Japanese scientists found a way to destroy the Spike protein.
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
We introduce one potential natural way of destroying spike protein that has been proposed in a published paper: a suggestion that nattokinase which can be found in Japanese natto food can destroy the spike protein found on the surface of cells in a laboratory setting. Another added benefit is that nattokinase is apparently the best-known natural compound that prevents fibrin aggregation of clots.
I tried nattokinase out for us last year so that I could recommend it in good faith to the vaxxed to dissolve their clots.
I'm glad the Japanese have backed up our anon hunches.
Can someone please help me find an isolated spike protein case study not based on theory and computer modeling?
Don't think they exist
Also. Soybean oil is basically toxin for your body. I don’t see how fermenting it makes it healthier. I could be wrong. Just not sure what fermentation does to health properties of basically a toxin.
I take it with red yeast rice and boron.
Is that a good thing or bad?
Soft plaque pops like a pimple and causes blood clots.
Inflammation causes plaque to soften.
Our diet from childhood onward is critically important if you don't want plaque. Once you have it, it's hard to reverse.
My doctor just advised me to start taking K2 to reverse atherosclerosis and to keep my bones strong. Praying that it helps as I have little to no trust in managed care doctors.
Natural Grocers offers a GREAT D3/K2. Store brand--a little cheaper. Good stuff, tho.No NG near you? Order online.
Thanks, I ordered from Thorne. It wasn't very expensive but I'll take a look at NG.
Read about this years ago. Can't recall what the process does to the soybean to render it healthy instead of basically a crap toxin, but...yeah. It's a real thing. Fermented = fine. Unfermented = terrible.
Don't quote me, but I've heard that problem with soy (hormone disruption) is with the varieties grown in North America. Asian soybeans don't do that, supposedly? Anyone interested can dig on this.
I make it with non-gmo, organic soy beans. The natto culture create a sticky slime over the soy, in the process it deactivates any estrogen in the bean. It’s like making yogurt. It’s not really appealing to the western palate so I freeze dry it. I would love to build a business and make it commercially as it’s getting very expensive and hard to find in stock. Most supplies come from…. You guessed it, China. It’s starting to sound like a gold mine opportunity though.
Had not heard that before, but considering how genetically modified they are....this would not surprise me at all. Look at what they did to wheat here. We have friends who can't eat bread in the states, not in any form, or they'd be sick as dogs. They went on a bit of a Mediterranean tour and had heard that the bread was healthier so they tried it and said they had NO problems! So they ate ALL the bread they could get their hands on XD IIRC our wheat was not only sprayed with glyphosate, it was also hybridized with a grass seed, so it isn't truly even wheat anymore.
Like I said, I wasn't 100% sure about the soy, but I am 100% in agreement about the wheat. I also have trouble with wheat flour but not if it's imported from Italy. Europe may have its own craziness, but their stance against GMO is a good thing indeed.
One of God's oddities.
I agree. There are many types of soy. There are GOOD soy and BAD soy. Natto is a GOOD type soy. Simply because it is FERMENTED. Sources, studies at https://draxe.com/nutrition/natto/
Not sure who downvoted you, but you're right. Our crap GMO is not to even be compared with the natural plant. Were being poisoned. Our soy is very unhealthy, and that's probably why it's in damn near everything. That oil, unfermented is nothing better than a gender bending toxin.
Soybean oil, specifically, is toxic because it’s highly processed, and the processing causes it to be oxidized and unstable. [1]
These same principles apply to almost all vegetable oil, causing them to be toxic as well. Incidentally, these oils are used in just about every processed or pre-made food available, as well as restaurants. Because it’s cheap.
None of this necessarily applies to soybeans themselves, and I believe natto comes from fermenting the whole soy bean, unprocessed.
That said, fermentation is controversial in its own right. Alcohol is poisonous, but other fermented foods like Kimchi and Kefir have reported benefits. I’m undecided on this so far myself.
[1] https://www.ourpaleolife.com/soybean-oil/
Thanks for the in depth info. I was totally unawares. I’m always suspicious of people saying eat _____ especially if it is soy. But that’s usually lefty cucks wanting me to eat lab meat, aka processed soy burgers. Or the gross oils used in 99% of consumer foods when those oils were not even initially developed as food oils. (Vegetable, canola, palm, etc.)
Pesticide concentrates into oils. We should be pesticide testing our oils
Nearly every culture on the planet has some kind of fermented food as part of their traditional diet.
These foods are natural probiotics and many are typically high in vitamin k2.
Kimchi for Koreans, sauerkraut for Germans, buttermilk and traditionally made butter and cheeses from goat, sheep, or cow's milk, etc.
I wasn’t arguing against fermenting. It was more so against soybeans.
I understand.
There's a reason the Japanese didn't eat anything but fermented soy products for centuries. They are toxic if not fermented, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with soy sauce. Fermentation destroys the lectins and phytic acid in fresh soybeans.
Soy milk, on the other hand...
Different cultural diets.
Spike proteins don't exist? Cool, now I'm gettin' the jab ;)
That would require clinical trials. That takes money and test subjects - either animal or human. Besides, the spike protein is all model and theory anyway. So why not have a cure that is the same. The nattokinase is a smart choice regardless if you want to avoid clots.
Do you understand the paradox of what you just said?
I guess I could have explained myself better. I am just saying that the whole idea of a spike protein is originally theoretical and found only in silico. That is why the only studies that will be found are using the same methods of modeling - and that goes for any applications of so called cures or treatments targeting this computer creation as well. There is no proof that the damn thing exists as an organic "spike protein" outside of computational systems biology. Remember, there are no samples of an organic isolated purified SARS CoV-2 virus - or any other virus for that matter. Therefore, any studies on a spike protein outside of an in silico study are impossible using their existing viral paradigm. Why spend money on clinical research that cannot yield intended results - unless of course the goal is to prove it doesn't exist. This move of biological research being shifted from the bench to a computer is problematic if the data used to develop the programs is already flawed.
What we are dealing with is an in silico recipe for a man made virus. I have more reason to believe that this protein exists as a synthetic toxin rather than as part of a organically originating pathogen. The effectiveness of a proteolytic enzyme like nattokinase on a synthetic protein would be interesting to see in reality. What I don't hear a great deal of discussion about is the synthetic lipid nanoparticle that is part of the delivery system. By itself, this industrial product is extremely toxic and could also be causing a whole host of detrimental effects in the body. It can go anywhere in the body and can deliver any number of payloads - including a synthetic protein.
I love nattokinase. I've tried a lot of enzymes recently, but nattokinase is inexpensive and I have the feeling it's actually helping to cleanse.
Don't know about the spikes. I use it for general health and cleansing.
This is more powerful than both nattokinase and serrapatase.
In traditional Chinese medicine, lumbrokinase is derived from earthworms, specifically Lumbricus rubellus species. Practitioners would make a tea from these ground-up earthworms and use for various health issues, although a powdered form of the extract became more commonplace.
The lumbrokinase sold these days typically does not come from crushed up earthworms. Instead, using recombinant gene technology, products such as RNA buluoke or lumbrokinase RNA are created with the same properties. In so doing, higher volumes of this enzyme are manufactured and ensure a higher supplement volume. The process also helps to keep down costs as a 100% earthworm-derived lumbrokinase supplement is quite expensive.
Lumbrokinase is primarily a fibrinolytic enzyme and it possesses both direct and indirect fibrinolytic effects. It can activate the innate plasminogen system and also can achieve direct fibrinolysis independent of the plasminogen system.
It appears that Nature has intended lumbrokinase to have a bi-directional rather than a uni-directional property. This built-in “balancing” mechanism may have contributed to the excellent safety record of lumbrokinase
Dosage: Best on an empty stomach. 10mg- 40mg - 2x/day
You will eat zee bugs. Red yeast rice will do the same. I have made it and have done at least a year of research on natto exploring a commercial venture becoming a domestic producer of this amazing stuff. Startup capital is exceedingly difficult these days.
I prefer the natto myself. Neither the idea of zee bugs or recombinant gene therapy is appealing to me. I have a friend in Mexico also looking for startup capital for kombucha. His stuff is amazing and an old recipe.
Interesting. This needs more attention if true.
I’ve been taking natto for years, take it with red yeast rice to clean plaque from the arteries. One study showed a 60% reduction in arterial plaque after 60 days!!! It’s gotten real expensive in the last few years for the powder. A little goes a long way though. It’s made from fermented soybeans and natto spores, you can make your own.
Soy is toxic
If you're talking about the Monsanto/Bayer GM variety that's Roundup-ready and has loads of glyphosate residue all through it, you're right. Organic soybeans are great in moderation, and miso, which is fermented beans, is rich in B vitamins and probiotics. Just don't overdo it if you're a guy. It has high levels of phytoestrogen.
I also exacerbates hot flashes because of the estrogen in it.
As for natto the dose in a freeze dried form is exceedingly small, I take about 250mg twice a day. Soy wasn’t bad till Monsanto started creating their Frankenstein monster beans. Bulk Supplements has natto that’s good.
Tofu and soybean oil = bad
Soy sauce and natto = good
Depends on the soy. Non-GMO soy is a different issue. Fermenting the soy, like with natto, reduces much of the isoflavones that bind to estrogen receptors that can cause either weak estrogenic or anti-estrogenic activity. The two main soy isoflavones, genistein and daidzein, inhibit thyroid peroxidase, an enzyme necessary for making thyroid hormone. Fermentation also destroys the lectins and phytic acid in fresh soy that can be nutrient zappers - something vegans and vegetarians may not be aware of. However, the one down side to fermented soy is the histamine produced in the fermentation process. Some people may be sensitive. Nattokinase is the purified enzyme that is extracted from the natto so it is not like eating the natto itself - although one could make the natto at home using good soybeans.
It’s good to note that when we say fermentation, we mean fermentation as in growing a culture on a medium “soy beans” and not creating alcohol. It’s more like making yogurt, well exactly like making yogurt. If you have a rice cooker with a yogurt making function, you can make natto easily, you can buy the culture online, then you freeze a little and use it as your starter the next time. The trick is keeping everything as sterile as possible as not to introduce any competition for the starter.
Thanks for the clarification.
Not fermented soy. But most of the garbage people eat (it's also in processed foods) is UNfermented soy. And yeah - that is all kinds of bad.
That’s one of our big hurdles, getting farmers away from soy and corn farming and into growing a wide variety of crops that feed the community, even if it’s a small portion. The problem is, the equipment used is very specialized to the crops they grow. A combine is going to be useless picking broccoli for example.
It was a Japanese scientist who discovered Ivermectin.
Other than America, Japan is the country I most want to kick the woke out once we win.
Not so much woke here. Family values still going fairly strong in Japan.
There are lots of people who grew up in a bubble, lots of men that don't really have muscles, and wayyy too many people trust the government, but overall very nice. That said, the Japanese government certainly does less to screw over its citizens, and for the most part it seems like they actually care. Vaxx was never mandated here, and it was illegal to descriminate against people who didn't get vaxxed.
I agree with you for the most part. The japanese government is likely one of the least corrupt in the world. But the japanese social and sexual dynamic is a complete mess. I think that there isnt a particular wokeness to japan, but all of the other problems that occur to woke societies seems to be creeping in. I suspect that some cultural marxist thought of relativism and nihilism has gotten to the east.
Japan definitely has more awareness of the wokeness that is happening abroad than it used to, but I'd argue that the default cultural norm is traditional Japanese values. The benefits of a homogenous nationalistic society.
The culture is still strong and distinct, but feminism (over pushing women into college and the workforce, not marrying causing the death of the nuclear family), and tech addiction among other factors have contributed to an emasculation and isolation that is causing a degradation in their foundational structures. Their differing culture and common sense rejects western surface level woke idiocy, but its almost impossible for any developed nation nowadays to avoid the ills of the marxist globalist agenda. Their birth rate has been below replacement since the early 70s, when feminism took root.
Yes, don't disagree there. But there's no avoiding that right now. The propaganda of working woman is too strong. And many countries (not just Japan) bought into it for short term economic gains, not realizing that they'd be sacrificing their birth rates to make that happen. And now it's a machine, with college attendance rates and the work economy. It will take quite the awakening for women to run the household to become the primary goal again.
Thanks for posting. Good information to remind people, but not necessarily new information. Others posted on this here and here.
Sorry i didn't know it was already posted.
It's good you did though. There's plenty of people who need to know.
Happy you did. I wasn't aware of this and am trying my best to find solutions to my liberally-retarded brother who got the shot "to save one life". Thank you.
There’s no way to see every post. I did not see this one, and I check in regularly. Thanks for the post, and please don’t let concern about reposting stop you in the future. 👍🏻
glad you posted it, I never heard this.
Glad you posted this. I had no idea about any of this.
Do we know what products/ medicine to buy?
Go to a reaby Japanese grocery store and buy something called "Natto". Bring it home, open the packaging and microwave just the natto (sticky beans) and then mix the sauces to make it tasty.
It will stink, it sticks all over your face, it would be hard to swallow - at first - but eventually you will want to eat one everyday.
Microwaving foods destroys 80% of the nutrients and changes structure of the food.
Microwaves are good for one thing - being Faraday cages.
My mom is Japanese and I grew up eating natto, I always ate it cold on top of a bowl of hot rice and thin sliced green onions. It’s delicious once you get used to it.
Cold as in frozen?
Bulk supplements is where I buy mine, but it was sold out for a long time. I don’t know about now though.
May God bless him and keep him/ her safe🙏
Lets hope and pray it works!
Coming full circle to my first post here (about my experiences with an alternative Lyme treatment). When it's all said and done there's going to be some obvious and close link...just way too many coincidences.
[deleted, I got mixed up on terms here, see DRQ reply below.]
Nattokinase, in my findings, was effectively an external influx of enzymes to simulate a 'tipping' of the scales in favor of protein/peptide chain metabolism. At least in the case of the Lyme protocol, that was just one prong of a three-pronged attack, re-balancing (or likely over-compensating knowing a relaxation would occur) the whole deck between fats, carbs, and proteins. Ultimately, I believe I achieved the same via an almost pure carnivore diet for 4 weeks, and subsequent carb minimizing (I always have effectively eaten in intermittent fasting cycles, and that's a factor too).
Ketosis, a non-acidic body pH, and not having a vitamin or mineral deficiency seem to be the three things that contribute to a hostile terrain for whatever these diseases really are (certainly seem to have as much of a fit with parasites as any other classification).
In silico means on computer model, in vitro means in a lab (in glass), in vivo means on live animals
Indeed, thanks. Got crossed up, focusing on where they're sourcing the S-protein from (didn't see any mention on the first read) and then a mix-up of vitro/silico added some confirmation bias towards it being 'virtual'....guess I need to give it another look to see where they're getting these S-proteins to test Natto against. [weren't there some massive 'bounties' on the table for tangible proof of a Cov-19 causative agent/isolated sample?] are the S-proteins really a synthetic creation based on the seemingly in silico nature of the rest of this pandemic? or is this a sample from a jabbed spike factory? or have they actually used/proved the real initial causative agent? ...somewhat rhetorical, but if you caught something I'd love to know.
Info is there for the most part...HEK293 ('immortalized' human embryonic kidney cells) are the 'host'. To which some things are added, the spike component being https://www.addgene.org/145032/ pcDNA3.1-SARS2-Spike, which is a synthetic something or other to invoke a spike protein expression. So it is still effectively a simulation rather than a real-life test.
What kind of sauce do you put on nattokinase? But seriously folks:
I've heard that elderberries has the ability to destroy virus spike proteins as well. I took that quite a bit when I caught ”covid”.
Thank you for sharing.
There is also serrapatase and lumbrokinase.
of course you could eat some worms. That's where lumbrokinase comes from.
Interesting that the natural health clinic where i got ivermectin for a preventive, also recommended nattokinase for heart health in 2021.
Fermented food? So Kimchi & Sauerkraut would work too?
No, unfortunately not, the bacterium is specific to natto I believe.
I bet nobody in Japan has died suddenly since they already have this cure
Look at their Covid charts. Japanese have the highest mask and vaccine compliance, and subsequently also the highest Covid (vaccine) death rate, despite otherwise being the healthiest Western population.
The young people who all got the jab have turned from the traditional ways. Rice, natto, and seaweed industries have been advertising heavily in manga and anime to appeal to the young workforce
Fisheries between radiation concerns and youth preferring American/world cuisine have also been suffering losses
Good thing we anons follow truth not trends
Africa is one of the country which has the highest amount of historically using good and healthy fermented food. Africa has one of the lowest challenge with died suddenly and blood clot allegedly caused by vaxx. Is there a relationship?
Anyone have a recommendation for the treatment of fibromyalgia?
Gary Null has spoken about it extensively. Best of luck.
I love eating natto (fermented soy beans). I'd be fine if my life depended on eating it twice a day.
Searching for recipes you could put natto into (to disguise the flavor a bit) and all I can find are recipes for how to make actual natto. So if any of y'all know a good way to use natto where the recipients can't taste it, lemme know! ;) (my whole family are fussy eaters)
In addition to Nattokinase is proven to destroy the spike protein, Nattokinase also helps with thrombolysis and anti-coagulation.
2015 study at https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4479826/
Wow. Will have to rethink natto !
Ummm we talked about nattokinas here in 2021 so did we know before them?
These researchers knew too and found a way to get the information published.
whew, natto is definitely an acquired taste, but the Japanese have been eating it for their health for a very long time.
I tried it once, it tastes bad, but not in a spit it out way just extremely different.
Take it every day
My f-in-law used to eat natto. I'm gonna tell him about this breakthrough. None of us have been jabbed, thankfully, including him. He'll just be happy natto is possibly a savior for his friends.
Natto & serrapeptase will be The Supplements of 2023.
Sugoi Japan
💕 natto
Does anyone know what dose they used in this study, looked like they diluted it, so i can know the equivalent dosage for the tablets?
I took it as cardio preventative for years with food. Tolerated it ok.
I tried it on empty stomach for a month with water. Started to get some slight pain so backed off. Its enzymatic so without food probably expotentates it.
If it's that slimy thing, I can't do it. I guess if my life was on the line maybe, but the consistency makes me nauseated.
It's take "saving my life" to get me to eat that again.