No.... That's the school of hard knocks, and the end result is a Masters in Common Sense.
Its not taught in traditional schools, just conservative parents.
I can imagine it would be very difficult for any parent to accept that their blind adherence to public dogma caused irreparable harm to their child. The thought of it is unbearable.
Now multiply her story with MMR shots and Autism a hundred thousand times over. It is the worst way to be redpilled. Real cures are tied up in black projects being funneled into Space Force.
When a child dies, parents always blame themselves. It’s part of the process. I lost a son 5 years ago. The Pfizer drug Xanax played a big part. My son was diagnosed at 18 with adult ADD. He thought his focus problems that were becoming an obstacle to his higher education and he hoped they could be fixed. At that time, when the drugs briefly worked, I had second thoughts about whether I did the right thing. Because all his childhood I refused to drug him when the teachers told me he had ADD. He always did have a hard time focusing on things that didn’t interest him. He had sleep issues. Body clock was always nocturnal. Otherwise he was a brilliant wonderful creative person with off the charts high IQ and I figured it was the system’s issue, not his. He told me not being on drugs as a child taught him coping mechanisms and he was grateful for that.
One night he went to sleep and didn’t wake up. Xanax and some other substance combined to stop his heart. He was 23. I spent years going over with a fine tooth comb what I did wrong and how I could have done better. No matter what you believed before the death of your child, after the death you scrap everything and start from ground zero to seek the truth about what happened and your own role in it. At least that was the case with me.
You were a great momma. You were listening to your baby and trusting folks who had you pinned down and you didn’t know it. My heart goes out to you. I can’t wait until you get to see your son again ❤️ Jesus be with you
There was a health inspector snitch going around Spokane WA last winter getting $50 for every business she reported who wasn't enforcing masks on people. If a business got three tickets they were shut down. Evil shit.
That bitch is complaining because all the money she has to pay in medical bills for her son! Hello Stupido? Your son has a heart condition now! There is no getting better from that!
That's exactly what I thought. She's still pretty clueless. Never trust anyone who brags that they know whatever because they have x number of degrees. They're probably what my father used to call an educated idiot.
The other appalling thing is that she's teaching someone's children. I'm afraid this is typical of the knuckleheads in public schools except for those who are worse.
Wait until the guilt comes; when she see sees the dates on the information when she realizes her pride and hubris are responsible Her rage and grief will be unbearable
Reading through her twitter account, she's getting loads of grief from the vax worshippers, and she's complaining about the medical bills for her son, so I suspect she won't risk getting more medical bills by giving her other two kids the clot shot. Not sure if she cares about their actual health, but she seems very upset about her medical bills, so hopefully that will discourage her from destroying her other two kids health as well.
Imagine ruining your child's life because you were bamboozled into thinking you were doing the right thing. I actually feel bad for this lady, sometimes I forget that normies have a constant stream of propaganda being shoved down their throats, and the trusting ones don't sense the danger. I'm sad to think that many of us on this side sensed danger because we're not naive, every one has a story, I wonder what part of this divide is caused by nature vs. nurture. School of hard knocks vs. easy life in the suburbs, soccer moms and summer camps. No one actually deserves this, especially not the kids who are having their childhood robbed from them, vaxxed or not.
Nature and nurture are only part of the picture. The only parts that can be scientifically quantified. Free Will exists outside of both and is just as important, despite modern psychology trying to downplay or deny its existence.
K selection vs r selection. K’s have well developed amygdalae which helps them perceive threats. K’s are protective of their young and suspicious of outsiders. r’s multiply when resources are easy, but they get picked off.
This is intellectually dishonest nonsense. There's a whole group of people who don't give a flying fuck about that. They simply care about their family and want to do what's best for them. They were lied to and brainwashed, likely since youth, to believe that what they're doing is right. To not acknowledge this group of people as separate from the elitist asshats who are as you described is asinine. You have to intentionally deny reality in favor of some agenda that you desire to push that everyone who isn't already awake and on our side is bad and knows what they're doing but just don't care. They don't. And you're a detriment to, and actively impeding, our mission by pretending they do.
One thing is sure: If we cannot find compassion in our hearts for those who have been victims of Cabal deception, we're not worthy to see the victory at the end.
It will be there, but we won't be worthy.
Your comment here is the best comment i have read in ages.
Lynn (@LynnBCO) Tweeted:
@eekymom Thank you for telling your son and family’s story. I worked in a lab on early efforts to create gene therapy when I was in university; all of which failed miserably. This whole process has been highly corrupted and unethical from start to finish and has been for decades.
ummmmm. Not what I read... Go look at her twiffer.
I think its clearly because she thought, in the beginning, this is something that would pass, and something that would not hurt her son. She was still in denial.
She has regret now. Deeply. It was the bills that woke her up to the reality.
be grateful that its not you... Lord knows that we who are awake are only awake because of the grace of God and the sacrifices of our ancestors, and the efforts of our parents and those who came before us.
Senior scientist.
I’m heartbroken her son has to live (for how long who knows) with this and his mom the guilt of knowing her decision caused this. I’m not cheering on my leftist family and friends hoping they die off from adverse events. This will be absolutely horrible when it really starts shaking out.
As a parent to a very rare disorder child this pains me even more. I know exactly her stress between bills and test results to a list of specialists to see. I’ll pray for them.
Even though she would have thrown rocks at me in May for my stance on the vaccine...I will ask God with her to aid her son in a miracle. Her ignorance..and mine, have cost us our children’s health. Mine was trusting vaccines before kindergarten, I now have a autistic son. He’s 18 now and going to a trade school. Now maybe all those vaccines didn’t cause my sons issues, but my new wisdom says otherwise. Lord have mercy on us. We trusted our fellow man over you at the time. Not thinking such evil existed. I’m so sorry.
I'm not LOL'ing. I'm pissed. This world is totally messed up and yes these people are stupid but that kid was never expected to be an expert at politics, healthcare or medicine. The child wasn't at fault and yet the child suffers and will continue to suffer.
Those ones are the truly detestable for whom I have no sympathy, for they have invited evil into their hearts, blind to its features and to the suffering inflicted upon their children, and now seek to spread it to the children of others. Those are the ones who deserve millstones around their necks.
This mother and her son are among the ones for whom I pray for mercy, for never before did they reckon with evil, and now evil has touched them in a way that strikes uninvited at their hearts. They shall never welcome it but instead devote themselves to driving it out, even if it may take their entire lives to do so. These are the ones who deserve salvation from the Lord.
Many of us here have not taken the jab because we have been immunized against it, by both our previous encounters with evil and our faith in the plan, the patriots and God.
When you get the Darwin award for offing your own children.
Sorry but not sorry, no mercy for sheep who suddenly realize they were duped. It's not only your own children you killed, it's all the other people who are sick now because you were an advocate for it.
I used to shame people for not getting vaccinated.
You shaved decades off your children's lives but sure, let's make it about you.
In a time long ago, I was a sheep that got duped. Tried to do "the right thing" re: following medical "experts", adhering to their advice. It took me many years of suffering and financial tribulations to Awaken.
Long story short, here I am now.
Sure glad I didn't win a Darwin award, and it happened through God's Grace alone. I'm excited to extend the olive branch to anyone waking up.
It amazes me how many people here profess Christianity and then show no love for their neighbor.
Did you come here for a bible lesson?
Luke 17:3 - Take heed to yourselves: If thy brother trespass against thee, rebuke him; and if he repent, forgive him. 4 And if he trespass against thee seven times in a day, and seven times in a day turn again to thee, saying, I repent; thou shalt forgive him. 5 And the apostles said unto the Lord, Increase our faith.
I saw that she said she shamed me for not being vaccinated. I saw that she said she was humbled. I did not see repenting, a confession of sin or a request for forgiveness.
I'm still in the rebuke part of 17:3. I'm still in the phase telling her she has done something seriously wrong. I'm telling her she's killed people with her stupid advice, including her own children.
God basically told me to tell her off. I'm commanded by Jesus to rebuke her.
Now it's her turn to say "Please forgive me for shaming other people. Please forgive me for putting people in danger. It was wrong for me to do and I am sorry."
At which point I will move to 17:4 perhaps I will forgive her.
Then there's the question if she is my "brother" or "sister". See in Luke 17 where it says "if thy brother trespass against thee"? To me, that implies another Christian. Is this woman Christian? Does 17:3 and 17:4 apply to non-Christians?
Keep in mind Luke 17:3-4 are the words of Jesus.
There is no prerequisite to forgive people who haven't asked for forgiveness or even acknowledged they have done something wrong.
Re-read all her texts above and all you will see is that she still believes everything exactly the same, except she's sad she wasn't told the potential for bad side-effects a little more strongly.
If anything, I have empathy for her children. Not her. She's a teacher, one would assume she knows how to research things.
She has reached out to her representatives and has sent copies of her son's medical to Pfizer. I hate to say it, but I think it is going to get worse for her.
Yah, when Pfizer sends lawyers to her door to "encourage" her to STFU and get with the program, she is gonna learn a whole new thing about how the world works.
Welp! Turns out the "approved" Comirnaty experimental genetic product is NOT available in the U.S. So I'd be surprised if she can get money from Pfizer. But who knows, I guess it's worth a try.
I do feel sorry for them. Many people are victims of the cabal and still don't realize it--- whether it's a 30-year mortgage, an autistic child caused by other vaccines, a relative injured or killed in Vietnam or 9/11, a job or business lost because politicians sold it to China, or an aspiring talented singer whose opportunity was stolen by a clown asset, many people would never have woken up if they hadn't suffered at the cabal's hands. Pain is not a friendly teacher.
Basically, they got scammed by having a vulnerability (trusting authority) taken advantage of. It's a very shameful thing to experience, so I definitely feel sorry because we SHOULDN'T live in a world where "those we're taught to trust the most" take advantage of us, but sadly we do.
And this is how America will end up with a population of 99 million by 2025 as was seen on before they removed the 2025 forecast. Wonder how they knew this ahead of time. Wonder what else they know.
Came here after reading the parallel post on, which was, with notable exceptions, filled with hatred. I was hopeful that the GAW responses would include a bit more empathy, seeing as our whole thing is about how people are being manipulated and gradually waking up. "There but for the grace of God" if you will.
Results: GAW is a nicer place to be. Still some "Fuck that bitch" replies, but for the most part (at this point) it seems we're doing a better job of trying to bridge that divide.
We'll all be facing examples of people waking up in our own lives soon enough, and this is a good gauge of how ready we are to be the friends that our friends are going to need.
This is so good to hear. If you’ve always lived in the echo chamber, and thought you were a “good” person, and those other people were “bad” and everything you saw reinforced that for you…how would you know about all the lies?
I’ve been a conservative all of my life…because my parents told me the truth about the world. They were also very street smart and cynical.
But I didn’t really start digging until a monto or two before the election, and then hard after the election…it’s been almost a full year of deep dives.
This Twitter mom has gotten a hard introduction to the truth. One of these mom’s who believed so hard…may start a revolution. Their anger at the sudden reality of the lies may make a great leader.
I don’t care how much they ridiculed us or thought we were white supremacists or hated us. All I care about is if they have woken up and will JOIN US AND FIGHT.
I will never have sympathy for someone using their own kids , who can't make an educated decision on their own, as their very own virtue signal. Hope all of her fakebook likes were worth ruining your child's life. But all you bitch about now is what it is going to cost YOU because you poisoned YOUR kid. Unfortunately, she will probably be posting about her child's death before too long. Or will they block that too.
My heart breaks for that child. I can’t even begin to imagine how she feels knowing she hurt her child. What a terrible way to wake up. Now I imagine that there’s going to be a lot more of that happening. There’s nothing like a momma bear when there child’s been hurt. This will be a major shit storm coming soon to a theater near you.
Great example of how f'd our colleges and education is. The science degrees didn't impart a shred of common sense or critical thinking. I pray she doesn't do this to her other kids
Believe you me, I know this all too well. My youngest has a psych degree and all of us would be so lucky to have had his incredible "knowledge and insight" when we were 24.
Thank God I awoke from my slumber in 2016 so I could protect my children from this poison. I could have easily been eekymom. May God bless her and her family.
Biggest epiphany was likely how the medical establishment and her government wanted absolutely nothing to do with her and her kid once they ran into problems.
The problem isn't the science degrees, it's the assumption that those degrees makes you smart enough to make a decision based not on your research but on what passes as others. The fallacy that you can rely on and trust other degreed people's research without doing your own is the problem. What we've all learned from Covid is we cannot trust doctors who simply trust others without question. We've also learned that money can influence research that in turn influences people that should know better and who ultimately advise us.
What I'm waiting for are doctors whose conscience is bothering them to step forward and say how sorry they were for believing the cherry picked studies in the New England Journal of Medicine, Journal of the American Medical Association, the Lancet and others. I want to hear their testimony of how their hospital's protocols were wrong and that they should have dug deeper into the vaccines, the components therein, the companies developing them, the people in charge of designing the tests that came up with results favoring their use, before telling patients it was safe.
I'd like to believe God will work on their hearts and have them confess to their actions. I would trust a contrite doctor but not one who would still jab a person, especially a child with all the data that can be obtained today. But they would have step forward now, not after they've been arrested or charged. Those who remain willfully ignorant of the facts should be charged with genocide along with those who planned and executed this entire plandemic.
Degrees cause inflated egos. It's rare to meet a highly degreed individual who truly understands the limits of their knowledge accurately. Especially so when that degree is M.D.
All those science degrees never teach you how badly the media and big pharma lies.
No.... That's the school of hard knocks, and the end result is a Masters in Common Sense. Its not taught in traditional schools, just conservative parents.
Unfortunately it’s her son that’s getting the ‘hard knocks’.... !
I want to feel some sympathy for her..... I don’t..... my deepest sympathy is with the son and the life he is now been given by his own mother.....!
Plus she asked him to lie about getting the shot when he was sick so she could feel better. That was insane.
SHE was living in denial....NOW THERE'S NO DENIAL... so sad for the son
A million upvotes. Far to many of these situations.
I have earned a doctorate and I believe many here also have that distinction.
I wonder why, after all the training in critical thinking, so many PhDs and MAs just follow authority in "real life?" Sad. . .what a waste!
There's got to be something above Masters and Doctorate....
"Expert" like the 'experts agree' type experts
WELL SAID !!!!!!!!!!!
No. Education has been mislabeled ... it's just indoctrination.
Pray for them, we are all brainwashed- just in different levels.
Agreed 100%!
This is a literal redpill
Stupid fucking dumb bitch. She maimed her get to score points on the interwebs.
Yes. This is what social media has turned the human race into.
Discernment of truth is a skill most have not spent time training.
She just spent a lot of money to be indoctrinated.
This person handled the humble pill better than most will..
Yeah most parents would never admit it.
they always admit it, if only to themselves.
Every athlete who ever fell short knows in their heart if they held back that extra juice or not.
Every student of martial arts on the receiving end of a blow that knocks them down on the mat, knows whether they are feigning injury or not.
Even if the only person you admit it to is yourself, you know...
Guy hasn't met enough women. There are a lot of people out there who sincerely believe their own delusions.
When I was single I would tell chicks "lie to me all you want, just don't lie to yourself." Stopped them in their tracks every time.
Lying is bad. Don't lie to me or yourself.
Ya know what the NEW NORMAL after the Great Awakening really is?
Truth telling.
Buy you some DWAC while it is still cheap!
My point was once people stop lying to themselves they'll stop lying to others. And I wish I could do dwac right and hang on to it.
No one cares
I can imagine it would be very difficult for any parent to accept that their blind adherence to public dogma caused irreparable harm to their child. The thought of it is unbearable.
Suicide weekend ...
When this blows, it's gonna be ugly
Was thinking the same thing.
Now multiply her story with MMR shots and Autism a hundred thousand times over. It is the worst way to be redpilled. Real cures are tied up in black projects being funneled into Space Force.
When a child dies, parents always blame themselves. It’s part of the process. I lost a son 5 years ago. The Pfizer drug Xanax played a big part. My son was diagnosed at 18 with adult ADD. He thought his focus problems that were becoming an obstacle to his higher education and he hoped they could be fixed. At that time, when the drugs briefly worked, I had second thoughts about whether I did the right thing. Because all his childhood I refused to drug him when the teachers told me he had ADD. He always did have a hard time focusing on things that didn’t interest him. He had sleep issues. Body clock was always nocturnal. Otherwise he was a brilliant wonderful creative person with off the charts high IQ and I figured it was the system’s issue, not his. He told me not being on drugs as a child taught him coping mechanisms and he was grateful for that.
One night he went to sleep and didn’t wake up. Xanax and some other substance combined to stop his heart. He was 23. I spent years going over with a fine tooth comb what I did wrong and how I could have done better. No matter what you believed before the death of your child, after the death you scrap everything and start from ground zero to seek the truth about what happened and your own role in it. At least that was the case with me.
My God. I am so sorry about your son. May God hold him in his hands until you meet again.
I feel for you. Same situation for me.
It's been a few years but the pain remains.
You were a great momma. You were listening to your baby and trusting folks who had you pinned down and you didn’t know it. My heart goes out to you. I can’t wait until you get to see your son again ❤️ Jesus be with you
I couldn’t imagine that pain. I’m so sorry for your loss 🙏
Its mostly about the hospital bills....
Sometimes I Wonder if the clot shot cost money how many of these morons would be ....”nah, don’t need it”
$25 reward for each shot, in NJ schools.
There was a health inspector snitch going around Spokane WA last winter getting $50 for every business she reported who wasn't enforcing masks on people. If a business got three tickets they were shut down. Evil shit.
Which will lead her seek out information on vaccine injury, unless her cognitive dissidence is too deep for her to break free.
She might not come to realize it until our Lord grants her that knowledge after she succumbs to her own injury's
I noticed that.
I agree. I give her credit for that because it can't have been easy
That bitch is complaining because all the money she has to pay in medical bills for her son! Hello Stupido? Your son has a heart condition now! There is no getting better from that!
5 year life expectancy
I guess she thinks he'll recover completely.
She's the kind of person who will complain that her son's hospital appointment is taking up HER afternoon.
Yep...her posts are for public consumption and HER IMAGE. Boo-Hoo lady. Privately I'd BET she's a nightmare liberal.
Yep. When he doesnt she's gonna be proper pissed. Penury and death of a child...
That's exactly what I thought. She's still pretty clueless. Never trust anyone who brags that they know whatever because they have x number of degrees. They're probably what my father used to call an educated idiot.
The other appalling thing is that she's teaching someone's children. I'm afraid this is typical of the knuckleheads in public schools except for those who are worse.
Yes, a complete knucklehead!
Wait until the guilt comes; when she see sees the dates on the information when she realizes her pride and hubris are responsible Her rage and grief will be unbearable
Just hope it comes soon enough to stop her from killing her other children.
Me too fren, me too
Suicide weekend
I wonder if she changed her mind about the younger ones. We can only hope and pray she doesn't poison her remaining children.
I don't know ... it sounded like she learned after what happened to her son.
This shit needs to be exposed, and fast. It is fucking sickening that the ghouls in DC want to start jabbing kids UNDER 14 with this poison death jab.
THIS... is my biggest fear for my grandchildren ages 10 and 13.
Reading through her twitter account, she's getting loads of grief from the vax worshippers, and she's complaining about the medical bills for her son, so I suspect she won't risk getting more medical bills by giving her other two kids the clot shot. Not sure if she cares about their actual health, but she seems very upset about her medical bills, so hopefully that will discourage her from destroying her other two kids health as well.
Imagine ruining your child's life because you were bamboozled into thinking you were doing the right thing. I actually feel bad for this lady, sometimes I forget that normies have a constant stream of propaganda being shoved down their throats, and the trusting ones don't sense the danger. I'm sad to think that many of us on this side sensed danger because we're not naive, every one has a story, I wonder what part of this divide is caused by nature vs. nurture. School of hard knocks vs. easy life in the suburbs, soccer moms and summer camps. No one actually deserves this, especially not the kids who are having their childhood robbed from them, vaxxed or not.
You bring up a great point about nature vs nurture. Very well could be a part of it by God's guidance
Nature and nurture are only part of the picture. The only parts that can be scientifically quantified. Free Will exists outside of both and is just as important, despite modern psychology trying to downplay or deny its existence.
K selection vs r selection. K’s have well developed amygdalae which helps them perceive threats. K’s are protective of their young and suspicious of outsiders. r’s multiply when resources are easy, but they get picked off.
wanted to feel a smug sense of self satisfaction and superiority over others.
This is intellectually dishonest nonsense. There's a whole group of people who don't give a flying fuck about that. They simply care about their family and want to do what's best for them. They were lied to and brainwashed, likely since youth, to believe that what they're doing is right. To not acknowledge this group of people as separate from the elitist asshats who are as you described is asinine. You have to intentionally deny reality in favor of some agenda that you desire to push that everyone who isn't already awake and on our side is bad and knows what they're doing but just don't care. They don't. And you're a detriment to, and actively impeding, our mission by pretending they do.
Cool story, bro
Very reasoned and well thought out response, thanks for adding to the discussion!
Better than the fake and gay narrative that you are shilling.
Nice counter-argument. Very convincing. Tasty irony.
Women in general and men who cannot bench their own bodyweight should not be allowed on twitter.
Looks like you got a down vote from a limp-wristed fellow.
Many such cases, sad!
One thing is sure: If we cannot find compassion in our hearts for those who have been victims of Cabal deception, we're not worthy to see the victory at the end.
It will be there, but we won't be worthy.
Your comment here is the best comment i have read in ages.
thank you.
🍒 🍦 😉🙏
And more here:
You can see how defensive some of the replies are.
If only they asked the same when Covid deaths were reported, we wouldnt have been here.
Lynn (@LynnBCO) Tweeted: @eekymom Thank you for telling your son and family’s story. I worked in a lab on early efforts to create gene therapy when I was in university; all of which failed miserably. This whole process has been highly corrupted and unethical from start to finish and has been for decades.
Wow, this is interesting. I wonder who it is, I wonder if she would come out as a whistleblower and share info
The problem is, we have whistleblowers. They're all over, but no one listens to them (except us, I guess, but we're the 'conspiracy theorists').
When you have to foot the bill for your own foolishness, life comes at you fast !
Seems that's when she started caring, not when her son was orginally suffering, but when it hurt her pocket based on a lifetime illness. so sad
ummmmm. Not what I read... Go look at her twiffer.
I think its clearly because she thought, in the beginning, this is something that would pass, and something that would not hurt her son. She was still in denial.
She has regret now. Deeply. It was the bills that woke her up to the reality.
be grateful that its not you... Lord knows that we who are awake are only awake because of the grace of God and the sacrifices of our ancestors, and the efforts of our parents and those who came before us.
That’s what I thought as well.
Sad way for people to “awaken”
Poor lady..I’ll pray for her and her son…they were just another pawn used and deceived by the minions of satan
This is really all just a battle of good vs evil….that’s the bottom line for all of us.
It truly is tragic because we are watching the world trying to kill itself literally in slow motion.
AND while we were trying to save it!
AND the world is villifying us when we just care about them
Father in heaven have mercy, reveal yourself to them, open their Spiritual eyes.
Senior scientist. I’m heartbroken her son has to live (for how long who knows) with this and his mom the guilt of knowing her decision caused this. I’m not cheering on my leftist family and friends hoping they die off from adverse events. This will be absolutely horrible when it really starts shaking out. As a parent to a very rare disorder child this pains me even more. I know exactly her stress between bills and test results to a list of specialists to see. I’ll pray for them.
Even though she would have thrown rocks at me in May for my stance on the vaccine...I will ask God with her to aid her son in a miracle. Her ignorance..and mine, have cost us our children’s health. Mine was trusting vaccines before kindergarten, I now have a autistic son. He’s 18 now and going to a trade school. Now maybe all those vaccines didn’t cause my sons issues, but my new wisdom says otherwise. Lord have mercy on us. We trusted our fellow man over you at the time. Not thinking such evil existed. I’m so sorry.
60% of myocarditis patients die in 5 years.
Did you read the miracle part?
Just reminding readers of that little factoid.
Lol dick.
I'm not LOL'ing. I'm pissed. This world is totally messed up and yes these people are stupid but that kid was never expected to be an expert at politics, healthcare or medicine. The child wasn't at fault and yet the child suffers and will continue to suffer.
Yes all true things. Your fun fact just seemed a bit dark is all lol
Population control at the finest
Ugh! I pray for everyone's health. Even those who are trying to keep us unjabbed out of society. What a horrible situation.
Goodness, that's bleak.
Myocarditis if it's not found and treated?
At least she came around and realizes she's been fooled.
I'm afraid there are those who's kids could die and they'll still say it was worth it, and everyone should get vaccinated.
Those ones are the truly detestable for whom I have no sympathy, for they have invited evil into their hearts, blind to its features and to the suffering inflicted upon their children, and now seek to spread it to the children of others. Those are the ones who deserve millstones around their necks.
This mother and her son are among the ones for whom I pray for mercy, for never before did they reckon with evil, and now evil has touched them in a way that strikes uninvited at their hearts. They shall never welcome it but instead devote themselves to driving it out, even if it may take their entire lives to do so. These are the ones who deserve salvation from the Lord.
Many of us here have not taken the jab because we have been immunized against it, by both our previous encounters with evil and our faith in the plan, the patriots and God.
Amen. Well said.
Wow respect though
When you get the Darwin award for offing your own children.
Sorry but not sorry, no mercy for sheep who suddenly realize they were duped. It's not only your own children you killed, it's all the other people who are sick now because you were an advocate for it.
You shaved decades off your children's lives but sure, let's make it about you.
In a time long ago, I was a sheep that got duped. Tried to do "the right thing" re: following medical "experts", adhering to their advice. It took me many years of suffering and financial tribulations to Awaken.
Long story short, here I am now.
Sure glad I didn't win a Darwin award, and it happened through God's Grace alone. I'm excited to extend the olive branch to anyone waking up.
It's us versus algorithms. Good versus Evil.
I feel sorry for the kid but not for her
Did you come here for a bible lesson?
I saw that she said she shamed me for not being vaccinated. I saw that she said she was humbled. I did not see repenting, a confession of sin or a request for forgiveness.
I'm still in the rebuke part of 17:3. I'm still in the phase telling her she has done something seriously wrong. I'm telling her she's killed people with her stupid advice, including her own children.
God basically told me to tell her off. I'm commanded by Jesus to rebuke her.
Now it's her turn to say "Please forgive me for shaming other people. Please forgive me for putting people in danger. It was wrong for me to do and I am sorry."
At which point I will move to 17:4 perhaps I will forgive her.
Then there's the question if she is my "brother" or "sister". See in Luke 17 where it says "if thy brother trespass against thee"? To me, that implies another Christian. Is this woman Christian? Does 17:3 and 17:4 apply to non-Christians?
Keep in mind Luke 17:3-4 are the words of Jesus.
There is no prerequisite to forgive people who haven't asked for forgiveness or even acknowledged they have done something wrong.
Re-read all her texts above and all you will see is that she still believes everything exactly the same, except she's sad she wasn't told the potential for bad side-effects a little more strongly.
If anything, I have empathy for her children. Not her. She's a teacher, one would assume she knows how to research things.
Infinite upvotes.
Still not a vaccine
You know it's kek but true
She has reached out to her representatives and has sent copies of her son's medical to Pfizer. I hate to say it, but I think it is going to get worse for her.
The next red pill will be realizing those reps dont give a fuck about her and are just stringing her along.
Warnock? Yeah if she thinks an election stealing commie is going do anything except cash his big pharma cheques...
Hopefully her realizations will help wake us her friends and family or local contacts
Yah, when Pfizer sends lawyers to her door to "encourage" her to STFU and get with the program, she is gonna learn a whole new thing about how the world works.
She knew in advance they had no liability.
Welp! Turns out the "approved" Comirnaty experimental genetic product is NOT available in the U.S. So I'd be surprised if she can get money from Pfizer. But who knows, I guess it's worth a try.
I'll pray for her success. If "Fraud vitiates everything", it seems like that would apply here too.
She appears to be from an area of my state that is very blue. They will not help her.
I almost feel sorry for them. Almost.
Wake the fuck up people, in other words, think for yourself.
I do feel sorry for them. Many people are victims of the cabal and still don't realize it--- whether it's a 30-year mortgage, an autistic child caused by other vaccines, a relative injured or killed in Vietnam or 9/11, a job or business lost because politicians sold it to China, or an aspiring talented singer whose opportunity was stolen by a clown asset, many people would never have woken up if they hadn't suffered at the cabal's hands. Pain is not a friendly teacher.
Basically, they got scammed by having a vulnerability (trusting authority) taken advantage of. It's a very shameful thing to experience, so I definitely feel sorry because we SHOULDN'T live in a world where "those we're taught to trust the most" take advantage of us, but sadly we do.
No way. They've had 20 years to wake up since 9/11. Cabal put these things in your face and laughs at you.
Still they sleep and call us tin foil crackpots.
They've had as much time to learn awaken and research as the rest of us.
I feel sorry for the kid- he didn't stand a chance and didn't have a choice
Top oof
And this is how America will end up with a population of 99 million by 2025 as was seen on before they removed the 2025 forecast. Wonder how they knew this ahead of time. Wonder what else they know.
This comment should be stickied!
Came here after reading the parallel post on, which was, with notable exceptions, filled with hatred. I was hopeful that the GAW responses would include a bit more empathy, seeing as our whole thing is about how people are being manipulated and gradually waking up. "There but for the grace of God" if you will.
Results: GAW is a nicer place to be. Still some "Fuck that bitch" replies, but for the most part (at this point) it seems we're doing a better job of trying to bridge that divide.
We'll all be facing examples of people waking up in our own lives soon enough, and this is a good gauge of how ready we are to be the friends that our friends are going to need.
This is so good to hear. If you’ve always lived in the echo chamber, and thought you were a “good” person, and those other people were “bad” and everything you saw reinforced that for you…how would you know about all the lies?
I’ve been a conservative all of my life…because my parents told me the truth about the world. They were also very street smart and cynical.
But I didn’t really start digging until a monto or two before the election, and then hard after the election…it’s been almost a full year of deep dives.
This Twitter mom has gotten a hard introduction to the truth. One of these mom’s who believed so hard…may start a revolution. Their anger at the sudden reality of the lies may make a great leader.
I don’t care how much they ridiculed us or thought we were white supremacists or hated us. All I care about is if they have woken up and will JOIN US AND FIGHT.
Sorry I don’t care about her evil ass at all just the kids
Great post. You passed this particular test. Amen. 👍
I gots me them science degrees. Iz is realz smart.
I hate to say this but, his count down began early... lord have mercy on his soul.
I will never have sympathy for someone using their own kids , who can't make an educated decision on their own, as their very own virtue signal. Hope all of her fakebook likes were worth ruining your child's life. But all you bitch about now is what it is going to cost YOU because you poisoned YOUR kid. Unfortunately, she will probably be posting about her child's death before too long. Or will they block that too.
Crimes against children unite ALL.
Fucking Idiot
My heart breaks for that child. I can’t even begin to imagine how she feels knowing she hurt her child. What a terrible way to wake up. Now I imagine that there’s going to be a lot more of that happening. There’s nothing like a momma bear when there child’s been hurt. This will be a major shit storm coming soon to a theater near you.
The red pill becomes a suppository if you wait too long
Its so difficult to have pity for these fools
Great example of how f'd our colleges and education is. The science degrees didn't impart a shred of common sense or critical thinking. I pray she doesn't do this to her other kids
Believe you me, I know this all too well. My youngest has a psych degree and all of us would be so lucky to have had his incredible "knowledge and insight" when we were 24.
Thank God I awoke from my slumber in 2016 so I could protect my children from this poison. I could have easily been eekymom. May God bless her and her family.
Some people only start to wake up when something happens to them or someone they know.
Still on Twitter, still using her son’s condition for attention…. Fucking stop it.
Just wait till he catches covid anyways...
I feel so bad for the kids man... they have no real say in this :\ God heal his heart amen
Costly lesson. Stupid is no longer free.
Biggest epiphany was likely how the medical establishment and her government wanted absolutely nothing to do with her and her kid once they ran into problems.
The problem isn't the science degrees, it's the assumption that those degrees makes you smart enough to make a decision based not on your research but on what passes as others. The fallacy that you can rely on and trust other degreed people's research without doing your own is the problem. What we've all learned from Covid is we cannot trust doctors who simply trust others without question. We've also learned that money can influence research that in turn influences people that should know better and who ultimately advise us.
What I'm waiting for are doctors whose conscience is bothering them to step forward and say how sorry they were for believing the cherry picked studies in the New England Journal of Medicine, Journal of the American Medical Association, the Lancet and others. I want to hear their testimony of how their hospital's protocols were wrong and that they should have dug deeper into the vaccines, the components therein, the companies developing them, the people in charge of designing the tests that came up with results favoring their use, before telling patients it was safe.
I'd like to believe God will work on their hearts and have them confess to their actions. I would trust a contrite doctor but not one who would still jab a person, especially a child with all the data that can be obtained today. But they would have step forward now, not after they've been arrested or charged. Those who remain willfully ignorant of the facts should be charged with genocide along with those who planned and executed this entire plandemic.
Degrees cause inflated egos. It's rare to meet a highly degreed individual who truly understands the limits of their knowledge accurately. Especially so when that degree is M.D.