The Azure outage was indeed a Microsoft problem There were two issues: parts of Azure down, then Crowdstrike took a shitload of servers and clients down. Re-read the first sentence in the posting.
Ok, even so, this whole thing doesn't make a lot of sense to me. AI does not need to be in a public cloud, why would they risk that? Only reason I can think is they can't find someone to run some GPUs privately, which seems not correct.
I don't say that the theory above makes sense or not, but Microsoft with Azure is hard into AI. I've been on the Microsoft Business Summit in Frankfurt, Germany in 2019, and me and my co-worker expected to learn about M365, implementation strategies, cloud readyness shit, identity management, and we got that. But there was a huge focus on Microsoft's AI capabilities and the impact of cloud computing -they called it shared intelligence- to the business world.
Funny enough this was a few months before Covid, Microsoft Teams got pushed hard in the last quarter of 2019, and then the whole world got locked down and we as businesses were still able to communicate over distance. Until then Teams was a better Skype, but it improved quickly, and became -next to Zoom- the tool to keep businesses alive. They didn't want to kill the economy, but now they got a grab on a large ammount of data processed in Teams calls and Sharepoint, this data can only be analyzed by AI, aka self learning supercomputers.
Don't think for a second Microsoft hasn't access to this data. They claim it's encryptet, yeah, but the hold the encryption keys. The whole way Microsoft Federation Services works gives them the key to the Kingdom. They -and so we- have literally everything. It works both ways.
What AI applications are hosted on Azure can only be speculated, but it could be a not too far fetched scenario that an AI model acting as the sitting President of the US could run on Microsoft servers. We don't know, what this company is capable of. We were tought to hate Microsoft because of their stupid vulnerabilities, because of their monopoly, because of Bill Gates, but in reality, MS rules the world of business data due to M365.
Their newest coup is an AI called Copilot, something that nests deep into M365 tenants to index all of your data for the greater good of improving your daily business. Yeah, for sure.
Long rant with no clear point taken, but we are dealing with stuff we don't want to understand. It's bad, or WHs took over and use all the data for good. We'll find out.
To the public, I agree. But what are they really capable of? I don't have proof of what's going on in the dark, but MS is such a sinister, fraudulent company, I don't trust them as a whole. My boss calls me paranoid, but I leave him with naggin' doubts when we talk about if MS can be trusted. That's part of what he pays me for. BCM is underestimated to many deciders when it comes to MS. Azure down, poof, game over. We made us dependent to a cabal company.
But, it works both ways...
The "we have it all" is because they have it all. Q is a man in the middle. I think Mike Rogers is part of Q. And then, we really have it all.
I’m in IT and have some cloud exp but only dip my toe into the ai/ml space.
This was my thought as well … nothing special.
Additionally it would be INSANELY stupid for them to host such a thing in the cloud. There is no reason to do so cuz it only adds risk with very little to no gain…. Plus a huge compute bill paper trail tying back to somewhere. Best to keep something like this air gapped or at least on prem somewhere MAYBE with emergency level remote access.
What if the theory is true that the main cloud AIs are digital ouija boards, i.e. demons or nephilim offspring are what is behind the curtain? Difference between computer answers and really intelligent-looking answers?
Remember those videos of him on that white house "stage" that we never saw before his (p)Residency?? That looked fake AF, and could totally fit this narrative. I'd be cool with the hackers showing video of that stage with a bunch of AI zombies just to show the whole thing is fake
As hind sight is 20-20. You could say all of it is according to plan. The implementation of communist wish list was surely going to cause so much destruction that ChinaJoe was a one and done. If this AI is real, he may have been incapacitated for a long time. The debate was a masked actor designed to give the democrats the opportunity to continue the replacement plan.
So much crazy since the Kenyans arrival. Its hard to know what to believe.
I didn't say he did. I just said you can't confirm that he didn't.......
.......incidentally, if you don't think green-screens are being deployed on the world "stage", you might want to start with Q Drop #1, read them all, sift through some QResearch, and try to wrap your mind around the concept of 5th Gen Warfare.
If Democrats steal another election this year, will that be part of Q’s “plan” and “movie” too? I think the Qannon op will be determined to be fake or not depending on if another steal happens..
But they did show video of Jill having to help Joe down the steps to talk with the reporters after Trump left the stage, why would they do that? To help with the narrative that Joe is feeble?
Q+? He wouldn't have to tell the difference between anything. That dilemma would never have been presented.
He'd have been a part of the production.
Trump has doubles. He's deployed Deep Fakes on several occasions, (most notably his post Jan 6. video speech). Trump is an entertainment producer. This is his forte.
Not saying the debate was Deep Faked, but his opponent sure AF was wearing a mask.
Could've been an actor. AI would've performed much better.
If this theory is true, actors would make sense for occasional live appearances, especially with little dialog. And this jives with all the very mindful handlers.
There was a post here and/or on YouTube about how the SeeAyeAyy invented human face masks in 1993 that were so realistic, that you could be talking to someone wearing one of these masks, and you wouldn’t be able to realize it was a fake mask.
It could have been the actor in the head mask. Since there was no live audience (witnesses), the video we saw could have been sliced and diced all kinds of ways. If Trump complained about it, we'd never hear about it in the mainstream new media.
Not sure I buy it 100%. Taking Biden out on "ice cream" day wasn't a forced accident. That had to have been planned all along. Still, that doesn't mean there is no truth at all to the above story. Good perspective to keep in mind.
An added wrinkle is that India is calling the blackout a “hack.” Their largest crypto company, WazirX, had 230+ million go poof. That’s almost half of their reserve. Some reporting it was stolen and converted to Etherium.
Weird that it’s not being reported here (that I’ve run across), but is all over the net.
Ai was spending my money, signing laws. Vetoing bills, jailing and ordering raids and killing opponents? This is beyond huge. No federal appointee is legitimate including garland.
Many theorize Biden is dead, executed for treason, perhaps back around the same time no name was eliminated.
Trump told us they were going to steal the election.
Perhaps white hats let them steal the election. Fox news calling the election for Biden in Arizona before all the votes were counted was part of the movie.
Perhaps all the courts refusing to take any election cases for "No Standing" was part of the movie.
Biden hiding out in his basement in 2020 instead of hitting the campaign trail limited exposure of the plan.
Perhaps white hats needed this 4 year Biden presidency to process all the military tribunals, sort out foreign government / globalist involvement within the Obama administration, investigate all the financial crimes (following the money) and lure more deepstate actors into the sting operation.
Opened up the border to see where these children and drugs were being trafficked.
Q told us, "The [D] party will cease to exist once it's all exposed."
White hats created a fake AI Biden on Azure for all the deepstate actors to collude with, commit their treasonous crimes against the country/people. Why stop any enemy when they are digging their own grave?
This Azure system would explain all the green screen mistakes we saw at the start of Biden's term. Hand passing through microphones, top of his head disappearing as he walked through the White House.
Recently, Biden's debate with Trump destroyed any chance at reelection for himself. This was a white hat creation, hence nobody was allowed to attend the debate. Biden still refuses to step down from the election race. This pushes the deepstate into coup mode to remove Biden. Perhaps the deepstate has gotten wise at this point and realize Sleepy Joe (the masked man / AI version) is working for the white hats. The deepstate take out the Azure server eliminating the white hat's ability to create the AI version of Biden. Perhaps the whites took it down themselves, not needed any longer.
We are far enough along in the plan it didn't matter, it was time to put the fake Biden down for his dirt nap anyway. Joe tweets out, "I am sick". It was time to move in Kamala so the chapter on "Natural born Citizen" can take place.
The Crowdstrike outage eliminated the intrusion protection for all these corporate servers, evidence was gathered. These corporations were taking orders from the globalists, disrupting our society. Perhaps white hats were following the money, payouts to all these CEO's to push this DEI, trannry, LGBT crap on the people.
If Biden was AI wouldn’t he come off more polished? Instead he slurred and stumbled on words during the debate... on the other hand we are watching a movie and everything we see is by design.
AI is usually just a few gigabytes, they don’t need zettabytes to do AI voices and videos. Lol
Second, the whole point of Space Force was to put white hat servers in space where they can’t be hacked or easily destroyed by conventional munitions or strike teams.
If you want to hack WH servers you need an astronaut and a space craft that can locate where the WH parked it, probably in some Lagrange point 100,00 miles above the dark side of moon.
Technologically speaking, an android could easily be built that could internally house all the SSD memory it needs for a LLM for speech and locomotion. Fortunately, the limitations of androids disappear if you are only trying to create a simulacrum of a 90 year old man with dementia. Like, Joe Biden is slow, not agile, speaks slurred and incoherent. On top of that, most of the questions asked of him are known beforehand, and as a politician he usually doesn’t respond to what he was asked he just says what he has been trained to say.
The Crowdstrike was black hat. Microsoft / CS is 100% CIA. This was blinding the CIA.
CrowdStrike fixes start at “reboot up to 15 times” and get more complex from there — Ars Technica. CrowdStrike has released a patch that addresses a series of vulnerabilities requiring users to reboot their systems multiple times.
The official narrative is that if you have a bad update, by the 17th power cycle, the issue might fix itself. Let that sink in.
This sounds like more than a theory. It's too specific to be a "theory". It's either bullshit or this person has some level of knowledge. Fascinating if it's the latter.
I work in cyber security. I do have a theory, though it is based purely on publicly available data and to be clear, I have no access to information on the machinations of the cabal in this regard.
That being said, I assumed that the Crowdstrike "bug" was related to the assassination attempt given the close proximity in time.
I've seen the decompiled code for the Crowdstrike update. No way in hell that could pass QA. The problem is too prolific and obvious. So regardless of the reason, I'm positive the update was knowingly pushed out.
Let's say you just tried to assassinate the real POTUS and you have a number of people involved with this plot. The Crowdstrike update is a wonderful way to destroy evidence because now anyone with a bricked laptop or server has complete cover to reimage that laptop/server. Easy rationale for data destruction for specific bad actors hidden behind a worldwide disruption.
Joe Biden appeared in public today, or the actor/body double they're pretending is Joe Biden did. And since we know they have an actual physical version everyone is pretending is the real Joe Biden how utterly absurd is it to think they're using some cloud hosted AI version?
Seems plausible but they clearly do have someone playing Biden at the few public events they have. So who is that and why couldn't they just sit in front of a camera?
Makes total sense.
Now, is it true, and how would we prove it?
Ignoring Microsoft as causing computer problems...
.... is kind of like ignoring the vax as causing health problems.
Can anyone see the common denominator?
Yeah, Bill Gates modus operandi
Does the name rhyme with Shmill Shmates?
Grill Grates even
At Libs Leg
Most likely pissing all over it.
Hill Hates
Quill Quates.
Dill Dates
It wasn't a Microsoft problem aside from it affected their products. Like bad gas in a new car...
The Azure outage was indeed a Microsoft problem There were two issues: parts of Azure down, then Crowdstrike took a shitload of servers and clients down. Re-read the first sentence in the posting.
Ok, even so, this whole thing doesn't make a lot of sense to me. AI does not need to be in a public cloud, why would they risk that? Only reason I can think is they can't find someone to run some GPUs privately, which seems not correct.
I don't say that the theory above makes sense or not, but Microsoft with Azure is hard into AI. I've been on the Microsoft Business Summit in Frankfurt, Germany in 2019, and me and my co-worker expected to learn about M365, implementation strategies, cloud readyness shit, identity management, and we got that. But there was a huge focus on Microsoft's AI capabilities and the impact of cloud computing -they called it shared intelligence- to the business world.
Funny enough this was a few months before Covid, Microsoft Teams got pushed hard in the last quarter of 2019, and then the whole world got locked down and we as businesses were still able to communicate over distance. Until then Teams was a better Skype, but it improved quickly, and became -next to Zoom- the tool to keep businesses alive. They didn't want to kill the economy, but now they got a grab on a large ammount of data processed in Teams calls and Sharepoint, this data can only be analyzed by AI, aka self learning supercomputers.
Don't think for a second Microsoft hasn't access to this data. They claim it's encryptet, yeah, but the hold the encryption keys. The whole way Microsoft Federation Services works gives them the key to the Kingdom. They -and so we- have literally everything. It works both ways.
What AI applications are hosted on Azure can only be speculated, but it could be a not too far fetched scenario that an AI model acting as the sitting President of the US could run on Microsoft servers. We don't know, what this company is capable of. We were tought to hate Microsoft because of their stupid vulnerabilities, because of their monopoly, because of Bill Gates, but in reality, MS rules the world of business data due to M365.
Their newest coup is an AI called Copilot, something that nests deep into M365 tenants to index all of your data for the greater good of improving your daily business. Yeah, for sure.
Long rant with no clear point taken, but we are dealing with stuff we don't want to understand. It's bad, or WHs took over and use all the data for good. We'll find out.
I do AI and ML services for a major integrator. Msft infra in azure for AI is nothing special.
They are big into it, but so is everyone.
Fellow IT pede here, always good to know the whitehats:)
Customers of my company do as well.
"Msft infra in azure for AI is nothing special."
To the public, I agree. But what are they really capable of? I don't have proof of what's going on in the dark, but MS is such a sinister, fraudulent company, I don't trust them as a whole. My boss calls me paranoid, but I leave him with naggin' doubts when we talk about if MS can be trusted. That's part of what he pays me for. BCM is underestimated to many deciders when it comes to MS. Azure down, poof, game over. We made us dependent to a cabal company.
But, it works both ways...
The "we have it all" is because they have it all. Q is a man in the middle. I think Mike Rogers is part of Q. And then, we really have it all.
I’m in IT and have some cloud exp but only dip my toe into the ai/ml space.
This was my thought as well … nothing special.
Additionally it would be INSANELY stupid for them to host such a thing in the cloud. There is no reason to do so cuz it only adds risk with very little to no gain…. Plus a huge compute bill paper trail tying back to somewhere. Best to keep something like this air gapped or at least on prem somewhere MAYBE with emergency level remote access.
AI needs ALOT of computing power, something only large infrastructures, like Azure, can provide. And Azure wouldn't be considered public either
That's not true. It requires a lot of compute to TRAIN a model. And even then many companies use local compute for this stage.
Remember they're arrogant and not the brightest. Pepe Farms remembers the jackass inquiring how to erase data for a "vip" on Reddit
fair point...seems this is a bigger scandal if true to be honest. it's wild to think they'd be that stupid. but fair point.
What if the theory is true that the main cloud AIs are digital ouija boards, i.e. demons or nephilim offspring are what is behind the curtain? Difference between computer answers and really intelligent-looking answers?
might as well be, AI is almost as much smoke and mirrors. It needs to be renamed, it's not intelligent.
Like bad gas in a new car... ---- without a fuel-water separator
Like cornflake without the milk
Corn Pop.
Cornholio 🍿🍿🍿
Yea, but that new car is a Ford Pinto.
Can we put out an open request on behalf on the American people for the hackers to put out a brief Biden video of him someplace weird?
Remember those videos of him on that white house "stage" that we never saw before his (p)Residency?? That looked fake AF, and could totally fit this narrative. I'd be cool with the hackers showing video of that stage with a bunch of AI zombies just to show the whole thing is fake
That would indeed be epic
ice cream cone in each hand. goes to lick one, and it falls off. goes to lick the other, and it falls off. he says, "C'mon, man!"
Skate-boarding Biden would be my suggestion.
Surfing with Zuck!
Or... drinking adrenochrome on little st james... right zuck?
Pepe farms remembers...
They should show oBiden out golfing Trump and getting a hole-in-one at Pebble Beach!
Ask the hacker(s)?
Imagebord site full of autists and nerds, but they have a politically incorrect community where they do their research. Quite amazing sometimes
The chans are where Q posted starting in October 2017. There is 4chan, 8chan, and 8kun.
Any chance the hackers were white hats?
I have the same question.
Good idea!
As hind sight is 20-20. You could say all of it is according to plan. The implementation of communist wish list was surely going to cause so much destruction that ChinaJoe was a one and done. If this AI is real, he may have been incapacitated for a long time. The debate was a masked actor designed to give the democrats the opportunity to continue the replacement plan.
So much crazy since the Kenyans arrival. Its hard to know what to believe.
Ok then who tf was Trump debating then?
Does NOT make total sense
When I read AI Joe it reminds of one of my favorite toys as a kid.
GI Joe > AI Joe
A real American hero > A fake American zero
I'm holding out for the Kung Foo grip.
Boebert? /s (LOL couldn't resist)
wow. there's a memory!!!
Ok, then who was at the debate?
Well, there was no studio audience for the first time ever. So, no one to confirm that this debate was actually live and not CGI'd.
Trump was there. He cooperated with this scheme?
Q+? Absolutely.
Its a movie. He's reiterated this over the years more than just about anything else.
He's only said "Central Casting" a bazillion times, to get us to pay attention.
Might explain why neither one of them shook hands before or after the debate!
I had more people than I can think of...slooooowly waking from their Slumber...after that debate ;) Brilliant Move!
You’ve entered “unhinged from reality” territory. Lol
Exactly, what an idiotic theory.
What's more idiotic is assuming a theory you yourself cannot definitively prove is idiotic. No offense just a little advice.
Trump did not have a debate with a green screen. What the hell are you smoking…
I didn't say he did. I just said you can't confirm that he didn't.......
.......incidentally, if you don't think green-screens are being deployed on the world "stage", you might want to start with Q Drop #1, read them all, sift through some QResearch, and try to wrap your mind around the concept of 5th Gen Warfare.
If Democrats steal another election this year, will that be part of Q’s “plan” and “movie” too? I think the Qannon op will be determined to be fake or not depending on if another steal happens..
Did you just say Qannon?
Say no more. Your glow speaks for itself. 🤡
? Ok… You didn’t answer my question. What happens if democrats steal it again, is that part of Q’s plan?
Are you insinuating Bannon is Q, by speaking of him as "Qannon"?
But they did show video of Jill having to help Joe down the steps to talk with the reporters after Trump left the stage, why would they do that? To help with the narrative that Joe is feeble?
No audience at the inauguration either
You think Trump would not be able to tell the difference?
Q+? He wouldn't have to tell the difference between anything. That dilemma would never have been presented.
He'd have been a part of the production.
Trump has doubles. He's deployed Deep Fakes on several occasions, (most notably his post Jan 6. video speech). Trump is an entertainment producer. This is his forte.
Not saying the debate was Deep Faked, but his opponent sure AF was wearing a mask.
Its all a movie
Its all a movie.
Is it though?
West coast Bidan.
Hah. Like the Blue Man Group, we've got regional performing POTATOUS'
Could've been an actor. AI would've performed much better.
If this theory is true, actors would make sense for occasional live appearances, especially with little dialog. And this jives with all the very mindful handlers.
There was a post here and/or on YouTube about how the SeeAyeAyy invented human face masks in 1993 that were so realistic, that you could be talking to someone wearing one of these masks, and you wouldn’t be able to realize it was a fake mask.
It could have been the actor in the head mask. Since there was no live audience (witnesses), the video we saw could have been sliced and diced all kinds of ways. If Trump complained about it, we'd never hear about it in the mainstream new media.
It's a good theory and I gave it an updoot.
Not sure I buy it 100%. Taking Biden out on "ice cream" day wasn't a forced accident. That had to have been planned all along. Still, that doesn't mean there is no truth at all to the above story. Good perspective to keep in mind.
WH is not White Hats. His meaning is White House I think!. Jus sayin because it makes more sense that way!
So they actually made a real Max Headroom?
No coincidence that the film was called '20 Minutes into the Future'
If his entire existence was a deep fake, then why do they keep on making him sniff children and act senile?
I mean, if you’re gonna fake him you at least have to make it be believable… 🤣
Completely "plausible" but regardless - what a fun little read. Hopefully if this is close to what happened it gets declassed in my lifetime. NCSWIC!
An added wrinkle is that India is calling the blackout a “hack.” Their largest crypto company, WazirX, had 230+ million go poof. That’s almost half of their reserve. Some reporting it was stolen and converted to Etherium.
Weird that it’s not being reported here (that I’ve run across), but is all over the net.
Interesting theory
Ai was spending my money, signing laws. Vetoing bills, jailing and ordering raids and killing opponents? This is beyond huge. No federal appointee is legitimate including garland.
Nor Ketanji the non-biologist.
This could explain a lot...time will tell
So someone really did steal Joe.
Trying to make sense of this.
This post may have some plausibility.
Q told us we were watching a movie.
Many theorize Biden is dead, executed for treason, perhaps back around the same time no name was eliminated.
Trump told us they were going to steal the election.
Perhaps white hats let them steal the election. Fox news calling the election for Biden in Arizona before all the votes were counted was part of the movie.
Perhaps all the courts refusing to take any election cases for "No Standing" was part of the movie.
Biden hiding out in his basement in 2020 instead of hitting the campaign trail limited exposure of the plan.
Perhaps white hats needed this 4 year Biden presidency to process all the military tribunals, sort out foreign government / globalist involvement within the Obama administration, investigate all the financial crimes (following the money) and lure more deepstate actors into the sting operation.
Opened up the border to see where these children and drugs were being trafficked.
Q told us, "The [D] party will cease to exist once it's all exposed."
White hats created a fake AI Biden on Azure for all the deepstate actors to collude with, commit their treasonous crimes against the country/people. Why stop any enemy when they are digging their own grave?
This Azure system would explain all the green screen mistakes we saw at the start of Biden's term. Hand passing through microphones, top of his head disappearing as he walked through the White House.
Recently, Biden's debate with Trump destroyed any chance at reelection for himself. This was a white hat creation, hence nobody was allowed to attend the debate. Biden still refuses to step down from the election race. This pushes the deepstate into coup mode to remove Biden. Perhaps the deepstate has gotten wise at this point and realize Sleepy Joe (the masked man / AI version) is working for the white hats. The deepstate take out the Azure server eliminating the white hat's ability to create the AI version of Biden. Perhaps the whites took it down themselves, not needed any longer.
We are far enough along in the plan it didn't matter, it was time to put the fake Biden down for his dirt nap anyway. Joe tweets out, "I am sick". It was time to move in Kamala so the chapter on "Natural born Citizen" can take place.
The Crowdstrike outage eliminated the intrusion protection for all these corporate servers, evidence was gathered. These corporations were taking orders from the globalists, disrupting our society. Perhaps white hats were following the money, payouts to all these CEO's to push this DEI, trannry, LGBT crap on the people.
Very interesting times.
WH = White Hats here in this post, right?
No ...White House
Very confusing, especially if Trump had a debate with AI.
If Biden was AI wouldn’t he come off more polished? Instead he slurred and stumbled on words during the debate... on the other hand we are watching a movie and everything we see is by design.
That would explain why Trump was acting different towards Biden. However, there were tons of reporters there... so, I don't buy this theory.
I think reporters were moved to another location.
This is not true, I use Azure GCC High (Government cloud) for my job and had no issues.
AI is usually just a few gigabytes, they don’t need zettabytes to do AI voices and videos. Lol
Second, the whole point of Space Force was to put white hat servers in space where they can’t be hacked or easily destroyed by conventional munitions or strike teams.
If you want to hack WH servers you need an astronaut and a space craft that can locate where the WH parked it, probably in some Lagrange point 100,00 miles above the dark side of moon.
Technologically speaking, an android could easily be built that could internally house all the SSD memory it needs for a LLM for speech and locomotion. Fortunately, the limitations of androids disappear if you are only trying to create a simulacrum of a 90 year old man with dementia. Like, Joe Biden is slow, not agile, speaks slurred and incoherent. On top of that, most of the questions asked of him are known beforehand, and as a politician he usually doesn’t respond to what he was asked he just says what he has been trained to say.
The Crowdstrike was black hat. Microsoft / CS is 100% CIA. This was blinding the CIA.
CrowdStrike fixes start at “reboot up to 15 times” and get more complex from there — Ars Technica. CrowdStrike has released a patch that addresses a series of vulnerabilities requiring users to reboot their systems multiple times.
The official narrative is that if you have a bad update, by the 17th power cycle, the issue might fix itself. Let that sink in.
17th ... indeed.
Only thing to me does not make sense is why would they create an AI Biden that is so flawed.
Why try and fool people with AI Airplane that crashes on ever flight?
This sounds like more than a theory. It's too specific to be a "theory". It's either bullshit or this person has some level of knowledge. Fascinating if it's the latter.
I work in cyber security. I do have a theory, though it is based purely on publicly available data and to be clear, I have no access to information on the machinations of the cabal in this regard.
That being said, I assumed that the Crowdstrike "bug" was related to the assassination attempt given the close proximity in time.
I've seen the decompiled code for the Crowdstrike update. No way in hell that could pass QA. The problem is too prolific and obvious. So regardless of the reason, I'm positive the update was knowingly pushed out.
Let's say you just tried to assassinate the real POTUS and you have a number of people involved with this plot. The Crowdstrike update is a wonderful way to destroy evidence because now anyone with a bricked laptop or server has complete cover to reimage that laptop/server. Easy rationale for data destruction for specific bad actors hidden behind a worldwide disruption.
But again, purely a theory.
This is the sauce that I've come to love from this board
does op not know how computers work?!
Goddamn now THIS is a wild conspiracy theory lol love it
Joe Biden appeared in public today, or the actor/body double they're pretending is Joe Biden did. And since we know they have an actual physical version everyone is pretending is the real Joe Biden how utterly absurd is it to think they're using some cloud hosted AI version?
Well...let me think ...
bro what. sounds like a crock of shit.
Very Interesting...👌
Clay and Buck said Joe was just spotted exiting a motorcade.
Seems plausible but they clearly do have someone playing Biden at the few public events they have. So who is that and why couldn't they just sit in front of a camera?
Yet he gets to keep presidenting for another half a year.
What amount of damage to the US and the world can democrats do in half a year if they put their collective hivemind to it?
Buckle the fuck up folks, it's gonna get hairy
First generation AI.
Their Biden reminds me of Bitch Stewie and that Micheal Keaton movie.
How glorious. It reminds me of that show Person of Interest. This is a good theory, wonderful if true.