What has been your favorite rabbit hole to explore since you’ve awoken? Looking for ideas and also genuinely curious!
I’m genuinely curious what interesting rabbit holes have been explored by other anons and which ones still keep you going back for more.
The most shocking to me is the corruption in the medical community. Health professions better wake up soon and stop being controlled by administration and insurance companies.
Yea that was also shocking that we got a bunch of murders and professional drug dealers acting like they healing people is one of the biggest tragedies in this entire movie!
I was also quite shocked in the election shitshow how few of us who fought against the largest election fraud in history. Not in my wildest dream would i have thought almost everyone was a traitor to my American brothers and sisters!!
A.k.a. Hegelian Dialectics. Used by the cult, the cabal, the tribe, the cultural marxists, commies et cetera. Synthetic set-up
The problem is manufactured, the reaction is controlled, and the solution is served. For population control, social engineering and general degeneracy and other commie goals.
Yeah, I quit giving blood after I found out the truth.
I stopped giving platelets after a tick bite....one guess who created Lymes disease. I have Rocky Mountain Spotted same bug as malaria. Ivermectin really helped me.
My daughter had Lyme disease. She used a Lyme nosode from a naturopath that was effective. Answered prayer there. I hope IVM cures you of RSF...these are no fun at all. I love IVM.
What did you find out? They stopped taking mine after I had my third child. Said I developed some sort of antibodies related to the pregnancy
I believed the RC was involved in some nefarious activities. Check out some of the links below to get an idea.
Money laundering front
What about patients who actually need blood transplants and stuff though?
I would donate to a specific person anytime. I am not against donating blood (it actually is beneficial to your body)...I am against the Red Cross and their policies and practices. I think we, as purebloods, are aware of how valuable our blood is. In my opinion the Red Cross has become corrupted and I really don't trust what they would do with my blood.
Yes, I get worried because of my blood type, O-. I can only receive the same blood type but can give it to anyone. No one in my family has my blood type, though found out my new daughter in-law and I have same type, and she has pure blood also. Thankfully none of my immediate family has gotten the jab. I don't want blood from tainted vaxx blood.
Do you have any solid evidence of Red Cross fuckery (not counting who created it/funds it, I have that). Good evidence of crime that would convince a normie would be really helpful for one of my sections.
Unfortunately that does not come from any meaningful source. Chain of custody (sourcing) is one of the most important parts of any piece of evidence designed to convince someone of something. We are taught to believe in sources over everything. While there is some merit in vetting sources, in normieland, that is the most important thing.
This does not have anything to attach it to. Its some IRCC boxes with money in it, or rather, its some boxes with money in it, and some IRCC labels on them. It could literally have come from anywhere.
It doesn't have to be "friendly," just with evidence (congressional report, recognized newspaper, or other source that will not be dismissed). But I'll take a look at the scandals.
I welcome you to read my report so you can understand what type of evidence I look for and why.
In my research most of MSM is the truth. It just isn't the whole truth. The MSM doesn't lie directly 95%+ of the time. They lie by leaving out necessary context. That is why it sells. You must tell nothing but the truth to lie effectively.
If you lie with actual lies, it only sells if you repeat it a million times (6M Jews in holocaust e.g.). When they lie, they lie big, but almost everything they say is corroborated in primary source evidence. It's just almost never all of the necessary context. THAT is, at least most of the time, the cover up. What they leave out. What they never say at all.
Exactly so!
Just like the freemasons motto then! To them, it's not a lie if it's simply just twisting the truth. Thanks for the info!
Your report is a malicious site link
Yea but we’re talking about normies. Sometimes legit reports get squeaked by here and there.
That simply isn't how any if this works. You'll rarely, if ever, find official documentation of official crimes.
All you'll find of the truth is hints and whispers. Life is not a crime drama where everything is tied up in a nice bundle of documentation after 45 minutes.
You would be amazed what crimes you can find "tied up in a nice bundle" in "official documentation" (or sources that normies will not discount).
I welcome you to read my report so you can understand what I am looking for. It's really the best way to understand.
Replying kind of late, but duckduckgo is woke as hell now
search.brave.com is way better
Danggggg , great points to use when they bring out there horror ,,, I always hated Red Cross even as a young child , I knew something was wrong with them !
The Red Cross in Iraq , That’s when I got branded a nut case
Wishing you the best!
My daughter is a surgical nurse and I sympathize with your situation. She has stayed with and it has been hard. Fortunately she wasn't forced to take the jab...the religious exemption advice from this site helped. God bless you in what you choose to do in the future. I feel your profession has been betrayed.
I've been digging into the $765,000,000 loan to Kodak for "critical pharmaceutical ingredients" which was announced by President Trump during this press conference (at 32:20): https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QbwZX39qvX8
Ever since digging and finding that Kodak has a patent for "anti-counterfeit fibers" which are chemical markers that could be used to track something as small as cigarettes, I've thought this was a cover story to pay to use the technology on the 2020 election ballot paper. I still believe this is yet to be revealed.
This is my small contribution of unique research to the community.
Info about Kodak's technology:
This needs to be its own post. And let me know so I can try and get you stickied
Interesting. I missed this.
Yeah, this one is crazy, the dems tried to investigate it but it got shut down.
I wonder if there is a way to verify weather or not this tech was used in the maricopa county audit.... or was it maricopa? Somewhere in AZ. But reguardless.... GREAT FIND BROTHER!!
I wouldn't say this is my 'favorite' rabbit hole only because I can take no joy from my research, but definitely Pizzagate.
This is the topic that made the nonsensical begin to make sense for me. So much branches from this topic. So much.
Yep, when you realize that the old religions of Molech, Baal and the like are not dead but were pushed underground for the ruling class and practiced in secret for their safety from the masses. It starts to make sense.
When Hillary Clinton said she's going to sacrifice a chicken to Molech then you have to realise that she actually worships Molech.
Molech demands sacrifices. Molech will have your chicken, but Molech wants valuable sacrifices and a cheap chicken has nothing on a clean and pure human that you love.
Molech wants human sacrifice. Molech prefers children. Molech favorite is your own newborn child because it's not about sacrificing something of objective value, it's about sacrificing something of subjective value so that emotional pain is part of the sacrifice.
Once you understand that these people worship the old gods it all makes sense.
Does anyone wonder if the animal slaughter industry was set up as a worldwide sacrifice of living beings to someone they worship? Animals are living sentient, innocent beings too after all.
Someone on here once made a post that a lot of the animal slaughterhouses have very weird architecture and layouts, that point to it being set up for sacrifice.
They said they grew up around slaughterhouses and some of them are really fucked up in their design and what they have in them, but people don't want to hear about it because they enjoy meat and don't want to think about something they consume as being a part of it, so they've never made a big post about it.
It's something I've been meaning to look into, as I think it might be another big source of ritualistic sacrifice
Oh how interesting, thanks for sharing! I've made a little post before to get peoples opinions about it but it got majority downvotes so it didn't get too far! Cognitive Dissonance is a big thing when it comes to animals for sure.
I think it might be an interesting dig, might see what I can find too!
Just started my search on wiki and this sentence is quite interesting: "By the end of the Copper Age in 3000 BCE, animal sacrifice had become a common practice across many cultures, and appeared to have become more generally restricted to domestic livestock." I feel we're often hearing sacrifices were on deer, goats etc but wiki seems to say that Egyptian sacrifices were later restricted to animals like sheep, cows, swine, geese.
Also: "All or only part of a sacrificial animal may be offered; some cultures, like the ancient and modern Greeks, eat most of the edible parts of the sacrifice in a feast, and burnt the rest as an offering. Others burnt the whole animal offering, called a holocaust. Usually, the best animal or best share of the animal is the one presented for offering."
Definition of "A Holocaust" on wiki - A holocaust is a religious animal sacrifice that is completely consumed by fire. The word derives from the Ancient Greek holokaustos which is used solely for one of the major forms of sacrifice, also known as a burnt offering. Wow! Thinking of gas chambers.. Thats also what they use on pigs to knock them unconscious! Here's the link to wiki if you want a read, I haven't read it all yet but will do more digging! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animal_sacrifice
Thank you for posting this, it really goes to show how prevelant it all is, that you dont have to further than wikipedia before you start seeing the connective dots to the world around.
So much of our society is entrenched in satanism
No, you do not eat a sacrifice or give a sacrifice away to be eaten. That's how you get painfully murdered by your god and punished in the afterlife.
You do not sacrifice a sick animal either.
You need to shift your thinking, you need to remember that a sacrifice is a dedication.
You need to get in their heads. These people are serious. They think they are serving God, they just don't believe that God is the father, son and Holy Spirit. They believe God is an androgenous male-female being of good and evil, order and chaos, and it wants sacrifices.
I don't believe they think they are serving God, rather satan is their god. They joyfully sacrifice to satan because they hate the one true God and have basically "sold their souls to the devil. They also sacrifice to incur favor, power and reward. I have heard some interviews with Satanists and they know exactly what they are doing. Also musicians and actors have said this.
Yes, there are "Satanists" but that's not what all of them are. That's one aspect. The Cult of Molech is another completely seperate religion all by itself. The Cult of Baal is it's own completely seperate religion all by itself.
There are many ancient religions and old gods who demand human sacrifice. That is why Abraham didn't question when God wanted a sacrifice of Isaac. Human sacrifice used to be a common element in worshipping the old gods ask around the world.
Do they get some special powers by doing this? I don’t get it
They rule the world.
You can't rule the world if you don't.
Even if all of this is untrue, they believe it to the point that they only let others who do their sacrifice as well, into their circle of ruling.
On a side note, I had a satanist great grandmother, who after her cat sacrifices, looked physically younger. So there is that..
Hm that’s weird. Hillary should look like she’s 30 then
The old gods trade favor for sacrifice and punishment for lack of sacrifice.
I don't believe in it, doesn't matter, they do.
do you think Molech is real then if someone like HRC is actually sacrifcing things to it??
The spirit of molech is satan who is very real.
The false idol worship does not need the idol to be real . Remember what Q said about satan. Is devil worship real ? The question is not if what the believe in is real or exist. The question is if they really do worship these idols and false gods. And the evidence suggest that yes they do.
yes but why would they if they are not real? They must be getting something out of it physically to go to all this trouble hiding sacrifices and doing secret meetings in private woods to giant owl effigies etc
It doesn't matter whether or not Molech is real. His worshippers think he is and act like it.
It was this for me as well. I remember watching this unfold in Reddit as thousands of anons dug through the Wikileak dumps from Clinton’s laptop. When this started getting legs is when Reddit started ramping up their shadow banning, censoring, etc. Unimaginable crimes against children that our government leaders were participating in— and discussing in emails! This made the whole Epstein/ Epstein Island mystery make a whole lot more sense. It pulled back a curtain that was sewn shut from the public for several decades. Sexual abuse and satanic ritual abuse of children is at the core of all our world governments and government agencies.
Here is a good link I have pinned for this topic: http://themillenniumreport.com/2016/12/massive-repository-of-indisputable-pizzagate-evidence/
It turned everything upside down for me. I could not believe the horror of what was going on and some of the people involved absolutely shocked me. Add MKUltra to this for absolute "eyes wide open".
It brought me closer to Christ. These people have hidden knowledge, and they worship Satan. They HATE Christ.
This to me means that Christ is real. Evil is absolutely real. Satan is real.
It's the closest thing to the rabbit hole that leads to all other rabbit holes there could be. Because if child abuse and ritual sacrifice is real, you are talking about the devil himself.
9/11 and The Bush Family’s involvement.
Interestingly enough, I was in the military during The W years and was always such a “fan” and then years later after really seeing him and that family for what they truly are/were, I’m repulsed that I ever felt that way.
My thoughts EXACTLY. I am repulsed that I felt that way too. Never again will I trust the “conservative news” and follow without questioning. Not Trump nor anyone. I will just follow God and seek the truth.
I was incredibly supportive of the war in Iraq. The invasion happened in my late teens. I was so dumb back then (I’m sure I’ll feel similarly about my current self in 20 years) and I regret my position, very much.
We all do.
I was talking to my oldest brother years ago about this......he got mad at me saying I was saying that some of his friends had fought, & 1 died, for a criminal family and not a real war? Or a war they created rather. I was like yep.never spoke about it again. Lol
Is your handle from the wedding singer?
Yes it is fren! The ending of my last name is cone so also a running family joke thanks to wedding singer :)
Those could’ve been guests at her wedding
The Bush fam was a big realization/revelation for me!!!!
Bush Senior was involved in the JFK assassination along with Johnson
Prescott Bush tried to overthrow the US government. If his son and grandson became Presidents...maybe he succeeded.
You want to really get some good information check out Where Did the Towers Go?' Evidence of Free-Energy Technology on 9/11 by Judy Wood, B.S,M.S,PhD.
Like a text book, pictures, maps, science
Elohim/Annunaki/Nephilim/Fallen Angels.
This one is definitely on my list!
The flood was space The Ark was a spacecraft Two of every animal was a DNA database
When they/we got here, our old tech couldn't survive forever and we lost contact with our home world
Cliff high has some good info on Elohim ! And the khazars !
Clif got misled by Mauro Biglino on the elohim. I wouldn't put much emphasis on his info because the elohim is not something that can be deciphered through predictive linguistics.
This is an entry point on recent Elohim work from a biblical perspective.
Agreed. Biglino, like Ancient Aliens, got a lot of ideas from Zecharia Sitchin and is far from accurate.
Interesting. Ty
they were real??
Couldn’t prove it one way or another.
It was 9/11.. for years my son would talk about it being an inside job and I would get mad at hum. Once I awoke to so many things. I finally gave in and looked at 9/11 without emotion and was horrified. But the evidence is so clear now that I don't have blinders on it was so interesting to watch and see so much evidence.
What is a good documentary to watch about 9/11?
A Kite Plane Must Hit Steel - 9/11 Documentary
Bitchute https://www.bitchute.com/video/IAyW1Lsqf0sH/
Daily Motion (HQ) https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7xlfhu
When I encountered my first red pill, I began with WTC7 and Twin towers being brought down by controlled demolition, with the demolition being masked by the collision of planes into the towers.
Now... Have you ever heard the unedited on-the-ground audio of the VHS footage?
Yup. All "planes" were CGI. Explosions were real. This is a HUGE revelation for normies. We've all seen the "planes" hit the building what, a hundred times? So it's 2nd nature... that means it takes conscious work to rewire your brain so you admit to yourself you were duped AND you remember there were no planes...Now do that same thing for nearly everything else as you find truth that resonates with you. Personally, the World Fair photos circa late 1800s were a real eye opener. Don't know about the whole Tartaria thing, but that certainly was on old maps... but the reality of the buildings and the technology they had back then brings up questions the bs narrative we were sold can't answer. There's an absolutely HUGE block of American and world history that's been glossed over, buried or forgotten about and only 120 or so years ago. If you haven't looked, take a peek at the Columbian Exposition Chicago 1893 and really look at the city at that time. It's an absolute jewel - and they destroyed it... along with similar structures around the world at the same time. Now... here's an interesting fact that I think goes along with the erasing of our history: Columbus State Hospital, also known as Ohio State Hospital for Insane, was the largest building in the world before the Pentagon was built in 1943. So, if you didn't go along with the program, you got stuffed into the booby hatch. Incidentally, there are massive buildings out west (literally old world castles with a checkered when built history), like Utah, with nothing around for miles, that were insane asylums in the late 1800s. No way a bunch of 1849 gold rush knuckle draggers built that... and the list goes on and on...
Lol…SLC Utah was built by Mormon pioneers, not gold rushers. I can’t comment on the rest of your response but I had to clarify what I do know.
My favorite 9/11 truth video was by a unique dude that explained the whole video editing of how the plane was inserted into the video. He was a rocker dude that broke out into an original rock song he wrote about it in the middle of his video. He played an electric guitar and everything. Somebody here posted the link. I believe it was on BitChute but I haven’t been able to find it ever since. Great video. If anyone knows of it and can link it please reply to me. Thx.
ill check it ou! . THIS IS ALSO A MUST WATCH 9/11 DOCUMENTARY if you havnt seen it.. "9/11 ALCHEMY – FACING REALITY BY WOLF CLAN MEDIA" .its 3 hours long and worth every second ...ive watched it multiple times. > In #911Truth Part 11, I have uploaded (with permission) Christian Hampton’s game changing documentary on 9/11, the advanced technology involved, and the continual coverup by controlled opposition “truth” movements. Chris uses his skills as an audio engineer and filmmaker to build upon the work of Dr. Judy Wood, and by focusing on the advanced holographic image projection technology used to mimic large Boeing airliners. Directed (Free) Energy Technology (DEW) is the main type of technology used on 9/11; from creating “plane” illusions to turning 7 large world trade center towers to dust, steering a giant Hurricane Erin off the coast, altering the Earth’s magnetic field, levitating cars, and interfering with nearby cameras and phones; on this day September 11, 2001, 17 years ago, energy, matter, metal, elements, and our very reality was manipulated before our very eyes. It is long overdue that we begin wrapping our minds around what our eyes saw but our minds initially couldn't comprehend... https://www.bitchute.com/video/iu7zQw4sSYkv/
It's just linking to this post for me for some reason.
I've never seen this before, thank you!
So are there any videos of before & during the first tower being blown up?
Watch any presentation by Judy Wood, who proves that there was advanced technology used to "dustify" the buildings. There's also a lot of evidence she presents that a lot of the other so-called "truthers" failed/purposefully hid from the truth community.
A LOT of the truthers were controlled opposition. They tried to silence Judy Wood.
Was she the stewardess?
Rebekah Roth was the nom de plume for a former stewardess and purser who wrote 3 or 4 novels and posted multiple podcasts about numerous 9/11 airline irregularities and breaches of protocol
(see my other comment within this post for links)
Updating with permanent since the comment to which I replied with many links was deleted:
Google the 911 report undertaken by the University of Alaska Fairbanks.
It's been a ..while... I'll have to go back and look at the bunch I watched. They are out there easy to find.... I'll check tomorrow....
Thank you!
What am I looking at here? Ground zero?
THAT is the so-called WTC POT HOLE,
but if you google search for WTC POT HOLE you will find nothing but fluff pieces to bury THIS pot hole.
SO, you have to search by "9/11 WTC POT HOLE"
you will find all kinds of absurd explanations for what caused it
My biggest question of all is what did they do with the passengers that were on the planes? Did they kill them?
From what I have read...yes, the planes were flown to hangars and the people were gassed. But this reminds me that the people from the Challenger explosion all seem to be alive and well. And so are the 9/11 hijackers. Really strange...rabbit holes everywhre!
Where did you read that? I haven't seen anything yet about the flights/planes/people that supposedly hit the towers. I wondered if the flights were maybe made up flights, or maybe actors played the part of people who lost their loved ones on the planes.
You know...this happened 21 years ago and I have read so much on 9/11 it is hard to remember but it started with the book "Let's Roll" by Lisa Beamer whose husband, Todd Beamer was on Flight 93.
By this time we knew Challenger and later Sandy Hook were FF so I started looking into the evidence presented by others that 93 didn't actually crash into the ground and the Pentagon was hit with a missle not a plane and real planes did not hit the twin towers. If we believe our government was complicit in 9/11 then we have to look for the evidence of the cover-up and not the purported scenario we were led to believe happened.
Somewhere along the line people questioned what happened to the passengers of these flights and some evidence turned up that these people are gone and not alive under assumed names. It does seem there was proof and that it answered some unanswered questions but now it is so long ago it is hard to remember...it is a very deep hole. There is no cover-up too great for our government to pull off if it wants to. I just assumed most people have been exposed to these truths(?) by now. I pretty much read everything I could find once I realized there was so much disinformation on 9/11. This was back when everything wasn't censored and removed like it is now. Who really knows the truth about anything...we have been lied to about EVERYTHING.
Honestly I have been shocked about the Satanisms- although I feel Jesus said be careful what your eyes see & when I research the image’s plague my mind when I close my eyes- I believe if I didn’t have a strong belief in almighty God this may influence a non believer for they can’t escape what they saw
I like things like learning there really were giants in both north and South America, that both Florida and Peru were known as the “land of the Giants”, Magellan and other early explorers have written accounts of entire tribes of people 15-25 feet tall.
The Mandan tribe in America was probably from Scotland or Scandinavia and had Native Americans with European features, light eyes, permanent structures, their civilization was above all other tribes in America at that time…
Also stories of archaeologists finding similar technology to our own 250,000 to 250,000,000 years ago,
The mystery mounds in middle America made by a civilization that predates native Americans by a lot,
From Micro novas to ice ages - how many times has civilization been wiped out and restarted until we get to this point?
What about the Hollow Earth theory ? What about the flat earth theory and that there is a wall of ice and circling the earth? Why does the UN flag use the flat earth map? (I am not a flat earth theory person at this time but I find this all fascinating!)
Has there always been a moon in the sky? When did it appear? Why is it so big compared to all other moons and satellites around other planets? Why is it size so exact and perfect in relation to us and the sun? is it actually a satellite? Have we actually been to the moon? If so, why haven’t we been back? Why hasn’t the rest of the world in aggressively going to the moon? Shouldn’t we have bases on it by now? Towns, cities, why all of a sudden the focus on Mars versus the moon which is so close? Were we told to not come back? What secrets are astronauts keeping from us? There are references to the “time before the moon” in several different ancient texts.
Do demons come from other dimensions to fuck with us?
so many mysteries about our past… so many biblical proofs being hidden!
Yes! Didn't the Smithsonian Foundation collect all the giant skeletons? Wonder what they did with them.
Regarding the moon, we know it's hollow because it rang like a bell after Apollo 12 deliberately crashed the Ascent Stage of its Lunar Module onto its surface. It rang for almost an hour.
Wouldn't surprise me if the moon was artificially placed in it's orbit, since there's no way the earth 'trapped' it.
Yeah the hollow moon thing raises many questions
Giants make me question Dinosaurs. Not many full dinosaurs ever been found, I think they use dinosaurs to cover for Giant bones so that way people don't think myth and legends were ever real just fantasy. Also religious text talks about Giants never dinosaurs so it also keeps people away from religion.
Dinosaurs play right into "Fossil Fuels" which is propaganda to make you think oil is more valuable/scarce than it actually is
I like to say, "if it's a lie then you are sure to see media propaganda cover it, like the movie Titanic, or Pearl Harbor"
Oh wait besides being all over tv as a kid, one of the biggest movies ever for it's time was Jurrassic Park.
I tell you what, if I was a reptilian trying to hide God and morality a giant reptile dinosaur would tickle my ego as I try to keep humans blind.
Just odd. I love me some dinosaurs but the more I look at these guys the harder it is to trust what they are. ... then there's the bone wars....
Interesting… many good points made, this is why I love this site. My mind is certainly open to any possibilities about just about everything at this point.
GREAT question!
I awakened via 9/11
9/11 was also my trigger but didn’t completely come to grips with it until a few years ago.
I always found it odd that CNN had the perfect angle and timing to film the first plane hitting the building. Even back in 2001, I found it highly suspicious that they captured it so perfectly.
Same. I remember see it back then and thought…who the fuck has a camera set up on 5th Ave (or wherever that was) on some random day to pick it up at the perfect angle. It looked exactly like a movie…king king or smth. And I couldn’t believe it. But immediately I thought we probably did it ourselves bc the US govt are such war mongers.
9/11 was my awakening but the patriot act (huge gov encroachment) is what specifically sobered me up. Been wide eyed and on the lookout ever since.
Edit: watching a war being manufactured before my very eyes (Iraq) played a huge part.
Well said Pede! That’s the first time I was old enough (and wise enough) to trust my own eyes. The days between 11/3 and J6 were the real red-pill diet. And I ate so many red pills I now call them Skittles!
Lmaoo. I was the one kid in high school that always told everyone 9/11 was a false flag. And always got in trouble for telling my history teacher to stop teaching false information about 9/11. I also got dirty looks for telling my principal that Barack Obama wasn’t going to be any different than bush just because he was black. They forced everyone to watch the inauguration in my school.
Project looking glass, die gloch, Nikola Tesla, John G Trump. Time travel!!
I agree, time travel!
My list (no specific order)
Germ Theory vs Terrain Theory,
Book of Enoch.
Cymatics - The consciousness of water Dr. Masaru Emoto
Frequencies and their effects, Resonance, Schumann resonance.
Sacred geometry, fractals, Benoit Mandelbrot, seed of life, Fibonacci sequence.
Old world, mudflood, world fairs, star forts, lost technology, and architecture.
Chemtrails, HAARP, and weather manipulation
CERN and Mandela effect
Baron Trump adventures/Ingersoll Lockwood
Rereading the Bible even felt like a new rabbit hole when you learn how to decipher the different translations, root words, and origins.
I second sacred geometry and ancient civilization (we are the Flintstones, they were the Jetsons)
The Last President!
Found clif_high. Nuf said. Taking all of the current madness back to the Sumerians and the 6k year old death cult.
There is a whole lot of evidence that the 6M jews story was pushed by Rothschild agents to get the world to sympathize with "the persecuted" (that were ultimately killed by Rothschild et al) and get Israel. However, the evidence also suggests that about 300,000 Jews were killed ,and there were some seriously fucked up crimes committed by the Nazi's under Hitler's direction. That doesn't mean I think he was in charge, but I think he was complicit.
Painting him in a "good light" is not supported by the evidence I have seen. But I also don't think he was the guy we should really be hating. There were much worse than him in WWII.
The 6M number was being used long before WW2. It is a significant number in the Talmud, tied to one of their prophecies.
Which begs the question, do prophecies come true because certain events happen, or because people MAKE certain events happen.
Either way the 6M from WW2 is a myth and easily debunked in my opinion
"Debunked" is the wrong word to use. There is no such thing as "debunked." The concept of debunked is that the truth or falseness of a thing can be contained in a single rebuttal. The debate always continues. New evidence is always allowed.
Regardless of that protest, I agree there is substantial evidence against the claim that "6M Jews were killed by the Nazi's in in concentration camps during the 'holocaust'". All evidence I have seen in support of that claim has clear conflicts of interest. All rebuttals against that claim have substantial corroboration according to my research.
Did you understand the context in which I used the word?
It appears to me you use the word to state that a certain thing can be proven not true by a rebuttal. Did you mean it in some other way? Because reading your words again, that is what I see.
I would suggest that neither you, nor I, nor anyone really knows the Truth (AKA the Whole Truth) about this subject. The best we can reasonably determine (determine with the process of reason) is whether or not the evidence supports the assertion, and whether any doubts we have are reasonable (i.e. based on the process of reason, not fear, or desire, etc.). In other words, we can make the claim for ourselves using our critical thinking that a thing is beyond a reasonable doubt, but the word "debunked" suggests "truth" in some meaningful way, and all it requires to "debunk" something is to create a single convincing rebuttal against it. That is what the word means.
That word goes against all meaningful attempts to get at the truth of a thing. Debate never ends in that search. You can't debunk a thing, not ever, because the very word itself is a fraud designed to lead us down a path of believing whatever narrative someone convincing can give us that aligns with our particular biases.
Also if you haven’t already: Europa The Last Battle.
I like the hollow earth theory
You may be interested then in electric universe theory, which provides the scientific basis for a hollow / expanding earth.
I will check him out. Some others to look up are “see the Pattern” and thunderbolts project. It’s very exciting to think that all current cosmology is based on the fundamental error of leaving out electricity in the formation and functioning of the universe - that we live in not an island in a cold dead universe, but at a node where cosmic currents cross and become manifest as our sun and planet. The hand of God becomes more clear when you open your eyes to the possibility of a living universe that surrounds us.
Want to give this a look, Thanks
Hollow earth theory, followed by Nazi bases on the moon.
Or Mars.
Is there any scientific/mathematical evidence that supports this theory?
Does the theory suggest that other planets are hollow or just earth?
I generally have an open mind to things but the hollow earth theory is too fantastical for me. There are just so many alternate explanations the theory needs to have to explain how our earth actually works.
How does the theory explain earth’s gravity if it’s hollow? What about earth’s mass and density?
If it suggests earth has a much lighter mass then why isn’t earth being pulled closer to the sun? If it suggests earth has the same mass then shouldn’t we see evidence of earth’s crust being incredibly dense?
How does it explain tectonic plates, earthquakes, and volcanoes? What about our magnetic poles?
Maybe the theory has an explanation for all of these things but I have a very difficult time getting on board with a theory that defies our scientific research in so many ways.
With that being said, I’m much more open to theories about the moon. The moon is essential to the way things work on earth and it’s incredible how the moon almost exactly matches to the size of the sun during an eclipse. I am certainly open to theories that suggest the moon was intentionally formed/placed by an advanced civilization.
I'm not into the gravity stuff. I try not to get caught in the weeds when all this is to me is an interesting theory. I understand the dilemmas that it causes, "scientifically" speaking. but my thought process is, if they've been lying about everything, I don't put much weight into "but this and that means it can't be" . In other words, I try to find whatis, then find outhow after.
What I believe {believe is a little too strong... So, what I like to theorize} about all planets, and moons as you have mentioned, is that beings live inside, not on the surface. We live on the surface because we are in slavery to whatever actually inhabits this"planet".
Yep... I'm enthralled by the admiral Byrd story, Antarctica and the hollow earth theory... Which I believe are all intertwined
Small rabbit hole the other week looking at street views in Antarctica on Google Earth. One point was very green and had flowers in it, but I cannot find it now, maybe removed. Have a screenshot though with coordinates (75 54 08S 0 21 05E for anyone curious).
Another of some office building: https://earth.app.goo.gl/?link=https://earth.google.com/web/@-89.9381396,16.0228261,2935.01691429a,0d,90y,348.13668094h,85.37040092t,0r/data%3DIjAKLEFGMVFpcE5yd2s4YkdJM0FuS0F5R08wbkwtUUFoSm5vZGpTRzNiSEVyRk92EAU?fdl%3D1&apn=com.google.earth&isi=293622097&ibi=com.google.b612&ius=googleearth&cid=1426934082542378671&_icp=1
Coordinate link yields nothing, but the longer link is interesting. If you magnify the window area you see tall buildings and bushes outside.
LOL. Hard to pass that documented proof.
Plus the old black and white video footage of Byrd being interviewed in Argentina after getting thumped telling the world about craft flying pole to pole in minutes.
BTW, the is a connection between this, the capital flyover in 52 and the challenger disaster in 86. From what I read. Happy hunting and discovery.
Still a fun rabbit hole
There's circumstantial
Me, too! My Husband's 4th grade teacher taught the class about Admiral Byrd and the hollow earth!
Getting closer to Christ.
Same here. We should wonder why the name “Christ” in itself is so threatening to them. The One that overcame this evil
I’d like to look more into Taramar. Maxwell said she was a citizen of Taramar and you don’t really hear anyone talk about that much. I am on here and TG researching posts daily and surprised it doesn’t seem to come up. Anyone have any resources that explain what that is all about ?
It's TerraMar Project.
Some faggoty cabal side project, connected to the child sex trafficking with Epstein and lack of laws against raping, killing people on international waters.
Terra = land, in latin. Mar = sea, in latin, you still see this in European latin languages, and Trump's Mar-a-lago roughly meaning Sea and lakes. For you 'Muricans have Miramar in several states such as Florida, and California, MiraMar roughly meaning in latin languages wonderful/beautiful sea.
They are searching for Atlantis. Check out Dark Journalist. It exists between US and Cuba.
War of 1812 turning United States into a debtor-serf kingdom under headship of Rothschild et al and later corporatized as The United States of America giving way to D.C. as a proxy nation state and the uniparty that reports to the (((NWO))) board of directors.
Freedom has always been an illusion similar to the control mechanism used in the Matrix.
My rabbit hole journey has confirmed Satan is real and controls every aspect of human affairs in this realm.
Agree. And that they HATE Christ, which tells me he is king and real. Helped me get closer to him through knowing for certain this spiritual war is absolutely real. And that we win.
I concur, fren. My research has also confirmed to me that Satan is real and his legions control every institution.
They may make things miserable for us but they've are lost. Christ is king and God wins.
the Creature From Jekyll Island- the Federal Reserve. Ron Paul started the ball rolling on this one.
Architects and Engineers Research 9-11
Agree on 9-11 research by architects and engineers...pretty irrefutable proof.
Montauk Monster
Craziest thing for me is how EVERY rabbit hole I've jumped down in the past 3 years has lead me back to Satan's minions attempting to destroy God's creation.
Grain agriculture being the driving force that keeps us enslaved and destroys the planet.
and lawns... the worst monocrop we were tricked into idolizing
Lawns drive me crazy! Such a waste, you can at least plant ground cover that’s edible...
All monocultures are bad. Diversity is the name of the game!
We'd all be better off if we accepted that our biblical purpose is to manage the complex systems we see in nature rather than dominate and control everything into some "pure" form.
This is the bottom line!
Well said. I've been down A LOT of DEEP rabbit holes over the last 7 years or so. And all of them in some way connect to Satan and his army, and the fact that they want to control/dominate/twist humanity and Earth (God's creation).
Man I really mean 'destroy God's creation' literally like the Earth has been under attack for thousands of years.
The controll and domination is a means to destroy the Earth.
The rains dwindling and the fresh water all ends up in the ocean mixing into salt water when it does rain. Hots are getting hotter and colds are getting colder.
All the while humans in 2022 argue daily about if climate change is even happening.
The climate around my house has changed a bit (less trees, more concrete) since I was a kid. It's changed drastically in the last 300 years. I'm not sure humans in 2022 could even imagine what the climate would have been like 3000 years ago when the trees were more than a human generation old.
The vaccine rabbit hole. The entire premise of vaccination has been found to be a sham at best and calculated mutilation and murder at worst through countless independent studies, but doctors push more and more and more vaccines on our babies and children as time passes. There is actually a TAX on the cost of each vaccination that goes into a federal fund for vaccine damaged children. We’re paying to protect big pharma’s profits.
Have you ever read how difficult it is to ever collect from the fund that you and I provide while Big Pharma just sits back and laughs, living in luxury off their big, fat profits? Most doctors that vaccinate don't want to implicate themselves by admitting injury. And that's just the first hurdle. Congress should NEVER have passed a law that absolves these companies of liability. Congress has been bought and paid for. We now know the medical profession, big pharma, the government and Billy Gates don't give a flip whether you or your kids live or die or have their life destroyed...just so they strike it rich off of your misery.
Yes, it’s disgusting. Pediatricians will lie to your face and say your kid seizing 4 hours after getting vaxxed in their office “wasn’t from vaccination”. They make it almost impossible to prove that the vaccines caused it, all the while KNOWING what they are doing.
17 yrs. Election fraud and government child pedophile rings.
Mud floods
Please allow me to introduce The Adam & Eve Story
I'm curious, can you give a quick synopsis of this book? How does it pertain to mud floods?
The main takeaway for me is cyclical catastrophism. About every 6,000 to 7,000 years there is a pole shift where the crust slips over the mantle and the poles shift up to 90 degrees before returning to the general neighborhood (Hudson Bay was either the last pole or the pole before). This plays out in a day but it causes crustal displacement which drains lakes, floods valleys, causes tidal waves on every coast, all around chaos. Over the course of seven days the waters drain off and the earth has a fresh start. The book makes the case that the Adam & Eve story and Noah story are much more fact than fable.
I've read that before. This rabbit hole is unbelievably deep.
Interesting read. Thank you.
Never heard of this. I’ll have to do some digging.
Whatever the cause was, something happened and we're being lied to about it.
But a lot of that appears connected to the Tartarian structures.
I enjoyed exploring the history of Khazaria, Khazarian Mafia, and early Russia.
I used to think I was awake until I really woke up. Learn about activating your pineal gland, spiritual awakening, synchronicity, and seeing 11:11.
There is a reason they hide this information from us. Learn what their symbolism means and start practicing this stuff. You are aware that you have been lied to but you are not awake until the magic starts. :) https://youtu.be/0inLK9Bte0k
Why 11:11 specifically? I see 33 and 17 a ton but not much 11:11
That number is usually what people start to see when they are waking up. The universe [God] is trying to get your attention.
Each number has meaning. Learn about numerology and start to learn how to use them as guidance. Don't let it freak you out. :)
Got any good resources? I feel that way sometimes but not sure where it is trying to direct my attention.
It is hard to recommend resources because it depends on your beliefs. Start looking into it and find the path that is right for you. Trust your intuition.
The russian ukraine fiasco with the biolabs dig and The Rothschild story. Maybe I should just say the NWO and all that it entails. And it's a lot and still going down rabbit holes.
I spent the most time involved in Pizzagate on Reddit and Voat. It leads to a lot of different rabbit holes due to the nature of those involved.
Love his robed picture with the red shoes. Yeah, look up red shoes...another rabbit hole.
Red shoes is definitely a good rabbit hole to go down!
I have almost every infographic that was made during those days, I’d be down for a revisit
Sounds good I’ll start organizing. I’ve also got hundreds of links to videos saved for the people who don’t like to read.
I think it’s high time this topic was revisited, never should have faded away
I sadly lost the HDD that I was using to archive the information. It popped open as I was building my new PC which exposed the plates to open (and dusty) air; nothing recoverable from that one. It was a very old HDD so I guess the housing decided it was time.
A good example of cold storage being the (generally) better choice right there.
All other stuff I had saved via save functions and bookmarks, none of which lead anywhere anymore.
They did a surprisingly good job purging information off the internet especially with the death of Voat. When I stopped going to Voat, things had been off the rails and unfocused so I'm not sure if the Voat archival site would even yield much there either.
I have also been trying to see if I can find some of the information I've lost too. There was a lot.
The good old days on voat.
Voat was awesome !!
Don’t delete your old bookmarks. You may still be able to recover info if you paste the link into the wayback machine (web.archive.org).
Solid point, I should check archives if I still have the bookmarks
My fav hobby is Bigfoot research. The best part is that it encourages me to get out of the house and go hiking. Just today I was listening to this interview about dogmen protecting the drug cartels and the cartel insider started talking about how child trafficking is eclipsing the drug trade. Then he specifically mentions how the US congress is their biggest client.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acgnbWBDjps&ab_channel=WolfkaOutdoors Skip to 50 minutes in to hear the trafficking stuff.
I've been diving DEEP into Dogman for a while. Fascinating and scary as hell.
Why do many cultures in the world have dog headed men drawn out?
Where did werewolves come from in different cultures?
What do you think they are? Nephilim?
The synagogue of Satan.
remote viewing. If it's all fake, why did the CIA release evidence that they had run a remote viewing program for over ten years? This led me to question so much.
3rd eye spies
Pizzagate was my first rabbit hole, and it just escalated from there. I believe there's difficulty exploring any and every rabbit hole. My gut feeling is that all of them involve those in high places. It's all a game to them, and we are the prey.
Pretty much the corruption of DNA. Ultimately this is what all of this is about.
Johny Gosch case. Kidnapped as a paperboy and then trafficked to high profile politicians in DC. His mother never gave up and discovered the truth. It tied into the Franklin Savings and Loan case where truth came out in spades about our pedophile politicians. Interesting case and red pilled me in the late 1990’s
Wow. Never heard of this one either. Sounds like one of those maybe covered by John B Wells. Do you have links?