks Joe? Joe Biden is the one claiming the Vax is curing cancer. Trump is claiming the lockdowns would have lasted 12 years without a vaccine.
On a related note, I believe the mostly harmless Omicron variant was the military's "vaccine" that was created thanks to Operation Warp Speed. The mRNA and adenovirus vaccines were put out by Cabal-controlled elements of DND in combination with Big Pharma. Not my theories...clues to all this was posted by others on GAW at the time.
And clearly taking credit for the contents of the quote. You can't ignore your way out of this. It's a problem. A very big problem. I'm not sure how many friends and family you have lost to the God forsaken thing, but I can tell it's not enough. The worst is yet to come. You will lose many. That doesn't even include the infertility crisis that is about to occur. Good, loving, potential parents who will never know the joy. He needs to step up for his role and explain it, apologize for it or be held accountable like everyone else involved needs to be. Facts. Feel free to dance around them.
Absolutely! Unfortunately until he comes forth and reveals the reasons and methods of his actions (truth) we are left to speculate (or theorize), dig and discover exactly the evidence of what the truth is. As Q stated : "Trust the plan" is applicable in almost any scenario we face today. There's a reason for "Warp Speed" he implemented and maybe clandestinely exposing the fact that cures are indeed available today and have been for a very long time is his ultimate goal? We'll have to be patience, stay focused on task at hand and keep digging for truths until such time.
Remember, without going into religious aspects, this is a realtime war of Good vs evil. The Khazarian Mafia (Baal) has dug in deep and one of their tactics was mastering "agriculture halucinogens" which morphed slowly into modern day Big Pharma to keep the people dumbed down.
Trust the plan. Q has not been wrong yet.
Stay safe and Godspeed to you and yours!
Then maybe you better trust what trump says. Maybe we are wrong about mrna? Maybe it's just to get the conversation started. Everything isnt face value in this game.
Hardly a revelation of truth. This has been discussed ad nauseam. The truth is much more complex than you think it is. He chose the option that resulted in less casualties and less damage had they locked us down for 10 years.
Q likes to talk about the Hunt for Red October. What happened in that movie when they launched a torpedo? They went towards the incoming torpedo before it had time to be armed, thus less damage. The metaphor can be applied with the 'vax'.
Don't start operation warpspeed - Lockdown for 10 years
Say the vax is bad - Media would have blamed Trump for all the 'covid deaths'
Quite the pickle. Like a good CiC he chose the option that resulted in less impact.
I've said it multiple times, their main goal is to wake up the populace so that the cabal can not take over again. This is war, there will be casualties. He exposed big pharma and also allowed us to not suffer the consequences of a 10 year lockdown.
No, they are 100% NOT vaccines. They are therapeutics.
Is Trump doing some linguistic legerdemain here, incorporating the "new (abusively wrong) definition" of vaccine to include HCQ and IVM? It's possible, because 5D chess and advanced level of genius. I'm not sure.
The narratives and actuals of the vaccines are being used to help get people to look at therapeutics and detoxificiation.
Not the vaccines in and of themselves through direct injection, but by waking people up and getting them into a sense of urgency big enough to look around.
By who? How?
“Saved us from Covid”
How did they do that? What was their purpose? Who is “us”?
“It all depends what your meaning of the word ‘is’ is.”
Yes, it's understandable that some are unable to put these things together and panic. We don't know the comms or the way they think. Fortunately some are able to decipher somethings, but too many go with gut reaction and emotions. Stop...breathe...think
It's just speculation at this time on our part. What I believe is that, since Dr. Malone said mRNA tech is extremely expensive and they could not have made billions of doses, then something else was being injected. Could it have been immunity from cancer? What Trump says is definitely intriguing.
Therapeutics refers to their use for treatment and therapy, but if they are being used to prevent disease, then they are not therapeutics but prophylactics.
Vaccine means a substance that is used to trigger an immunological response, but I don't think either IVer or HCQ do this exactly. Rather, they maintain a set of conditions that do not allow the disease in question to arise?
This one truth bothered me last night and I woke thinking about it. Maybe the original ones he sent out were safe and as he got out of office they changed them? I don’t know
How about this? What if Trump knowing that the fact checkers will salivate at the chance of proving Trump wrong, intentionally threw out there that the Vax cures cancer so the fact checkers will "Actually, the Vax CAUSES cancer". Then they sit back in their chairs with a smug grin, thinking they got one on Trump.
They may need approval because their use for Covid would be off label. I not exactly sure of the law on that but I think they do require it. If I am wrong please correct me.
MD's and DO's never need approval to use drugs off label. They've been doing it forever with no objections or repercussions from anyone.
It's simple: if in their professional medical opinion a substance would help a patient more than harm them, they can use it any time for any condition it will work for.
The goal is to help the patient. Or, at least, it was.
2020 was the first time a licensed, practicing MD ever said "I'm using these totally innocuous, safe drugs—with the fewest side effects of any pharmaceuticals, no less—for an off label purpose," and got any pushback whatsoever—let alone withering verbal and psychological abuse, professional assassination, and license cancellation. It is horrendously abusive to doctors, patients, and to the entire paradigm of being able to trust your doctor.
They, the deepstate, have literally destroyed the practice of medicine for the first time in thousands of years.
prophylactic - a medicine or course of action used to prevent disease.
vaccine - a substance used to stimulate immunity to a particular infectious disease or pathogen, typically prepared from an inactivated or weakened form of the causative agent or from its constituents or products.
Came here to say this; because of the vax, the truth about these long buried remedies came out, and more and more applications of these “miracle drugs” continue to emerge.
This man is constantly saying or posting things that at first seem wrong or not possible ONLY TO BE PROVED ABSOLUTELY RIGHT. Think he knows things we don't? Be patient and hold that critical judgement until he's finally proved wrong FOR THE FIRST TIME.
It’s hard to be patient when you’ve buried very close family members and are currently watching more die, due to that jab. And now I gotta hear this. I don’t care for word puzzles. If Trump meant Ivermectin and or HCQ, he should say. Otherwise I will still see loved ones lining up for what they will now believe fights cancer. I’m sick of the mind games. I’m sick of people dead or dying. Make it clear or stfu.
This- it's a bad message, period. The vax was a negative, period. Nothing good came from it. It didnt prevent transmission, it's questionable if it reduced symptoms, based on the fact that what it did was imprint on your immunity that the spike was friendly and not to attack it. (Immune System IgG3-IgG4 issue) now you have an injected person whose body will indefinitely crank out spike proteins with NO end in site. The spike ultimately inflammatory to your body. The degradation of your immune system by what happens with IgG3-IgG4, allows other dormant issues to creep up and go unchecked. We can also relate this to most of the vaxxies we know are always catching covid and every cold that comes around.
It's becoming very clear to average joe that the vax was bad. How many people do you know that have been affected by it? I am tired of burying vaxxed friends and relatives. Does Trump even get what's going on with it? This is huge for me. I am all in with him, but this is the kiss of death, literally.
The “anti-vaxxers” (people who bothered to actually do research) have been trying for ages to get people to pay attention. Most people couldn’t be bothered to spend two minutes doing any research, kept having their kids injected, as SIDS, autism, and big pharma control escalated out of control.
How do you change that death spiral? You have to SHOW the people (it’s called Great Awakening). My best friend did his college thesis years ago on vaccine injury. His professor refused to even discuss it. With the exception of truth seekers (labeled conspiracy theorists) your average person can’t be bothered to lift a finger to look into the ACTUAL TRUTH, they would rather be spoon-fed from their TV.
Q told us exactly what the plan was….
Sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth.
I agree with you, that this will be the way that people wake up. Couldn't agree more, people (NPCs) are talking about it now. The other message, Trump boasting about how because of him the vax was deployed and it saved all these lives. In regards to that specific message, he's being tone deaf or I am missing the 6D chess move. He could have just not spoken to this aspect and I would have been fine. From what I gather, what was deployed for the vax was not what was intended and that MIGHT be the 6D chess move, when he is called to task and drops the bomb that the vaccine that was originally intended was switched, but that is pure speculation on my behalf.
He could've said, vaccines are dangerous for the following reasons, held press conference, shown the thousands of studies. Show how big pharma runs the show. Show the corruption. Explain they are planning to release a virus but not to worry because it's mainly marketing and show all the instances they hyped the bullshit flus. Would've sparked national debate and probably less people would've gotten the shot when it was released. He could've even allowed Pfizer to do their thing and then show how dangerous it was and exposed them.
It would be nice if it were that easy. Ask the Frontline Doctors how that approach worked out for them.
As painful as it is, the public has to be SHOWN, in real life, how big pharma knowingly committed this atrocity against the people. One guy (Trump, or whoever) trying to warn people while the whole gov/media/Hollywood/medical cabal calls him a crazed lunatic doesn't work, and it didn't work when Trump tried to promote Hydroxychloroquine. To make it worse, every death they falsely labeled as "Covid" (most of the deaths) would be propagandized as blood on Trump's hands, because he "wrongly" stopped people from taking the shots.
Why even pretend the covid thing is real? I doubted the thing and it pained me that Trump didn't sign an executive order to lift lockdowns and allow people to live their lives. He pretended too and even went out of his way to tell people to get vaccinated. Not just release vaccine but say, go get it.
I’ve said before - I think a big part of the mRNA vaccines conspiracy, and why different vaccine lots effected people in different ways is that the rich fuckers in the world don’t want to die.
Basically, mRNA tech has been funded by a bunch of rich guys for decades with no return. The instant it became a viable technology, we coincidentally have an epidemic. Perfect time to roll out and test a wide variety of mRNA configurations to find what works, what doesn’t, what’s dangerous, what isn’t. The tech can be used to treat a variety of conditions caused by cellular expression. MRNA “Vaccines” are actually a crap way to even use the tech (they don’t do anything better than a traditional smallpox vaccine), complete smokescreen to get millions of test subjects. In truth, mRNA manipulation can be used to cure a variety of conditions, including cancer and aging.
That it whacked a lot of people in the process was seen as a cute side effect by the people that think there’s too many useless eaters.
So their real plan was to lock us down for 12 years? I appreciate what he did here. He gave us the option to decide for ourselves whether to take the jab or not but not be locked down for 12 years. They stole the election in 2020, they would have went right back into lockdown without the jab being available. I feel bad for those who were coerced or mandated but ultimately it was their decision to take the jab. I was mandated and refused, willing to lose my job over it, was granted a religious exemption because when I first was hired I asked for an exemption for the flu vaccine so I believe there was no legal way for them to refuse my jab exemption.
Yes to summarize that was the plan with a slow march to 2030 with a long depression and lost decade due to periodic lockdowns and unavoidable poison jabs.
My speculation is he is either talking about the technology behind the vaccine, or he is trying to reference IVM and HCQ but can't use those words because the left would twist them. Eat horse paste, drink clorox, etc.
It's a theory. I don't see Pharma allowing that too happen though. They have too much control of media and money to lose. It does, however, remind me of the Trump quote, "I take all of these slings and arrows, gladly, for you."
Yes, this. There's only so much truth that the Normie masses can absorb at one time. It has to be drip, drip, dripped out, or the MSM will take it and run with it, and it'll be discredited (in the public mind) for years to come.
There is reverse psychology too. If the cabal thinks they will be able to get people to take more injections with this new narrative, if President Trump swoops in and not only agrees, but demands credit too, it forces the corporate media to step back from this narrative, and less people get injected. I would say watch from here: does the corporate media keep pushing this narrative, and more people get injected, or do they back off, and less people get injected?
Big Media/Pharma claim: vax is great and could actually cure cancer.
Response: Omg thx; get your next booster and ‘Trust The Science’
Trump Claim: vax is great and could actually cure cancer. YOU’RE WELCOME.
Now, in order to cont their con they have to thank Trump and give him credit for curing cancer, OR, just ‘reeeeee, we cant trust trump and his science! They don’t cure cancer, they make it worse, investigate, holy shit, lock him etc.
HE WINS either way and in the end THEY LOSE regardless. COZY AF
Trump didn't necessarily agree that the vaccines saved us from Covid. His statement was focused on how long it took to get the vaccines out, which presumably derailed the Cabal's plan.
It may have derailed their plan of locking us up for 10+ years...but this whole mRNA stuff now has propelled genetic engineering into the spotlight and is exactly what they are using mRNA now for. To 'cure cancer' and other diseases. Look at how they are trying to turn every old vaccine into an mRNA one.
How much does it derail their plan when millions of people, including MAGA, are dying of the vaxx? Is that victory? We even lost the last 4 years to the Biden regime.
We even lost the last 4 years to the Biden regime.
Are you not aware that allowing them to steal the election was the plan all along? This four year period is crucial to SHOW THE PUBLIC (Great Awakening) how corrupt [they] are, while Trump can’t be blamed because he’s retired, playing golf, out of picture.
We didn’t lose anything, things are going exactly as planned, and unfortunately that plan means it’s still going to get worse (to wake people up) before it gets better. As Q prepared us… “It had to be this way”.
If we are in control enough to let them have the last 4 years (while the White Hats are still running things… or whatever) then the White Hats already had enough control to tell the truth about the vaxx and tell MAGA not to take it.
Is it “patriots are in control” unless we don’t give Biden 4 years?
Or is it “patriots are in control” unless we don’t implement Warp Speed?
then the White Hats already had enough control to tell the truth about the vaxx
Once again, for the ten bazillionth time, as Q tried to explain to us...
I understand that some people think it would be easier to simply TELL the public the truth, and I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with that, I'm simply pointing out that through the course of almost 5,000 Q drops, the plan was explained, and we're currently seeing it being played out in real life.
Anti-vaxxers have tried to warn people about shots for ages. Most people didn't listen. Ron Paul has been trying to warn people about the Federal Reserve for ages. Most people remain oblivious. People don't listen, they have to be shown, unfortunately, and those of us who are awake have to go through the darkness (now) to get to the light (our best days lay ahead) just like the sleeping masses do.
Trump knows way more than he lets on but obviously can’t reveal things that are classified, or anything that will be declassified at a certain date. With that stuff, he basically has to play along with the official narratives. It’s like Q said, if they came out and told the people the full truth about everything, nobody would believe them. It would sound so improbable, people would reject it. All credibility would be lost within the Information War.
What if Epstein wasn’t even murdered but was extracted and put into hiding? Then Tucker’s question about whether or not he did or didn’t kill himself is a binary where both positions are wrong. And imagine Trump is sitting there knowing the truth and also knowing that the public is only able to wrap their minds around two positions, both wrong. Does he introduce the third position that basically NOBODY believes and look crazy, does he repeat Tucker’s position which is also wrong and makes him look crazy-ish, or does he repeat the default position which is wrong but makes it difficult for them to attack him on it?
What Trump says and what Trump believes could be so far apart, and likely is so far apart, it's not even funny. I don't even bother trusting what he says anymore, I only trust why he says it. And that's good enough for me.
This should be given the 48-72 day, or maybe even 48-72 week rule.
I'm extremely skeptical of this, due to the never ending reports coming out about how these vaxxesess cause all manner of "turbo cancers," not to mention white alien looking clots.
Maybe there is a cure for cancer in shot form, but it's most likely not due to the clot shots
MRNA tech was a real problem when it was first proposed to fight cancer a decade ago. It isn't new but rather people are more aware and educated about it now.
Because of being more well informed now compared to 10+ years ago we have a better chance to push back against the poison jabs IMVHO.
You, u/Lawjic and a few others are the voices of reason here with respect to this truth post by POTUS. What a hot-button/emotional topic! As you were the first here (I think) to point out, POTUS is quoting what the Potatus said last night then adding a remark.
There are many clouds around Warp Speed, the initial jabs (including the military being the distributor), original vs current formulations, varying batches perhaps distributed during the Potatus administration to red vs blue states and, certainly, POTUS' stance on the issue through time, among other confusing aspects of the topic. I do hope someday we can get some clarity on all this.
You may also be right that POTUS is using this as an opportunity to get people talking about it. POTUS, as one recalls, was sitting on bad pharma's ass daily, had them in meetings with subsequent daily press conferences. Then Potatus just let bad pharma do whatever the hell they wanted, didn't seem to be paying much attention. Anything could have happened between those experimental drugs released (if they even were, aka not saline replacement) during POTUS' term and those released during this disastrous Potatus term. This may be a setup for a colossal cabal fall in the (hopefully near) future.
I am in wait and see mode with respect to DJT and his warp speed vax talk. He could have been tricked, it could have been a blind spot, but to think that after all this time he doesn't know better is too much for me to believe. And I don't believe he has ever praised the Pharma companies.
He has a plan. He is always several steps ahead. Think of all the things he has said and done in the past that left you scratching your head and then days or weeks later it made sense
“He shouldn’t say Obama wiretapped Trump Tower. Obama is bad but the FBI would never allow it! He is making himself look crazy! He needs better advisors!”
Trump's post has two parts. The first part is the FUCKING QUOTE from Joe Biden. That part is inside the quotation marks. The second part is Trump's response to the quote, IN ALL CAPS.
People should at least argue about the actual meaning of Trump's post instead of all these moronically incorrect interpretations.
I know the education system has dumbed people down, but this level of stupidity is ridiculous... and very depressing.
And forged a study in the Lancet to get it banned. And pulled it off shelves. And tried to take away medical licenses of doctors who prescribed it. And canceled prescriptions of people who were already taking it.
This should show people that Trump simply stating the truth about ANYTHING does not mean an automatic win. In some ways it might even make the situation worse.
POTUS needs better advisers. Not saying the vaxx can't be used for cancer but damn some say it causes cancer. He needs to say that he was lied to about the vaxx in the first place. People are waking up to the vaxx side effects. Now is not the time to be endorsing it.
Let's hope because this is a hard line for me and I cannot vote for him if he supports this crap and is so proud to have made it happen. I would like to vote for him based on so many other things, but after what I had to go through and live through because I refused the covid jab, that's my hill I'll die on. I don't care who tries to put me down about it or what they try to do to me. I'm standing firm.
Maybe its a com that even trump has made mistakes.....This has always been an issue with trump that has puzzled me. Why bring any vax stuff up now when he needs all the votes he can get? This is a major division issue for partially awake people...
this is really hurting his position with normie MAGA and floating voters, pushing these vaccines etc. I know if you look deep into it you can make sense of it but most dont and will just go back to sleep or turn to 3rd party candidates when we need to be winning them over...
I believe Trump is setting the trap at the moment for the left to go against him and expose how deadly and dangerous the "vaxxines" (because they are not vaccines) really are. election year and some stupid leftists will change course to try to prove Trump wrong, go against the narrative and reveal the truth behind the vaxx's. I really do not believe Trump believes in the vaxx. he knows they developed all this prior to the pandemic, so has been begging how short a time it took him wanting the left to come out and tell us it was alll done prior to Trump because it was their evil plan. that is my opinion.
He's talking about the real vaccines HCQ and Ivermectin.
Yes. If people would look more closely, he is QUOTING Joe. See the quotation marks, people? See the part where he thanks Joe? Joe Biden is the one claiming the Vax is curing cancer. Trump is claiming the lockdowns would have lasted 12 years without a vaccine.
On a related note, I believe the mostly harmless Omicron variant was the military's "vaccine" that was created thanks to Operation Warp Speed. The mRNA and adenovirus vaccines were put out by Cabal-controlled elements of DND in combination with Big Pharma. Not my theories...clues to all this was posted by others on GAW at the time.
Thank you for pointing this out as I missed it. He is quoting FJB and I think this has gone over most of our heads.
I'm guilty... headline misleading... and I'm workfagging so kinda hard to make time to validate
Yes exactly- he’s quoting Biden’s speech from last night:
And clearly taking credit for the contents of the quote. You can't ignore your way out of this. It's a problem. A very big problem. I'm not sure how many friends and family you have lost to the God forsaken thing, but I can tell it's not enough. The worst is yet to come. You will lose many. That doesn't even include the infertility crisis that is about to occur. Good, loving, potential parents who will never know the joy. He needs to step up for his role and explain it, apologize for it or be held accountable like everyone else involved needs to be. Facts. Feel free to dance around them.
Yup. I missed the quotes, too.
Good 👀, fren!
Yes he is and then he implies that praise should go to him. Father of the vaccine, operation warp speed.
Holy tent of Paul! I feel like an idiot. Totally misread that too. Thanks for being not dumb like me.
Absolutely! Unfortunately until he comes forth and reveals the reasons and methods of his actions (truth) we are left to speculate (or theorize), dig and discover exactly the evidence of what the truth is. As Q stated : "Trust the plan" is applicable in almost any scenario we face today. There's a reason for "Warp Speed" he implemented and maybe clandestinely exposing the fact that cures are indeed available today and have been for a very long time is his ultimate goal? We'll have to be patience, stay focused on task at hand and keep digging for truths until such time.
Remember, without going into religious aspects, this is a realtime war of Good vs evil. The Khazarian Mafia (Baal) has dug in deep and one of their tactics was mastering "agriculture halucinogens" which morphed slowly into modern day Big Pharma to keep the people dumbed down.
Trust the plan. Q has not been wrong yet. Stay safe and Godspeed to you and yours!
Except it was already prepared. He basically just bribed the necessary parties to bring it out ahead of schedule.
Probably "bribed" is not the right characterization. He used his executive authority to fast track the approval.
I don’t know. That contract Pfizer signed with the government is pretty insane.
Is that public? I know a few countries were leaked back then but don't remember if the US contract was one of them.
Was Trump a direct party to that?
This needs to be upvoted more.
Yeah, we need to attack the only person standing between us and the global cabal /s
Then maybe you better trust what trump says. Maybe we are wrong about mrna? Maybe it's just to get the conversation started. Everything isnt face value in this game.
What good will complaining about Trump and the vax do in the grand scheme of things?
Hardly a revelation of truth. This has been discussed ad nauseam. The truth is much more complex than you think it is. He chose the option that resulted in less casualties and less damage had they locked us down for 10 years.
Q likes to talk about the Hunt for Red October. What happened in that movie when they launched a torpedo? They went towards the incoming torpedo before it had time to be armed, thus less damage. The metaphor can be applied with the 'vax'.
Quite the pickle. Like a good CiC he chose the option that resulted in less impact.
I've said it multiple times, their main goal is to wake up the populace so that the cabal can not take over again. This is war, there will be casualties. He exposed big pharma and also allowed us to not suffer the consequences of a 10 year lockdown.
Those are not vaccines - are they?
Yes! The DS (CDC or FDC) changed the definition of "vaccine" so mRNA would fit. Unfortunately for them, HCQ and Ivermectin do too.
No, they are 100% NOT vaccines. They are therapeutics.
Is Trump doing some linguistic legerdemain here, incorporating the "new (abusively wrong) definition" of vaccine to include HCQ and IVM? It's possible, because 5D chess and advanced level of genius. I'm not sure.
^^^ THIS ^^^
The narratives and actuals of the vaccines are being used to help get people to look at therapeutics and detoxificiation.
Not the vaccines in and of themselves through direct injection, but by waking people up and getting them into a sense of urgency big enough to look around.
“Used” By who? How?
“Saved us from Covid” How did they do that? What was their purpose? Who is “us”?
“It all depends what your meaning of the word ‘is’ is.”
Yes, it's understandable that some are unable to put these things together and panic. We don't know the comms or the way they think. Fortunately some are able to decipher somethings, but too many go with gut reaction and emotions. Stop...breathe...think
It's just speculation at this time on our part. What I believe is that, since Dr. Malone said mRNA tech is extremely expensive and they could not have made billions of doses, then something else was being injected. Could it have been immunity from cancer? What Trump says is definitely intriguing.
Trump didn't say it. He's quoting Joe Biden's speech from last night.
Just a quibble on this.
Therapeutics refers to their use for treatment and therapy, but if they are being used to prevent disease, then they are not therapeutics but prophylactics.
Vaccine means a substance that is used to trigger an immunological response, but I don't think either IVer or HCQ do this exactly. Rather, they maintain a set of conditions that do not allow the disease in question to arise?
Prophylactics for before the illness, therapeutics for good
Yep. That's what I understand, anyway
They aren't jab but they prevent covid, so yes they are vaccines by definition.
So why didn't he mention them instead of talking about vaccines and 9 mth approval? HCQ and Ivermectin don't need approval. Weird.
He brought up HCQ early on and the media attacked him big time on it
I'm with you fren. I agree that something doesn't add up but I am trusting that this is somehow one of Trump's 5D chess moves.
lol! I see what you did there....
This one truth bothered me last night and I woke thinking about it. Maybe the original ones he sent out were safe and as he got out of office they changed them? I don’t know
How about this? What if Trump knowing that the fact checkers will salivate at the chance of proving Trump wrong, intentionally threw out there that the Vax cures cancer so the fact checkers will "Actually, the Vax CAUSES cancer". Then they sit back in their chairs with a smug grin, thinking they got one on Trump.
The media and scientific community attacked Trump when he mentioned HCQ at one of the daily White House updates during the fake pandemic.
If there was an alternative treatment for Covid, the FDA could not approve the emergency use authorization for the vaccines.
All of the legit doctors warning about the risks with the vaccines and naming alternate treatments were banned from social media.
It was the media, social sites, medical agencies and big pharma that deceived you.
Trump says he is taking hydroxychloroquine to protect against coronavirus, dismissing safety concerns
They may need approval because their use for Covid would be off label. I not exactly sure of the law on that but I think they do require it. If I am wrong please correct me.
MD's and DO's never need approval to use drugs off label. They've been doing it forever with no objections or repercussions from anyone.
It's simple: if in their professional medical opinion a substance would help a patient more than harm them, they can use it any time for any condition it will work for.
The goal is to help the patient. Or, at least, it was.
2020 was the first time a licensed, practicing MD ever said "I'm using these totally innocuous, safe drugs—with the fewest side effects of any pharmaceuticals, no less—for an off label purpose," and got any pushback whatsoever—let alone withering verbal and psychological abuse, professional assassination, and license cancellation. It is horrendously abusive to doctors, patients, and to the entire paradigm of being able to trust your doctor.
They, the deepstate, have literally destroyed the practice of medicine for the first time in thousands of years.
Will insurance pay if it is being prescribed off label?
In most cases yes, unless its super expensive
Don't think that's true.
prophylactic - a medicine or course of action used to prevent disease.
vaccine - a substance used to stimulate immunity to a particular infectious disease or pathogen, typically prepared from an inactivated or weakened form of the causative agent or from its constituents or products.
Q >> 'Learn Our Comm's'
No, that's not what Trump is talking about. He's talking about the clotshot
True story. From today's news.
Came here to say this; because of the vax, the truth about these long buried remedies came out, and more and more applications of these “miracle drugs” continue to emerge.
Oh sheeit. Could someone please inform Trump practically his entire base disagrees?
Because Ivermectin is being revealed as a cure for Covid which will cause billions to take it...
Indeed which is why this is going to be important information to keep spreading.
“Think mirror”.
Reverse each sentence.
Does it make more sense now?
Because the Deep State is the cancer that the vaccines are beating????
He's quoting Joe Biden, and highlighting that even if Biden's statements were true, he should be thanking Trump.
He's not necessarily saying that its true, tho.
Double DUH 🤭 Thank you.
He’s quoting Joe Biden. See the quotes?
Oh! Duh! Thanks, fren.
This man is constantly saying or posting things that at first seem wrong or not possible ONLY TO BE PROVED ABSOLUTELY RIGHT. Think he knows things we don't? Be patient and hold that critical judgement until he's finally proved wrong FOR THE FIRST TIME.
I know why..
Because Ivermectin is being revealed as a cure for Covid which will cause billions to take it...
Cures some cancers. Not a panacea. I bet there are way more cures that will be released/"discovered" when the cabal goes down.
I bet when the Cabal goes down, the entire list of carcinogens will be revealed, including childhood vaccines, factory food and household cleaners.
Did you know Ivermectin has been used in almost EVERY chemotherapy drug trial since it was developed ?
Yep perhaps the mrna exposure stops the harmful vaccinations of our population causing cancer when people wake up and stop raking them.
It’s hard to be patient when you’ve buried very close family members and are currently watching more die, due to that jab. And now I gotta hear this. I don’t care for word puzzles. If Trump meant Ivermectin and or HCQ, he should say. Otherwise I will still see loved ones lining up for what they will now believe fights cancer. I’m sick of the mind games. I’m sick of people dead or dying. Make it clear or stfu.
My ten cents.
This- it's a bad message, period. The vax was a negative, period. Nothing good came from it. It didnt prevent transmission, it's questionable if it reduced symptoms, based on the fact that what it did was imprint on your immunity that the spike was friendly and not to attack it. (Immune System IgG3-IgG4 issue) now you have an injected person whose body will indefinitely crank out spike proteins with NO end in site. The spike ultimately inflammatory to your body. The degradation of your immune system by what happens with IgG3-IgG4, allows other dormant issues to creep up and go unchecked. We can also relate this to most of the vaxxies we know are always catching covid and every cold that comes around.
It's becoming very clear to average joe that the vax was bad. How many people do you know that have been affected by it? I am tired of burying vaxxed friends and relatives. Does Trump even get what's going on with it? This is huge for me. I am all in with him, but this is the kiss of death, literally.
The “anti-vaxxers” (people who bothered to actually do research) have been trying for ages to get people to pay attention. Most people couldn’t be bothered to spend two minutes doing any research, kept having their kids injected, as SIDS, autism, and big pharma control escalated out of control.
How do you change that death spiral? You have to SHOW the people (it’s called Great Awakening). My best friend did his college thesis years ago on vaccine injury. His professor refused to even discuss it. With the exception of truth seekers (labeled conspiracy theorists) your average person can’t be bothered to lift a finger to look into the ACTUAL TRUTH, they would rather be spoon-fed from their TV.
Q told us exactly what the plan was….
It had to be this way (unfortunately)
Two messages or intents here, IMHO.
I agree with you, that this will be the way that people wake up. Couldn't agree more, people (NPCs) are talking about it now. The other message, Trump boasting about how because of him the vax was deployed and it saved all these lives. In regards to that specific message, he's being tone deaf or I am missing the 6D chess move. He could have just not spoken to this aspect and I would have been fine. From what I gather, what was deployed for the vax was not what was intended and that MIGHT be the 6D chess move, when he is called to task and drops the bomb that the vaccine that was originally intended was switched, but that is pure speculation on my behalf.
He could've said, vaccines are dangerous for the following reasons, held press conference, shown the thousands of studies. Show how big pharma runs the show. Show the corruption. Explain they are planning to release a virus but not to worry because it's mainly marketing and show all the instances they hyped the bullshit flus. Would've sparked national debate and probably less people would've gotten the shot when it was released. He could've even allowed Pfizer to do their thing and then show how dangerous it was and exposed them.
It would be nice if it were that easy. Ask the Frontline Doctors how that approach worked out for them.
As painful as it is, the public has to be SHOWN, in real life, how big pharma knowingly committed this atrocity against the people. One guy (Trump, or whoever) trying to warn people while the whole gov/media/Hollywood/medical cabal calls him a crazed lunatic doesn't work, and it didn't work when Trump tried to promote Hydroxychloroquine. To make it worse, every death they falsely labeled as "Covid" (most of the deaths) would be propagandized as blood on Trump's hands, because he "wrongly" stopped people from taking the shots.
Why even pretend the covid thing is real? I doubted the thing and it pained me that Trump didn't sign an executive order to lift lockdowns and allow people to live their lives. He pretended too and even went out of his way to tell people to get vaccinated. Not just release vaccine but say, go get it.
I'm sorry for your losses, fren. This war is a very hard & confusing one. I am terribly sorry
I've buried people too but I don't blame trump and this entire debacle has been a word game. We should be used to it by now.
Sorry Fren.
Please encourage them to join the "Beating Cancer Today" group on Facebook.
They will be surrounded by folks that have successfully followed the Joe Tippens protocol and others.
Don't let them lose hope. 🙏🤞
I’ve said before - I think a big part of the mRNA vaccines conspiracy, and why different vaccine lots effected people in different ways is that the rich fuckers in the world don’t want to die.
Basically, mRNA tech has been funded by a bunch of rich guys for decades with no return. The instant it became a viable technology, we coincidentally have an epidemic. Perfect time to roll out and test a wide variety of mRNA configurations to find what works, what doesn’t, what’s dangerous, what isn’t. The tech can be used to treat a variety of conditions caused by cellular expression. MRNA “Vaccines” are actually a crap way to even use the tech (they don’t do anything better than a traditional smallpox vaccine), complete smokescreen to get millions of test subjects. In truth, mRNA manipulation can be used to cure a variety of conditions, including cancer and aging.
That it whacked a lot of people in the process was seen as a cute side effect by the people that think there’s too many useless eaters.
So their real plan was to lock us down for 12 years? I appreciate what he did here. He gave us the option to decide for ourselves whether to take the jab or not but not be locked down for 12 years. They stole the election in 2020, they would have went right back into lockdown without the jab being available. I feel bad for those who were coerced or mandated but ultimately it was their decision to take the jab. I was mandated and refused, willing to lose my job over it, was granted a religious exemption because when I first was hired I asked for an exemption for the flu vaccine so I believe there was no legal way for them to refuse my jab exemption.
Yes to summarize that was the plan with a slow march to 2030 with a long depression and lost decade due to periodic lockdowns and unavoidable poison jabs.
My speculation is he is either talking about the technology behind the vaccine, or he is trying to reference IVM and HCQ but can't use those words because the left would twist them. Eat horse paste, drink clorox, etc.
Why does Trump need to worry about the media misunderstanding but not about us misunderstanding?
I think there could be another angle here. Where if Trump takes credit for it, the media could turn around and start trashing the jabs.
It's a theory. I don't see Pharma allowing that too happen though. They have too much control of media and money to lose. It does, however, remind me of the Trump quote, "I take all of these slings and arrows, gladly, for you."
Yes, this. There's only so much truth that the Normie masses can absorb at one time. It has to be drip, drip, dripped out, or the MSM will take it and run with it, and it'll be discredited (in the public mind) for years to come.
Or he made a mistake or was misled and won't admit it.
To the downvoters: Fact check - DJT is human.
There is reverse psychology too. If the cabal thinks they will be able to get people to take more injections with this new narrative, if President Trump swoops in and not only agrees, but demands credit too, it forces the corporate media to step back from this narrative, and less people get injected. I would say watch from here: does the corporate media keep pushing this narrative, and more people get injected, or do they back off, and less people get injected?
New definition for vaccine:
: a preparation that is administered (as by injection) to stimulate the body's immune response against a specific infectious agent or disease
Reality: vax causing spikes in cancers.
Big Media/Pharma claim: vax is great and could actually cure cancer.
Response: Omg thx; get your next booster and ‘Trust The Science’
Trump Claim: vax is great and could actually cure cancer. YOU’RE WELCOME.
Now, in order to cont their con they have to thank Trump and give him credit for curing cancer, OR, just ‘reeeeee, we cant trust trump and his science! They don’t cure cancer, they make it worse, investigate, holy shit, lock him etc.
HE WINS either way and in the end THEY LOSE regardless. COZY AF
Trump takes the arrows from his own base in order to save more lives. Noble.
Thank you!
Good take
Trump didn't necessarily agree that the vaccines saved us from Covid. His statement was focused on how long it took to get the vaccines out, which presumably derailed the Cabal's plan.
It may have derailed their plan of locking us up for 10+ years...but this whole mRNA stuff now has propelled genetic engineering into the spotlight and is exactly what they are using mRNA now for. To 'cure cancer' and other diseases. Look at how they are trying to turn every old vaccine into an mRNA one.
How much does it derail their plan when millions of people, including MAGA, are dying of the vaxx? Is that victory? We even lost the last 4 years to the Biden regime.
Are you not aware that allowing them to steal the election was the plan all along? This four year period is crucial to SHOW THE PUBLIC (Great Awakening) how corrupt [they] are, while Trump can’t be blamed because he’s retired, playing golf, out of picture.
We didn’t lose anything, things are going exactly as planned, and unfortunately that plan means it’s still going to get worse (to wake people up) before it gets better. As Q prepared us… “It had to be this way”.
If we are in control enough to let them have the last 4 years (while the White Hats are still running things… or whatever) then the White Hats already had enough control to tell the truth about the vaxx and tell MAGA not to take it.
Is it “patriots are in control” unless we don’t give Biden 4 years?
Or is it “patriots are in control” unless we don’t implement Warp Speed?
Either Patriots are in control, or not.
Once again, for the ten bazillionth time, as Q tried to explain to us...
I understand that some people think it would be easier to simply TELL the public the truth, and I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with that, I'm simply pointing out that through the course of almost 5,000 Q drops, the plan was explained, and we're currently seeing it being played out in real life.
Anti-vaxxers have tried to warn people about shots for ages. Most people didn't listen. Ron Paul has been trying to warn people about the Federal Reserve for ages. Most people remain oblivious. People don't listen, they have to be shown, unfortunately, and those of us who are awake have to go through the darkness (now) to get to the light (our best days lay ahead) just like the sleeping masses do.
As opposed to hundreds of millions if there was a 5-10 year lockdown.
Could be hundreds of millions even now.
I don’t believe God asks us to sacrifice some for the many.
I know he's not stupid so I just don't know why he keeps banging this drum. Time will tell.
Trump knows way more than he lets on but obviously can’t reveal things that are classified, or anything that will be declassified at a certain date. With that stuff, he basically has to play along with the official narratives. It’s like Q said, if they came out and told the people the full truth about everything, nobody would believe them. It would sound so improbable, people would reject it. All credibility would be lost within the Information War.
What if Epstein wasn’t even murdered but was extracted and put into hiding? Then Tucker’s question about whether or not he did or didn’t kill himself is a binary where both positions are wrong. And imagine Trump is sitting there knowing the truth and also knowing that the public is only able to wrap their minds around two positions, both wrong. Does he introduce the third position that basically NOBODY believes and look crazy, does he repeat Tucker’s position which is also wrong and makes him look crazy-ish, or does he repeat the default position which is wrong but makes it difficult for them to attack him on it?
What Trump says and what Trump believes could be so far apart, and likely is so far apart, it's not even funny. I don't even bother trusting what he says anymore, I only trust why he says it. And that's good enough for me.
Obliged, none of us have more than 20 percent of the truth. He knows way more.
And those who DO HAVE the entire truth are probably only allowed to share ~20% of it. 😕
He's going to have to speak plainly, clearly and fully about this issue before the election. We need some real answers.
To be honest I think the slow reveal will be after the election.
That will be a huge eureka moment for the US population and the world.
This should be given the 48-72 day, or maybe even 48-72 week rule.
I'm extremely skeptical of this, due to the never ending reports coming out about how these vaxxesess cause all manner of "turbo cancers," not to mention white alien looking clots.
Maybe there is a cure for cancer in shot form, but it's most likely not due to the clot shots
Covid and the vaccines are going to be a real problem going forward. I'm not impressed so far.
MRNA tech was a real problem when it was first proposed to fight cancer a decade ago. It isn't new but rather people are more aware and educated about it now.
Because of being more well informed now compared to 10+ years ago we have a better chance to push back against the poison jabs IMVHO.
I wish Trump would let go of this issue. The vax has killed millions of people!
Many I know won't vote for him because of this.
But they'll vote for communism and socialism for revenge, although he's the presumptive candidate and they won't have much of another choice.
The human race is truly stupid sometimes.
Actually, these people won't vote at all as they are utterly disgusted with both parties.
Truth right there ^^^
Well said
Then they sleep still. Wexwill donitvwithout them as usual.
And therein lies the problem. People need to stop thinking in divisive terms like parties and start using common sense.
Then they'll vote for the real cancer.
Then, why turbo cancer for everyone who took the VAX.
I so disagree with him on this.
It is a quote. Then he says You're Welcome Joe. Biden is the one who actually said it in the SOTU. (Full speech text here: )
The Boss is just using this opportunity to get people talking about it.
You, u/Lawjic and a few others are the voices of reason here with respect to this truth post by POTUS. What a hot-button/emotional topic! As you were the first here (I think) to point out, POTUS is quoting what the Potatus said last night then adding a remark.
There are many clouds around Warp Speed, the initial jabs (including the military being the distributor), original vs current formulations, varying batches perhaps distributed during the Potatus administration to red vs blue states and, certainly, POTUS' stance on the issue through time, among other confusing aspects of the topic. I do hope someday we can get some clarity on all this.
You may also be right that POTUS is using this as an opportunity to get people talking about it. POTUS, as one recalls, was sitting on bad pharma's ass daily, had them in meetings with subsequent daily press conferences. Then Potatus just let bad pharma do whatever the hell they wanted, didn't seem to be paying much attention. Anything could have happened between those experimental drugs released (if they even were, aka not saline replacement) during POTUS' term and those released during this disastrous Potatus term. This may be a setup for a colossal cabal fall in the (hopefully near) future.
I am in wait and see mode with respect to DJT and his warp speed vax talk. He could have been tricked, it could have been a blind spot, but to think that after all this time he doesn't know better is too much for me to believe. And I don't believe he has ever praised the Pharma companies.
Every time this comes up,i think hes talking about the regeneron treatment he had. Didnt he have something to do with that?
He's not praising the covid vax. He's quoting what Joe Biden said last night.
He's taking credit for it. What else had a 9 month approval time back then?
DACA applications... 😂🤣
Dude is out of touch with his base on this one.
He has a plan. He is always several steps ahead. Think of all the things he has said and done in the past that left you scratching your head and then days or weeks later it made sense
“He shouldn’t say Obama wiretapped Trump Tower. Obama is bad but the FBI would never allow it! He is making himself look crazy! He needs better advisors!”
Plus who is telling him that crap?
Then it's not his base he is speaking too.
His base hasn't left yet.
Trump's post has two parts. The first part is the FUCKING QUOTE from Joe Biden. That part is inside the quotation marks. The second part is Trump's response to the quote, IN ALL CAPS.
People should at least argue about the actual meaning of Trump's post instead of all these moronically incorrect interpretations.
I know the education system has dumbed people down, but this level of stupidity is ridiculous... and very depressing.
Well said. Still people not tapped into the game.
I love you Mr. Trump but I give a strong nod to HCQ and Ivermectin and a hard pass to the MRNA vax and boosters.
Remember when he mentioned HCQ. Media ran full attack campaign against him.
And forged a study in the Lancet to get it banned. And pulled it off shelves. And tried to take away medical licenses of doctors who prescribed it. And canceled prescriptions of people who were already taking it.
This should show people that Trump simply stating the truth about ANYTHING does not mean an automatic win. In some ways it might even make the situation worse.
Correct, not many former Presidents could have withstood half the constant badgering by the biased media, like President Trump did.
They do that with EVERYTHING he says.
POTUS needs better advisers. Not saying the vaxx can't be used for cancer but damn some say it causes cancer. He needs to say that he was lied to about the vaxx in the first place. People are waking up to the vaxx side effects. Now is not the time to be endorsing it.
Just playing devil's advocate here, but radiation can both cause (and treat) cancer. So it's not impossible.
You're right. Optics are important though. We know POTUS means/meant no harm but not everyone does.
I come here for truth. We must accept the truth no matter what it is. We must see reality for what it is.
Trump is praising the vaccines again. I don’t know why. But his message is as clear as day.
The bottom line, Trump is very smart strategist. There is a purpose to this. You either trust him or you don’t.
The vaxx is CAUSING cancer, not curing it. This isn't even debatable.
Warp Speed
Because that's how we learned about Ivermectin.
There’s got to be so much more to his public MRNA stance, It almost feels like a taunt and he’s provoking a desired response from his opposition
Let's hope because this is a hard line for me and I cannot vote for him if he supports this crap and is so proud to have made it happen. I would like to vote for him based on so many other things, but after what I had to go through and live through because I refused the covid jab, that's my hill I'll die on. I don't care who tries to put me down about it or what they try to do to me. I'm standing firm.
Think better. Emotion isn't thinking.
Oh BS so you will vote DEMONrat because hey they did so much better.
They MANDATED the crap not Trump
Amazing how you think I'd automatically vote democrat just because I said I wouldn't vote for Trump. Way to be triggered.
What other option is there?
Nikki Haley or RFJ a DEMONrat.
I cringed when I read this :(
I think what he is saying is they have a new cancer vaccine.
Maybe its a com that even trump has made mistakes.....This has always been an issue with trump that has puzzled me. Why bring any vax stuff up now when he needs all the votes he can get? This is a major division issue for partially awake people...
Think mirror!
The truth? The vaccines cause people get covid even more often.
The truth? … are now causing more Cancer.
this is really hurting his position with normie MAGA and floating voters, pushing these vaccines etc. I know if you look deep into it you can make sense of it but most dont and will just go back to sleep or turn to 3rd party candidates when we need to be winning them over...
I think this is a "only pay attention to the caps" post.
ME TOO. Why caps the last part of it. He does a lot in code
I believe Trump is setting the trap at the moment for the left to go against him and expose how deadly and dangerous the "vaxxines" (because they are not vaccines) really are. election year and some stupid leftists will change course to try to prove Trump wrong, go against the narrative and reveal the truth behind the vaxx's. I really do not believe Trump believes in the vaxx. he knows they developed all this prior to the pandemic, so has been begging how short a time it took him wanting the left to come out and tell us it was alll done prior to Trump because it was their evil plan. that is my opinion.