PDJT is going to have a field day with these malcontented idiots who call themselves politicians. One can ONLY imagine what is going through these people's minds as PDJT walks into the Congressional Chambers and DELIVERS the knock-out punch with the help of the military!!!!!!!!
That is my dream, and I am sticking to it...REASON: This is the shock factor that will be needed to start the ball rolling in cleaning out government...One doesn't start at the bottom; one starts at the top and the top rats out the next level due to saving their own hides...
I have an issue with the whole Scolfield Bible part. I’m not doubting its tue. My issue is with how that seems to challenge God’s authority over His word. Unless someone can shift my perspective I am left with believing that God allowed that particular aspect His word to be hijacked to further His end game plans. I don’t think it changes the overall message of salvation. So maybe I shouldn’t be too concerned? I really can’t come up with an explanation why it was allowed that sits right with me though. Anyone else thinking about this?
That’s the question I have as well. So we’re all gonna sit here and clap like seals because of Jew is telling us that the Bible is errant. I’m not in that group.
Either God’s word is inerrant or it isn’t. When you start playing games like that, then what do you have to base your salvation on. What kind of assurance do you have for your afterlife? The part that bothers me most about this propaganda, is that it was a sticky on GAW for five days straight. That alone tells me that somebody’s trying to sell me something, and I’m not buying.
I get really tired hearing about this Schofield thing. Even some super country western star that was on Tucker Carlson show was talking about this. But he was discussing it from the perspective of being post tribulation. The fact that we’re hearing about this more frequently tells me it’s some type of a psychological operation to get people to not trust Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
That being said… I’m not a huge fan of Israel as a whole. I do find it interesting that many Christians give them blanket support because their God chosen people. 🤷♀️ well I do know that there are the Kazarian mafia Jew as well, and I’m sure that Israel has the same problem that America has. White hats and black hats.
But I also know that one of the top contributors to the left is a Jewish person who runs only fans! Not to mention the owner of porn hub is a rabbi. No I don’t stand with those Jews or whatever you wanna call them.
I stand with Jesus Christ! Jews still need to accept Him as their Lord and Savior or they’re going to hell just like any other human on earth. They denied their own Messiah, and each person has to give an account when they stand before the white judgment thrown.
This forum is primarily Christians. I do find it interesting that there is a tactic behind the scenes, trying to break down the Bible to being errant. If you can have people question that, then they start questioning other things like their salvation, and other facts. It’s funny too, because the people who are pushing this are the Jews. I wonder why that is. It’s just another attack on Christianity, and trying to break down the nuclear family, White replacement, and having us question our faith in Christ.
I have an idea who is pushing all of this, but you can’t speak the truth here, and you can’t ever step out of line, it’s almost like the ADL is running this place. 😂😂😂 this is not a free speech forum, but then again they never claimed to be.
I’m a pet sitter, and I live in other peoples houses so there’s only so many things you can do during the day physically and mentally. I spent a lot of time here, and on PDW. Because I’m here so frequently, I see patterns, I see propaganda, and I see psychological operations behind the scenes. Especially on PDW.
Stand strong in the Lord and keep your eyes fixed on him. Don don’t let anybody tell you to doubt God’s word, and his love for you, and the gift of his salvation. He suffered so much for us, and I am grateful.
Totally. This video is a gift to give to the normies who voted for PDJT. Excellent!! BTW I have been noticing that a lot of liberals from other states like Colorado are here in Florida specially in very conservative counties like mine. I don’t know what is their role, but for some reason they are here. Zionists are everywhere.
Very much worth watching. He nails the Israel angle and makes a very important point about the patriot movement being heavily infiltrated.
Willing or not, every citizen on the planet is a combatant in fifth generation warfare. As anons we are expected to navigate the cognitive battlefield at least marginally better than normies. Anytime a patriot influencer criticizes Trump we have to ask ourselves - does this grievance seem legit? Is this issue worth going against Trump? Could there be something this influencer is missing? Is it possible that they have been building up trust, waiting for the right moment to turn their followers against Trump? The answer to that last one is always yes, by the way.
As soon as someone discredits Trump I’m done with them. I have no use for them after that, no matter how much they claim they were wrong. One and done 🇺🇸
This is how they give themselves away. They might start with a jab here and there, but those jabs will start turning into rants against Trump. The Trust in Trump has to be absolute.
According to Delora O’Brien she was told by a source that Don Jr pushed his dad to choose JD. So I guess Don Jr had his reasons. I’m sure each selection has deep consideration reasons. Only Trump really knows the reason. We just have to trust. With that being said, lol, I still believe that JD is not permanent. Time will tell I guess.
Not to mention is the influencer the best influencer money can buy? Are they being supported monetarily by anyone? If so who? And how much?
Something doesn't ring true with some of these guys. They never seem to try to find the "root cause" of the problems we are faced with. It's almost as if they are controlled opposition. I remain suspicious of everyone.
who cares, in the end? Turn masses of followers against who they follow? That isnt how following works. Tempt them slightly so they may lean further into their commitment in this life.
I watched Stew Peters once only. He gave me a bad feeling. Call it intuition but I never watched him again. And hearing that he was putting forth the stupid snake venom theory only reinforced my feelings.
I haven't figured out why certain "patriots" go full trigger mode with the "stupid snake venom theory". If you actually listen to some of the details given by let's say Dr. Ardis or some of the others that talk on the subject, who i think speaks some actual important information but still a poser. The documents and research behind the venom theories it becomes clear it's not so stupid at all. Much of it is verifiable through patents and medical licenses s,, descriptions and required labels. Shooting the presenter over the information is salacious elementary logic. Even a dumb ass, redcoat, fence sitter, can speak truth. It's call critical thinking and discernment.
I don't disagree because with the experimental injections bio pharma were putting all sorts of foreign substances in them for testing purposes to test with a large scale population versus a smaller control group.
That topic was also discuss in fair length about the history behind the symbol and what's represented. I forget which cast or who was on it but they also had some compelling history points brought up on that as well.
I'd have to go digging. It was roughly 2 years ago when that was going around. And interestingly it's way harder, one might say suppressed, in any searches. Have to use exact terms on any browser, search engine combo I've tried not too long ago.
Edit: Found a rumble (wont give me hyperlink option here) video:
This one has some interesting info. Dont get me wrong here, the "presenters" like jane ruby, I'm not putting much stock into them. I searched quite a bit of info provided in this cast and was able to at least verify it was verifiable to some extent leading me to a conclusion that this info is potentially credible and probable.
I just wonder, if there was something to it why did no one pick up the story? Where are the anons still carrying that torch, posting relevant sauce? Correct me if I'm wrong, Ardis' claim was that they were putting synthetic snake venom in the tap water, which is what caused covid?
I was just thinking about this earlier. It is a scientific fact (with a capital S) that "they" have designed synthetic snake venom, and that many Big Pharma medications contain them, including some taken by people on this forum no doubt. It only requires a little legwork to find out every single component of your meds and what the names of ingredients actually are. You think they list 'viper venom' on a med ingredient list? Of course not. They use the synthetic version's name. Many researchers got suspicious of how the covid vax causes after-effects resembling what snake bite victims experience, such as loss of smell and taste. It really is not that hard to comprehend. If information with research to back it up, is rejected because the person talking about it is an asshole, it is petulance, not reason.
The issue of synthetic venom in a Big Pharma products just is not something the masses are going to accept easily, but the truth is definitely out there.
O.T: I am taking this opportunity to say that I no longer have any doubts about AJ's true intentions. He is for life and freedom, not death cults and slavery. People have to be allowed to evolve. It is like the story about the bucket full of crabs on a dock, and one succeeds in climbing to the rim, but the rest of the crabs have a grip on him and back down he goes. Human nature is like that. Not our best trait.
Yeah I agree. That's why I try to respond to the posts I've seen that immediately and ignorantly attack anything to do with snake venom theories in ad hominem or in general. It's an actual important subject. Something that's become quite rare on this site anymore.
I think Roger Stone flipped AJ which is why the operation of white hats involves flipping some black hats or gray hats but that is my speculation on this subject matter.
It was shown by Q that AJ was a mossad asset, when he attempted to hijack the Q operation. It's been widely understood in the Q community that AJ is/was controlled opposition. Even his defense in court in a lawsuit with his former wife declared he is an actor, acting (on INFOWARS).
Personally, however, I think his strings have been cut, and he is either cooperating with or being utilized by the good guys.
If you don't learn to look below the surface of appearances, you don't really have any idea how 5G warfare works.
Trump supporter
Many of us were watching in real time as AJ tried to hijack the Q operation, and how later on, when Trump was cleaning out ISIS in Syria under cover of the so-called 'missile attacks', AJ completely denounced Trump and called him crazy and said he was going to start ww3.
Why does Mossad send an operative to Bohemian Grove to risk his safety, and possibly his life, to trespass and film bizarre rituals that expose the deepstate cabal
That was a very long time ago and arguably what spring boarded his career. Very likely his coverage of BG and Bilderburg is what led him to being coopted in the first place.
Who's to say now? I just know from observing IRT how Q called AJ out and why. I simply just don't trust any pundits or paytriots... not worth investing in. All the real crumbs are on the boards and in other IRT events we have and will see play out.
AJ was used to discredit the "We Need To Talk About Sandy Hook" school shooting video on BitChute. That video shows how much of the town was in on making up a school shooting as a crisis actor event.
AJ was used as controlled opposition to show what would happen should anyone even question school shootings being "scheduled" to cover other bad news.
Look up patents like 3951 134, 5159 703, 5507 291, 658 7729, 6470 214, 857 9793...(Take out the space when searching). Easily over 50 patents on how to manipulate a person, and that's without getting it into blu light on monitors. Evil dumbarses.
Even before that he was making my skin itch by having on dudes like Juan O'Savin and JohnHereToHelp. He also added that "Trump is owned by the Jews" guy to his lineup probably to try to throw off allegations of being MOSSAD-controlled.
But played in with me not liking him anyway then dude in the video saying they'll try and turn folk against Trump.
I do remember a while back hearing about snake venom in the vax from a few different people. I didn't really believe nor disbelieve, but I wasn't surprised either way.
That's been in the running for my top favorite website for a couple of years now. I don't remember finding anything there I disagreed with. Excellent resource!
How do we know trump and thr patriots won't turn? We seem to be in the same situation with hope, and when trump removes his competitors who can stop him?
Been years and I still don't trust the intentions eventhough events seem to be moving in the right direction. Clone or body double trump could happen, it's all very complicated.
Not much we can do in the billionaires world of bankers, theives and sataniats.
This is a "military operation", it's bigger than PDJT. He is just the vessel!! I can assure you, if for some reason he screws up.., there is a contingency plan in place to deal with him and the situation. There is no way on an operation of this size and nearly 60 years of planning would be left to chance and Trump knows that.
it is not complex. you already understand it as simple, and always returnimg to the situation with hope. feed the hope in your loved ones eyes. feed your own. and when your hopes are dashed, play again, for who thou art.
Reasonable observation in my view. Never drop your guard.
Folk that downvoted you without explanation are concerning..
We elected Trump to do a job. We want it done.
Israel's spiritual state when they're regathered isn't really what decides if modern Israel is legit in prophecy.
Prophets like Zechariah and Ezekiel actually show Israel coming back in unbelief first, then later having a spiritual awakening when the Messiah comes.
So what we're seeing now - the Jews regathering in their homeland - is the physical part of these prophecies happening. The spiritual transformation is still coming.
Agreed. So what if the Rothschilds re-established Israel for their own nefarious purpose, Israel had to be established to fulfill the end times prophecies. God uses powerful men of the world to accomplish His purpose, e.g. Nebuchadnezzar, Cyrus, and even Herod who ordered Christ's crucifixion. Ultimately, all things will work together to accomplish God's eternal purpose.
There were 13 tribes of Israel: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Benjamin, Ephraim and Manasseh. Only the tribes of Benjamin and Judah returned to their homeland after they were taken away by the Assyrians. “Jew” would only refer to someone from the tribe of Judah. It will be a wonderful day when it is revealed who the descendants of those other missing tribes are.
I believe you must be referring to the lost tribes of Israel. Well if they are lost why don't they phone home? Don't they have cellphones?
Seriously I believe after they were scattered they intermarried and have long ago ceased being a unique people.
Besides under the New Covenant it doesn't matter - there are neither "Jew" nor "Greek". Gal 3:28 - "There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." It's not about bloodline anymore.
For all the Prophets and the Law prophesied until John. And if you are willing to accept it, he is the Elijah who was to come.…
It's a popular misconception that the prophets and prophecies of the Old Testament somehow speak about the present, the future, or the last 2000 years.
But Jesus was very clear that ALL the prophets and their prophecies were only about the times leading up until John the Baptist, aka the Time of Jesus.
Curiously, Jesus also taught us that John the Baptist was the prophesied second coming of Elijah. Curious, huh?
I agree! The way I see it all prophecy points to Jesus Christ. Most Christians seem to read the bible asking themselves "what does this mean to me"? What they should be asking is what did this passage of scripture likely mean to the original audience it was written too? Revelation, for example, was written to 7 churches in Asia that existed in the 1st century. These were real churches, with real people who had real problems. What was John's purpose in addressing Revelation to them? Wasn't it to comfort them? Weren't they under tremendous persecution?
Yes, it was written to the 7 churches, however, Rev. 1:1 tells us that the things written were "signs." The 7 lampstands were "signs" of the 7 churches. Also, the Lord said that the church in Thyatira would remain until He returns (Rev. 2:25). And the church in Sardis (3:3). The church in Philadelphia will be saved out of the hour of trial that will come on the whole inhabited earth(3:10) and that hasn't happened yet. He said to the church in Laodicea, that he who overcomes will sit with Him on His throne. That didn't happen 2,000 years ago. Also, each letter to the 7 churches ends with, "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. So, it was not just written to a few churches in Asia. It was written to the whole church.
The 7 churches were, themselves, prophetic signs of the stages of the church through history and their names are prophetic. Ephesus means "desirable." She left her first love, but she was still desirable, Smyrna (from myrrh) signifies suffering and death. This was the time of persecution. Pergamos means marriage (monogamy, polygamy). The church was married to the world at the time of Constantine. Thyatira, means sacrifice of perfume, and is the fully formed Roman Catholic Church. Sardis, means the remainder, restoration, or reformation and includes all Protestantism. Next came Philadelphia, the city of brotherly love--the only approved church. They only need to hold fast what they have. Last is Laodicea, which means "the opinion of the people--the laymen." IOW, they were not led by the Spirit and the word, but by their own opinion.
Revelation 1:1 (KJV) - The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John:
Revelation 1:1 doesn't say anything about "signs". It says "signified". Strong's concordance says that it means "to indicate". God sent an angel to John to signify (indicate) things which "must shortly come to pass". Rev. 1:1 doesn't mention lampstands.
I'm not fond of the Catholic Church however, Revelation does not say that Thyatira is the Catholic Church. In fact the Catholic Church hadn't even come into existence at the time John wrote Revelation. I think you are reading too much into the text.
A good verse by verse commentary on Revelation is David Chilton's book "Days of Vengeance". I ordered 4 copies to give as Christmas presents.
I don't use KJV, it has too many discrepancies from the original languages. The word "signified," Strong's concordance (using Olive Tree) says "semaino" means, a mark, sign. To give a public sign or signal. John uses the expression in his gospel also. Jn. 2:11 says, "This beginning of [miracles] Jesus did." The word for miracles is "semeiou" and means "sign, mark, token, miracle with a spiritual purpose."
Correct, the Catholic Church had not come into existence yet. Rev. 1:3 says that the things written are prophecies-"Things which are about to take place after these things (v.19)." It was during the time of the Catholic Church that idolatry was brought into the church (2:20). That hadn't happened at the end of the apostolic age.
I don't know anything about the book, Days of Vengeance, but just the title makes me think he misses the point of Revelation. The main point is not vengeance, it's the bringing forth of the Bride of the Lamb whose "wife has made herself ready (Rev. 19:7)." (Cross reference that to Eph. 5:23-31 to see that the church is the wife of Christ-the Lamb). This Bride is the New Jerusalem (Rev. 21:2). And everything about the New Jerusalem is a sign. The Bible consummates with the Spirit and the Bride speaking as one (22:17). Don't you want to know HOW the Bride makes herself ready? For that you need to understand the signs. The Bible interprets them.
The lampstands are not in the first verse, they're in the first chapter (vv. 1:12,20).
The lampstands are the churches (Rev. 1:20). The churches are the wife of Christ (Eph. 5:23-31), and the Bride of the Lamb (Rev. 19:7) and the New Jerusalem (rev. 21:2).
First Happy Thanksgiving (assuming you celebrate this day)! We are getting ready to go to my son's house so I'll make this short.
Which Bible translation do you use if I might ask? I'm not in love with the KJV - I realize it has some translation issues (as do most translations).
For difficult passages I will read multiple translations, commentaries & word studies.
I agree with your comments in regards to the point of Revelation - however in order to get to bride of the lamb whose wife has made herself ready there was an element of vengeance (Day of Lord events). David Chilton took his title from: Luke 21:22 - "For these be the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled." There's a connection between Luke 21, Matt 24 & Mark 13 & Revelation.
Let me ask you a question: what brought about the end of the Old Covenant age? What brought an end to the animal sacrifices in the Jewish Temple? When did the sacrifices in the Temple end?
I use the Recovery Version from lsm.com (Living Stream Media). It's a study Bible with excellent footnotes. I have a whole Bible that I purchased, but you can get a free New Testament from bfa.org (Bibles for America). I do word studies also, and this version has the fewest problems I've encountered. I haven't found any, actually.
Here's one example: John 3:16 in KJV says, "...whosoever believeth IN Him..." The RcV says, "...everyone who believes INTO Him..." The Greek word there is "eis" which means to move from one place into another place. KJV substituted that for IN, or Greek "en," which means to be in a place. For instance, we walk INTO the house, then we're IN the house. Paul said that he was "a prisoner IN the Lord (Eph. 4:1)." How did he get IN the Lord? He believed INTO him. The wrong word obscures the meaning.
True, there is a day of vengeance, but that is not God eternal purpose. He has an eternal purpose, you know (Eph. 3:11). He didn't create us in order to save us. That was a side trip to bring us back to His eternal purpose. He wants something. It is for this that all things were created (Rev. 4:11), and it is toward this that He is working all things out (Eph. 1:11).
What brought about the end of the Old Covenant? Do you know what the New Covenant entails? See Jer. 31:31-34 and Ezek. 36:27. What changed the age was the incarnation of God in a man; God and man were joined in the man Jesus. That man became the perfect sacrifice that enabled God to righteously forgive man's sins according to the New Covenant. This cleared the way for God to put His Spirit in man as foretold in Ezekiel. This Spirit was the Spirit of the glorified Jesus, which He foretold in John, 7:37-39, and which occurred in John, 20:22, when He breathed into His disciples and said, Receive the Holy Spirit.
I always tell people who think Trump is a Zionist puppet, if Trump was really one of “them”, He would’ve stayed out of the 2016 race and let Hillary win like she was supposed to, and they wouldn’t try to assassinate him.
I’ve still never gotten a clear answer or excuse that was considered consistent between multiple people.
That's also an important point for me. It would have been infinitely easier for him to have just stayed out of the 2016 race & let Hillary win. And rest assured she would have "won".
He also would not have destroyed ISIS, and he would have done the no-fly zone in Syria after that chemical attack FF in 2017. That was supposed to be the spark for a direct war with Russia
Not alone no. We all are. Christ said himself that those that try best to follow his words/teachings and accept him and/or God in their heart, since they’re the same, will be welcomed in his father’s Heavenly kingdom.
So I’m pretty much under the impression that All People that have faith in God, unless practicing malice and evil will be welcomed into Heaven when this Earthly body stops working.
Since Christ also traveled and studied other religions before returning to Israel, I additionally assume other peaceful multi and mono-theistic religious peoples, minus Satanists or the sadistic cults, will be welcomed into Heaven.
What was Jesus doing for 20 silent years? Go on, disprove he wasn’t traveling the Middle East and Asia. And why is Ethiopia thee only Christian Country that became Christian/Jewish on their own before and without the Apostles or Rome visiting?
How did they know of Christ almost as soon as he was gone?
Why are the Ge’ez scriptures and Bible older than most known scripture outside the Vatican and Dead Sea Scrolls?
I can share if interested or this you don’t know. Even though self research is better for the mind. 😉
I have no idea what Jesus was doing for 20 silent year? But you seem to. I do believe the scriptures are silent in that regard.
Ge'ez scriptures? Scriptures? Sorry not familiar with them. Is that where you are finding references to Jesus studying eastern religions? BTW Christianity is an eastern religion.
As far as Ethiopia becoming a Christian country (on their own) have you ever heard of the conversion of the Ethiopian Eunuch/Minister of Finance? Acts Chapter 8 - witnessed to by Philip. What do you think the Ethiopian Minister of Finance did upon his return to Ethiopian?
Depends on what you consider scripture. Is it only what the Catholic church allowed in their collection we call the Bible? Or is your mind bigger than that?
OK let me ask my question in another way: Could you please give me the Biblical source, book, chapter and verse for your belief that Christ "studied other religions"? I'll read everything and anything you send my way and carefully consider it.
I am aware that Christ spent time in Egypt in his early years: Matthew 2:13 - "Now when they had departed, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream, saying, “Arise, take the young Child and His mother, flee to Egypt, and stay there until I bring you word; for Herod will seek the young Child to destroy Him.”
What was Jesus doing for 20 silent years? Go on, disprove he wasn’t traveling the Middle East and Asia. And why is Ethiopia thee only Christian Country that became Christian/Jewish on their own before and without the Apostles or Rome visiting?
How did they know of Christ almost as soon as he was gone?
Why are the Ge’ez scriptures and Bible older than most known scripture outside the Vatican and Dead Sea Scrolls?
He was hanging out with the elders at the temple. Working as a carpenter with his dad.
Taking care of his mom and siblings.. Jesus had chores. Jesus was keeping the Law.
He made Buddha. What buddha gonna tell Jesus? Buddha gonna STFU and bow down. That's what he gonna do.,(Samuel L Jackson voice).
If it doesn't make cents it won't make dollars.
You are a fraud because you ain't read nary one of those scripts you make a big deal about.
You're just Jesus hating all over yourself.
Jesus Lives.
Buddha is dead him and the lily pad it came in on.
Others are too polite to tell you. SOULS are precious to GOD so I gotta tell you.
Excuse you, I do my research Anon. No need to be rude, but it’s true you don’t know what he was doing for 20 years. We factually have apocryphal texts and then scrolls out of both Ethiopia and across south-west Asia, as far as Nepal stating what Christ was doing, but not much from Israel. And the Vatican won’t release info neither. Why? Because it would destroy their religious narrative strangle hold that Christ was studying the other people within 20yr walking or riding distance, and rising religions that would soon spread across the world.
Now again besides your unfounded getting personal attack, tell me with facts where he was and what exactly you are for sure knowing Christ of all divine people, was doing for 20+ years before coming out of Egypt to Israel/Palestine? I assume you rode the donkey with him and scribed all he did like all the other (non-existant for sure 100% fact) clarifying info?
Again, I’ll wait since all we have are scrolls of possible info/here-say, that did not come out of Israel, because they have no clear clue.
Just so we’re clear on facts I’ve laid for study; Ethiopia’s scrolls kinda do tell though and I’d believe them waaaaaaay before you sir. Unless you can come up with and prove their older or old as Dead Sea Scrolls, wrong. 😉 With actual facts please.
I answered your
question. Told you the truth.
The very first verse of the Book of John in the Gospels exposes the folly of your premise.
I didn't insult you. I used humor in describing an encounter between Jesus and fake religionist buddha.
You chose to be offended.
Narrow is the gate.
Why would the Lamb of God entertain the doctrines of the dead?
No it can't be it because I actually read the script and know Jesus.
Why would a being that knows everything about everything have to study and learn about man made religion?
That Being would exist before the creation of said religion.
Common sense. How did you miss it?
😂 Ok kiddo. Jesus read nothing in his life but the Hebrew scriptures 😂 Never bothered learning ANYTHING else in his life. Just popped out of Mary and said “Let’s start a business!”
And don’t even get me started on the obvious figurative reading of the story your head would clearly explode.
Jesus wrote the Hebrew scripture as explained in the Book of John.
JESUS is the Alpha and Omega.
Jesus knows the beginning and end of every fake man made religion.
Ya got nothing pal.
Your mind is filled with Gaia nonsense. In modern terms " Simpism".
In Western Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox traditions the belief is that you fight evil and resist temptation on a daily basis. That is what monastic monks and nuns do on a daily basis through prayer and that is their struggle and fight they undertake. And the sacrifices they make to be monks and nuns.
In Apostolic Christian churches we strive to do the same thing. It's not only a western RC and/or Eastern Orthodox tradition. It's what the scripture demands of us!
He hits some true points on why Israel is saved for last and why Trump is playing along but I disagree with the premise that the Zionists are the masterminds of the 6,000 year old Babylonian death cult. I say they're just a wing of it.
Mystery Babylon is Jerusalem! It was the city where the Lord was crucified.
Rev. 11:8 - "And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified."
Rev. 18:2 - "**Babylon the great **is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird."
When did Babylon fall? In 70 A.D. when Roman General Titus burned the city of Jerusalem and the Temple - thus ending the Old Covenant age.
You disagree with yourself right in the same comment friend
which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt
Mystery Babylon is the spiritual name for the woman
Sodom and Egypt is the spiritual name for Jerusalem, which is only a portion of Mystery Babylon, as I see it. Jerusalem has been accused of "playing the harlot", but the woman is the MOTHER of ALL harlots.
Since we know Jerusalem was faithful in the beginning, she can't be called the mother of harlots. I'd assign that label to Babylon, for I find that all false religions begun at the Tower of Babel.
Mystery Babylon represents a place as well as a woman. The woman was a Harlot who had committed fornication (spiritual). The Harlot was riding/directing the Beast. The Beast represents a government - the Roman Government at the time of Jesus Christ. The crucifixion of Christ was a joint effort between the Roman government and the Jewish Religious Leaders (High Priest et al). Mystery Babylon is a religious system. John is writing in coded language to conceal his message. The woman is apostate Israel with it's headquarters in Jerusalem.
Jerusalem was faithful in the beginning? That's not what I get out of the entire New Testament (or the Old for that matter). Israel was constantly backsliding. Jesus told the Jewish religious leaders that their "house" would be left to them desolate. The "house" was the Temple. That prophecy came to pass. Read Matthew chapter 23!
John is not speaking of Babylon in Iraq. He is speaking of the Jerusalem that existed in the 1st century which was destroyed by Roman General Titus in 70 A.D.
How is the faithful city become an harlot! it was full of judgment; righteousness lodged in it; but now murderers.
Jeremiah 2:2
Go and cry in the ears of Jerusalem, saying, Thus saith the LORD; I remember thee, the kindness of thy youth, the love of thine espousals, when thou wentest after me in the wilderness, in a land that was not sown.
The faithful city became a harlot. They committed spiritual adultery. They had filled up the cup of trembling. Therefore they were judged by God Almighty. They were supposed to be righteous but became murderers.
I believe Matt 23:37-38 helps answer that question: “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were not willing. Look, your house is left to you desolate.".
**Where were the prophets killed? Where was Jesus the Messiah killed? Jerusalem! They became murderers. **
Does that mean Jerusalem (which represents a religious system led by ungodly leaders) was always unrighteous? Of course not - there were periods where Israel was in obedience. But by in large they were not!
I don't have time right now to really dig into this but at some point I'd like to if you're available. For now I'll just present a quick AI summary of each position (I hold to the latter):
The interpretation of the "woman who rides the beast" in the Book of Revelation has generated extensive debate over the centuries. Two prominent interpretations involve Jerusalem and the Catholic Church. Below are some of the strongest arguments for each position.
Arguments for Jerusalem as the Woman Who Rides the Beast
Historical Context: In the first century, Jerusalem was the center of Jewish life and worship. The city had a complex relationship with the ruling Roman Empire, which parallels the imagery of the beast as a representation of corrupt political power.
Symbolic Imagery: Jerusalem is often depicted as a woman in biblical texts. For example, in the Old Testament, cities are frequently personified as feminine figures. Revelation 21 contrasts the "New Jerusalem" with Babylon, suggesting a broader symbolism of Jerusalem representing both the faithful and, in its fall, the corrupt.
Rejection of Christ: Jerusalem is often associated with the rejection of Jesus, the Messiah. This rejection could be seen as embodying the "abominations" referenced in Revelation, specifically in light of the city's role in the crucifixion and persecution of early Christians.
Prophetic Literature: The prophetic literature of the Old Testament often depicts Jerusalem in a dual light—both as a place of future hope and as a city that has been judged. The judgment on Jerusalem by the Romans in 70 CE could be reflected in the imagery of the beast.
Link to Babylon: Revelation refers to the woman as "Babylon the Great," and some interpreters see this as a representation of Jerusalem, which had gone through cycles of faithfulness and unfaithfulness, particularly during the Second Temple period where political corruption and moral decline were rampant.
Arguments for the Catholic Church as the Woman Who Rides the Beast
Historical Identification: Throughout history, many Protestant reformers and theologians identified the Catholic Church with Babylon due to perceived corruption, the establishment of papal authority, and the alleged departure from original Christianity.
Political Power: The Catholic Church, particularly during the Middle Ages, wielded significant political power and influence, often partnering with and challenging secular authorities, which aligns with the image of a woman riding a beast (an alliance between church and state).
Symbolism of the Seven Hills: Revelation 17:9 mentions the woman sitting on seven hills. Rome, the seat of the Catholic Church, is famously known as the "City of Seven Hills," providing a geographical link to the interpretation.
Persecution of Saints: The Catholic Church, throughout its history, has been involved in the persecution of various groups, including other Christians (e.g., the Inquisition) and non-Christians. This aligns with the portrayal of the woman in Revelation as one who is drunk with the blood of the saints.
Maternal Imagery: The Catholic Church often uses maternal imagery in its theology (e.g., the Church as Mother). This parallels the woman in Revelation, who is presented as nurturing but also as an entity that can exploit and oppress, fitting with the notion of institutional corruption.
An AI summary! I have messed with ChatGP a bit. I asked for information on the Godhead. It came back with what I would call the consensus opinion on that subject. Now AI did give you what I believe to be the 2 major opinions on the subject of Mystery Babylon.
The Catholic Church is a popular protestant interpretation for the identity of Mystery Babylon. As an X-Catholic I can appreciate that interpretation. I will clearly state that I believe the Catholic Church is a type of Mystery Babylon. But did the Apostle John have the Catholic church in mind when he wrote Revelation? In fact did John even have us (2024 Christians) in mind when he wrote Revelation? Who was Johns' primary audience? The 7 churches in Asia - real churches that existed in John's day.
One quick point I'll make is that you are correct that Rome is a city on seven hills. But did you know that Jerusalem is also a city built on seven hills? Most folks dismiss Jerusalem as Mystery Babylon simply because they interpret the city on seven hills as being Rome. Revelation 17:9 (KJV) - And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.
We are given clues in Revelation as to the identity of Mystery Babylon:
#1: Mystery Babylon is a city. (Rev. 17:18; 14:8; 16:19; 18:10)
#2: Mystery Babylon presides over a vast international system (of religion). (Rev. 17:1; 17:15)
#3: Mystery Babylon (the city) sits on 7 hills. (Rev. 17:9)
#4: Mystery Babylon is clothed in purple & red. (Rev. 17:4)
#5: Mystery Babylon was were our Lord was crucified: (Rev. 11:8)
Rev 11:8 (KJV) - And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, **where also our Lord was crucified. **
I believe that Rev. 11:8 kinda "seals the deal". It's hard to get around that scripture. And you know what? I have noticed articles that conclude that either the city of Rome (or the Catholic Church) are Mystery Babylon (conveniently) leave out any mention of Rev. 11:8!
I can take thru point by point as to why I believe Mystery Babylon is Jerusalem of the 1st century rather than the Catholic Church. I am willing to do that - but first please read the article below. I am very close to the author of that article.
Faithful believers within the churches. Wheat among tares, yet the entire diseased corrupt temple will come crashing down, Lord willing. Just as we have good public servents within corrupt and unconstitutional / perverted beyond the original scope and intent Federal institutions such as the CIA or FBI or IRS, that doesn't negate the fact that those institutions themselves are unconstitutional, at least in the ways that they are set up and operate.
Who is God telling to "come out of her my people" in Revelation? Where are they coming out of?
You'd have to agree there are wicked men in the Catholic church, so to call them "the church" along with the good ones is not correct. I think we only disagree on whether or not the institution itself, Roman Catholicism, is how God wanted a church to be.
If a 5th column exists within our government, we don’t destroy our government institution to root out the problem; you flush out the enemy.
The same applies to the Judeo-Freemasons who took over the Church after the death of Pope Pius XII; you don’t abandon the Church instituted by Jesus & his Apostles; you don’t abandon the Church that authored the Bible & is the oldest institution in Western Civilization; you expose the enemy infiltrators within the Church.
Who will introduced Arch Bishop Vigano to the community? Q.
the Church instituted by Jesus & his Apostles; you don’t abandon the Church that authored the Bible & is the oldest institution in Western Civilization
Jesus seems to disagree when he threatens to destroy bad churches in the first part of Revelation... I personally find the RCC to be so far removed from the simplicity of the Gospel that it's surely on the chopping block, and this I would say 1,000 years ago, well before Pius XII. Again, who is God telling to come out of her my people, and where are they being told to come out of? If a church sets itself up in a way contrary to God's instructions, should it remain?
And yet, the Church is still here. If Napoleon, Gangis Ka’an & the Satanic Freemasons haven’t been able to destroy the Church yet, I believe she is proving the rest of time.
When was your personal church established? 1997? 2015? 1989?
And you still don't answer my questions! That church need not the help of any; she destroys herself repeatedly, as do her daughters the various Protestant sects as well as the secret societies, the odd sects like Mormons and JW, EO seems to be the least perverse though I don't really know much about it. That's an area of study I'd like to explore some day.
I don't have a personal church as I cannot tolerate any of the local assemblies within any reasonable travel distance from my home, sadly, so I stick to small fellowship and online fellowship for the time being.
You stick with your online ministry, hope that works out. I’ll stick with the 2,000 year old church that gave us the Bible, sacraments, and is the foundation of Western civilization.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion but expect some push back when you begin to insult the Church established by Jesus & his Apostles. Have some respect for the Church that gave you that Bible.
They didn't write it though. They always collecting stuff and never read none of it.
That's why they are praying to a Gaia demon instead of Jesus.
Funny isn't it?
And yet, there remained ONE Church for 1,500 years until every dick & harry got a revised, altered bible & think they can interpret the Catholic Bible & now you belong to one of the 45,000 man-made “churches” that has come to existence.
Regardless of how bad the Freemason larping as Pope continues to discredit the Church, the facts remain, Jesus established ONE Apostolic Church & the Catholic Church assembled ONE bible that went untouched from the end of the 4th century until 1517 AD.
Where was your church in the year 1207? 1492? 314AD? It didn’t exist.
My church was founded in Antioch 1 AD.. when the Holy Spirit fell upon the believers.
Babylon's whore began collecting scripts at her founding by Synagogue of Satan 300 AD. Jesus calls you out in Revelations.
Since y'all been doing all this collecting you will have no excuse when Judgement arrives.
Get right
That’s some cool fan fiction there. So your church has been living underground for 2,000 years.
You are wanting to take history away from the Catholics & appropriate it to your strip mall church.
You prots have very vivid imaginations 😂
Do you have any physical proof your church is the one that existed in 1AD? Do you have the spear of destiny at your church’s basement? Do you have the Crown of Thrones in a locker? What physical proof do you have to link you to the past?
What proof that your church is the one that has existed throughout the centuries? Are there 2,000 year old manuscript at your strip mall church?
Is Saint Peter burried in your parking lot? Last I heard, Saint Peter was buried in the Vatican.
How can the “whore of Babylon” be the one that created the Bible & has relics as proof to its ties to the historical past? I suspect you have no ties to the past, beyond the 1990’s.
All you need to do is read the scriptures y'all been collecting.
RCC has always been the Babylon's whore.
Part of lucifers trinity.
The whore collects all manner of religious relics.
Y'all are confused bitch worshipers worshipping created things rather than the Author and Finisher of all creation.
Keep playing with your beady beads if you like.
We boast of God Jesus and Holy Ghost.
you boast of fallible man.
That's why yall wear the Millstone award and are about to be thrown into the Fire of Judgement.
I’m glad that you have acknowledged the fact that the Holy Roman Catholic Church has authored the Bible that Protestants ripped off, edited & added to.
Now, if you can only reconcile yourself to the Church established by Jesus & his Apostles, we’d be golden.
Heck, both Q & Trump have both acknowledged the Church. You think you know more than them?
Why would I go with an apostate Church when the original one still exists?
Why would the FBI target the traditional Catholics but not heretical Protestants? Because the Deep State FEARS the return to tradition; the return of our Christian society. Protestants didn’t give us Christian culture, it destroyed it. Christian culture was established by Catholicism.
The words "Jews" and "Israel" are what I call loaded words. What is essential is that we correctly define both terms. The best place I know is from scripture. The Apostle Paul gives us the correct, biblical definition of what it means to be a "Jew" and what it means to be part of "Israel":
Let’s consider the various ways that Paul uses the term, Israel.
In Romans 11, we see at least 4 different ways that Paul uses the word, Israel.
1st - the term can signify the group of ethnic Jews who have true faith in the Lord. In Romans 9:6 the Apostle says, "not all who are descended from Israel belong to Israel." Here he distinguishes Israel according to the flesh—all ethnic Jews—from Israel according to the promise, which is that subset of ethnic Jews who trust in God and ultimately in Christ.
2nd - Paul uses the term Israel, to refer to the entire corporate nation that is made up of all ethnic Jews, including those who do not trust in the Lord.
3rd - Ethnic Jews who have not placed their faith in Jesus make up the 3rd group that bears the name Israel in Romans 9:11.
4th - Finally, the term Israel can also designate all of those who believe in Jesus, including both ethnic Jews & ethnic Gentiles. For ex., in Gal 6:16, Paul applies the name Israel to the entire believing community—the church—that follows Christ. This meaning is clearly implied in his teaching about the one olive tree with both Jewish & Gentile branches (Romans11:24). The "Israel that failed to obtain what it was seeking" refers to ethnic Jews who have rejected their Messiah, Jesus.
Jew? Here’s Paul’s definition of a “Jew”: Romans 2:28-29 – “For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.”
Matthew 19:28: “Jesus said to them, ‘Truly I tell you, at the renewal of all things, when the Son of Man sits on his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.’” (NIV)
Luke 22:28-30: “You who have followed me will eat at my table and sit on thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.” (NIV)
Acts 1: 6 & 7
6 Then they gathered around him and asked him, “Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?”
7 He said to them: “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority...
Did you read anything I wrote? So you are going to ignore everything the Apostle Paul had to say about Israel? One of my points was that the word "Israel" is loaded word. It has multiple meanings & means different things to different people. We are under the New Covenant - the Covenant of Jesus Christ.
I've said this before and I'll say it again. Israel is saved for last because it's Biblical. Those are the only two important things that really line up between Q and the Bible. The whole world, under a one world government leader, comes against Israel in the final battle. Just remember that the leader of the one world government is the anti Christ. So be careful about who you trust to complete this. I don't think Trump is this figure but you never know. Only God does. Trust no man but God only.
When my president threatens the citizens with the death penalty for speaking against Israel, that's a little more than just a psyop. And now Florida has Israel license plates, wtf?
Half the days, I'm hopeful. Half, I feel like we are being led off a cliff. Time will tell.
The video linked in the other comments is Trump SPECIFICALLY talking about violent hate crimes against Jews. He was not talking about the death penalty in regards to speech.
Please edit your comment immediately, because that's blatant misinformation.
Yep that was my thought also. Mike Adams took Trumps words out of context and twisted them. Mike A. has a habit of doing that. That's the reason I no longer listen to the guy.
Yep - Trump was speaking about a shooting in a Jewish kosher grocery in New Jersey. He was not referring to the modern nation state of Israel. There's a huge difference. Everything Trump said was a normal reaction to criminal murder. If someone/anyone goes into anyplace and shoots/kills people they should get the death penalty. Trump would have said the same thing if instead of a Jewish grocery it had been a Christian church or a mosque.
LOL I'm not upset. You are, because I asked you to back up a crazy accusation against President Trump.
Pro tip: Being asked for sauce to back up bizarre assertions isn't "smack talk"; it's what you should expect in an online forum, this one at least. You need to substantiate your ridiculously stupid statement slandering Trump, about him threatening to murder Americans for their speech against Israel.
I knew you couldn't back up that goofy assertion. So now, you look doubly inane for getting your panties in a wad, Lily, and snapping back like a little whiny troll. Keep embarrassing yourself in public, and you can expect more readers questioning your baseless statements.
It's the get the fuck outta here. You started off sounding like a whiny jew, and I wasn't interested in listening. Embarrass myself? You think I give 2 shits what anybody in this world thinks of me lol. My president said antisemitism and death penalty in the same fucking conversation. Yes, I have reason to be concerned when my first amendment rights are trampled one.
And I am just super lazy about reading long messages. I have no desire to correct people online. I'm interested in my own thoughts and feelings, not yours. Unlike many of you, I don't come here for self assurance.
So forgive for not caring about giving a full response before, but my heart is not here for you.
Now, I'm done. Take that as you will. And take care.
This is what Mike Adams had quoted on his Natural News website:
"Trump appears to have been referring to a deadly shooting at a local kosher grocery store in New Jersey that he described as an "evil antisemitic attack" that he called "an assault on all of us" – or it could have been about the synagogue shooting that happened around the same time."
(So the context is a deadly shooting at a local kosher grocery store in NJ - so if you shoot innocent people you should get the death penalty - you should be destroyed).
"Through the centuries, the Jews have endured terrible persecution, and you know that – we've all read it, we've studied it, (and) they've gone through a lot. And those seeking their destruction, we will seek their destruction,"
"Now when you have crimes like this, whether it's this one or another one or another group, we have to bring back the death penalty. They have to pay the ultimate price. They can't do this. They can't do this to our country. We must draw a line in the sand and say very strongly: never again."
I really think Trumps words have been twisted a bit. Is "speaking against Israel" the same as "seeking their destruction"? And when Trump uses the term "never again" I take that as referring to the holocaust. When Trump refers to "crimes like this" I assume that he is also referring the the holocaust.
To quote Mike Adams from his article: "Whenever antisemitism is detected, Trump wants it to be "condemned." Not only that, Trump also wants all Americans to "stand with our Jewish brothers and sisters to defeat antisemitism and vanquish the forces of hate – that's what it is,"** which to him means killing all offenders." ** (Mike Adams is giving HIS opinion on the meaning of what Trump said when he stated "which to him means killing all offenders"! Sorry that's not what Trump said - that's Mike Adams twisting Trumps words (in my opinion).
You are welcome! I'm 72 years old. I still work (for $$) but only about 1 day a week. Sooo, I have a lot of time to respond. Keeps my mind active! You are correct in that done of this stuff is salvational. All of the subjects I am discussing I have taught in our adult Sunday school. I look at this as "sharpening the sword" (metaphorically of course).
Wow. Well, your mind is still super sharp!! And you seem to have lots of energy. I hope I'll be as blessed as I age! And you are definitely as asset here. 😊
u/DontTreadOnIT and u/propertyofUniverse, I agree with both of you. This is fantastic video and I think we need to keep stickying this every week atleast once so people don't lose sight.
Like he says, America is the most Zionist country in the world, and what baffles me is NOT that so many of his nominees are openly pro-Israel, but that he nominated RFK Jr for HHS.
People simply don't appreciate how much Trump is flexing with just this one nomination. Its not just flexing, it shows how skillfully he has created this situation in the Chess where, even as all the Zionists around him know deep down that he is gonna destroy them eventually, have to play along and accept the fact that he is point his gun straight at their heart.
The Big Pharma is a big part of the Zionist faction control structure. With the apparent support of vaccines by Trump, its one of the control structures thats very dear to them.
Behind the scenes, he turned the Plandemic into an interfaction conflict between the Zionist faction and the WEF faction, and effectively rendered the WEF faction's plans of extended lockdowns as a pathway to NWO.
The importance of Big Pharma for the Zionists is apparent from the fact that Trump still hasn't come categorically against the vaccines directly.
By appointing RFK Jr, whose whole life has been waging war against the Big Pharma, in a powerful position against the very same Big Pharma, while appointing so many apparent pro-Israelis to other crucial positions tells us this is a big move.
even as all the Zionists around him know deep down that he is gonna destroy them eventually, have to play along and accept the fact that he is point his gun straight at their heart.
I've been working on a precise metaphor for a while, this is closer than I have managed.
So were is Trump's Zionist son in law in all this? So Obama was right to screw Israel? A lot of things don't make sense. Trump claims the Golan Heights for Israel and moves the Embassy to Jerusalem. What am I missing?
Not all America is zionist espescially in here bit I understand his point of the movement being infiltrated and you often see it's influence in here. America's religions are infiltrated and the beliefs the isael of today is equal to the biblical Israel is the proof of its deception. Also, the influence that blindness people have to the plan as it has so far been carried out os another indicator. We should be rejoicing as of it's over already. Most of the deep states control has been neutralized including deep state Israel.
This is awesome, I hope my sister finds it…. I can’t get three words strung together without getting interrupted by her on a good day, if I mention Israel, Jews Israelis or Palestinians she dons her “ALL KNOWING” hat and won’t listen or even hear anything that asks How come? Or What if….
She’d never watch it to the end if I sent it and then she’d use half of the incomplete info she gleaned to argue at the top of her voice until I’m ded.
Yeah your right. The smallest indication of being wrong on the smallest thing sends her into cognitive dissonance - I guess being a narcissist does that.
One interpretation of Zach 12-14: It was fulfilled in the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. when Roman General Titus destroyed the city of Jerusalem and the Temple. Zechariah 12:2 (KJV)
Zach 12: 2 - "Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem."
Matt 24:1-2 - "And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple: and his disciples came to him for to shew him the buildings of the temple. And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down." (see also Luke 21 & Mark 13).
Zec 12:8 In that day shall the LORD defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem; and he that is feeble among them at that day shall be as David; and the house of David shall be as God, as the angel of the LORD before them.
Zec 12:9 And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.
I don't think you read the part where God save His people. That did not happen in 70AD. This is all future.
God saved His people - the remnant starting on the Day of Pentecost. "Jews" from all over the Roman Empire were filled with the Holy Ghost. That marked the beginning of the restoration of Israel. In addition the Christians believers were also physically saved from death by fleeing Jerusalem before the armies (Roman) were compassed about it. Read Josephus - what did the Christians in Jerusalem do? They fled the city? Why? Because they had been warned by Jesus (see Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21).
In the New Testament who are God's People? It's all those who are "in Christ". Both "Jew" and "Gentile". The New Testament Church started as a 100% Jewish institution - Samaritans, then Gentiles were added later....Read Romans chapter 11 - the Olive Tree. You have believing Jews as branches; unbelieving Jews who are broken off branches (who can be grafted back in if they believe); then finally there are the believing Gentiles who are grafted in among the believing Jews. That describes God's People....
This happened in 1948.
Jer_29:14 And I will be found of you, saith the LORD: and I will turn away your captivity, and I will gather you from all the nations, and from all the places whither I have driven you, saith the LORD; and I will bring you again into the place whence I caused you to be carried away captive.
The Jews were not scattered into ALL NATIONS until 70AD when Rome drove them out of their land and killed over a million of them. What you believe is called Amillennialism which was started by Origen and picked up later by Augustine when Christianity became the State religion.
Romans 11: The Gentiles are of the wild olive tree and we are grafted in to the root---the ROOT is Israel---Romans 9-11 tells how God will save Israel or the Jews but ALL will have to come to Jesus to be saved.
Zec 12:10 And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn.
The Jews will repent and recognize the Jesus was the Messiah but all this is future!
The "Jews" had already been scattered prior to 70AD. The 2nd Temple was destroyed in 70AD. The 1st Temple had already been destroyed by the Babylonians and the "Jews" were scattered. Paul mentions the elect and the remnant. The remnant of the Jews were gathered in Jerusalem on the Day of Pentecost. They repented and confessed that Jesus was the Messiah. The process continues to this day.
What you believe is dispensationalism - popularized by the Scofield Reference Bible and John Nelson Darby and the Plymouth Brethren.
So do you think Romans 11 means every single "Jew" will be saved? Romans 9:6 - " Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel:" Again the "Jews" started repenting on the Day of Pentecost. The early church started as 100% "Jewish". The Church is the New Jerusalem!
In the New Testament WHO is a Jew?
Paul (A Jew) gives us the answer in Romans 2:28-29 - " For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God."
All indeed will have to come to Jesus to be saved - but guess what? According to Romans only a remnant will! Romans 9:27 - “Esaias also crieth concerning Israel, Though the number of the children of Israel be as the sand of the sea, a remnant shall be saved:”
There is only one gospel - one Church composed of Jew and Gentile. God only has one bride. Today all are welcome to come into the Church. The doors are not closed to the Jew or the Gentile.
The "Jews" had already been scattered prior to 70AD. The 2nd Temple was destroyed in 70AD. The 1st Temple had already been destroyed by the Babylonians and the "Jews" were scattered. Paul mentions the elect and the remnant. The remnant of the Jews were gathered in Jerusalem on the Day of Pentecost. They repented and confessed that Jesus was the Messiah. The process continues to this day.
The Jews were only in Babylon. The Israelites were in Assyria until Babylon conquered Assyria and then they were taken into Babylon as slaves. They were NOT in ALL NATIONS.
What you believe is dispensationalism - popularized by the Scofield Reference Bible and John Nelson Darby and the Plymouth Brethren.
What I believe is what the Bible teaches and the Bible teaches the Jews were scattered into all nations---70AD---and they will be regathered into the land----Ezek 36-37 in the end times. Russia and Iran with a confederacy of other nations--all Muslim--will come against Israel--Zach 12-14--and God will intervene to save them from total destruction. Ezek 38-39. Dispensationalism is what the Bible teaches from the OT to the NT.
You are correct in being ONE Church---Jew and Gentile-- but that does not negate the promises God made to Abraham, Issac and Jacob.
The promises made to Abraham, Issac and Jacob? Sure the promises are there - but under the new and better covenant who inherits the promises? Galatians says it's those that are "in Christ". Those in Christ are the "Abraham's seed" - both Jew and Gentile. Studying the covenants are the key to understanding the promises.
Galatians 3:26-49 - "For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise."
Dispensationalism teaches that Israel never possessed the land. But God kept his promises and gave them the land:
Joshua 23: 43-45 - "So the Lord gave to Israel all the land of which He had sworn to give to their fathers, and they took possession of it and dwelt in it. The Lord gave them rest all around, according to all that He had sworn to their fathers. And not a man of all their enemies stood against them; the Lord delivered all their enemies into their hand. Not a word failed of any good thing which the Lord had spoken to the house of Israel. All came to pass."
"Trump has no other option than to play a strategic game."
OK, I'll consider this opinion. But he provided no basis to support this conclusion. Why is Trump supporting Israel the way he has, and adding members to his cabinet who are openly Zionist? Why does Trump support antisemitism laws that infringe upon the First Amendment? If Trump is "exposing the cabal," then why treat Israel with kid gloves? Why not call a spade a spade and be done with it?
In this video, Trump repeats the claim that "...Nazis murdered six million jews..." If he's so "in the know" and as smart as everyone claims, he would know that this is a lie. https://www.bitchute.com/video/ZVxJTvDR00bI/ "Those who deny the holocaust are an accomplist to this horrible evil..." That sounds like a threat against the First Amendment if you ask me. Many places in Europe will throw people in prison for questioning the holohoax, and states here in the U.S. are beginning to lean this direction. Holohoax curriculum is required in many states.
Trump says, "Israel is a very, very important ally of the United States." Oh, really? Ask anyone familiar with world events and politics, and you'll get a completely different answer.
The person narrating the video claims that people are making other videos to make viewers form opinions against Trump. Well, I say, just look at the words out of his mouth in speeches. That's all we have to go on. Ask yourself, why does Trump, and just about every other politician, bow to jews and Israel? No other tiny, marginalized group receives this kind of attention, and the billions of dollars in aid. This "aid" gets funneled back to the U.S. through AIPAC, ADL, and HIAS, to tear down the fabric of our country and destroy it from within.
So far, the only conclusion that can be drawn about Trump, based upon his own words and the actions of his relationship with his family, is that he is compromised. I would happily eat my words if I am wrong...
You ask "...why would he take down their most powerful weapon." Well, I haven't seen him "take down" MSM other than call it fake news. As far as I have seen, the "Great Awakening" and social media, as well as MSM itself getting caught up in its own lies, are to blame for taking down MSM...not anything Trump has done himself. He has missed some massive opportunities to be specific about what exactly MSM has reported that are out-and-out lies, but all he says is, "Fake news." Honestly, he hasn't impressed me with the "5-D chess" everyone seems to credit him with.
Recently, his team has filed a lawsuit against CBS for their 60 Minutes interview with Harris, but that's a single action, and recent in nature.
As far as I have seen, the "Great Awakening" and social media, as well as MSM itself getting caught up in its own lies, are to blame for taking down MSM...not anything Trump has done himself.
You've got to be kidding me.
You claim they took down themselves by lying, however they've been lying for decades.
Q and Trump were the key to destroying the credibility of the MSM.
Do you believe it was merely coincidence that their deceptions have been more blatant than ever over the last eight years?
Do you think it was a coincidence Elon took over their biggest online propaganda machine formerly known as Twitter?
Yes, they have been lying for decades, but the lies caught up with them in sort of a "critical mass" point, and enough people began noticing. "Causation does not equal correlation." Just because Trump began saying "fake news" about the same time that others began taking MSM to task, does not mean that Trump can be given credit for what has happened to MSM. MSM has focused on Trump for eight years...even longer than that, because it's what drives viewers and readers. It doesn't take a huge stretch of imagination to recognize that where the lies rest, is where the news has focused -- on Trump. There are a lot of intelligent folks in this world...Trump doesn't have the market cornered on savvy.
I won't pretend to try to understand why Musk does what he does...other than the fact that I believe he is a fraud and opportunist. https://www.bitchute.com/video/Db8xlkPaLb0m/
I invested more time than I care to admit in all that, but after meaningless "deltas" that came and went, and arguments ad nauseum on this board trying to parse out what exactly was meant by a drop, I gave up and spend my available time on more concrete digging...
Most of my contributions to this board are a result of my research into medical issues, and sharing links from my massive files, but I do entertain occasional opinions on other topics which I share on occasion. The JQ is actually something I know quite a bit about, as is my historical knowledge of WWI and WWII.
I am normally cautious and skeptical by nature. Perhaps that might have the potential of leaving me behind the curve on some topics, but it also means I don't get hung out to dry by being impulsive.
This being a forum for people who believe in Trump and Q, both things you admit having zero faith in, perhaps you understand why a hypersonic ban is now screaming your way at Mach 17?
My understanding is that were he to do this, the alliance would fracture. And then we couldn't even resolve the situation in Asia and Europe, let alone Israel. Nobody has perfect knowledge, so everyone has to believe cooperating is in their best interest. Game Theory. Expose too early that Israel is Trump's enemy, and you lose the cohesion necessary between the various factions to clean up the rest of the world.
None of us are certain precisely what pieces of Israel are truly compromised.
But for the same reason that, despite not trusting them, we held a fragile alliance with the Soviet Union until after WWII was over, we can't go after Israel until things have been cleaned up everywhere else. A marriage of convenience now doesn't mean that it will be this way forever.
That is what "Saving Israel for Last" is all about.
Its very creation. Undo the tumor and save the world. Otherwise, watch as it enslaves goyim through its decades-long psyop and blackmail program which controls all forms of power.
I think DJT is saying what he does about Israel to string them along. There are a lot of Jews in the U.S. and it takes baby steps to bring the evil to light.
In terms of raw numbers, jews are only about 2% of the U.S. population, and statistics show that the vast majority of them vote blue...even in this last election.
An 8 1/2 minute video about false voices and he does not NAME ANYONE. He leaves it up to us to go looking for spooks in a haunted house.
These misleading voices are somehow telling the truth about Israel, but are lying through their teeth about Trump. If they are opposed to Trump, and Trump is an enemy of the Zionist Cabal, why do they also expose the Zionist Cabal?
And, there are Zionists under every bed, apparently. Most of America was settled with the Geneva and King John versions of the Bible. No credit for Jews who put their names to financial support of the War for Independence.
And the icing on this cake of conspiracy is "chemtrails," something that has only an imaginary existence, but because it is such a refined taste, allows him to display an "I'm one of you" marker.
If I were looking for manipulation actors, I would vote for this guy.
Thanks. Good catch. I don't have much to do with Stu Peters, so my ear was not attuned to his name. (Actually, I think my hearing deficit got the better of me and it just passed by.)
Visit the website www.StopWorldControl.com. A lot more information and videos there. He's more than just an 8.5 minute video. He brings out the very important point of dual US/Israeli citizens.
He had 8.5 minutes to name key names and failed to do so (with one exception, thanks to "RealityIsBroken"). That denotes a complete lack of sincere seriousness. I'm not interested in rabbit holes. Honest communication gets to the point and does not demand elaborate, time-consuming research.
I will confess not understanding his point. On the one hand, these voices are anti-Israel, which he approves. But they are anti-Trump, which he disapproves. But Trump is pro-Israel...so, what in hell is he really approving? You don't see this?
The "very important point of dual US/Israel citizens" can be brought out in a few sentences, or even one sentence. He didn't bother to make the point. Nor did you.
Did you bother to visit the website: https://stopworldcontrol.com/? There are about 18 videos on that site - lots of names are named. For you to conclude there is a "complete lack of sincere seriousness" on his part is ludicrous!
You want "honest communication"? Go listen to his videos.....they might save you from having to do "time-consuming research".
What is the difference? I am a communicator as a professional byproduct in science and engineering. I know how to put it down on paper with references. Listening to anything takes 5x more time than reading, and it is much more difficult to check sources. I am not impressed by videos. They make me believe that literacy has dropped off the map of the intelligentsia (talk and wave arms at the cave pictures).
No thanks. There are plenty of anti-Semites around here that can give me all kinds of reasons for being concerned about a world of Zionists.
I think it is far too ambiguous to interpret. "Saving" can be taken in two ways. In one way, it is related to salvation, or the rescue of someone from a threat. Which would suggest that Israel's future is to be saved. For someone that embarked on the Abraham Accords, that would seem to be an expectable goal. In another way, it can be related to deprioritization, or the leaving of some task to the last. Which would suggest that whatever problems are to be solved for Israel, it may require that the other problems be solved first. Considering that the politics of Israel may be entwined with the politics of the U.S., that may be the case. It could well mean both interpretations.
I have never understood what that phrase is supposed to mean, and I think many on this page read into it their own prejudices. I think it is clear that Trump regards Israel with the deepest religious respect, and I have no problem with that.
Thanks for your response. It was articulate and thoughtful! I certainly agree that Israel has problems and that those problems probably can't be solved until other problems are solved first.
And I agree that "the politics of Israel may be entwined with the politics of the U.S." And that's the worrisome part to me. Is it right for our Senators and Reps. to be dual US/Israeli citizens? Which nation are they loyal to? What would people think if our politicians held dual citizenship with another country? How about US/Germany dual citizenship? Or US/fill in the blank?
And what campaign contributions politicians receive from AIPAC, the American/Israeli PAC? There's only a handful of US politicians that don't take AIPAC $$. It's almost as if our foreign policy is controlled by Israel. I have no problem with Trump having the "deepest religious respect" for Israel. I have the deepest religious respect for Israel also. The problem comes in when we mix up religious respect with politics and foreign policy.
Grant Smith
This video was released six years ago. Everything he says in this video towards the end, is what’s happening now. Ron DeSantis and other governors are making laws to put American’s in prison for any criticism of Israel, that “They”consider is antisemitism. This lobby has been working for years to control America.
This sticky should probably just stay here indefinitely.
I really hope that this is all true. I've long wondered why nobody just pretends to be on the Zionists side and then stab them in the back once they have power.
However, perception is truly the key here. He mentions that "in the minds of the American people Trump will have done the right thing by supporting Israel".
The issue here is that a lot of people, and especially the younger people who've had access to alternate information sources for their whole lives, are already completely anti-Israel, anti-Zionist, and anti-Talmudic, and our message is spreading rapidly. We know that we've been lied to. Supporting Israel is already the wrong thing in our minds. Everything they do is despicable right down to the name that they chose, which confuses way too many Christians into supporting Israel because they conflate it to the Israel in the bible, but the bible's Israel is a person (Jacob), not a country founded in 1948.
It's obvious that we are being psychologically manipulated every day. It could be done for nefarious purposes just as easily as it could be done for righteous purposes. That's really what separates the different beliefs. Either you believe it's being done for our greater benefit, or you believe it is being done to our detriment. And the reality is that no matter which belief is actually true, what we are seeing would be roughly the same. That's the whole point of Psychological Operations, to achieve a goal by manipulating people into thinking a certain way and believing certain things.
We're sick of it all though. We want exposure. Big things need to happen in the next few years. Red pills need to be force-fed through the TV, news outlets, and every social media website. We're all just waiting and seeing what happens and hoping for the best, because that is literally all we can do.
Is what we are witnessing the application of Sun-tzu's Art of War?
Sun-tzu’s Art of War is a highly influential text from the 5th century B.C. Its lessons have been applied in both the East and West not only to war, but also to business, politics, law, sports, and even life.
“All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.” - Sun-tzu.
The globalists are a powerful force. They have been around for 100's if not 1000's of years. How did Israel become a nation in 1948? What part did the Rothschild's play in its creation?
The Mystery of Israel film he mentioned.
I have watched this and I highly recommend everyone check it out. This guy is right on target!!
PDJT is going to have a field day with these malcontented idiots who call themselves politicians. One can ONLY imagine what is going through these people's minds as PDJT walks into the Congressional Chambers and DELIVERS the knock-out punch with the help of the military!!!!!!!!
That is my dream, and I am sticking to it...REASON: This is the shock factor that will be needed to start the ball rolling in cleaning out government...One doesn't start at the bottom; one starts at the top and the top rats out the next level due to saving their own hides...
Yes. And hopefully it will start a worldwide snowball.
The UK appears to be on the verge of revolution, Ireland is not far behind.
Is the fence still around the capital building? With the barbed wire at the top on the inside?
The White Hats. Use Razor Wire.
It will stay this way till after inauguration
Yeah you’re right ! he knocked the fkn target down ! I rushed through this and will watch again ! Unbelievable ! Wow wow !
I have an issue with the whole Scolfield Bible part. I’m not doubting its tue. My issue is with how that seems to challenge God’s authority over His word. Unless someone can shift my perspective I am left with believing that God allowed that particular aspect His word to be hijacked to further His end game plans. I don’t think it changes the overall message of salvation. So maybe I shouldn’t be too concerned? I really can’t come up with an explanation why it was allowed that sits right with me though. Anyone else thinking about this?
That’s the question I have as well. So we’re all gonna sit here and clap like seals because of Jew is telling us that the Bible is errant. I’m not in that group.
Either God’s word is inerrant or it isn’t. When you start playing games like that, then what do you have to base your salvation on. What kind of assurance do you have for your afterlife? The part that bothers me most about this propaganda, is that it was a sticky on GAW for five days straight. That alone tells me that somebody’s trying to sell me something, and I’m not buying.
I get really tired hearing about this Schofield thing. Even some super country western star that was on Tucker Carlson show was talking about this. But he was discussing it from the perspective of being post tribulation. The fact that we’re hearing about this more frequently tells me it’s some type of a psychological operation to get people to not trust Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
That being said… I’m not a huge fan of Israel as a whole. I do find it interesting that many Christians give them blanket support because their God chosen people. 🤷♀️ well I do know that there are the Kazarian mafia Jew as well, and I’m sure that Israel has the same problem that America has. White hats and black hats.
But I also know that one of the top contributors to the left is a Jewish person who runs only fans! Not to mention the owner of porn hub is a rabbi. No I don’t stand with those Jews or whatever you wanna call them.
I stand with Jesus Christ! Jews still need to accept Him as their Lord and Savior or they’re going to hell just like any other human on earth. They denied their own Messiah, and each person has to give an account when they stand before the white judgment thrown.
I agree with you and feel as though I could’ve wrote this same comment myself.
This forum is primarily Christians. I do find it interesting that there is a tactic behind the scenes, trying to break down the Bible to being errant. If you can have people question that, then they start questioning other things like their salvation, and other facts. It’s funny too, because the people who are pushing this are the Jews. I wonder why that is. It’s just another attack on Christianity, and trying to break down the nuclear family, White replacement, and having us question our faith in Christ.
I have an idea who is pushing all of this, but you can’t speak the truth here, and you can’t ever step out of line, it’s almost like the ADL is running this place. 😂😂😂 this is not a free speech forum, but then again they never claimed to be.
I’m a pet sitter, and I live in other peoples houses so there’s only so many things you can do during the day physically and mentally. I spent a lot of time here, and on PDW. Because I’m here so frequently, I see patterns, I see propaganda, and I see psychological operations behind the scenes. Especially on PDW.
Stand strong in the Lord and keep your eyes fixed on him. Don don’t let anybody tell you to doubt God’s word, and his love for you, and the gift of his salvation. He suffered so much for us, and I am grateful.
I agree, it’s time.
I’ve watched the film several times and learn more each time I do.
Just finished. Wow. This is a great one to send to others. Thanks for taking the time to post it here!
Totally. This video is a gift to give to the normies who voted for PDJT. Excellent!! BTW I have been noticing that a lot of liberals from other states like Colorado are here in Florida specially in very conservative counties like mine. I don’t know what is their role, but for some reason they are here. Zionists are everywhere.
Agreed this is a great video to share around.
The real value here is that he plainly explains WHY Trump (for now) is "keeping his enemies close."
Anyone wonder WHY the mods have had this stickied for going on three days…?
Think about what that means…
The White Hat military that runs this ongoing digital soldier boot camp that is GreatAwakening.win Wants. Us. All. To. Know. This info!
This short video is very much worth watching.
It covers Trump and Zionism, psyops and strategy.
As a historical analog, It mentions how Trump turned toward the torpedo with warp speed.
Very much worth watching. He nails the Israel angle and makes a very important point about the patriot movement being heavily infiltrated.
Willing or not, every citizen on the planet is a combatant in fifth generation warfare. As anons we are expected to navigate the cognitive battlefield at least marginally better than normies. Anytime a patriot influencer criticizes Trump we have to ask ourselves - does this grievance seem legit? Is this issue worth going against Trump? Could there be something this influencer is missing? Is it possible that they have been building up trust, waiting for the right moment to turn their followers against Trump? The answer to that last one is always yes, by the way.
Glad he mentioned that miscreant Stew Peters.
Yes, and add Mike Adams to the list.
And Greg Reese? 🤷♂️
He’s another one, just pumps ~FEAR~. I lost a few “friends” cuz I wouldn’t listen to his crap. Not FRENS.
we're still havin' fun!
Stew Peters...
Yes. He certainly does.
Yep, perfect example.
Yessir!! Can’t stand him. Was scrolling to see if anyone else had said this 😎👍🏻💯
I never watched him had a gut feeling I guess..
This week he came out hard against Alex Jones.
As soon as someone discredits Trump I’m done with them. I have no use for them after that, no matter how much they claim they were wrong. One and done 🇺🇸
Same 👍🏻
I heartily second that!
This is how they give themselves away. They might start with a jab here and there, but those jabs will start turning into rants against Trump. The Trust in Trump has to be absolute.
I completely agree. I could never turn on Trump after all he has endured and sacrificed for us.
Jd Vance called DJT Hitler and many he has chosen spoke horribly about him. I’m same as u so had a tough time with some choices
According to Delora O’Brien she was told by a source that Don Jr pushed his dad to choose JD. So I guess Don Jr had his reasons. I’m sure each selection has deep consideration reasons. Only Trump really knows the reason. We just have to trust. With that being said, lol, I still believe that JD is not permanent. Time will tell I guess.
Not to mention is the influencer the best influencer money can buy? Are they being supported monetarily by anyone? If so who? And how much?
Something doesn't ring true with some of these guys. They never seem to try to find the "root cause" of the problems we are faced with. It's almost as if they are controlled opposition. I remain suspicious of everyone.
who cares, in the end? Turn masses of followers against who they follow? That isnt how following works. Tempt them slightly so they may lean further into their commitment in this life.
Decent 40,000 ft view.
Talmud or Torah? Inquiring Goyim want to know!!
Ha, Stu Peters. I've disliked him for a few years. Shoot, I don't even recall why now but feel it's a little reinforced hearing his name dropped.
Who is that guy in the video? I'm curious to check out his films.
I watched Stew Peters once only. He gave me a bad feeling. Call it intuition but I never watched him again. And hearing that he was putting forth the stupid snake venom theory only reinforced my feelings.
I haven't figured out why certain "patriots" go full trigger mode with the "stupid snake venom theory". If you actually listen to some of the details given by let's say Dr. Ardis or some of the others that talk on the subject, who i think speaks some actual important information but still a poser. The documents and research behind the venom theories it becomes clear it's not so stupid at all. Much of it is verifiable through patents and medical licenses s,, descriptions and required labels. Shooting the presenter over the information is salacious elementary logic. Even a dumb ass, redcoat, fence sitter, can speak truth. It's call critical thinking and discernment.
I don't disagree because with the experimental injections bio pharma were putting all sorts of foreign substances in them for testing purposes to test with a large scale population versus a smaller control group.
I certainly wouldn't reflexively rule it out. Remind me again what is wrapping around the staff of the AMA symbol?
That topic was also discuss in fair length about the history behind the symbol and what's represented. I forget which cast or who was on it but they also had some compelling history points brought up on that as well.
Can you link details on the snake venom theory? What conclusive findings did Ardis present?
If it was true he would still be warning about it.
I'd have to go digging. It was roughly 2 years ago when that was going around. And interestingly it's way harder, one might say suppressed, in any searches. Have to use exact terms on any browser, search engine combo I've tried not too long ago.
Edit: Found a rumble (wont give me hyperlink option here) video:
This one has some interesting info. Dont get me wrong here, the "presenters" like jane ruby, I'm not putting much stock into them. I searched quite a bit of info provided in this cast and was able to at least verify it was verifiable to some extent leading me to a conclusion that this info is potentially credible and probable.
I just wonder, if there was something to it why did no one pick up the story? Where are the anons still carrying that torch, posting relevant sauce? Correct me if I'm wrong, Ardis' claim was that they were putting synthetic snake venom in the tap water, which is what caused covid?
I was just thinking about this earlier. It is a scientific fact (with a capital S) that "they" have designed synthetic snake venom, and that many Big Pharma medications contain them, including some taken by people on this forum no doubt. It only requires a little legwork to find out every single component of your meds and what the names of ingredients actually are. You think they list 'viper venom' on a med ingredient list? Of course not. They use the synthetic version's name. Many researchers got suspicious of how the covid vax causes after-effects resembling what snake bite victims experience, such as loss of smell and taste. It really is not that hard to comprehend. If information with research to back it up, is rejected because the person talking about it is an asshole, it is petulance, not reason. The issue of synthetic venom in a Big Pharma products just is not something the masses are going to accept easily, but the truth is definitely out there.
O.T: I am taking this opportunity to say that I no longer have any doubts about AJ's true intentions. He is for life and freedom, not death cults and slavery. People have to be allowed to evolve. It is like the story about the bucket full of crabs on a dock, and one succeeds in climbing to the rim, but the rest of the crabs have a grip on him and back down he goes. Human nature is like that. Not our best trait.
Yeah I agree. That's why I try to respond to the posts I've seen that immediately and ignorantly attack anything to do with snake venom theories in ad hominem or in general. It's an actual important subject. Something that's become quite rare on this site anymore.
Same with AJ, MOS controlled. Q outright told us but people on this "Q board" keep posting his bullshit.
Never been a fan of AJ, or watched any Infowars, BUT, it's been 6 years since 2018, when AJ was exposed by Q and showed his colors.
Do you not think that its possible for MANY assets to have had their strings cut, or to have been flipped, since then? Over 6 years?
War is dynamic. Failure to take this in to account leads to failure and defeat.
I think Roger Stone flipped AJ which is why the operation of white hats involves flipping some black hats or gray hats but that is my speculation on this subject matter.
Showed his colors? You mean, as a reliable patriot and Trump supporter? Yes he has.
It was shown by Q that AJ was a mossad asset, when he attempted to hijack the Q operation. It's been widely understood in the Q community that AJ is/was controlled opposition. Even his defense in court in a lawsuit with his former wife declared he is an actor, acting (on INFOWARS).
Personally, however, I think his strings have been cut, and he is either cooperating with or being utilized by the good guys.
If you don't learn to look below the surface of appearances, you don't really have any idea how 5G warfare works.
Many of us were watching in real time as AJ tried to hijack the Q operation, and how later on, when Trump was cleaning out ISIS in Syria under cover of the so-called 'missile attacks', AJ completely denounced Trump and called him crazy and said he was going to start ww3.
Why does Mossad send an operative to Bohemian Grove to risk his safety, and possibly his life, to trespass and film bizarre rituals that expose the deepstate cabal
That was a very long time ago and arguably what spring boarded his career. Very likely his coverage of BG and Bilderburg is what led him to being coopted in the first place.
Who's to say now? I just know from observing IRT how Q called AJ out and why. I simply just don't trust any pundits or paytriots... not worth investing in. All the real crumbs are on the boards and in other IRT events we have and will see play out.
Because there isn't just one group of bad guys, and they fight each other constantly.
If it wasn’t for a vague statement made by Q everyone here would support Alex.
Think deeper. As Q said, “Some disinfo is necessary.”
Stew just came out against Alex Jones this week.
Perhaps Infowars had been compromised — but perhaps that’s what it is being restructured completely.
AJ was used to discredit the "We Need To Talk About Sandy Hook" school shooting video on BitChute. That video shows how much of the town was in on making up a school shooting as a crisis actor event. AJ was used as controlled opposition to show what would happen should anyone even question school shootings being "scheduled" to cover other bad news.
Look up patents like 3951 134, 5159 703, 5507 291, 658 7729, 6470 214, 857 9793...(Take out the space when searching). Easily over 50 patents on how to manipulate a person, and that's without getting it into blu light on monitors. Evil dumbarses.
Was is all the vax disinfo? Snake venom stuff for example?
Even before that he was making my skin itch by having on dudes like Juan O'Savin and JohnHereToHelp. He also added that "Trump is owned by the Jews" guy to his lineup probably to try to throw off allegations of being MOSSAD-controlled.
I want to say he was naysaying Trump but not 100%
But played in with me not liking him anyway then dude in the video saying they'll try and turn folk against Trump.
I do remember a while back hearing about snake venom in the vax from a few different people. I didn't really believe nor disbelieve, but I wasn't surprised either way.
David Sorensen at www.StopWorldControl.com
That's been in the running for my top favorite website for a couple of years now. I don't remember finding anything there I disagreed with. Excellent resource!
David Sorenson, Stop World Control
This why Trump needs leaders not followers. The battle is just beginning. Watch and Pray.
How do we know trump and thr patriots won't turn? We seem to be in the same situation with hope, and when trump removes his competitors who can stop him?
Been years and I still don't trust the intentions eventhough events seem to be moving in the right direction. Clone or body double trump could happen, it's all very complicated.
Not much we can do in the billionaires world of bankers, theives and sataniats.
This is a "military operation", it's bigger than PDJT. He is just the vessel!! I can assure you, if for some reason he screws up.., there is a contingency plan in place to deal with him and the situation. There is no way on an operation of this size and nearly 60 years of planning would be left to chance and Trump knows that.
it is not complex. you already understand it as simple, and always returnimg to the situation with hope. feed the hope in your loved ones eyes. feed your own. and when your hopes are dashed, play again, for who thou art.
Reasonable observation in my view. Never drop your guard. Folk that downvoted you without explanation are concerning.. We elected Trump to do a job. We want it done.
Because its Biblical.
Exactly. Q said it was going to be Biblical
Israel's spiritual state when they're regathered isn't really what decides if modern Israel is legit in prophecy.
Prophets like Zechariah and Ezekiel actually show Israel coming back in unbelief first, then later having a spiritual awakening when the Messiah comes.
So what we're seeing now - the Jews regathering in their homeland - is the physical part of these prophecies happening. The spiritual transformation is still coming.
Agreed. So what if the Rothschilds re-established Israel for their own nefarious purpose, Israel had to be established to fulfill the end times prophecies. God uses powerful men of the world to accomplish His purpose, e.g. Nebuchadnezzar, Cyrus, and even Herod who ordered Christ's crucifixion. Ultimately, all things will work together to accomplish God's eternal purpose.
So much this.
There were 13 tribes of Israel: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Benjamin, Ephraim and Manasseh. Only the tribes of Benjamin and Judah returned to their homeland after they were taken away by the Assyrians. “Jew” would only refer to someone from the tribe of Judah. It will be a wonderful day when it is revealed who the descendants of those other missing tribes are.
I believe you must be referring to the lost tribes of Israel. Well if they are lost why don't they phone home? Don't they have cellphones?
Seriously I believe after they were scattered they intermarried and have long ago ceased being a unique people.
Besides under the New Covenant it doesn't matter - there are neither "Jew" nor "Greek". Gal 3:28 - "There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." It's not about bloodline anymore.
Matthew 11:13-14
For all the Prophets and the Law prophesied until John. And if you are willing to accept it, he is the Elijah who was to come.…
It's a popular misconception that the prophets and prophecies of the Old Testament somehow speak about the present, the future, or the last 2000 years.
But Jesus was very clear that ALL the prophets and their prophecies were only about the times leading up until John the Baptist, aka the Time of Jesus.
Curiously, Jesus also taught us that John the Baptist was the prophesied second coming of Elijah. Curious, huh?
I agree! The way I see it all prophecy points to Jesus Christ. Most Christians seem to read the bible asking themselves "what does this mean to me"? What they should be asking is what did this passage of scripture likely mean to the original audience it was written too? Revelation, for example, was written to 7 churches in Asia that existed in the 1st century. These were real churches, with real people who had real problems. What was John's purpose in addressing Revelation to them? Wasn't it to comfort them? Weren't they under tremendous persecution?
Yes, it was written to the 7 churches, however, Rev. 1:1 tells us that the things written were "signs." The 7 lampstands were "signs" of the 7 churches. Also, the Lord said that the church in Thyatira would remain until He returns (Rev. 2:25). And the church in Sardis (3:3). The church in Philadelphia will be saved out of the hour of trial that will come on the whole inhabited earth(3:10) and that hasn't happened yet. He said to the church in Laodicea, that he who overcomes will sit with Him on His throne. That didn't happen 2,000 years ago. Also, each letter to the 7 churches ends with, "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. So, it was not just written to a few churches in Asia. It was written to the whole church.
The 7 churches were, themselves, prophetic signs of the stages of the church through history and their names are prophetic. Ephesus means "desirable." She left her first love, but she was still desirable, Smyrna (from myrrh) signifies suffering and death. This was the time of persecution. Pergamos means marriage (monogamy, polygamy). The church was married to the world at the time of Constantine. Thyatira, means sacrifice of perfume, and is the fully formed Roman Catholic Church. Sardis, means the remainder, restoration, or reformation and includes all Protestantism. Next came Philadelphia, the city of brotherly love--the only approved church. They only need to hold fast what they have. Last is Laodicea, which means "the opinion of the people--the laymen." IOW, they were not led by the Spirit and the word, but by their own opinion.
Thanks for your thoughtful response.
Revelation 1:1 (KJV) - The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John:
Revelation 1:1 doesn't say anything about "signs". It says "signified". Strong's concordance says that it means "to indicate". God sent an angel to John to signify (indicate) things which "must shortly come to pass". Rev. 1:1 doesn't mention lampstands.
I'm not fond of the Catholic Church however, Revelation does not say that Thyatira is the Catholic Church. In fact the Catholic Church hadn't even come into existence at the time John wrote Revelation. I think you are reading too much into the text.
A good verse by verse commentary on Revelation is David Chilton's book "Days of Vengeance". I ordered 4 copies to give as Christmas presents.
Thank you for the heads up about the book “ Days of Vengeance “ I’ll order .
I don't use KJV, it has too many discrepancies from the original languages. The word "signified," Strong's concordance (using Olive Tree) says "semaino" means, a mark, sign. To give a public sign or signal. John uses the expression in his gospel also. Jn. 2:11 says, "This beginning of [miracles] Jesus did." The word for miracles is "semeiou" and means "sign, mark, token, miracle with a spiritual purpose."
Correct, the Catholic Church had not come into existence yet. Rev. 1:3 says that the things written are prophecies-"Things which are about to take place after these things (v.19)." It was during the time of the Catholic Church that idolatry was brought into the church (2:20). That hadn't happened at the end of the apostolic age.
I don't know anything about the book, Days of Vengeance, but just the title makes me think he misses the point of Revelation. The main point is not vengeance, it's the bringing forth of the Bride of the Lamb whose "wife has made herself ready (Rev. 19:7)." (Cross reference that to Eph. 5:23-31 to see that the church is the wife of Christ-the Lamb). This Bride is the New Jerusalem (Rev. 21:2). And everything about the New Jerusalem is a sign. The Bible consummates with the Spirit and the Bride speaking as one (22:17). Don't you want to know HOW the Bride makes herself ready? For that you need to understand the signs. The Bible interprets them.
The lampstands are not in the first verse, they're in the first chapter (vv. 1:12,20). The lampstands are the churches (Rev. 1:20). The churches are the wife of Christ (Eph. 5:23-31), and the Bride of the Lamb (Rev. 19:7) and the New Jerusalem (rev. 21:2).
First Happy Thanksgiving (assuming you celebrate this day)! We are getting ready to go to my son's house so I'll make this short.
Which Bible translation do you use if I might ask? I'm not in love with the KJV - I realize it has some translation issues (as do most translations).
For difficult passages I will read multiple translations, commentaries & word studies.
I agree with your comments in regards to the point of Revelation - however in order to get to bride of the lamb whose wife has made herself ready there was an element of vengeance (Day of Lord events). David Chilton took his title from: Luke 21:22 - "For these be the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled." There's a connection between Luke 21, Matt 24 & Mark 13 & Revelation.
Let me ask you a question: what brought about the end of the Old Covenant age? What brought an end to the animal sacrifices in the Jewish Temple? When did the sacrifices in the Temple end?
I use the Recovery Version from lsm.com (Living Stream Media). It's a study Bible with excellent footnotes. I have a whole Bible that I purchased, but you can get a free New Testament from bfa.org (Bibles for America). I do word studies also, and this version has the fewest problems I've encountered. I haven't found any, actually.
Here's one example: John 3:16 in KJV says, "...whosoever believeth IN Him..." The RcV says, "...everyone who believes INTO Him..." The Greek word there is "eis" which means to move from one place into another place. KJV substituted that for IN, or Greek "en," which means to be in a place. For instance, we walk INTO the house, then we're IN the house. Paul said that he was "a prisoner IN the Lord (Eph. 4:1)." How did he get IN the Lord? He believed INTO him. The wrong word obscures the meaning.
True, there is a day of vengeance, but that is not God eternal purpose. He has an eternal purpose, you know (Eph. 3:11). He didn't create us in order to save us. That was a side trip to bring us back to His eternal purpose. He wants something. It is for this that all things were created (Rev. 4:11), and it is toward this that He is working all things out (Eph. 1:11).
What brought about the end of the Old Covenant? Do you know what the New Covenant entails? See Jer. 31:31-34 and Ezek. 36:27. What changed the age was the incarnation of God in a man; God and man were joined in the man Jesus. That man became the perfect sacrifice that enabled God to righteously forgive man's sins according to the New Covenant. This cleared the way for God to put His Spirit in man as foretold in Ezekiel. This Spirit was the Spirit of the glorified Jesus, which He foretold in John, 7:37-39, and which occurred in John, 20:22, when He breathed into His disciples and said, Receive the Holy Spirit.
Happy Thanksgiving back atcha.
People sayin Trump is a zionist tend to look at what he says and not what he DOES.
He took down the zionists most powerful weapon: MSM.
It's that simple.
true. You have to look at it in total and decide which makes the most sense.
Im often conflicted but at this time Im going with Trump is doing what he needs to do in a way that it needs to be done.....
Good image to spread
All the items mentioned in that video were covered in this video:
Pretty convincing points in my opinion...
I always tell people who think Trump is a Zionist puppet, if Trump was really one of “them”, He would’ve stayed out of the 2016 race and let Hillary win like she was supposed to, and they wouldn’t try to assassinate him.
I’ve still never gotten a clear answer or excuse that was considered consistent between multiple people.
That's also an important point for me. It would have been infinitely easier for him to have just stayed out of the 2016 race & let Hillary win. And rest assured she would have "won".
He also would not have destroyed ISIS, and he would have done the no-fly zone in Syria after that chemical attack FF in 2017. That was supposed to be the spark for a direct war with Russia
I know. This whole thread is eroding the I.Q. of the readers.
Jews are not God’s chosen ones
Not alone no. We all are. Christ said himself that those that try best to follow his words/teachings and accept him and/or God in their heart, since they’re the same, will be welcomed in his father’s Heavenly kingdom.
So I’m pretty much under the impression that All People that have faith in God, unless practicing malice and evil will be welcomed into Heaven when this Earthly body stops working.
Since Christ also traveled and studied other religions before returning to Israel, I additionally assume other peaceful multi and mono-theistic religious peoples, minus Satanists or the sadistic cults, will be welcomed into Heaven.
Where in scripture does it say that Christ "studied other religions"? I think scripture is silent on that subject.
Same question to you Anon.
What was Jesus doing for 20 silent years? Go on, disprove he wasn’t traveling the Middle East and Asia. And why is Ethiopia thee only Christian Country that became Christian/Jewish on their own before and without the Apostles or Rome visiting?
How did they know of Christ almost as soon as he was gone?
Why are the Ge’ez scriptures and Bible older than most known scripture outside the Vatican and Dead Sea Scrolls?
I can share if interested or this you don’t know. Even though self research is better for the mind. 😉
I have no idea what Jesus was doing for 20 silent year? But you seem to. I do believe the scriptures are silent in that regard.
Ge'ez scriptures? Scriptures? Sorry not familiar with them. Is that where you are finding references to Jesus studying eastern religions? BTW Christianity is an eastern religion.
As far as Ethiopia becoming a Christian country (on their own) have you ever heard of the conversion of the Ethiopian Eunuch/Minister of Finance? Acts Chapter 8 - witnessed to by Philip. What do you think the Ethiopian Minister of Finance did upon his return to Ethiopian?
Depends on what you consider scripture. Is it only what the Catholic church allowed in their collection we call the Bible? Or is your mind bigger than that?
OK let me ask my question in another way: Could you please give me the Biblical source, book, chapter and verse for your belief that Christ "studied other religions"? I'll read everything and anything you send my way and carefully consider it.
I am aware that Christ spent time in Egypt in his early years: Matthew 2:13 - "Now when they had departed, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream, saying, “Arise, take the young Child and His mother, flee to Egypt, and stay there until I bring you word; for Herod will seek the young Child to destroy Him.”
Why would Jesus be interested in man's foolish religions.when Jesus is the Way the Truth and the Life... That makes no sense.
What was Jesus doing for 20 silent years? Go on, disprove he wasn’t traveling the Middle East and Asia. And why is Ethiopia thee only Christian Country that became Christian/Jewish on their own before and without the Apostles or Rome visiting?
How did they know of Christ almost as soon as he was gone?
Why are the Ge’ez scriptures and Bible older than most known scripture outside the Vatican and Dead Sea Scrolls?
I’ll wait……
He was hanging out with the elders at the temple. Working as a carpenter with his dad. Taking care of his mom and siblings.. Jesus had chores. Jesus was keeping the Law.
He made Buddha. What buddha gonna tell Jesus? Buddha gonna STFU and bow down. That's what he gonna do.,(Samuel L Jackson voice). If it doesn't make cents it won't make dollars. You are a fraud because you ain't read nary one of those scripts you make a big deal about. You're just Jesus hating all over yourself. Jesus Lives. Buddha is dead him and the lily pad it came in on. Others are too polite to tell you. SOULS are precious to GOD so I gotta tell you.
Excuse you, I do my research Anon. No need to be rude, but it’s true you don’t know what he was doing for 20 years. We factually have apocryphal texts and then scrolls out of both Ethiopia and across south-west Asia, as far as Nepal stating what Christ was doing, but not much from Israel. And the Vatican won’t release info neither. Why? Because it would destroy their religious narrative strangle hold that Christ was studying the other people within 20yr walking or riding distance, and rising religions that would soon spread across the world.
Now again besides your unfounded getting personal attack, tell me with facts where he was and what exactly you are for sure knowing Christ of all divine people, was doing for 20+ years before coming out of Egypt to Israel/Palestine? I assume you rode the donkey with him and scribed all he did like all the other (non-existant for sure 100% fact) clarifying info?
Again, I’ll wait since all we have are scrolls of possible info/here-say, that did not come out of Israel, because they have no clear clue.
Just so we’re clear on facts I’ve laid for study; Ethiopia’s scrolls kinda do tell though and I’d believe them waaaaaaay before you sir. Unless you can come up with and prove their older or old as Dead Sea Scrolls, wrong. 😉 With actual facts please.
I answered your question. Told you the truth. The very first verse of the Book of John in the Gospels exposes the folly of your premise. I didn't insult you. I used humor in describing an encounter between Jesus and fake religionist buddha. You chose to be offended. Narrow is the gate. Why would the Lamb of God entertain the doctrines of the dead?
Sorry, couldn’t tell part of it was a joke. Add haha or a laugh face or something next time. No worries then.
Perhaps your understanding of what the scripture really means when it says that is misguided.
No…no that can’t be it ;)
No it can't be it because I actually read the script and know Jesus. Why would a being that knows everything about everything have to study and learn about man made religion? That Being would exist before the creation of said religion. Common sense. How did you miss it?
😂 Ok kiddo. Jesus read nothing in his life but the Hebrew scriptures 😂 Never bothered learning ANYTHING else in his life. Just popped out of Mary and said “Let’s start a business!”
And don’t even get me started on the obvious figurative reading of the story your head would clearly explode.
Jesus wrote the Hebrew scripture as explained in the Book of John. JESUS is the Alpha and Omega. Jesus knows the beginning and end of every fake man made religion. Ya got nothing pal. Your mind is filled with Gaia nonsense. In modern terms " Simpism".
Oh boy.
Please define what you mean by "scripture"? What's your favorite Bible translation?
In Western Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox traditions the belief is that you fight evil and resist temptation on a daily basis. That is what monastic monks and nuns do on a daily basis through prayer and that is their struggle and fight they undertake. And the sacrifices they make to be monks and nuns.
In Apostolic Christian churches we strive to do the same thing. It's not only a western RC and/or Eastern Orthodox tradition. It's what the scripture demands of us!
Very true as well.
LOL - Did they have "Elder" on their name badges? Did you ask them who describe the Jesus that they worship?
So have I! Not to mention the biblical definition of "Elder" is an "aged person".
I think the important question to ask is what does the Mormon Church believe about Jesus Christ? Was he a teacher? A prophet? Or something more?
See Romans 11, This is a both and, not an either or.
If Trump is eliminating the NWO, why does he support Israel?
Good video
Wow - outstanding video. Everyone should listen to what the guy has to say in regards to some of Trumps recent picks.
I think we've all known this for years, amirite ?
Yes but for many others they are having a hard time grasping this point.
Definitely interesting to think about!
This real talk.. Good post.
Meh. Zionism is a Jesuit scheme from what I can tell. The pope has wanted Jerusalem for centuries.
It's all just Mystery Babylon filtered down through the ages. Here is a decent little article on CI Scofield, Wescott and Hort
He hits some true points on why Israel is saved for last and why Trump is playing along but I disagree with the premise that the Zionists are the masterminds of the 6,000 year old Babylonian death cult. I say they're just a wing of it.
Mystery Babylon is Jerusalem! It was the city where the Lord was crucified.
Rev. 11:8 - "And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified."
Rev. 18:2 - "**Babylon the great **is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird."
When did Babylon fall? In 70 A.D. when Roman General Titus burned the city of Jerusalem and the Temple - thus ending the Old Covenant age.
You disagree with yourself right in the same comment friend
Mystery Babylon is the spiritual name for the woman
Sodom and Egypt is the spiritual name for Jerusalem, which is only a portion of Mystery Babylon, as I see it. Jerusalem has been accused of "playing the harlot", but the woman is the MOTHER of ALL harlots.
Since we know Jerusalem was faithful in the beginning, she can't be called the mother of harlots. I'd assign that label to Babylon, for I find that all false religions begun at the Tower of Babel.
Which city was the Messiah crucified in?
Mystery Babylon represents a place as well as a woman. The woman was a Harlot who had committed fornication (spiritual). The Harlot was riding/directing the Beast. The Beast represents a government - the Roman Government at the time of Jesus Christ. The crucifixion of Christ was a joint effort between the Roman government and the Jewish Religious Leaders (High Priest et al). Mystery Babylon is a religious system. John is writing in coded language to conceal his message. The woman is apostate Israel with it's headquarters in Jerusalem.
Jerusalem was faithful in the beginning? That's not what I get out of the entire New Testament (or the Old for that matter). Israel was constantly backsliding. Jesus told the Jewish religious leaders that their "house" would be left to them desolate. The "house" was the Temple. That prophecy came to pass. Read Matthew chapter 23!
John is not speaking of Babylon in Iraq. He is speaking of the Jerusalem that existed in the 1st century which was destroyed by Roman General Titus in 70 A.D.
How would you explain
Isaiah 1:21
How is the faithful city become an harlot! it was full of judgment; righteousness lodged in it; but now murderers.
Jeremiah 2:2
Go and cry in the ears of Jerusalem, saying, Thus saith the LORD; I remember thee, the kindness of thy youth, the love of thine espousals, when thou wentest after me in the wilderness, in a land that was not sown.
The faithful city became a harlot. They committed spiritual adultery. They had filled up the cup of trembling. Therefore they were judged by God Almighty. They were supposed to be righteous but became murderers.
I believe Matt 23:37-38 helps answer that question: “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were not willing. Look, your house is left to you desolate.".
**Where were the prophets killed? Where was Jesus the Messiah killed? Jerusalem! They became murderers. **
Does that mean Jerusalem (which represents a religious system led by ungodly leaders) was always unrighteous? Of course not - there were periods where Israel was in obedience. But by in large they were not!
I don't have time right now to really dig into this but at some point I'd like to if you're available. For now I'll just present a quick AI summary of each position (I hold to the latter):
The interpretation of the "woman who rides the beast" in the Book of Revelation has generated extensive debate over the centuries. Two prominent interpretations involve Jerusalem and the Catholic Church. Below are some of the strongest arguments for each position.
Arguments for Jerusalem as the Woman Who Rides the Beast
Historical Context: In the first century, Jerusalem was the center of Jewish life and worship. The city had a complex relationship with the ruling Roman Empire, which parallels the imagery of the beast as a representation of corrupt political power.
Symbolic Imagery: Jerusalem is often depicted as a woman in biblical texts. For example, in the Old Testament, cities are frequently personified as feminine figures. Revelation 21 contrasts the "New Jerusalem" with Babylon, suggesting a broader symbolism of Jerusalem representing both the faithful and, in its fall, the corrupt.
Rejection of Christ: Jerusalem is often associated with the rejection of Jesus, the Messiah. This rejection could be seen as embodying the "abominations" referenced in Revelation, specifically in light of the city's role in the crucifixion and persecution of early Christians.
Prophetic Literature: The prophetic literature of the Old Testament often depicts Jerusalem in a dual light—both as a place of future hope and as a city that has been judged. The judgment on Jerusalem by the Romans in 70 CE could be reflected in the imagery of the beast.
Link to Babylon: Revelation refers to the woman as "Babylon the Great," and some interpreters see this as a representation of Jerusalem, which had gone through cycles of faithfulness and unfaithfulness, particularly during the Second Temple period where political corruption and moral decline were rampant.
Arguments for the Catholic Church as the Woman Who Rides the Beast
Historical Identification: Throughout history, many Protestant reformers and theologians identified the Catholic Church with Babylon due to perceived corruption, the establishment of papal authority, and the alleged departure from original Christianity.
Political Power: The Catholic Church, particularly during the Middle Ages, wielded significant political power and influence, often partnering with and challenging secular authorities, which aligns with the image of a woman riding a beast (an alliance between church and state).
Symbolism of the Seven Hills: Revelation 17:9 mentions the woman sitting on seven hills. Rome, the seat of the Catholic Church, is famously known as the "City of Seven Hills," providing a geographical link to the interpretation.
Persecution of Saints: The Catholic Church, throughout its history, has been involved in the persecution of various groups, including other Christians (e.g., the Inquisition) and non-Christians. This aligns with the portrayal of the woman in Revelation as one who is drunk with the blood of the saints.
Maternal Imagery: The Catholic Church often uses maternal imagery in its theology (e.g., the Church as Mother). This parallels the woman in Revelation, who is presented as nurturing but also as an entity that can exploit and oppress, fitting with the notion of institutional corruption.
Sure - how ever I can help. I have a PowerPoint presentation on the subject of Mystery Babylon. Not sure how I'd get it to you.
An AI summary! I have messed with ChatGP a bit. I asked for information on the Godhead. It came back with what I would call the consensus opinion on that subject. Now AI did give you what I believe to be the 2 major opinions on the subject of Mystery Babylon.
The Catholic Church is a popular protestant interpretation for the identity of Mystery Babylon. As an X-Catholic I can appreciate that interpretation. I will clearly state that I believe the Catholic Church is a type of Mystery Babylon. But did the Apostle John have the Catholic church in mind when he wrote Revelation? In fact did John even have us (2024 Christians) in mind when he wrote Revelation? Who was Johns' primary audience? The 7 churches in Asia - real churches that existed in John's day.
One quick point I'll make is that you are correct that Rome is a city on seven hills. But did you know that Jerusalem is also a city built on seven hills? Most folks dismiss Jerusalem as Mystery Babylon simply because they interpret the city on seven hills as being Rome. Revelation 17:9 (KJV) - And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.
We are given clues in Revelation as to the identity of Mystery Babylon:
#1: Mystery Babylon is a city. (Rev. 17:18; 14:8; 16:19; 18:10) #2: Mystery Babylon presides over a vast international system (of religion). (Rev. 17:1; 17:15) #3: Mystery Babylon (the city) sits on 7 hills. (Rev. 17:9) #4: Mystery Babylon is clothed in purple & red. (Rev. 17:4) #5: Mystery Babylon was were our Lord was crucified: (Rev. 11:8)
Rev 11:8 (KJV) - And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, **where also our Lord was crucified. **
I believe that Rev. 11:8 kinda "seals the deal". It's hard to get around that scripture. And you know what? I have noticed articles that conclude that either the city of Rome (or the Catholic Church) are Mystery Babylon (conveniently) leave out any mention of Rev. 11:8!
I can take thru point by point as to why I believe Mystery Babylon is Jerusalem of the 1st century rather than the Catholic Church. I am willing to do that - but first please read the article below. I am very close to the author of that article.
What Church assembled the Bible?
Faithful believers within the churches. Wheat among tares, yet the entire diseased corrupt temple will come crashing down, Lord willing. Just as we have good public servents within corrupt and unconstitutional / perverted beyond the original scope and intent Federal institutions such as the CIA or FBI or IRS, that doesn't negate the fact that those institutions themselves are unconstitutional, at least in the ways that they are set up and operate.
Who is God telling to "come out of her my people" in Revelation? Where are they coming out of?
You'd have to agree there are wicked men in the Catholic church, so to call them "the church" along with the good ones is not correct. I think we only disagree on whether or not the institution itself, Roman Catholicism, is how God wanted a church to be.
If a 5th column exists within our government, we don’t destroy our government institution to root out the problem; you flush out the enemy.
The same applies to the Judeo-Freemasons who took over the Church after the death of Pope Pius XII; you don’t abandon the Church instituted by Jesus & his Apostles; you don’t abandon the Church that authored the Bible & is the oldest institution in Western Civilization; you expose the enemy infiltrators within the Church.
Who will introduced Arch Bishop Vigano to the community? Q.
Who retweeted the letter from Vigano? Trump.
Jesus seems to disagree when he threatens to destroy bad churches in the first part of Revelation... I personally find the RCC to be so far removed from the simplicity of the Gospel that it's surely on the chopping block, and this I would say 1,000 years ago, well before Pius XII. Again, who is God telling to come out of her my people, and where are they being told to come out of? If a church sets itself up in a way contrary to God's instructions, should it remain?
Put out their candles. Tell them brother.
Jesus dowses their candle.
And yet, the Church is still here. If Napoleon, Gangis Ka’an & the Satanic Freemasons haven’t been able to destroy the Church yet, I believe she is proving the rest of time.
When was your personal church established? 1997? 2015? 1989?
And you still don't answer my questions! That church need not the help of any; she destroys herself repeatedly, as do her daughters the various Protestant sects as well as the secret societies, the odd sects like Mormons and JW, EO seems to be the least perverse though I don't really know much about it. That's an area of study I'd like to explore some day.
I don't have a personal church as I cannot tolerate any of the local assemblies within any reasonable travel distance from my home, sadly, so I stick to small fellowship and online fellowship for the time being.
Amen Brother winn.
You stick with your online ministry, hope that works out. I’ll stick with the 2,000 year old church that gave us the Bible, sacraments, and is the foundation of Western civilization.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion but expect some push back when you begin to insult the Church established by Jesus & his Apostles. Have some respect for the Church that gave you that Bible.
My church was started on the Day of Pentecost! I follow the Apostles teachings/doctrine - which I can find in either a Catholic or Protestant Bible.
Let me ask you a simple question: How does the Catholic Church baptize?
Does your Bible have all 72 books? Because only Catholic Bibles do.
They didn't write it though. They always collecting stuff and never read none of it. That's why they are praying to a Gaia demon instead of Jesus. Funny isn't it?
And yet, there remained ONE Church for 1,500 years until every dick & harry got a revised, altered bible & think they can interpret the Catholic Bible & now you belong to one of the 45,000 man-made “churches” that has come to existence.
Regardless of how bad the Freemason larping as Pope continues to discredit the Church, the facts remain, Jesus established ONE Apostolic Church & the Catholic Church assembled ONE bible that went untouched from the end of the 4th century until 1517 AD.
Where was your church in the year 1207? 1492? 314AD? It didn’t exist.
My church was founded in Antioch 1 AD.. when the Holy Spirit fell upon the believers. Babylon's whore began collecting scripts at her founding by Synagogue of Satan 300 AD. Jesus calls you out in Revelations.
Since y'all been doing all this collecting you will have no excuse when Judgement arrives. Get right
That’s some cool fan fiction there. So your church has been living underground for 2,000 years. You are wanting to take history away from the Catholics & appropriate it to your strip mall church. You prots have very vivid imaginations 😂
Do you have any physical proof your church is the one that existed in 1AD? Do you have the spear of destiny at your church’s basement? Do you have the Crown of Thrones in a locker? What physical proof do you have to link you to the past?
What proof that your church is the one that has existed throughout the centuries? Are there 2,000 year old manuscript at your strip mall church?
Is Saint Peter burried in your parking lot? Last I heard, Saint Peter was buried in the Vatican. How can the “whore of Babylon” be the one that created the Bible & has relics as proof to its ties to the historical past? I suspect you have no ties to the past, beyond the 1990’s.
All you need to do is read the scriptures y'all been collecting. RCC has always been the Babylon's whore. Part of lucifers trinity. The whore collects all manner of religious relics. Y'all are confused bitch worshipers worshipping created things rather than the Author and Finisher of all creation. Keep playing with your beady beads if you like. We boast of God Jesus and Holy Ghost. you boast of fallible man. That's why yall wear the Millstone award and are about to be thrown into the Fire of Judgement.
I’m glad that you have acknowledged the fact that the Holy Roman Catholic Church has authored the Bible that Protestants ripped off, edited & added to. Now, if you can only reconcile yourself to the Church established by Jesus & his Apostles, we’d be golden.
Heck, both Q & Trump have both acknowledged the Church. You think you know more than them?
Why would I go with an apostate Church when the original one still exists?
Why would the FBI target the traditional Catholics but not heretical Protestants? Because the Deep State FEARS the return to tradition; the return of our Christian society. Protestants didn’t give us Christian culture, it destroyed it. Christian culture was established by Catholicism.
This right here is why I have no trust in anyone at all but Jesus and Trump.
" Best way to control opposition is to lead it ourselves " - communist mass murder Lenin.
The words "Jews" and "Israel" are what I call loaded words. What is essential is that we correctly define both terms. The best place I know is from scripture. The Apostle Paul gives us the correct, biblical definition of what it means to be a "Jew" and what it means to be part of "Israel":
Let’s consider the various ways that Paul uses the term, Israel. In Romans 11, we see at least 4 different ways that Paul uses the word, Israel.
1st - the term can signify the group of ethnic Jews who have true faith in the Lord. In Romans 9:6 the Apostle says, "not all who are descended from Israel belong to Israel." Here he distinguishes Israel according to the flesh—all ethnic Jews—from Israel according to the promise, which is that subset of ethnic Jews who trust in God and ultimately in Christ.
2nd - Paul uses the term Israel, to refer to the entire corporate nation that is made up of all ethnic Jews, including those who do not trust in the Lord.
3rd - Ethnic Jews who have not placed their faith in Jesus make up the 3rd group that bears the name Israel in Romans 9:11.
4th - Finally, the term Israel can also designate all of those who believe in Jesus, including both ethnic Jews & ethnic Gentiles. For ex., in Gal 6:16, Paul applies the name Israel to the entire believing community—the church—that follows Christ. This meaning is clearly implied in his teaching about the one olive tree with both Jewish & Gentile branches (Romans11:24). The "Israel that failed to obtain what it was seeking" refers to ethnic Jews who have rejected their Messiah, Jesus.
Jew? Here’s Paul’s definition of a “Jew”: Romans 2:28-29 – “For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.”
.. No. Israel was Prophet Jacob's nickname:
Genesis 32:28
Genesis 35:10
..etc, etc.
This is not an either/or but a both/and!
See Romans 11,
Matthew 19:28: “Jesus said to them, ‘Truly I tell you, at the renewal of all things, when the Son of Man sits on his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.’” (NIV)
Luke 22:28-30: “You who have followed me will eat at my table and sit on thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.” (NIV)
Acts 1: 6 & 7 6 Then they gathered around him and asked him, “Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?”
7 He said to them: “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority...
(This was not a no, it was a Not Your Business.)
Did you read anything I wrote? So you are going to ignore everything the Apostle Paul had to say about Israel? One of my points was that the word "Israel" is loaded word. It has multiple meanings & means different things to different people. We are under the New Covenant - the Covenant of Jesus Christ.
This is his main site: https://stopworldcontrol.com/
I've said this before and I'll say it again. Israel is saved for last because it's Biblical. Those are the only two important things that really line up between Q and the Bible. The whole world, under a one world government leader, comes against Israel in the final battle. Just remember that the leader of the one world government is the anti Christ. So be careful about who you trust to complete this. I don't think Trump is this figure but you never know. Only God does. Trust no man but God only.
At this point I'm pretty sure good ole Barry was the Anti-Christ, but Hillary seemed to be a close runner-up.
When my president threatens the citizens with the death penalty for speaking against Israel, that's a little more than just a psyop. And now Florida has Israel license plates, wtf?
Half the days, I'm hopeful. Half, I feel like we are being led off a cliff. Time will tell.
The video linked in the other comments is Trump SPECIFICALLY talking about violent hate crimes against Jews. He was not talking about the death penalty in regards to speech.
Please edit your comment immediately, because that's blatant misinformation.
Yep that was my thought also. Mike Adams took Trumps words out of context and twisted them. Mike A. has a habit of doing that. That's the reason I no longer listen to the guy.
When did Trump ever "threaten the citizens with the death penalty" for speech? Bring the sauce, Lily, or GTFO.
We'll wait.
I watched the video they linked in another comment. Trump was talking about death penalty for violent Hate crimes against Jews. Lily is so wrong.
Yep - Trump was speaking about a shooting in a Jewish kosher grocery in New Jersey. He was not referring to the modern nation state of Israel. There's a huge difference. Everything Trump said was a normal reaction to criminal murder. If someone/anyone goes into anyplace and shoots/kills people they should get the death penalty. Trump would have said the same thing if instead of a Jewish grocery it had been a Christian church or a mosque.
Well stated.
What can ya do, trolls gonna troll
Lol some of you sure get upset. How about you fuck off buddy. I don't appreciate that smack talk for simply sharing my opinion.
Take care.
LOL I'm not upset. You are, because I asked you to back up a crazy accusation against President Trump.
Pro tip: Being asked for sauce to back up bizarre assertions isn't "smack talk"; it's what you should expect in an online forum, this one at least. You need to substantiate your ridiculously stupid statement slandering Trump, about him threatening to murder Americans for their speech against Israel.
I knew you couldn't back up that goofy assertion. So now, you look doubly inane for getting your panties in a wad, Lily, and snapping back like a little whiny troll. Keep embarrassing yourself in public, and you can expect more readers questioning your baseless statements.
It's the get the fuck outta here. You started off sounding like a whiny jew, and I wasn't interested in listening. Embarrass myself? You think I give 2 shits what anybody in this world thinks of me lol. My president said antisemitism and death penalty in the same fucking conversation. Yes, I have reason to be concerned when my first amendment rights are trampled one.
And I am just super lazy about reading long messages. I have no desire to correct people online. I'm interested in my own thoughts and feelings, not yours. Unlike many of you, I don't come here for self assurance.
So forgive for not caring about giving a full response before, but my heart is not here for you.
Now, I'm done. Take that as you will. And take care.
Ha ha bet you're a blast at parties. You seem vaccinated.
Tell me more about the death penalty threats.....
Here it is. There's a video.
My take is that he was talking about the violent stuff rather than purely being "antisemite".....
ok ill check it out
It was at one of the rallies, I think. I'll try to look for a video after I'm done work.
This is what Mike Adams had quoted on his Natural News website:
"Trump appears to have been referring to a deadly shooting at a local kosher grocery store in New Jersey that he described as an "evil antisemitic attack" that he called "an assault on all of us" – or it could have been about the synagogue shooting that happened around the same time."
(So the context is a deadly shooting at a local kosher grocery store in NJ - so if you shoot innocent people you should get the death penalty - you should be destroyed).
"Through the centuries, the Jews have endured terrible persecution, and you know that – we've all read it, we've studied it, (and) they've gone through a lot. And those seeking their destruction, we will seek their destruction,"
"Now when you have crimes like this, whether it's this one or another one or another group, we have to bring back the death penalty. They have to pay the ultimate price. They can't do this. They can't do this to our country. We must draw a line in the sand and say very strongly: never again."
I really think Trumps words have been twisted a bit. Is "speaking against Israel" the same as "seeking their destruction"? And when Trump uses the term "never again" I take that as referring to the holocaust. When Trump refers to "crimes like this" I assume that he is also referring the the holocaust.
To quote Mike Adams from his article: "Whenever antisemitism is detected, Trump wants it to be "condemned." Not only that, Trump also wants all Americans to "stand with our Jewish brothers and sisters to defeat antisemitism and vanquish the forces of hate – that's what it is,"** which to him means killing all offenders." ** (Mike Adams is giving HIS opinion on the meaning of what Trump said when he stated "which to him means killing all offenders"! Sorry that's not what Trump said - that's Mike Adams twisting Trumps words (in my opinion).
Watch this video - this guy does a great job articulating what Trump is currently up against: https://old.bitchute.com/video/jMruV85euMTF/.
That's alotta time spent responding, I appreciate your effort.
I'm still not convinced 100%, but luckily my opinion has no bearing on the outcome of whatever may come.
You are welcome! I'm 72 years old. I still work (for $$) but only about 1 day a week. Sooo, I have a lot of time to respond. Keeps my mind active! You are correct in that done of this stuff is salvational. All of the subjects I am discussing I have taught in our adult Sunday school. I look at this as "sharpening the sword" (metaphorically of course).
Wow. Well, your mind is still super sharp!! And you seem to have lots of energy. I hope I'll be as blessed as I age! And you are definitely as asset here. 😊
This video might answer your question. All war is deception....
Thanks. I'll take a look.
u/DontTreadOnIT and u/propertyofUniverse, I agree with both of you. This is fantastic video and I think we need to keep stickying this every week atleast once so people don't lose sight.
Like he says, America is the most Zionist country in the world, and what baffles me is NOT that so many of his nominees are openly pro-Israel, but that he nominated RFK Jr for HHS.
People simply don't appreciate how much Trump is flexing with just this one nomination. Its not just flexing, it shows how skillfully he has created this situation in the Chess where, even as all the Zionists around him know deep down that he is gonna destroy them eventually, have to play along and accept the fact that he is point his gun straight at their heart.
Can you expand a tad on the flexing part just in case im missing a couple points on how big a deal it is.
The Big Pharma is a big part of the Zionist faction control structure. With the apparent support of vaccines by Trump, its one of the control structures thats very dear to them.
Behind the scenes, he turned the Plandemic into an interfaction conflict between the Zionist faction and the WEF faction, and effectively rendered the WEF faction's plans of extended lockdowns as a pathway to NWO.
The importance of Big Pharma for the Zionists is apparent from the fact that Trump still hasn't come categorically against the vaccines directly.
By appointing RFK Jr, whose whole life has been waging war against the Big Pharma, in a powerful position against the very same Big Pharma, while appointing so many apparent pro-Israelis to other crucial positions tells us this is a big move.
apprreciate the longer explanation.....
Agree, let's keep this post bumped.
I've been working on a precise metaphor for a while, this is closer than I have managed.
It’s Literally in the Bible. I don’t know why people think this is some secret message. 🤷♀️
So were is Trump's Zionist son in law in all this? So Obama was right to screw Israel? A lot of things don't make sense. Trump claims the Golan Heights for Israel and moves the Embassy to Jerusalem. What am I missing?
The same guy was posted in a thread by Truthseeker4953 the other day. Now I notice that the video is gone and nowhere to be found.
That is strange and unfortunate. I wonder how long this one will last.
Not all America is zionist espescially in here bit I understand his point of the movement being infiltrated and you often see it's influence in here. America's religions are infiltrated and the beliefs the isael of today is equal to the biblical Israel is the proof of its deception. Also, the influence that blindness people have to the plan as it has so far been carried out os another indicator. We should be rejoicing as of it's over already. Most of the deep states control has been neutralized including deep state Israel.
This is awesome, I hope my sister finds it…. I can’t get three words strung together without getting interrupted by her on a good day, if I mention Israel, Jews Israelis or Palestinians she dons her “ALL KNOWING” hat and won’t listen or even hear anything that asks How come? Or What if….
She’d never watch it to the end if I sent it and then she’d use half of the incomplete info she gleaned to argue at the top of her voice until I’m ded.
That's because she knows you are right.
Yeah your right. The smallest indication of being wrong on the smallest thing sends her into cognitive dissonance - I guess being a narcissist does that.
As if their many empty words will change the truth.
Zach. 12-14. The entire world will come against Israel for some reason. This is probably it.
One interpretation of Zach 12-14: It was fulfilled in the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. when Roman General Titus destroyed the city of Jerusalem and the Temple. Zechariah 12:2 (KJV)
Zach 12: 2 - "Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem."
Matt 24:1-2 - "And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple: and his disciples came to him for to shew him the buildings of the temple. And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down." (see also Luke 21 & Mark 13).
Matt 24 was fulfilled in 70 A.D.
Zec 12:8 In that day shall the LORD defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem; and he that is feeble among them at that day shall be as David; and the house of David shall be as God, as the angel of the LORD before them. Zec 12:9 And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.
I don't think you read the part where God save His people. That did not happen in 70AD. This is all future.
God saved His people - the remnant starting on the Day of Pentecost. "Jews" from all over the Roman Empire were filled with the Holy Ghost. That marked the beginning of the restoration of Israel. In addition the Christians believers were also physically saved from death by fleeing Jerusalem before the armies (Roman) were compassed about it. Read Josephus - what did the Christians in Jerusalem do? They fled the city? Why? Because they had been warned by Jesus (see Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21).
In the New Testament who are God's People? It's all those who are "in Christ". Both "Jew" and "Gentile". The New Testament Church started as a 100% Jewish institution - Samaritans, then Gentiles were added later....Read Romans chapter 11 - the Olive Tree. You have believing Jews as branches; unbelieving Jews who are broken off branches (who can be grafted back in if they believe); then finally there are the believing Gentiles who are grafted in among the believing Jews. That describes God's People....
This happened in 1948. Jer_29:14 And I will be found of you, saith the LORD: and I will turn away your captivity, and I will gather you from all the nations, and from all the places whither I have driven you, saith the LORD; and I will bring you again into the place whence I caused you to be carried away captive.
The Jews were not scattered into ALL NATIONS until 70AD when Rome drove them out of their land and killed over a million of them. What you believe is called Amillennialism which was started by Origen and picked up later by Augustine when Christianity became the State religion.
Romans 11: The Gentiles are of the wild olive tree and we are grafted in to the root---the ROOT is Israel---Romans 9-11 tells how God will save Israel or the Jews but ALL will have to come to Jesus to be saved.
Zec 12:10 And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn.
The Jews will repent and recognize the Jesus was the Messiah but all this is future!
The "Jews" had already been scattered prior to 70AD. The 2nd Temple was destroyed in 70AD. The 1st Temple had already been destroyed by the Babylonians and the "Jews" were scattered. Paul mentions the elect and the remnant. The remnant of the Jews were gathered in Jerusalem on the Day of Pentecost. They repented and confessed that Jesus was the Messiah. The process continues to this day.
What you believe is dispensationalism - popularized by the Scofield Reference Bible and John Nelson Darby and the Plymouth Brethren.
So do you think Romans 11 means every single "Jew" will be saved? Romans 9:6 - " Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel:" Again the "Jews" started repenting on the Day of Pentecost. The early church started as 100% "Jewish". The Church is the New Jerusalem!
In the New Testament WHO is a Jew?
Paul (A Jew) gives us the answer in Romans 2:28-29 - " For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God."
All indeed will have to come to Jesus to be saved - but guess what? According to Romans only a remnant will! Romans 9:27 - “Esaias also crieth concerning Israel, Though the number of the children of Israel be as the sand of the sea, a remnant shall be saved:”
There is only one gospel - one Church composed of Jew and Gentile. God only has one bride. Today all are welcome to come into the Church. The doors are not closed to the Jew or the Gentile.
The "Jews" had already been scattered prior to 70AD. The 2nd Temple was destroyed in 70AD. The 1st Temple had already been destroyed by the Babylonians and the "Jews" were scattered. Paul mentions the elect and the remnant. The remnant of the Jews were gathered in Jerusalem on the Day of Pentecost. They repented and confessed that Jesus was the Messiah. The process continues to this day.
The Jews were only in Babylon. The Israelites were in Assyria until Babylon conquered Assyria and then they were taken into Babylon as slaves. They were NOT in ALL NATIONS.
What you believe is dispensationalism - popularized by the Scofield Reference Bible and John Nelson Darby and the Plymouth Brethren.
What I believe is what the Bible teaches and the Bible teaches the Jews were scattered into all nations---70AD---and they will be regathered into the land----Ezek 36-37 in the end times. Russia and Iran with a confederacy of other nations--all Muslim--will come against Israel--Zach 12-14--and God will intervene to save them from total destruction. Ezek 38-39. Dispensationalism is what the Bible teaches from the OT to the NT.
You are correct in being ONE Church---Jew and Gentile-- but that does not negate the promises God made to Abraham, Issac and Jacob.
Here's a good video on the subject of dispensationalism:
The promises made to Abraham, Issac and Jacob? Sure the promises are there - but under the new and better covenant who inherits the promises? Galatians says it's those that are "in Christ". Those in Christ are the "Abraham's seed" - both Jew and Gentile. Studying the covenants are the key to understanding the promises.
Galatians 3:26-49 - "For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise."
Dispensationalism teaches that Israel never possessed the land. But God kept his promises and gave them the land:
Joshua 23: 43-45 - "So the Lord gave to Israel all the land of which He had sworn to give to their fathers, and they took possession of it and dwelt in it. The Lord gave them rest all around, according to all that He had sworn to their fathers. And not a man of all their enemies stood against them; the Lord delivered all their enemies into their hand. Not a word failed of any good thing which the Lord had spoken to the house of Israel. All came to pass."
"Trump has no other option than to play a strategic game."
OK, I'll consider this opinion. But he provided no basis to support this conclusion. Why is Trump supporting Israel the way he has, and adding members to his cabinet who are openly Zionist? Why does Trump support antisemitism laws that infringe upon the First Amendment? If Trump is "exposing the cabal," then why treat Israel with kid gloves? Why not call a spade a spade and be done with it?
In this video, Trump repeats the claim that "...Nazis murdered six million jews..." If he's so "in the know" and as smart as everyone claims, he would know that this is a lie. https://www.bitchute.com/video/ZVxJTvDR00bI/ "Those who deny the holocaust are an accomplist to this horrible evil..." That sounds like a threat against the First Amendment if you ask me. Many places in Europe will throw people in prison for questioning the holohoax, and states here in the U.S. are beginning to lean this direction. Holohoax curriculum is required in many states.
Trump says, "Israel is a very, very important ally of the United States." Oh, really? Ask anyone familiar with world events and politics, and you'll get a completely different answer.
The person narrating the video claims that people are making other videos to make viewers form opinions against Trump. Well, I say, just look at the words out of his mouth in speeches. That's all we have to go on. Ask yourself, why does Trump, and just about every other politician, bow to jews and Israel? No other tiny, marginalized group receives this kind of attention, and the billions of dollars in aid. This "aid" gets funneled back to the U.S. through AIPAC, ADL, and HIAS, to tear down the fabric of our country and destroy it from within.
So far, the only conclusion that can be drawn about Trump, based upon his own words and the actions of his relationship with his family, is that he is compromised. I would happily eat my words if I am wrong...
Look at what he has DONE not what he SAYS.
Did you even watch the video?
If Trump was pro-Zionist why would he take down their most powerful weapon, which is control over what the people think, aka MSM.
Answer this question. Reply with your answer.
You ask "...why would he take down their most powerful weapon." Well, I haven't seen him "take down" MSM other than call it fake news. As far as I have seen, the "Great Awakening" and social media, as well as MSM itself getting caught up in its own lies, are to blame for taking down MSM...not anything Trump has done himself. He has missed some massive opportunities to be specific about what exactly MSM has reported that are out-and-out lies, but all he says is, "Fake news." Honestly, he hasn't impressed me with the "5-D chess" everyone seems to credit him with.
Recently, his team has filed a lawsuit against CBS for their 60 Minutes interview with Harris, but that's a single action, and recent in nature.
You've got to be kidding me.
You claim they took down themselves by lying, however they've been lying for decades.
Q and Trump were the key to destroying the credibility of the MSM.
Do you believe it was merely coincidence that their deceptions have been more blatant than ever over the last eight years?
Do you think it was a coincidence Elon took over their biggest online propaganda machine formerly known as Twitter?
Yes, they have been lying for decades, but the lies caught up with them in sort of a "critical mass" point, and enough people began noticing. "Causation does not equal correlation." Just because Trump began saying "fake news" about the same time that others began taking MSM to task, does not mean that Trump can be given credit for what has happened to MSM. MSM has focused on Trump for eight years...even longer than that, because it's what drives viewers and readers. It doesn't take a huge stretch of imagination to recognize that where the lies rest, is where the news has focused -- on Trump. There are a lot of intelligent folks in this world...Trump doesn't have the market cornered on savvy.
I won't pretend to try to understand why Musk does what he does...other than the fact that I believe he is a fraud and opportunist. https://www.bitchute.com/video/Db8xlkPaLb0m/
I'm guessing you don't believe in Q or The Plan ?
I invested more time than I care to admit in all that, but after meaningless "deltas" that came and went, and arguments ad nauseum on this board trying to parse out what exactly was meant by a drop, I gave up and spend my available time on more concrete digging...
Most of my contributions to this board are a result of my research into medical issues, and sharing links from my massive files, but I do entertain occasional opinions on other topics which I share on occasion. The JQ is actually something I know quite a bit about, as is my historical knowledge of WWI and WWII.
I am normally cautious and skeptical by nature. Perhaps that might have the potential of leaving me behind the curve on some topics, but it also means I don't get hung out to dry by being impulsive.
This being a forum for people who believe in Trump and Q, both things you admit having zero faith in, perhaps you understand why a hypersonic ban is now screaming your way at Mach 17?
My understanding is that were he to do this, the alliance would fracture. And then we couldn't even resolve the situation in Asia and Europe, let alone Israel. Nobody has perfect knowledge, so everyone has to believe cooperating is in their best interest. Game Theory. Expose too early that Israel is Trump's enemy, and you lose the cohesion necessary between the various factions to clean up the rest of the world.
None of us are certain precisely what pieces of Israel are truly compromised.
But for the same reason that, despite not trusting them, we held a fragile alliance with the Soviet Union until after WWII was over, we can't go after Israel until things have been cleaned up everywhere else. A marriage of convenience now doesn't mean that it will be this way forever.
That is what "Saving Israel for Last" is all about.
Its very creation. Undo the tumor and save the world. Otherwise, watch as it enslaves goyim through its decades-long psyop and blackmail program which controls all forms of power.
Doesn't this approach go along with the "Art of War"? At it's core all war is deception.
Just other things to consider.
Great post & summary.
One can hope.
I think DJT is saying what he does about Israel to string them along. There are a lot of Jews in the U.S. and it takes baby steps to bring the evil to light.
In terms of raw numbers, jews are only about 2% of the U.S. population, and statistics show that the vast majority of them vote blue...even in this last election.
I believe reading somewhere that 79% of American Jews voted against Trump in this last election.
yes but who has the money and power is the question.
The Jews these days are never "for" Israel anyway.
The Samson option
An 8 1/2 minute video about false voices and he does not NAME ANYONE. He leaves it up to us to go looking for spooks in a haunted house.
These misleading voices are somehow telling the truth about Israel, but are lying through their teeth about Trump. If they are opposed to Trump, and Trump is an enemy of the Zionist Cabal, why do they also expose the Zionist Cabal?
And, there are Zionists under every bed, apparently. Most of America was settled with the Geneva and King John versions of the Bible. No credit for Jews who put their names to financial support of the War for Independence.
And the icing on this cake of conspiracy is "chemtrails," something that has only an imaginary existence, but because it is such a refined taste, allows him to display an "I'm one of you" marker.
If I were looking for manipulation actors, I would vote for this guy.
He said Stu Peters.
Thanks. Good catch. I don't have much to do with Stu Peters, so my ear was not attuned to his name. (Actually, I think my hearing deficit got the better of me and it just passed by.)
Visit the website www.StopWorldControl.com. A lot more information and videos there. He's more than just an 8.5 minute video. He brings out the very important point of dual US/Israeli citizens.
He had 8.5 minutes to name key names and failed to do so (with one exception, thanks to "RealityIsBroken"). That denotes a complete lack of sincere seriousness. I'm not interested in rabbit holes. Honest communication gets to the point and does not demand elaborate, time-consuming research.
I will confess not understanding his point. On the one hand, these voices are anti-Israel, which he approves. But they are anti-Trump, which he disapproves. But Trump is pro-Israel...so, what in hell is he really approving? You don't see this?
The "very important point of dual US/Israel citizens" can be brought out in a few sentences, or even one sentence. He didn't bother to make the point. Nor did you.
Did you bother to visit the website: https://stopworldcontrol.com/? There are about 18 videos on that site - lots of names are named. For you to conclude there is a "complete lack of sincere seriousness" on his part is ludicrous!
You want "honest communication"? Go listen to his videos.....they might save you from having to do "time-consuming research".
What is the difference? I am a communicator as a professional byproduct in science and engineering. I know how to put it down on paper with references. Listening to anything takes 5x more time than reading, and it is much more difficult to check sources. I am not impressed by videos. They make me believe that literacy has dropped off the map of the intelligentsia (talk and wave arms at the cave pictures).
No thanks. There are plenty of anti-Semites around here that can give me all kinds of reasons for being concerned about a world of Zionists.
Oh OK! Glad you are a communicator. So what's your take on "we are saving Israel for last"? I'd love to hear/read your thoughts on this subject.
Dude is more like a BSer than a communicator. He is like one of those indocrinated professor type characters......lol
I think it is far too ambiguous to interpret. "Saving" can be taken in two ways. In one way, it is related to salvation, or the rescue of someone from a threat. Which would suggest that Israel's future is to be saved. For someone that embarked on the Abraham Accords, that would seem to be an expectable goal. In another way, it can be related to deprioritization, or the leaving of some task to the last. Which would suggest that whatever problems are to be solved for Israel, it may require that the other problems be solved first. Considering that the politics of Israel may be entwined with the politics of the U.S., that may be the case. It could well mean both interpretations.
I have never understood what that phrase is supposed to mean, and I think many on this page read into it their own prejudices. I think it is clear that Trump regards Israel with the deepest religious respect, and I have no problem with that.
Thanks for your response. It was articulate and thoughtful! I certainly agree that Israel has problems and that those problems probably can't be solved until other problems are solved first.
And I agree that "the politics of Israel may be entwined with the politics of the U.S." And that's the worrisome part to me. Is it right for our Senators and Reps. to be dual US/Israeli citizens? Which nation are they loyal to? What would people think if our politicians held dual citizenship with another country? How about US/Germany dual citizenship? Or US/fill in the blank?
And what campaign contributions politicians receive from AIPAC, the American/Israeli PAC? There's only a handful of US politicians that don't take AIPAC $$. It's almost as if our foreign policy is controlled by Israel. I have no problem with Trump having the "deepest religious respect" for Israel. I have the deepest religious respect for Israel also. The problem comes in when we mix up religious respect with politics and foreign policy.
There’s a huge difference between
Israel = Gods chosen people
Jews = Synagogue of Satan
I will just put this here…
TALMUD What They Believe https://www.bitchute.com/video/16zO22ivqGEI/
TALMUD DEBATES https://twitter.com/WildernessWypt/status/1747788323857276961
PROTOCOLS OF ZION http://theamericanproject.weebly.com/uploads/2/4/2/7/24276066/protocols_of_zion.pdf
AIPAC & ISRAEL LOBBY The Truth About Israel and Palestine https://odysee.com/@freedomain:b/the-truth-about-israel-and-palestine:5
ISRAEL LOBBY & AMERICAN POLICY Grant Smith This video was released six years ago. Everything he says in this video towards the end, is what’s happening now. Ron DeSantis and other governors are making laws to put American’s in prison for any criticism of Israel, that “They”consider is antisemitism. This lobby has been working for years to control America. https://youtu.be/SDx2gOzcclY
SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN https://stateofthenation.co/
ISRAEL ORGANIZATION TRAFFICKING https://odysee.com/@OysteinVaule:3/Israel-Organ-Trafficking-In-Ukraine:b
FAKE JEW HOAX https://www.bitchute.com/video/FClR4gtdiLUd/
ISRAEL REFUGEES FUNDING The $95 billion dollar ‘bill’ that was passed (April 2024) includes money that goes to Israel and refugee deportations to America. https://twitter.com/Villgecrazylady/status/1782211058402213891
NETANYAHU He’s so proud of his Covid vaccine https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/benjamin-netanyahu-coronavirus-vaccine-syringe-office-b1789489.html
IS IT OK TO RAPE PALESTINIAN PRISONERS https://www.renegadetribune.com/israeli-lawmakers-debate-whether-its-okay-to-rape-palestinian-prisoners/
First, the bill demands re-definition of "antisemitism":
This sticky should probably just stay here indefinitely.
I really hope that this is all true. I've long wondered why nobody just pretends to be on the Zionists side and then stab them in the back once they have power.
However, perception is truly the key here. He mentions that "in the minds of the American people Trump will have done the right thing by supporting Israel".
The issue here is that a lot of people, and especially the younger people who've had access to alternate information sources for their whole lives, are already completely anti-Israel, anti-Zionist, and anti-Talmudic, and our message is spreading rapidly. We know that we've been lied to. Supporting Israel is already the wrong thing in our minds. Everything they do is despicable right down to the name that they chose, which confuses way too many Christians into supporting Israel because they conflate it to the Israel in the bible, but the bible's Israel is a person (Jacob), not a country founded in 1948.
It's obvious that we are being psychologically manipulated every day. It could be done for nefarious purposes just as easily as it could be done for righteous purposes. That's really what separates the different beliefs. Either you believe it's being done for our greater benefit, or you believe it is being done to our detriment. And the reality is that no matter which belief is actually true, what we are seeing would be roughly the same. That's the whole point of Psychological Operations, to achieve a goal by manipulating people into thinking a certain way and believing certain things.
We're sick of it all though. We want exposure. Big things need to happen in the next few years. Red pills need to be force-fed through the TV, news outlets, and every social media website. We're all just waiting and seeing what happens and hoping for the best, because that is literally all we can do.
Is what we are witnessing the application of Sun-tzu's Art of War?
Sun-tzu’s Art of War is a highly influential text from the 5th century B.C. Its lessons have been applied in both the East and West not only to war, but also to business, politics, law, sports, and even life.
“All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.” - Sun-tzu.
The globalists are a powerful force. They have been around for 100's if not 1000's of years. How did Israel become a nation in 1948? What part did the Rothschild's play in its creation?
haters and doomers and cowards are so dumb. find some faith, guys.