Buy yourself a King James Bible and read it. Accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and get an eternal life in the kingdom of God. If you need help with how to go about this, message me. God will give you peace of mind - a valuable commodity in this troubled world. God bless you.
Great advice from you and MilitaryJustice! I'll only add:
Go outside and get some sunlight. It may feel weird at first, but do it in small amounts and find a place you enjoy it. Do you enjoy outdoors in the woods, the mountains, the city park, your backyard, your porch, the lake, quiet pond? Find that spot and go there.
Create something. It doesn't need to be huge. Put a useful thing somewhere that didn't exist before the work of your own hands. We create to honor our Creator. "With God's help, this I have done." Get/Make a bat box or bird house and nail it to a tree, and you'll have made a home for something. Rip up some roots and foliage and toss some food plot seed and fertilizer down in the woods, and you'll be feeding deer and turkeys that need help.
Great post - all fight inflammation, and inflammation in the brain is cited as one likely common cause of anxiety, insomnia, all those brain chem type situations.
SAMe, S-adenosyl methionine, 400 mg per day, enteric coated is a specific treatment for the "impending doom" syndrome.
Have been taking this supplement for about 25 years and have relieved the terrors of some of my dear friends who have begun taking it.
SAMe is present in every cell in the body but as we age we produce less and less of it naturally. It is essential and too little SAMe leads to this feeling that everything is wrong and threatening.
Available OTC in every health food store and from Amazon. Pretty cheap too.
SAMe is a cosubstrate involved in several anabolic reactions and synthesis throughout the body. Because of this, it can be used for a variety of conditions. But, it should be used with caution because there are unintended consequences with its use - an overload of serotonin is serious. There are also contraindications with certain medications. I think it works best for conditions such as arthritis and depression - but only in the short term. The gaba pathway is a different animal altogether. The main activation for the inhibitory receptor is the neurotransmitter GABA - but drugs like benzodiazepines are designed to activate these receptors these receptors as well.
You seem very educated. This isn’t something I’d like to share but it’s got to the point of no return. I was prescribed kpins for 2 years when I worked in Boston. (I know liberal city) I moved back to my home state and only had what I left the state of Mass. with. Thinking I could always call or video call and get a new prescription. Problem is, she said she needs to have me in her office to prescribe me more. This terrifies me. I know benzo wd can kill people. I been prolonging what I had for the longest time. I’m tired of being scared. It’s so hard because I work so much but I been trying to find a doctor who will hopefully understand my situation. A lot of people think, work out or run or, think of the ocean and you’ll feel better. I believe it works but not for people who have been prescribed it for years. Im afraid of death. This is the first post I’m ever actually talking about it. I don’t have new insurance in this state yet, but I do plan on getting it soon. I was hoping to find something otc that could replicate kpins and enter my gaba receptors because I always had anxiety even growing up as a kid. People mistook me for being nervous when in reality, it was more of a panic, super anxiety. Which only progressed with the help of GNC… I’m just trying to look for answers. Anything helps.
Three good supplements (and there are many more) -
l-theanine, GABA and lemon balm.
Perhaps try one in advance of the time of day when you experience the attacks.
Take supplements, take a slow mindful walk while listening to soothing music in earbuds or silence if your environment offers such.
And niacin!! High doses even partially reverse Alzheimer’s. Been known to help with anxiety. I take the l-theanine as well at the recommendation from my natural doc “to even out my mood”.
But yeah constant prayer overcomes everything because our Lord is with us
I’m genuinely confused when I see posts like this. You see Trump leading prayer. You know the Q posts talk about God. The open blatant attacks on Christianity. You’ve watched the DS players openly praising Satan/Lucifer/Molluch while rising to power wealth and fame beyond imagine. You know spirit cooking is real and the satanic sacrifices with children. And yet here you are making a comment like this… if you can’t put the puzzle pieces together yet you’re still asleep my man.
How is it confusing? Anyone who is observant to the people on this earth would have noticed the same thing. Simply noting that your idols follow a given mantra isn't persuasive to me and millions of others. Honestly, I have no dis-respect for anyone who believes in their religion. After all, it could indeed all be correct. Unfortunately, I can't say the same about the reverse.
Everyone I ever met that is connected to their chosen religion completely dis-respects any question I might bring up they deem as a challenge to it, even when my intent was to learn and understand, not challenge them. And perhaps that's because all religions require absolute faith -- anything that could expose it as even slightly possibly being wrong is a threat, and the ideas must be eradicated! The idea that they could be wrong. Remember, Christianity isn't the only belief system out there. It wasn't the first, and it's not the most recent. Why should I, or anyone, adopt complete trust in that one? Especially when we live in a world so full or deceit and lies? How do we know those ancient stories are part of that?
There I go again, asking questions in the effort of learning and understanding that will probably be seen as an attack. I'm ready for the verbal assault so just get it over with.
No assault what so ever since you didn’t mock anything fren. My confrontational words with Bowie was because of his uneducated mocking comment.
Christianity has stood the test of time with Jesus. It’s fairly easy to narrow down why Christianity is the “correct” choice in terms of religions. MSM, the Illuminati and other known Cabal puppet players routinely attack it relentlessly. As I mentioned, these puppets openly talk about selling their souls to Satan.
I’m sorry to break this to you. The evidence is overwhelming that I’m right in this and you’re very much wrong. Goodluck as it’s odd you’re on this board and ignoring the virtual mountains of evidence showing everything I’ve said to be true. You’re basically just as asleep as a leftist at this point.
The evidence is overwhelming that even otherwise intelligent people can believe unsubstantiated bullshit... Especially if uses fear to manipulate them.
41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:
42 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink:
43 I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not.
44 Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee?
45 Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me.
46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.
You literally just said “eternal hell does not exist”
How is fire and punishment everlasting without hell everlasting? You do realize the term hell is referencing the place where fire and punishment is held? Separated from Moses’s bosom?
You serve a tyrant. And if you don't obey, you burn forever.
What's the saying about cults using fear to herd the sheep?
On top of that, he's a major hypocrite. Commands you to forgive those that trespass against you and to love your enemies but he torments, burns and tortures merely due to a lack of belief. It's also a great illustration that your self proclaimed "all knowing" deity doesn't understand how belief works... It's not the product of desire alone therefore luck is involved with whether people make it or not.
Your deity isn't worthy of my endorsement. I've known better criminals.
It's tyranny. Pure and simple. I exist, therefore I owe and if I don't play the game by the rules he also created, I suffer.
You believe your deity is good, I don't. Many of us have better standards for things we'd potentially worship... But I personally, believe anything that wants/needs to be worshipped has serious ego issue.
You should contact some Christian friends and setup an intervention.
The guys only point is “we are commanded to forgive others but He doesn’t have to!” Without even addressing how He is Lord and knows everything about anyone’s intentions, while we know absolutely nothing outside of our own sinful projection.
Great advice, although l would discontinue GABA after the initial calming effects. The lemon balm will actually stimulate the brain to produce its own GABA naturally. That way we put it to work to become self sufficient, rather than allowing it to continue under-producing.
Disconnect. Move to the country, grow a garden, go fishing hunting. Spend time really alone. Enjoy those little peaceful moments and realize all this bullshit doesn’t really matter in that moment.
Yep, checking out works the best. I learned that keeping up to date on everything didn't change anything about my life and just made me angry. The deep state are still going to be faggots next week when you come back.
You don't even have to move. You can grow things in pots, get out to parks, go running or biking. Go for a road-trip if you can afford the gas. Get a new hobby and dive into it. Make something. Paint something. Sew something. Knit something. Get deep into a single-player video game that's relaxing. We're not made to take all these cares of the whole world on our shoulders. Best of all, get saved.
This. My anxiety is a social anxiety, now that I'm rural, living amongst mostly like-minded people I feel a huge weight lifted. Some people meditate, others pray... I go fishing.
I struggled with anxiety after my mother died and I had a job that didn’t allow me to take medication. I had a weird buzzing energy in my abdomen that prevented me from getting a good nights sleep. Here is how I conquered it -
Excercise- Mininum 30 minute jog everyday at a good pace.
Meditation- Minimum 20 minutes every day
Supplements - Valerian root, lithium, melatonin and dopa bean.
Diet- no processed food and sugar. Stopped caffeine as well. No alcohol.
Emotional- I tried to have a good cry everyday to vent my emotions. I stayed away from TV/news and connected with nature. I did research to understand the grieving process. I stayed away from toxic people and guarded my alone time with a vengeance.
The anxiety waned immediately but would creep back if I didn’t adhere to my regimen. I was cured in 30 days but continued this regimen to a lesser degree for about 6 months.
I want to add that you are definitely going through a grieving process and you probably don’t even know it. I recognize right now that I am grieving a stolen election, a threat of losing the country that I love, lost friendships over politics, I miss Trump terribly, the threat of an unknown future, the questioning of how to prepare concerning finances, safety and the corresponding decisions with all of the unknowns.
I want to add that you are definitely going through a grieving process and you probably don’t even know it. I recognize right now that I am grieving a stolen election, a threat of losing the country that I love, lost friendships over politics, I miss Trump terribly, the threat of an unknown future, the questioning of how to prepare concerning finances, safety and the corresponding decisions with all of the unknowns.
Agreed. Hang in there friend. (and friends) We'll all get through this. Stay vigilant and Pray. Also remember that this place, and basically any place that talks about current events, and related stuff, amps up those feelings of anger, frustration, despair, etc. Taking a week off as a soul-fast could help. Do something fun and escapist. Binge-watch something funny. Read some really fun books, or audiobooks, play video games offline, etc.
I believe when you cut out all forms of Sugar, it will feel like you’re going through withdrawal, but eventually and very soon you gain a type of ‘clarity’ you’ve never had before…
This allows you to really feel your emotions, to connect your soul, mind and body into one. It can be intense, but it’s genuine. Once you form that foundation, you can now rebuild on top of that stronger foundation…
Keep going, and going.
Look forward to the unknown, as that is where you are truly FREE to design your own future.
agree completely about sugar...suggest using raw unfiltered honey at bedtime...also, as others here have suggested, turmeric capsules, and i will add cinnamon capsules, maybe ginger capsules, all readily avail at most stores...prayers for healing mind and body...oh yeah, and add magnesium, as others have suggested...
Why is this stickied? Because there's every reason to feel panic, or at least trepidation, right now. Thanks to our contributor frogs for all the good advice and resources in thread.
Thank you. Been dealing with anxiety for awhile now and it’s a lot more than closing my eyes and thinking about laying on a beach. Panic attacks that lead to hospitalizations are not fun. I’m not weak and I used to think, anyone with anxiety was simply weak minded but I was completely wrong. Anxiety is nothing to play around with.
Me too. I have a bad temper. Not with people, but inanimate objects. I get mad, throw things, yell, swear, etc. Then once I calm down I feel like a total asshole. I've chatted with other folks that say the same thing. I just don't know what to do about it.
It happens Fren. I found it’s strain related. Try some edible CBD and then try the anxiety heavy strain. The CBD balances it out. Or just change strains to something that works for you. I had a strain once that no matter the dose it was immediate anxiety. I thought my body had changed & was revolting against me? I found some info on Leafly and it’s fixable as I mentioned above.
I am not a big drinker. Maybe a couple of times a week or if I am out with friends. But if I am really feeling anxious, I will just take a straight shot of good whiskey. Almost immediately, I feel it calm me. I don't do it often- maybe once every couple of months, for a myriad of obvious reasons. I kind of view it like allergy medication - you save the benadryl for when things get really bad. Take it every day and it loses its effectiveness.
Find some time to meditate and some time to pray. Meditation is better alone and praying in Communion with other souls who don’t even need to be physically present, just simultaneous.🙏🏻
I saw many people giving testimonies of how their anxiety, ADHD, PTSD, and depression reversed after 6 months of doing a specific yoga practice that rewires you. It is called "Inner Engineering" and "Shambavi". My son's severe ADHD was greatly improved after 3 months. My family could hardly believe it.
Sadhguru began this organization in the US when he discovered how improperly yoga was being practiced here. The specifics matter, like the way the toes touch, the finger positions, eyes closed, not talking or being talked to during the practice, etc...because it is all about energy circuits being completed properly. Once you learn how to do it, you just practice at home by yourself...hopefully before any family gets out of bed. It is just stretches, holding poses against gravity, and breathing exercises. There are some "ohms", but that is science, too.. related to control of breath and reverberation of the vegas nerve.
We are Christians. This practice is a very specific practice, not religious. If it was about the Hindu belief, I wouldn't have participated.
This practice is like turning the satelite towards the signal, when it has been aimed the wrong way for years. Or, it is like straightening the 4 skewed tires of your car, when they have been pointing crazy directions for years. It feels like you took a shower on the inside of your body. It results is an alert responsiveness and helpfulness to those around you and an ability to stay present in your heart, rather than trapped in your thoughts of judgment, regret, fear, or in your compulsions.
My roommates when I was there were the head of Purdue's psychology department and a naturopath doctor. There was also a brain surgeon student at this weekend-long class. To me, these are just exercises that work, based on science. I personally have worked in physical therapy for years and have a few years of engineering school, too. So, I understood..for example... that the posture of putting my palms together with my thumbs in my solar plexus is a completed energy circuit, not a hindu way of praying.
I am definitely a Christian, and I am a physical therapist. Yoga just seems like exercises to me, with a little more in-depth, knowledgable use of energy circuits. Our bodies rely on nerves and energy flow, of course.
I would never want anything to do with the hindu religion. There were hindus in attendenance, too, though. But, religion was avoided as we learned the postures and movements. If it wasn't, I would have left, for sure.
Find moments of pure serenity in your day. For me, it was a change of habit: I wake well before dawn, and watch the sunrise in stillness. During this time, my only focus is the beauty of the emerging day. When it is over, and I must begin my day, its as if I have put on the Armor of God, for nothing evil, sad, depressing can penetrate me or derail me.
My friend get your Magnesium levels maximized. Take multiple forms along with daily epson salt foot baths. When muscles contract they utilize calcium as the fuel. In order to relax muscles Magnesium is used. Also try listening to mitolife radio podcasts' most recent guest on copper. A little copper goes along way. They have been poisoning us with non bioavailable "enriched" flour. This iron tanks our natural copper stores wrecking our bodies ability to harness and direct the bioelectricity necessary for optimum health. The other form of subtle poisoning next in the cabals scheme is "vegetable" and omega 3 oils. Without vitamin e or tocopherol the liver gets overwhelmed by this sludge and cannot properly clean the blood. Clean the liver, get that baby rocking, and your back in business. Also zeo-lite and copper help your body rid itself of toxins such as metal poisoning from metals such as lead, mercury, nonbioavailable form of iron, and many others. Try to drink living water such as from a spring. Just like breathing air robbed of electrons from air conditioning stale dead water from bottles does no good. The plastics can also act as a estrogen mimick within the body disrupting the endocrine system. 12 or so Air squats a few times a day can help pump your endocrine fluid through the body. And the most important tool in bringing your body back into its rest phase is breath work. Start with simple wim Hoff exercises found anywhere. At first it will be overwhelming as your body is metabolizing that trapped energy. Somatic trauma exercises can also help in dealing with stored trauma. God bless and God speed I hope this helps.
This right here is a very good response. I want to speak with OP one on one to give him a more in depth response after dealing with this for so long. Magnesium glycerate, magnesium Theronate, l-theanine, lemon balm, kava kava, ashgwanda, and many many more. Theronate passes the blood brain barrier which may be something to look into. Also, make sure you’re taking d3 if you Havnt been getting enough sun and I have much more advice if I can get in touch with you one on one some how.
If you are not already doing so,you could try the Dr Zelenko prophylaxis protocol.
Quercetin is a mood stabiliser and the Vit D3 and Vit C also can help to deal with
It may not help,but that treatment won't do any harm and you will be healthier.
Indeed. Quercetin appears to have an effect on reducing inflammation that is really noteworthy, so brain inflammation, joint inflammation, stomach/GI upset, heart inflammation, etc. That docs do not recommend these known studied safe aids is the crime of our age.
For racing thoughts “stop that thought”. Literally say/think this to yourself. Anxiety is a form of hyper imagination - where people who are intelligent naturally predict outcomes - and end up predicting negative outcomes. You could pick any phrase, but this one works well. You break up the mind’s obsession with the issues you are dealing with. You are naturally trying to fix/predict/deal with life but it goes a bit too far and overloads. It’s like hitting a reset button.
The other suggestion is exercise - which you are already doing - and from now and then meditating. Just find a quiet place, sit in a chair, close your eyes, and focus on a white spot/sphere 3 inches in front of your nose or forehead. Count your breaths. Count to 121 in segments of 11. If you can do that for 5 minutes straight you will calm down.
And then yes- reading the Bible. Download onto your phone. Read in small doses. Read a psalm, read one parable of the gospels. Amazing wisdom and it can calm you as well.
So. We are in the same boat. On top of this I've also lost love ones that left a gigantic whole in my heart. The panic attacks are crippling. Like everyone else I recommend prayer. It's the only thing that eases my heart.
Also, If your diet is out of whack that doesn't help. Plenty of multi B vitamins etc..
I've struggled with anxiety and panic attacks for a couple years now. I never used to have them which made me suspicious. Eventually I discovered that there is actually an external cause for it. Electromagnetic frequencies. I know that makes me sound like a quack but I was able to prove it by purchasing an EMF reader. I found that when I was exposed to higher than normal amounts of EMF, my anxiety went up right along with it.
Unfortunately there isn't much that stops EMF. I've tried living in 3 different places and no matter where I am, there's always EMF to deal with. One thing I've found that really helps is music. Loud music seems to kind of counter balance the effect the EMF has on me.
The other thing that helps a lot (and this may not be for you) is smoking weed.
Regardless, I wish you all the best. Anxiety sucks.
Get your vitamin D levels up to 50ng/ml. Huge benefits to your mental and physical well being. Lots of depressed/anxious/fatigued people report huge improvements.
It can take some months to get up to those levels, but absolutely worth it.
Red Light/non-Infrared light therapy is helping me, a lot. With everything. My skin looks great (radiant!), healing my muscle pain, healing a scar and shoulder surgery, and my mood definitely improves. There are over 4000 published peer-reviewed studies showing its effectiveness. I use it for 20 minutes 3x/week. I also avoid msg and neurotoxins, don't drink sodas/ alcohol, limit my sugar intake, and exercise by walking and stretching. Praying also helps me (meditation also). Good luck to you, I hope you find some relief! PS, everyone I know that is awake is having anxiety. We are in touch with what is going on and the energies we are picking up are THEIR panic, not ours. I rest in that.
For me specifically music and chamomile helped override overwhelming emotions. As well as patience, room for mistakes, and the promise to protect myself kindly. And prayer for God’s peace and relying on His strength and comfort to do what I needed to do.
Your gut is connected to your mental health. Sensitive stomaches and anxiety are connected. When I focused on getting more probiotics into my diet and less processed foods I think that also helped.
I hate sugar (cancer survivor), BUT…when your glucose gets low it can trigger anxiety. As a former drinker I can attest this works; carry some hard candy with you & when you feel the anxiety coming-on enjoy some sugar. Your body (especially first few months of abstinence) craves the sugars the alcohol once converted to & provided. Also try William Hoff breathing therapy. It’s really great & stops my anxieties in seconds but the sugar is KEY. Edit; ANY sugar will work.
I'm not going to tell you to read the Bible, I'm not going to tell you to think positive thoughts. Controversial, I know, but hear me out:
-Take your vitamins. I take the ones in the Zelenko Z Stack. when Im feeling sick and the Evolution Vitamode Multivitamin when Im being lazy.
-Drink electrolytes. I drink the Redmond Relyte.
-Stay hydrated. Find the amount of daily water intake you need and meet it.
-Get sun. Even if you live in a cloudy area. Go out on sunny days and walk.
-Chill out on the caffeine or anything that's going to spike your blood sugar.
-Do something mellow. Like listen to classical music (Mozart, Bach, Vivaldi, etc.) or some smooth jazz or chill house.
-Avoid stressful people. You dont want to be recovering and be around some crazy person whos intentionally trying to raise your blood pressure, like Joe Biden.
Once all that is done, then come back to your positive thoughts and your Bible reading. It's going to feel different, and you're going to approach it with a clear head.
I had to go the nutrition route. I try to refrain from putting anything processed in my body. Definitely had to stop the caffeine. I drink decaf now but even that will spark it.
Can’t take credit for this. Another anon posted awhile back. I will also add Lugol’s iodine supplemented with selenium and magnesium work very well for a multitude of problems. Good luck fren
Treatment for depression
Vitamin D deficiency. D is absolutely essential for proper brain function, along with almost every other metabolic function in the body. Most clinicians are ill-equipped to monitor D and often recommend levels that are far too low to be helpful - so just a head's up. Blood levels need to be at least 80 ng/ml. The only real caveat is in the case of renal impairment where levels of everything need to be very closely monitored. Most clinicians are happy with 30 ng/ml but that is far too low for someone with ongoing health challenges.
Good quality fish oil is also critical for brain function. However, it must be good fish oil and not made from farm raised fish which are often loaded with toxins. In addition it needs to be cold processed with no solvents. Nordic and Carlson are two brands I am familiar with. But I am sure there are others so do your homework. The brain needs fat to function. The old adage about fish being brain food is no joke. So, if someone calls you a fat head, they are actually paying you a complement.
CBD is known to have amazing medical properties to curb severe anxiety… you will need to adjust dosing until you find it working for you, so dont be discouraged if the initial amount you take doesnt feel like it works. Love and light my brotha
Buy yourself a King James Bible and read it. Accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and get an eternal life in the kingdom of God. If you need help with how to go about this, message me. God will give you peace of mind - a valuable commodity in this troubled world. God bless you.
Great advice from you and MilitaryJustice! I'll only add:
Go outside and get some sunlight. It may feel weird at first, but do it in small amounts and find a place you enjoy it. Do you enjoy outdoors in the woods, the mountains, the city park, your backyard, your porch, the lake, quiet pond? Find that spot and go there.
Create something. It doesn't need to be huge. Put a useful thing somewhere that didn't exist before the work of your own hands. We create to honor our Creator. "With God's help, this I have done." Get/Make a bat box or bird house and nail it to a tree, and you'll have made a home for something. Rip up some roots and foliage and toss some food plot seed and fertilizer down in the woods, and you'll be feeding deer and turkeys that need help.
Eating salmon, fish
Chamomile tea helps. It also cures your eyes if you have pink eye etc.
Tumeric has a ton of healing properties. Blood thinner and inflammation as well.
Great post - all fight inflammation, and inflammation in the brain is cited as one likely common cause of anxiety, insomnia, all those brain chem type situations.
Magnesium here as well.
SAMe, S-adenosyl methionine, 400 mg per day, enteric coated is a specific treatment for the "impending doom" syndrome.
Have been taking this supplement for about 25 years and have relieved the terrors of some of my dear friends who have begun taking it.
SAMe is present in every cell in the body but as we age we produce less and less of it naturally. It is essential and too little SAMe leads to this feeling that everything is wrong and threatening.
Available OTC in every health food store and from Amazon. Pretty cheap too.
Does this pass the blood brain barrier? Also, do you know if it has an affect on either the gaba a or gaba b receptor?
SAMe is a cosubstrate involved in several anabolic reactions and synthesis throughout the body. Because of this, it can be used for a variety of conditions. But, it should be used with caution because there are unintended consequences with its use - an overload of serotonin is serious. There are also contraindications with certain medications. I think it works best for conditions such as arthritis and depression - but only in the short term. The gaba pathway is a different animal altogether. The main activation for the inhibitory receptor is the neurotransmitter GABA - but drugs like benzodiazepines are designed to activate these receptors these receptors as well.
You seem very educated. This isn’t something I’d like to share but it’s got to the point of no return. I was prescribed kpins for 2 years when I worked in Boston. (I know liberal city) I moved back to my home state and only had what I left the state of Mass. with. Thinking I could always call or video call and get a new prescription. Problem is, she said she needs to have me in her office to prescribe me more. This terrifies me. I know benzo wd can kill people. I been prolonging what I had for the longest time. I’m tired of being scared. It’s so hard because I work so much but I been trying to find a doctor who will hopefully understand my situation. A lot of people think, work out or run or, think of the ocean and you’ll feel better. I believe it works but not for people who have been prescribed it for years. Im afraid of death. This is the first post I’m ever actually talking about it. I don’t have new insurance in this state yet, but I do plan on getting it soon. I was hoping to find something otc that could replicate kpins and enter my gaba receptors because I always had anxiety even growing up as a kid. People mistook me for being nervous when in reality, it was more of a panic, super anxiety. Which only progressed with the help of GNC… I’m just trying to look for answers. Anything helps.
Also, Iron deficiency can lead to anxiety.
^^This^^ Pray to the Lord Jesus Christ to send His calming Spirit into your heart.
Done deal.
This is what cured my panic attacks.
Three good supplements (and there are many more) - l-theanine, GABA and lemon balm.
Perhaps try one in advance of the time of day when you experience the attacks.
Take supplements, take a slow mindful walk while listening to soothing music in earbuds or silence if your environment offers such.
Good luck!
And niacin!! High doses even partially reverse Alzheimer’s. Been known to help with anxiety. I take the l-theanine as well at the recommendation from my natural doc “to even out my mood”.
But yeah constant prayer overcomes everything because our Lord is with us
Finally! Some real, useful advice. Too many people here think their version of their deity is what everyone needs.
I’m genuinely confused when I see posts like this. You see Trump leading prayer. You know the Q posts talk about God. The open blatant attacks on Christianity. You’ve watched the DS players openly praising Satan/Lucifer/Molluch while rising to power wealth and fame beyond imagine. You know spirit cooking is real and the satanic sacrifices with children. And yet here you are making a comment like this… if you can’t put the puzzle pieces together yet you’re still asleep my man.
How is it confusing? Anyone who is observant to the people on this earth would have noticed the same thing. Simply noting that your idols follow a given mantra isn't persuasive to me and millions of others. Honestly, I have no dis-respect for anyone who believes in their religion. After all, it could indeed all be correct. Unfortunately, I can't say the same about the reverse.
Everyone I ever met that is connected to their chosen religion completely dis-respects any question I might bring up they deem as a challenge to it, even when my intent was to learn and understand, not challenge them. And perhaps that's because all religions require absolute faith -- anything that could expose it as even slightly possibly being wrong is a threat, and the ideas must be eradicated! The idea that they could be wrong. Remember, Christianity isn't the only belief system out there. It wasn't the first, and it's not the most recent. Why should I, or anyone, adopt complete trust in that one? Especially when we live in a world so full or deceit and lies? How do we know those ancient stories are part of that?
There I go again, asking questions in the effort of learning and understanding that will probably be seen as an attack. I'm ready for the verbal assault so just get it over with.
It seems like the people you’re talking to about faith haven’t thought to ask those questions themselves. How could they possibly have the answers?
Okay -- so very much to unpack.
Let's start here.
There's a war against Christians. People you can tell are bad hate Christianity.
Does that in itself mean Christianity is the answer to all things?
But in a war, we have to take sides.
So it's wise, at least temporarily, to side with the Christians.
Now, going further...
I have a weird perspective on Christianity, it incorporates a lot of ideas from other faith systems. And I don't go to church.
So it is possible to have a close relationship with Christ and not be part of a pack.
That would be a path you walk individually.
Only way to know if it works is to try it.
No assault what so ever since you didn’t mock anything fren. My confrontational words with Bowie was because of his uneducated mocking comment.
Christianity has stood the test of time with Jesus. It’s fairly easy to narrow down why Christianity is the “correct” choice in terms of religions. MSM, the Illuminati and other known Cabal puppet players routinely attack it relentlessly. As I mentioned, these puppets openly talk about selling their souls to Satan.
Im crashing I can continue this tomorrow.
I'm sorry to break this to you, but none of that is evidence it's true. Even DS people can be wrong and total retards.
I’m sorry to break this to you. The evidence is overwhelming that I’m right in this and you’re very much wrong. Goodluck as it’s odd you’re on this board and ignoring the virtual mountains of evidence showing everything I’ve said to be true. You’re basically just as asleep as a leftist at this point.
The evidence is overwhelming that even otherwise intelligent people can believe unsubstantiated bullshit... Especially if uses fear to manipulate them.
Good luck in your journey!
God bless your heart. It takes some serious cognitive dissonance to be on this board and ignore this subject.
The creator of the universe uses a book to talk to you? Why not just speak to you directly?
He does.
All the time.
Eternal hell does not exist. See John 3:16
Define perish. Look at the Greek and Hebrew sheol was translated to hell around the 3rd century of my memory serves me correctly.
41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:
42 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink:
43 I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not.
44 Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee?
45 Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me.
46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.
The fire is everlasting, the punishment is everlasting, the life of the righteous is eternal.
You literally just said “eternal hell does not exist”
How is fire and punishment everlasting without hell everlasting? You do realize the term hell is referencing the place where fire and punishment is held? Separated from Moses’s bosom?
R U NUTS? God says it exists and that it is eternal. He must be mistaken.
Show me where. Please use translations as close to the original text as possible.
You serve a tyrant. And if you don't obey, you burn forever.
What's the saying about cults using fear to herd the sheep?
On top of that, he's a major hypocrite. Commands you to forgive those that trespass against you and to love your enemies but he torments, burns and tortures merely due to a lack of belief. It's also a great illustration that your self proclaimed "all knowing" deity doesn't understand how belief works... It's not the product of desire alone therefore luck is involved with whether people make it or not.
Your deity isn't worthy of my endorsement. I've known better criminals.
It's tyranny. Pure and simple. I exist, therefore I owe and if I don't play the game by the rules he also created, I suffer.
You believe your deity is good, I don't. Many of us have better standards for things we'd potentially worship... But I personally, believe anything that wants/needs to be worshipped has serious ego issue.
You should contact some Christian friends and setup an intervention.
The guys only point is “we are commanded to forgive others but He doesn’t have to!” Without even addressing how He is Lord and knows everything about anyone’s intentions, while we know absolutely nothing outside of our own sinful projection.
It’s pretty dumb and lazy.
It all comes down to an ego problem. Some people cant accept that they themselves are meant to be subordinate to a higher Being
You speak like you've never read it.
See how easy that was? I made a claim without supporting it too! This is fun, let's do it again! You're fat!
Just to the burning part.
I believe it was Dante who first said that and it went from there to where we are today.
I believe a better account that’s described in the Bible is an absence or separation from God.
Which is impossible if he's omnipresent, no?
If a God is capable of being omnipresent than I imagine that God is capable of manifesting that in anyway they see fit, no?
Try ignoring the Old Testament and focusing on the New.
Don't mix the messages.
Read it for a bit and find out if you like Jesus Christ.
I literally see absolutely no logical hypocrisy in anything you’ve presented.
Are you sure you’ve actually thought this through as much as you think you have?
Then get your eyes checked.
I’m having no problem reading the words you wrote or understanding the point you’re trying to make with them.
Great advice, although l would discontinue GABA after the initial calming effects. The lemon balm will actually stimulate the brain to produce its own GABA naturally. That way we put it to work to become self sufficient, rather than allowing it to continue under-producing.
Words of Truth.
Disconnect. Move to the country, grow a garden, go fishing hunting. Spend time really alone. Enjoy those little peaceful moments and realize all this bullshit doesn’t really matter in that moment.
Yep, checking out works the best. I learned that keeping up to date on everything didn't change anything about my life and just made me angry. The deep state are still going to be faggots next week when you come back.
Haha. Perfectly stated.
You don't even have to move. You can grow things in pots, get out to parks, go running or biking. Go for a road-trip if you can afford the gas. Get a new hobby and dive into it. Make something. Paint something. Sew something. Knit something. Get deep into a single-player video game that's relaxing. We're not made to take all these cares of the whole world on our shoulders. Best of all, get saved.
This. My anxiety is a social anxiety, now that I'm rural, living amongst mostly like-minded people I feel a huge weight lifted. Some people meditate, others pray... I go fishing.
And if that doesn't work, try a fat spliff :)
That you grew in your garden!!!
I struggled with anxiety after my mother died and I had a job that didn’t allow me to take medication. I had a weird buzzing energy in my abdomen that prevented me from getting a good nights sleep. Here is how I conquered it -
Excercise- Mininum 30 minute jog everyday at a good pace.
Meditation- Minimum 20 minutes every day
Supplements - Valerian root, lithium, melatonin and dopa bean.
Diet- no processed food and sugar. Stopped caffeine as well. No alcohol.
Emotional- I tried to have a good cry everyday to vent my emotions. I stayed away from TV/news and connected with nature. I did research to understand the grieving process. I stayed away from toxic people and guarded my alone time with a vengeance.
The anxiety waned immediately but would creep back if I didn’t adhere to my regimen. I was cured in 30 days but continued this regimen to a lesser degree for about 6 months.
I want to add that you are definitely going through a grieving process and you probably don’t even know it. I recognize right now that I am grieving a stolen election, a threat of losing the country that I love, lost friendships over politics, I miss Trump terribly, the threat of an unknown future, the questioning of how to prepare concerning finances, safety and the corresponding decisions with all of the unknowns.
Hope that helps.
Good suggestions all around, also.
Agreed. Hang in there friend. (and friends) We'll all get through this. Stay vigilant and Pray. Also remember that this place, and basically any place that talks about current events, and related stuff, amps up those feelings of anger, frustration, despair, etc. Taking a week off as a soul-fast could help. Do something fun and escapist. Binge-watch something funny. Read some really fun books, or audiobooks, play video games offline, etc.
Really good advice and suggestions here.
I believe when you cut out all forms of Sugar, it will feel like you’re going through withdrawal, but eventually and very soon you gain a type of ‘clarity’ you’ve never had before…
This allows you to really feel your emotions, to connect your soul, mind and body into one. It can be intense, but it’s genuine. Once you form that foundation, you can now rebuild on top of that stronger foundation…
Keep going, and going.
Look forward to the unknown, as that is where you are truly FREE to design your own future.
agree completely about sugar...suggest using raw unfiltered honey at bedtime...also, as others here have suggested, turmeric capsules, and i will add cinnamon capsules, maybe ginger capsules, all readily avail at most stores...prayers for healing mind and body...oh yeah, and add magnesium, as others have suggested...
Why is this stickied? Because there's every reason to feel panic, or at least trepidation, right now. Thanks to our contributor frogs for all the good advice and resources in thread.
Thank you. Been dealing with anxiety for awhile now and it’s a lot more than closing my eyes and thinking about laying on a beach. Panic attacks that lead to hospitalizations are not fun. I’m not weak and I used to think, anyone with anxiety was simply weak minded but I was completely wrong. Anxiety is nothing to play around with.
Nac helps with all this
Is this so? I actually never herd of this. I have Nac myself, I’ll give it a try.
Weed, fresh air, sunshine, hard work + the 'enjoy your ride' mindset keeps me functioning. We live in interesting times.
Careful, weed can go both ways for anxiety.
I've recently learned that the ratio of CBD to THC directly affects that. CBD balances out the high and helps reduce the anxiety.
Good info.
Right, there are so many different types of weed these days, you can find something to help everyone really
So does the temperature at consumption. If you smoke you will be both higher and more anxious than if you vape dry flower at 375 degrees.
Username checks out
KEK I thought about that as I posted
Depends on if the cops are around or not for me 😂
Anger is my issue, weed is a wonder drug for me.
Me too. I have a bad temper. Not with people, but inanimate objects. I get mad, throw things, yell, swear, etc. Then once I calm down I feel like a total asshole. I've chatted with other folks that say the same thing. I just don't know what to do about it.
It happens Fren. I found it’s strain related. Try some edible CBD and then try the anxiety heavy strain. The CBD balances it out. Or just change strains to something that works for you. I had a strain once that no matter the dose it was immediate anxiety. I thought my body had changed & was revolting against me? I found some info on Leafly and it’s fixable as I mentioned above.
Microdose edibles.
This is the way.
The first one is tough simply due to work and family commitments, but, I'm going to make more time for me when the storm breaks :)
I am not a big drinker. Maybe a couple of times a week or if I am out with friends. But if I am really feeling anxious, I will just take a straight shot of good whiskey. Almost immediately, I feel it calm me. I don't do it often- maybe once every couple of months, for a myriad of obvious reasons. I kind of view it like allergy medication - you save the benadryl for when things get really bad. Take it every day and it loses its effectiveness.
Find some time to meditate and some time to pray. Meditation is better alone and praying in Communion with other souls who don’t even need to be physically present, just simultaneous.🙏🏻
Isha Institute of Inner-sciences – USA
I saw many people giving testimonies of how their anxiety, ADHD, PTSD, and depression reversed after 6 months of doing a specific yoga practice that rewires you. It is called "Inner Engineering" and "Shambavi". My son's severe ADHD was greatly improved after 3 months. My family could hardly believe it.
Sadhguru began this organization in the US when he discovered how improperly yoga was being practiced here. The specifics matter, like the way the toes touch, the finger positions, eyes closed, not talking or being talked to during the practice, etc...because it is all about energy circuits being completed properly. Once you learn how to do it, you just practice at home by yourself...hopefully before any family gets out of bed. It is just stretches, holding poses against gravity, and breathing exercises. There are some "ohms", but that is science, too.. related to control of breath and reverberation of the vegas nerve.
We are Christians. This practice is a very specific practice, not religious. If it was about the Hindu belief, I wouldn't have participated.
This practice is like turning the satelite towards the signal, when it has been aimed the wrong way for years. Or, it is like straightening the 4 skewed tires of your car, when they have been pointing crazy directions for years. It feels like you took a shower on the inside of your body. It results is an alert responsiveness and helpfulness to those around you and an ability to stay present in your heart, rather than trapped in your thoughts of judgment, regret, fear, or in your compulsions.
My roommates when I was there were the head of Purdue's psychology department and a naturopath doctor. There was also a brain surgeon student at this weekend-long class. To me, these are just exercises that work, based on science. I personally have worked in physical therapy for years and have a few years of engineering school, too. So, I understood..for example... that the posture of putting my palms together with my thumbs in my solar plexus is a completed energy circuit, not a hindu way of praying.
Checked out the site. A warning appeared that everyone must wear an N95 and social distance. No thanks.
Yea. I have not been there in 7 years. I didn't know. Sorry.
YOGA is counter to Biblical teaching...If you aren't a Christion then have at it.
I am definitely a Christian, and I am a physical therapist. Yoga just seems like exercises to me, with a little more in-depth, knowledgable use of energy circuits. Our bodies rely on nerves and energy flow, of course.
I would never want anything to do with the hindu religion. There were hindus in attendenance, too, though. But, religion was avoided as we learned the postures and movements. If it wasn't, I would have left, for sure.
I appreciate your warning.
Lol, "God doesn't want you to stretch."
Find moments of pure serenity in your day. For me, it was a change of habit: I wake well before dawn, and watch the sunrise in stillness. During this time, my only focus is the beauty of the emerging day. When it is over, and I must begin my day, its as if I have put on the Armor of God, for nothing evil, sad, depressing can penetrate me or derail me.
My friend get your Magnesium levels maximized. Take multiple forms along with daily epson salt foot baths. When muscles contract they utilize calcium as the fuel. In order to relax muscles Magnesium is used. Also try listening to mitolife radio podcasts' most recent guest on copper. A little copper goes along way. They have been poisoning us with non bioavailable "enriched" flour. This iron tanks our natural copper stores wrecking our bodies ability to harness and direct the bioelectricity necessary for optimum health. The other form of subtle poisoning next in the cabals scheme is "vegetable" and omega 3 oils. Without vitamin e or tocopherol the liver gets overwhelmed by this sludge and cannot properly clean the blood. Clean the liver, get that baby rocking, and your back in business. Also zeo-lite and copper help your body rid itself of toxins such as metal poisoning from metals such as lead, mercury, nonbioavailable form of iron, and many others. Try to drink living water such as from a spring. Just like breathing air robbed of electrons from air conditioning stale dead water from bottles does no good. The plastics can also act as a estrogen mimick within the body disrupting the endocrine system. 12 or so Air squats a few times a day can help pump your endocrine fluid through the body. And the most important tool in bringing your body back into its rest phase is breath work. Start with simple wim Hoff exercises found anywhere. At first it will be overwhelming as your body is metabolizing that trapped energy. Somatic trauma exercises can also help in dealing with stored trauma. God bless and God speed I hope this helps.
This right here is a very good response. I want to speak with OP one on one to give him a more in depth response after dealing with this for so long. Magnesium glycerate, magnesium Theronate, l-theanine, lemon balm, kava kava, ashgwanda, and many many more. Theronate passes the blood brain barrier which may be something to look into. Also, make sure you’re taking d3 if you Havnt been getting enough sun and I have much more advice if I can get in touch with you one on one some how.
If you are not already doing so,you could try the Dr Zelenko prophylaxis protocol. Quercetin is a mood stabiliser and the Vit D3 and Vit C also can help to deal with stress.
It may not help,but that treatment won't do any harm and you will be healthier.
I also take quercetin and the effect on the nagging pain like joint pain makes any mood or sleep issues long gone.
Hold on anon,are you saying that Quercetin helps control your various pain? If that's the case, that's excellent. Quercetin does a lot of things.
It's 2.00 am in Sydney,and I may have read you comment wrong.
Quercetin is pretty good stuff,it's a bit like a mild Ivermectin!
Indeed. Quercetin appears to have an effect on reducing inflammation that is really noteworthy, so brain inflammation, joint inflammation, stomach/GI upset, heart inflammation, etc. That docs do not recommend these known studied safe aids is the crime of our age.
Thanks for that reply,fren. Quercetin is brilliant stuff!
Meditate and load of on anti-oxidates for sure
Oxidants are the chemical compounds left from past stress, and when they accumulate you are always in fight or fight mode.
You need to re balance your Ph and chemicals
Take a break from the digital world and pray. Trust in God and He will take away your anxiety.
Then come back when you feel healed.
Ju jitsu.......Nothing puts life in check like being strangled to submission by a 12 year old on the matts. Really helps keep your ass in check :D:D:D
Reiterating Vitamin D. Unplugging from the internet too. Cbd oil has helped tok
Beautiful witness, Mary, He is our strength and our shield.
For racing thoughts “stop that thought”. Literally say/think this to yourself. Anxiety is a form of hyper imagination - where people who are intelligent naturally predict outcomes - and end up predicting negative outcomes. You could pick any phrase, but this one works well. You break up the mind’s obsession with the issues you are dealing with. You are naturally trying to fix/predict/deal with life but it goes a bit too far and overloads. It’s like hitting a reset button.
The other suggestion is exercise - which you are already doing - and from now and then meditating. Just find a quiet place, sit in a chair, close your eyes, and focus on a white spot/sphere 3 inches in front of your nose or forehead. Count your breaths. Count to 121 in segments of 11. If you can do that for 5 minutes straight you will calm down.
And then yes- reading the Bible. Download onto your phone. Read in small doses. Read a psalm, read one parable of the gospels. Amazing wisdom and it can calm you as well.
So. We are in the same boat. On top of this I've also lost love ones that left a gigantic whole in my heart. The panic attacks are crippling. Like everyone else I recommend prayer. It's the only thing that eases my heart.
Also, If your diet is out of whack that doesn't help. Plenty of multi B vitamins etc..
God Bless!
Zinc, magnesium, will help a lot. You also hallucinate your reality try to make it a positive one.
The surprisingly dramatic role of nutrition in mental health | Julia Rucklidge | TEDxChristchurch
Magnesium treats Anxiety.
Magnesium did it for me!
I've struggled with anxiety and panic attacks for a couple years now. I never used to have them which made me suspicious. Eventually I discovered that there is actually an external cause for it. Electromagnetic frequencies. I know that makes me sound like a quack but I was able to prove it by purchasing an EMF reader. I found that when I was exposed to higher than normal amounts of EMF, my anxiety went up right along with it.
Unfortunately there isn't much that stops EMF. I've tried living in 3 different places and no matter where I am, there's always EMF to deal with. One thing I've found that really helps is music. Loud music seems to kind of counter balance the effect the EMF has on me.
The other thing that helps a lot (and this may not be for you) is smoking weed.
Regardless, I wish you all the best. Anxiety sucks.
Get your vitamin D levels up to 50ng/ml. Huge benefits to your mental and physical well being. Lots of depressed/anxious/fatigued people report huge improvements.
It can take some months to get up to those levels, but absolutely worth it.
Red Light/non-Infrared light therapy is helping me, a lot. With everything. My skin looks great (radiant!), healing my muscle pain, healing a scar and shoulder surgery, and my mood definitely improves. There are over 4000 published peer-reviewed studies showing its effectiveness. I use it for 20 minutes 3x/week. I also avoid msg and neurotoxins, don't drink sodas/ alcohol, limit my sugar intake, and exercise by walking and stretching. Praying also helps me (meditation also). Good luck to you, I hope you find some relief! PS, everyone I know that is awake is having anxiety. We are in touch with what is going on and the energies we are picking up are THEIR panic, not ours. I rest in that.
Vagus Nerve exercises…it connects the brain, heart & gut. Has helped me tremendously. 🙏🏻❤️
For me specifically music and chamomile helped override overwhelming emotions. As well as patience, room for mistakes, and the promise to protect myself kindly. And prayer for God’s peace and relying on His strength and comfort to do what I needed to do.
Your gut is connected to your mental health. Sensitive stomaches and anxiety are connected. When I focused on getting more probiotics into my diet and less processed foods I think that also helped.
God bless you, it can be overcomed. Fight!
Good CBD will definitely help.
I hate sugar (cancer survivor), BUT…when your glucose gets low it can trigger anxiety. As a former drinker I can attest this works; carry some hard candy with you & when you feel the anxiety coming-on enjoy some sugar. Your body (especially first few months of abstinence) craves the sugars the alcohol once converted to & provided. Also try William Hoff breathing therapy. It’s really great & stops my anxieties in seconds but the sugar is KEY. Edit; ANY sugar will work.
I'm not going to tell you to read the Bible, I'm not going to tell you to think positive thoughts. Controversial, I know, but hear me out:
-Take your vitamins. I take the ones in the Zelenko Z Stack. when Im feeling sick and the Evolution Vitamode Multivitamin when Im being lazy.
-Drink electrolytes. I drink the Redmond Relyte.
-Stay hydrated. Find the amount of daily water intake you need and meet it.
-Get sun. Even if you live in a cloudy area. Go out on sunny days and walk.
-Chill out on the caffeine or anything that's going to spike your blood sugar.
-Do something mellow. Like listen to classical music (Mozart, Bach, Vivaldi, etc.) or some smooth jazz or chill house.
-Avoid stressful people. You dont want to be recovering and be around some crazy person whos intentionally trying to raise your blood pressure, like Joe Biden.
Once all that is done, then come back to your positive thoughts and your Bible reading. It's going to feel different, and you're going to approach it with a clear head.
Edit: Turns out you specifically need B vitamins according to Dr Berg -
I had to go the nutrition route. I try to refrain from putting anything processed in my body. Definitely had to stop the caffeine. I drink decaf now but even that will spark it.
Can’t take credit for this. Another anon posted awhile back. I will also add Lugol’s iodine supplemented with selenium and magnesium work very well for a multitude of problems. Good luck fren
Treatment for depression Vitamin D deficiency. D is absolutely essential for proper brain function, along with almost every other metabolic function in the body. Most clinicians are ill-equipped to monitor D and often recommend levels that are far too low to be helpful - so just a head's up. Blood levels need to be at least 80 ng/ml. The only real caveat is in the case of renal impairment where levels of everything need to be very closely monitored. Most clinicians are happy with 30 ng/ml but that is far too low for someone with ongoing health challenges. Good quality fish oil is also critical for brain function. However, it must be good fish oil and not made from farm raised fish which are often loaded with toxins. In addition it needs to be cold processed with no solvents. Nordic and Carlson are two brands I am familiar with. But I am sure there are others so do your homework. The brain needs fat to function. The old adage about fish being brain food is no joke. So, if someone calls you a fat head, they are actually paying you a complement.
Begin each day with setting your intention. Focus on what I call "Wholesome Endeavor"
Read The Four Agreements
I was in a similar situation, quit drinking but needed a change of perspective.
CBD is known to have amazing medical properties to curb severe anxiety… you will need to adjust dosing until you find it working for you, so dont be discouraged if the initial amount you take doesnt feel like it works. Love and light my brotha