The recent failed SpaceX Starship launch flushed out the "Flat Earth" retards in droves, making "FIRMAMENT" trend on Elon Musk's X.com. Is it a psyop targeting fuckwits? Yup. Check this graphic sowing the obvious #'d BOT ACCOUNTS. Each account tweeted random Flat Earth faggotry. INFORMATION WARFARE!
🧠 These people are stupid!

Mods: this is a q board, no flat earth.
Also mods: sticky flat earth post.
Birds are a psyop.
I am not Allowed to bring up ChemTrails / Weaponized Weather/ UHF . VLF/ Facts……
But this shit is Stickied ?
Watch out he may ban you and call you a faggot in the process for questioning it.
Atleast the downvotes show the truth. /u/TrustTheTruth
Comped just like voat.
Or tell you that your brain is no smarter than yogurt I was told that once
"This shit" isn't about FE, it's about the bots on X pushing fringe conspiracy retardation
Ponder your existence
Just another 2 tier system
Prolitariat life. Prolo!
Use your brain. This is not a Flat Earth post. It's about the psyop, about the bots on X.
Anything to take a dogshit swipe at the mods.
What does blocked on X mean for sure?
I’ve not deep dived into FE, but wouldn’t be surprised, because my mind is open that we’ve been conditioned to certain views ‘just because’ someone said. The ‘earth is round’ was a strange concept in the past, until we trusted the science. We are psyoped all the time. Normies think GAW is a psyop. Don’t we wish normies had an open mind? This whole discussion merely divides. This is a GAW site, not an FE site. To publicly tar and feather for one thinking differently is beneath us. Love you all ❤️
Khazarians jews lied about everything except the earth. They told the truth on that one.
Lied about everything else but will tell you the truth about the earth. I got you! LOL
Mods, thanks for everything you do.
And you. Your post today was just what was needed. Thanks for contributing so hard.
Khazarians had nothing to do with flat earth, flat earth was a teensy tiny movement that us on 4chan realized we could join and spread purely because of the "I can't tell if you're kidding or serious" that comes with printed media. We were talking about Poe's law and how funny it would be to demonstrate it with our sarcastic support of these amusing loons.
It does however seem like the CIA has latched onto this funny prank, obsessively salting our ranks with fake accounts that SAY they know about Q shit and SAY they are one of us, but believe in this flat earth hype.
But hey, umm, Cabal? Is this mic on?
We don't give a shit how you try to defame us with these fake accounts saying dumb shit for a screenshot, as a matter of fact, thank you for assisting in labeling these dumb fucking trolls so we can better discern who is real 🤡🌎
Tell everyone you have no clue what you’re talking about without explicitly saying it.
You're my kind of fag fren
Can you be more specific or were you just dropping by to mic-drop an ad hominem and walk away like you just accomplished something, a typical commie troll tactic?
No you’re just an idiot and to spend the 15 minutes running through my backlogs to then post it all to slam you down like the commie retard you are simply isn’t worth it. More adequately lurk more newfag.
So we can't be on this board and believe there's a flat Earth is that what you're saying? Because that's some bullshit.
I like how the claim is that FE discounts our movement, yet here you are throwing out glowie accusations like candy, which only serves to drive honest people away from us.
Any person who comes here believing flat Earth but not Q, is going to run for the hills if they see this. All you're doing is killing any chance of them accepting our ideas.
Basically, you're a dumbass, and it's immensely fucking ironic that you complained about ad hominem in your other comment, meanwhile you're throwing out accusations and ad hominem attacks, once again, like candy. Maybe take a look in the mirror, anon.
And to pose another argument, lest you cry ad hominem, even if FE is solely a CIA psyop, so what? Do you really think no one believes it? No one fell for one of the CIA's oldest ops? Every single person who believes it is employed by the CIA? No conspiracy types believe in this particular conspiracy? And you know this because of your time in the tiny portion of the internet that is 4chan?
The question has been posed to Q. Flat earth? Asked and answered: no
I'm sure you've heard "disinformation is necessary" as the response to this, so I won't do that.
Instead, I'd point out that this misses my point entirely. If someone believes that the Earth is flat, either because they heaven't seen that post before, or because they consider the "disinfo" response to be valid, you are potentially driving them away from Q by making it a "one or the other" scenario. The exact same thing you say the CIA wants to do, but in this case it's people who already were on board.
If someone is on board with Q and with flat Earth, and you make it out that they have to pick one or be accused of being a shill or glowie, they may very well pick FE and move on from Q. Or at least from our board, which would still hurt us all. Now if you're comfortable with this, okay, but don't make it out like you're "oh so concerned" with glowie shills who work for the CIA discounting us when you're sitting here potentially shaving off our numbers by attacking anyone who subscribes to a different theory than you, particularly in cases where they don't even bring it up on the board, but instead find posts by mods stickied where everyone is just shitting on them.
I agree that this isn't a FE board, I'm not convinced the Earth is flat, and I don't think we should talk about it in the first place. And in that same vein, I'm not the one who started this thread nor am I the one that started slinging mud.
To finish, this thread is pretty shit, and just any many people as would run from us for pushing flat Earth are going to run from us as a result of this thread. Partially because it's just devolved into a flat Earth shitfest, but also because it's displaying a bunch of overly emotional responses that lack critical thought, and instead is just a bunch of people attacking others for thinking unorthodox things.
If I had never visited this board before, and this is what I saw, I'd leave and likely not come back, as this thread reads like some retarded pro-vax "look here not there" nonsense.
You're not wrong on the conditioning. Separating what one truly knows from what they've been told is critically important. The Buddhists call it "beginner's mind".
Now that being said, anyone willing to spend $500 in parts from radio shack can figure out that the earth is round. The FE nonsense is absolutely a psyop to dirty up the "conspiracy theory" crowd to the normies.
radio shack doesn't exist. that aside, what's this proof that can be had for $500?
Radio Shack still exists in the heart of every nerd and on the smiling face of every baby.
GoPro + GeoTracker + Large scientific grade balloon + Helium + Twine to bundle it all together.
can you better explain or point to a rumble/ YouTube video showing this experiment ? I'd be curious to check it out
Absolutely, SKN. Also, a quick correction on my part: The amateur balloon makers use hydrogen, not helium as the latter is too heavy to get really, really high (edge of the atmosphere).
Students from Purdue University: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3y0nHhFGXDo
Another college student: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KnxvS9XFJnE
Just some guys (really high!): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXP-va2t4D8
This exactly. And the dipshits who get riled up when you tell them this… it is a good way for me to know to stop taking them seriously, they latch onto anything. If I decide to become a cult leader someday I guess they might make good followers.
“Telescopes are fake and gay”
I wish I knew the names of the people who were downvoting us so I can make sure to not pay any attention to their posts/comments.
What you say is true, in general, especially in science, religion, and history, but we're talking about something you can walk out your front door and test for yourself.
Flat Earthers are too invested in how their "special knowledge" places them a step above other people; therefore, they never pay any heed when their theories are crushed and melted.
Right. And who cares if it’s flat.
You think people think the Earth is round because "someone said"? Really?
Thinking/believing is not knowing. Most "flat-earthers" are really just recognizing that they don't know, and that opens their minds to other possibilities Calling these people retarded really just reflects on you. It suggests that you have an emotional attachment to a theory.
Most people? Absolutely. Doesn't make it flat, but most people 100% absolutely believe it because it's what they were told ever since they could think. And because of that, they don't think about it, they just believe it.
Unless you think the blue haired libtards who think there are 87 bazillion genders understand the science behind the shape of the Earth? I wouldn't bet on it, seeing as most of them can't even point to China on a map.
this. exactly this. a bunch of argument about flat earth and no one else is commenting about that list of user names? really?
It’s not that difficult to figure out.
Butthurt gonna butthurt!
It’s for your own safety.
You either believe NASA or the Bible.
or literally 1000's of years of maritime navigation, navigation that requires a round earth to work properly
Ponder your existence
Genesis 1:20: "“Let the waters abound with an abundance of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the face of the firmament of the heavens.”
Oops, it's the atmosphere
I’m agnostic on the flat-earth vs globe-Earth dialectic, I have no way of proving or disproving either hypothesis categorically using the scientific method. Further, I have seen compelling hypotheses for both scenarios. I’m not prepared to pick a side in this debate yet. I think there’s more evidence to be revealed. Flame at will 😂🔥
yeah. it's not like the greeks calculated the circumference of the earth to within 200 miles by using the movement of shadows in a well or anything... probly all just crap.
The Masons worship Pythagoras, Gnostic secret society philosopher & mathematician. He promoted the helio-centric model during the time of antiquity. The fact that this debate goes that far back & sexret societies Masons were involved in "the moon landing", I believe this is a RELIGIOUS battle iver our understanding of earth.
I chose the biblical truth. I chose to trust my God given senses.
Genesis 1:20: "“Let the waters abound with an abundance of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the face of the firmament of the heavens.”
Oops, it's the atmosphere
Ah.. then all you need is a yardstick and a camera.
They're too triggered to even consider how that would work.
masons like math, so math=bad. they like tools too, better start living in a leanto built from braches.
While few people on this earth are equipped to acquire the "quality" of evidence that flat earthers inconsistently demand (personal observation with one's own physical senses has a greater "believable quality" than anything else that can be presented or learned), the flat earth theory doesn't even stand up to its own cross-scrutiny.
For example, flat earth often presents an entirely different visual/model to explain any single phenomenon. Day/night cycle? Here's one model. Seasons? Here's a totally different model. Eclipse? Jet streams? Anything happening in the southern hemisphere? Each scientific explanation has a different presentational model to demonstrate the phenomenon in flat earth theory. The moment you try to use the "incorrect" flat earth model to explain a different phenomenon that the model wasn't designed to explain, the flat earth theory immediately breaks. No "truthful observation" supports all other "truthful observations" through the flat earth perspective of inquiry.
There is no flat earth visual model that can simultaneously explain all of this planet's natural phenomenon at the same time.
The globe earth model doesn't have this weakness. Everything can be explained simultaneously, at the same time. Day/night, eclipses, jet streams, weather, climate, seasons, time zones, etc. Each observable phenomenon supports the truth of another. The supporting truths make it self-evident that the earth is indeed a globe.
In providing us tools to seek out and acquire knowledge, God didn't limit us to our 5 senses (see, hear, touch, feel, taste), he gave us a brain too. The scriptures are loaded with examples of how truths can be revealed/unlocked through ponderous thought and solemn prayer.
Add tides to the list
—Cosmologist George Ellis in Scientific American, "Thinking Globally, Acting Universally", October 1995
Coriolus effect.
Consider the following:
Good points. I'd speculate that quantum computing and ai could have solved these challenges many years ago. Just a thought.
Flat earth society was created by freemasons. Eric Dubay is a freemason. Samuel Rowbotham who wrote Zetetic Astronomy using the pseudonym Parallax was a freemason.
EDIT: I see you, clowns. Downvote me harder. 🤡
I am not at my home computer so I can't give you references but his father was a mason and he uses masonic gestures and symbols. Feel free to do your own research.
And you are correct flat earth and geocentrism existed before Rowbotham. In the 1600s the Catholic church labelled Galileo a heretic, put him on trial for heresy, and sentenced him to life in prison for daring to think for himself. Modern flat earth theory, however, is largely comprised of Rowbotham's works and theories. The majority of flat earth arguments you will hear come directly from him or his successors. Zetetic Astronomy is the flat earth bible.
Haven't been high enough (if that's even possible) to see the curvature for myself.
I have seen it, you don't have to be in a plane as many people claim. You can see it from mountain tops.
Anyway, I'm at my home computer now so I have my bookmarks, here's a good link I found investigating the masonic connection to flat earth. If you read it just beware that the author likes to cuss a lot. A lot of the images are defunct now, but you can click on some of them and have an image come up. This is an archive because this stuff always gets purged from the internet... I wonder why.
Oh also I said that Dubay's father was a mason, I misremembered it was his uncle.
Get a telescope and a helicopter. Go to the shore of Lake Superior and point your telescope at the helicopter, and have the helicopter fly away in a straight line at a constant elevation.
If the Earth is flat, the helicopter will be visible forever no matter how far it goes. But that's not what happens. What happens is it disappears over the horizon. BECAUSE IT CURVES DOWN.
There, now you have a way of proving a hypothesis. Go get 'em tiger!
Haha, that's your convincing proof?
ever research how a very long bridge or other such infrastructure is built ? no earth curvature calculation used for vertical adjustments
Do you have any comprehension of the Earth's sheer scale compared to our puny megaprojects? The biggest would be smaller than a mote of dust on a billiard ball. The mote of dust doesn't need to worry about the ball's curvature.
what? either the curvature is real and needs to be accounted for or it's not real and doesn't.
11 Longest Bridges In The US Lake Pontchartrain Causeway - 23.83 miles Manchac Swamp Bridge - 23 miles Louisiana Airborne Memorial Bridge - 18.2 miles Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel - 17.6 miles Bonnet Carré Spillway Bridge - 11 miles Louisiana Highway 1 Bridge - 8.26 miles Jubilee Parkway - 12.87 miles San Mateo-Hayward Bridge - 11.27 miles Seven Mile Bridge - 6.7 miles General W.K. Wilson Jr. Bridge - 9.78 miles Norfolk Southern Lake Pontchartrain Bridge - 5.8 miles
a 20 mile bridge allegedly drops 267 feet assuming round earth is true. there is no other direction over this length of such a construction project (e.g., train track or bridge) that would be ignored as "dust". try again.
I'm not here to say round earth is wrong and flat earth is right. just pointing out that this is just one of the inexplicable issues
Incorrect. There are things in the air that refract/reflect light, thus at a certain point an object will no longer be visible. Foggy days are enough to prove this.
I'm challenging the horizon bit because I see this as a common argument against FE and knowing about how light/optics work removes the horizon argument.
For those who think I'm spewing bull, take a stroll through optical engineering land.
It won't just wink out of sight like there's fog. (Unless there's fog.) It will, from your point of view, slowly descend until you can only see the top, then it will disappear.
Explain how refraction can do that.
Here's an example of the problem we face in this argument: FEers simply dismiss any attempt to reason, usually using science that is bullshit - but it sounds good, and it gives them a chance to look like they know THE SECRETS. So it becomes useless to even try talking to them. That's why the ban hammer gets dropped.
You don't see it because you're inside it.
Here's another experiment, then. Fly from Brazil to Australia. The shortest route should be over the Arctic. See if that's where you go.
Are you listening to yourself my man?
I work on optical systems for the military, so I thought I'd weigh in with actual science, yet you've gone off on this tangent about how "I can't see it because I'm inside it." You're sounding rather hypocritical no?
But to address your point of an object not "winking out of sight"...if you're actually interested in learning...
Imagine looking into a body of water. If it's deep enough you won't be able to see the bottom. I assume you realize that you have refraction and sediments and particles ect ect. All true. It's also true that air is a fluid, just not one that's dense enough to hold sediments, yet it still holds things that cause light to deflect. It's not just refraction friend, but also reflection, absorption, scattering, and a few more things.
Both camera lenses and your eyes work by taking in light and they see the light that's reflected off of objects. Let's starting putting this all together aight? If the light bouncing off of an object is reflected, refracted, absorbed, scattered, and more by the time it reaches your lens, it will become more difficult to see. The more light emitted the more clear the image, hence the further the light of an object has to travel through a medium(air, glass, water, ect) the less likely you are to be able to make out what it is clearly...which is why the military goes with 'detect' and 'identify' when designing optical systems...but maybe that's too far off topic.
Thus, going back to address your heli example, no, it would not be visible forever in that scenario if the Earth is flat. Assuming the Earth is flat in your heli example, the heli would obviously get increasingly smaller as it departs, which obviously makes it more difficult to see. However, the amount of materials in the air that can interfere with light's travel would also increase, so you would also see the heli get fuzzier until it 'disappears'.
And if for some reason, none of that rings as true for you, perhaps you would consider this google maps link: https://www.google.com/maps/dir/28.190254,-80.5950473/28.4522586,-80.5566903/@28.3177039,-80.5401822,11.5z/data=!4m2!4m1!3e0?entry=ttu
From this beach you can see Canaveral's launch buildings on most days in most reasonable conditions. It's 16 miles away. According to ChatGPT, the calculation of the average person standing with their feet in the ocean should only be able to see roughly 2.88 miles before considering atmospheric conditions....but nah of course, reject the evidence of our eyes and all that 1984 shit
If you're on Lake Superior, why not just use a boat? Then just after it drops out of view, have it launch a flare, so the "perspective" folks can finally have some.
Sounds fine to me. I suppose I chose helicopter because it's faster and would shut them up sooner.
From my perspective, I'm hoping you disappear.
Rhumb Lines and Great Circle Routes
Spend $500 on parts from Amazon. You can verify for yourself that the earth is round. Easy peasy, all done.
You can do it with a broomstick and a piece of string
I saw a video a while back claiming the clowns injected the flat earth psyop into conspiracy YouTube during Obama admin in order to distract the people who were otherwise honing in on Obama's actual conspiracies, and to make them look retarded
It was 4chan actually.
No doubt they sprinkled it in every forum they could, as well as social media.
That’s possible but I do think there are some very large lies we have yet to uncover. The Q statement about over 90% of people not being able to handle it would have to be something that we truly all believe beyond a shadow of any doubt and are wrong about. I don’t think FE is that particular subject, but it has to be something we are all convinced of. Religion maybe?
The group that comprises Q is clearly protestant.
Far too many pro-God, pro-Jesus and anti-Catholic drops to mention (anti-Catholic hierarchy that is).
It's gotta be the covid jabs or just the pure fact that we've been lied to about absolutely everything. If you search "90%" in Q posts, it comes up a lot that 90% of media is owned by 6 corporations and with references to the human psyche and how sheep just follow whatever is being said over and over because they are basically brainwashed and key words being used over and over from "trusted sources". Sounds familiar huh? Q Post 4535
People are already on to COVID jabs. That being said, my 90 year old Grandpa got all the shots and he's still kicking. Not saying I would ever recommend someone to go get the shot, but I don't think if Q was in control that he would let vaccines that induce death or serious health damages exist. There may as well be no Q if the deepstate is allowed to create such weapons without being put in check.
Except, re: FE, I myself have flown "around" the world (YYC > LAX > MEL > HKG > DOH > LDN > YYC) literally circumnavigating the globe
Fine, but did you ever find the FiRmAmEnT??
I found a round Earth
You're a special genius... do you have any free time? I smell mod material, here
Tell that to all the photographs taken from commercial aircraft that show curvature.
Religion wouldn't work. Imagine Q coming out and saying: "all religions are false" or "this religion is true". There's no way to verify either message not being a psyop.
i was introduced to FE in elementary school, when we learned about Christopher Columbus,
and CC crew were FE and were aftaid to fall off the edge of the earth
we were shown paintings of 3 ships going off the edge of the earth, and we all had a good laugh.
Later we were taught about Magellan, who said,
“The Church says the earth is flat, but i know the earth is round, because i have seen the shadow of the earth, on the moon, and i have more faith in the shadow, than i have in the church”
So yes, we have all been introduced to FE theory in our schooling,
And its by design.
Its to introduce the concept to very young people, who dont have much life experience, to shape how they “see” the world forever.
They introduce FE, strickly so they can knock it down, make a mockery of FE, and to teach kids to laugh and point and mock any FE’er…
Now of all the reasons they send your kids to government re-education camps we call schools,
Why do you suppose FE ranks right up there in the most important part of everyones initiation and indoctornation.
FE and vaccines have several parallells.
People get oddly emotional, highly motivated, and ready to attack anyone who doesn’t “trust the science”
FE is like the duality of light.
If you look for evidence of light waves,
You will find it.
If you look for evidence of light particals,
You will find it.
If you look for evidence of round earth,
You will find it.
If you look for evidence of flat earth,
You will find it.
Seek, and ye shall find.
Meaning, whatever you look for, is what you’ll find
Yes, vaccines and Flat Earth have much in common as they are both junk science. The whole thing about "the Church says the Earth is flat and Columbus says that it's round" is a narrative cooked up by Washington Irving, and was eventually put into school curriculum as fact. That's your psy-op right there. The Vikings had already been to the Americas well before then. Columbus wanted to find a better route to India by sailing West. "The Church" had already known that the world was round for centuries before that as the 3rd century abbot Bede had already developed a rough working model for our solar system. Your flat earth nonsense cannot support any explanation for how the summer hemisphere can be heading to a warm summer these days if the sun travels a disc like a needle on a record player and how the sun can be seen without setting during the Antarctic summer. You've been deceived by junk science.
He never said the Earth was flat, but you certainly proved the point he was making. Ironic.
And yes, there is a model that explains the seasons in all hemispheres. Doesn't make it true, and I'm certainly no "flat Earth model expert", but it exists.
Also, if you're trying to convince anyone on the fence of what you are saying, you should try a new tactic. This highly emotional attack approach only serves to make me want to hear more about the "flat earth nonsense". The same way that Dr Fauci really makes me want to be an anti-vaxxer (and rightly so, I'd say, in that case).
These kinds of comments read like the MSM's "No! Look here not there!" shit.
A historical account of the concept is not what I am referring to. They injcted it smack-dab into the midst of the most bustling group of diggers on the internet. They revived it and poisoned us with it.
i see. so its used as a distraction, just like so many other things.
Distracting us from Jan 6 tapes?
We should google news search,
And then publish our findings
It isn't a distraction for the MSM, it's for us, to waste our time on
Ha! Like we would ever fall for that kind of psyop
Dude I've literally seen people who used to spend hrs on a stream digging into over-the-target issues completely go flat-earth obsession for 3hr a stream and ppl waste God knows how many hrs on writing back and forth in threads and comment sections when they could be more useful if they never even heard of FE
So... this entire thread?
But some anons have. The Ingersoll Larpwood site is an excellent example. Or, the litany of larpy streamers.
There is food of every flavor for any pallet. And humans by nature are always hungry.
As always, words of wisdom from you fren. Keep up the good work. You are always informative and eloquent in your responses.
I recall something similar. Noticed the instant overabundance of FE videos during that time frame.
The Flat Earth Society was a tiny fringe esoteric and gnostic movement back in the 70s. Bad Religion wrote a song mocking it in the 80s.
It's curious how some people cannot reconcile that the world is run by liars, that the liars worship Satan, the Father of Lies, and that they have woven lies into literally everything they have ever told us.
It's like saying "Pharmaceutical company X has committed fraud, did not do anything resembling research and used captured regulatory agencies to skip any semblance of safety or efficacy testing for THIS product"... while believing that every other product is reliable and safe and that rigorous due diligence was performed in its creation and testing. No. Everything is built on a throne of lies.
That's why Flat Earth is so tantalizing for many. Because what we are told about this planet is obviously not the whole truth, and what we were told about the moon landing was obvious nonsense. Watching the footage today with everything we have grown accustomed to makes it abundantly obvious the landing was a clown show.
Here's NASA astronaut Don Petit saying that we lost the technology to go to the moon and can't get it back. Even though the smartphone in your hand has more processing power than all of NASA did in 1969. https://youtu.be/16MMZJlp_0Y?si=ryYWPU65G8OCm2aM
I used to be like many here. Actively hostile to certain theories, such as flat earth. And I guess I understand it. If there was any significant amount of FE shit here, curious people would just write us off and leave.
But anyway, I hadn't the first clue about any of what I was talking about, and maybe that's my problem now; I just don't know enough, but I still held fast to being anti-flat Earth like it was a religion. So it was dogma more than true understanding, at least for me.
Now I don't know if it's flat, I've seen some compelling stuff, but there are also problems with no answers, but what I can't do anymore is go "There is a cabal of Satan worshiping elite pedophiles who eat children and drink their blood... BUT flat Earth? NO WAY!" and maintain my internal sense of intellectual honesty.
I am not saying I think the Earth is flat. I am saying that we are not told the truth about what the Earth is, what we are, how the Earth came to be, and pointing out that we are constantly shown CGI images of the Earth instead of actual photographs, which is very strange considering how easy it should be to just take a picture.
The primary images we have of Antarctica are computer generated. Why?
Yea, it'd be really easy to drop the (already small) amount of flat Earthers to basically zero if they just released some pictures. And to put any other concerns about the truth of our world to rest.
It may not be flat, but I agree they are certainly hiding something, because if not it would be exceedingly easy to just take some pictures to "own the flerfs".
There is no doubt in my mind that disinfo campaigns that get injected into the anon movements are designed with the purpose of radical metaphysical skepticism which is expressed by many things you are saying. "Everything is built on a throne of lies.", " they have woven lies into literally everything they have ever told us." This mentality absolutely ensures that anons in this space will not be seated at any tables of solutionary significance, as everyone becomes too paranoid to participate in real action that must work with the system that is failing us. You are trapped in your own epistemological quandry.
"Everything is built on a throne of lies." is actually a claim of near omniscience. How can you know that the sensation of "EVERYTHING IS BUILT ON LIES" is not itself a LIE?
I think this because Jesus told us precisely this. And because it is so easy to prove. Seriously. Take ANY major issue, any major medical condition, any major historical event
Since I began considering the position that the Establishment was built and run by corrupt devil worshippers a couple years ago, I have not found a single instance of the Establishment telling the absolute, unequivocal truth up front with appropriate context for ANY major event or important issue. On "either" side (they're on the same side, working against the rest of us).
Consider Abraham pleading with God to spare Sodom and Gomorrah- he asked God to spare the city if there were ten righteous men, and there were not.
That meme of "you know he's lying because he is speaking" comes from Jesus in John 8. There is no truth in the devil, and the people who run our world and run our societies (and our financial and legal systems) worship the devil OR take a big enough paycheck to not question the people that they work for who do.
Jesus told us "There is no truth in him." He DID NOT tell us "The devil lies about a few things but you can mostly rely on what his worshippers tell you". That would be a fool's errand, and we all have been rendered foolish for believing so many lies for so long.
Don't reject the proposition outright. As an intellectual exercise, consider the position for a few days and evaluate its accuracy. I am personally not attached to any position without extensive supporting evidence that follows the narrative, and the people who lie to us are so, so, so sloppy. Truth is self-evident, and lies get easier to spot every time you hear them and discover what is missing.
I absolutely do not claim to know the truth about everything. But that is not the same as being able to recognize when we are being told lies about everything that actually matters. Is everything a conspiracy? Yes. The money is fake, fiat, and fractional reserve, and everything that the people who create it choose to buy with it is tainted by their corrupt motives.
"You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies." John 8:44. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John+8&version=NIV
Treat everything in this world with appropriate skepticism, particularly the things that are well-funded by the Synagogue of Satan (Revelation 2:9 and 3:9), "test the spirits" (1 John 4), "work out your own salvation with fear and trembling" (Philippians 2:12), "do not conform to the pattern of this world" (Romans 12:2), and "keep yourself from being polluted by the world" (James 1:27).
It seems you are misapplying Jesus' spiritual indictment of the religious elite of Israel, who were operatives of Satan to derail the redemptive mission of Jesus to bring salvation into the world. As far as the other bible verses, they are of course wonderful and essential exhortations and encouragements regarding our spiritual warfare in this life. But you make a large illogical leap to conclude that spiritual warfare based purely on deception and spiritual destruction is behind everything. This is not what the NT teaches. It teaches that we should not be surprised when there is conflict and persecution for Jesus' disciples in this life, and that sometimes governing institutions will so descend into darkness and the snuffing out of conscience that they will encourage and/or enforce prejudices and violence against followers of Jesus.
But that doesn't mean its always and only the case. Peter and Paul both command the audiences of their letters to submit to the governing authorities and emperor, insofar as they are agents of God's judgment against crime and evil in society. They wouldn't write that if it were not possible. Also, don't forget that Paul expressed hope and anticipation of being transferred to Rome and appealing to Caesar, because he held the belief that even Caesar could be a reasonable judge to weight the evidence and determine that Christianity was no threat to the empire. Of course it didn't turn out that way, but Paul had no reason to only expect worst case scenario.
So with that out of the way, I make a logical and functional distinction between appropriate skepticism and extreme skepticism. Appropriate skepticism means you have to take everything on their own terms and use faculties of reason, which includes the proposition that even corrupt institutions can and do provide useful and truthful avenues of knowledge and resource. Also, none of us possess comprehensive data or special insight on every issue and concept that is non-trivial to the public. So, in order to function and be active in this world, you, me and everyone MUST operate on some level of faith in some structural integrity under-girding our civilization and understanding of the world.
Ergo, not everything is a conspiracy characterized by nefarious planning against Christians or the common law abiding citizen.
It's the same people. Same symbolism, same words, same depraved playbook. Half of the Old Testament is about the Jews falling into temple prostitution, child sacrifice, and idol worship. Just like today when they are leading the charge for homosexuality/pornography/transgenderism, abortion, and materialism.
Jesus talks to the Pharisees like they are a bunch of child molester cannibals. You would not call someone who has a slightly different perspective on piety a brood of vipers, or empty whitewashed tombs full of bones, or say that if you lead a child astray, you should have a millstone tied around your neck and be thrown into the sea. He literally calls them children of satan. Are these people who just focus on the physical manifestation of holiness and ignore the spiritual manners, or are they exactly the same as their ancestors in Israel and Judah? What we see today are their spiritual and literal descendants doing exactly the same things.
Read the Talmud someday. It's almost exactly the spiritual opposite of the New Testament. Instead of love your neighbor, it recommends cheating, stealing, and lying to them. Instead of turning the other cheek, it takes Moses killing the Egyptian who struck another Jew as a guide for life. They say that young childrens' virginity is ever restoring, and that having sex with gentiles is like having sex with animals. The Talmud describes 8 genders- do you think that this insane new Transgender theory popped out of thin air? "There is nothing new under the sun." -Ecclesiastes 1:9.
When the director of the CIA says that "We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false", I believe him.
The American public believes the Earth is round. This either means they succeeded in getting everyone to falsely believe it is round, or it means they failed in getting everyone to falsely believe it is flat.
Either way, I believe him on his stated goal. As for how we know that statement is itself not a lie: Since it's leaked and not intentionally released, I'd say it's not. But also, even if it was intentionally leaked, all it shows is that we have to question everything because the powers that be clearly want us confused and without clear truth.
Either way, the solution is not to have blind faith in things.
when he's saying "destroyed, and Lost" he means it literally.. he's talking about things like the the BIG F1 engines on the saturn V, where NASA was considering refitting them to go back to the moon, but so much of the build was tweaked by hand and all the notes are gone, that it would be more difficult to Reverse engineer them, than to simply build NEW again, which is exactly what is being done, ie Artemis, and Starship
The Raptor 2 engines on Starship are 4x as powerful as the engines on Saturn V
The best anyone can do for space flight today is Jeff Bezos' big penis rocket that went 351,210 feet in the air. If these assholes could be playing golf on the moon, they absolutely would have already done it to rub it in our faces how small we are. But they haven't. So they can't.
It's kind of like how all the population control assholes who murmur about being able to make contagious viruses with a 90% fatality rate that would wipe out the Earth's population. That's their absolute fantasy for humanity- and if they COULD do it, they would have already done it. Diseases are not manmade, at least in the way we are told they are, and the assholes who run our planet have almost no real power over this planet aside from what we directly hand to them because we believe their lies.
The moon is 238,000 miles away. That height is 0.028% of the total distance to the moon.
How is it a noteworthy and difficult achievement with modern engineering, modern computing, modern manufacturing, and unlimited funding and "quantum computing" (also nonsense) that allows them to bend the limits of normal computing that they can only make it 0.028% of the distance to the moon?
Which again was allegedly done by hand and by using punch cards.
Why is the absolutely pedestrian precise height of Bezos' penis rocket even noteworthy if people actually went to the freaking moon? Why would it matter at all that he went 69,000 feet higher than Richard Branson did with Virgin?
Can't get back? India was on the moon LAST MONTH
Did you see the video of that? It was cartoonish. I am watching it thinking, "No way anyone actually believes this."
It’s not about flat Earth. It’s about Wizards and Warlocks. Alchemy. The big secret. There are two plains. Their Magik is used against us to keep us in the dark and unlocking our awakening. We can transcend between them both if we figure out this secret. The Door of Doors.
They’re trying to make people think: “stupid conspiracy theorist”.
Flat earth is one of not-so-many theories that are still left (and will always be) to stick the label.
Steam powered "flat earth" rocket goes splat
That desert dirt is hard, probably not that deep of impression /s
Second thought, I wonder if he actually "rode" in that death trap?
Q also said disinformation is necessary. Until the final credits roll we won't know what is true and what is disinformation.
Not in that post. You're just stringing together unrelated issues. It was a direct Q&A intended to steer anons in the RIGHT direction. "Disinfo is necessary" has to do with the op walking the razor's edge of not disclosing sensitive details or telegraphing chess moves/countermoves specific to the plan for reclaiming the American Republic from the DS political apparatus. Think RR, BB, Wray, expectations for certain dates or events, etc.
Q was deliberate, and wise, in nudging anons to stop wasting time and energy on sinkhole topics. Many still don't get the message.
Doh of course Q would not have done that!
Q: Earth is not flat and 'Disinfo is necessary' in the same drop - get a grip man!
Unless you are actually of Q yourself you, like the rest of us, have zero idea how we are to apply any statement from Q. We have no real idea except for Q+ who is on the Q team, we might guess and we will all be wrong somewhere! We have very limited idea as to who is a white or black hat. Players have come and gone and we still do not have the full picture.
Q also said Hillary Clinton would be arrested. Which even if you subscribe to the theory that she has been, is not publicly apparent, and certainly not officially confirmed, in any way.
Check out post #1. The "Hillary arrested" message was an anon Q was replying to, and not Q themselves from what I can tell.
Fair enough, actually. It was the Anon who gave the year. Q only gave a day/month and then in post 2 said she wasn't arrested yet but was only detained.
Though it does seem like those posts were indicating she'd be arrested, and they seemed to be very time specific. I can't imagine massive, country wide riots if she was announced as having been arrested today.
Most of the post 1 content seems like it would only make sense when the emotions were high right after the election. Again, I can't imagine anyone giving a shit if Hilldog got arrested today. Though the dates Q mentioned are still open to coming to pass, since there was no year, to be fair. The whole national guard thing could still happen.
Go back and look at that link.
The response of 'No' from 'Q' did not have a trip code.
"Disinformation is necessary."
"What are sheep?"
"Who controls the narrative?"
"The truth would put 99% of people IN THE HOSPITAL."
"It must be controlled."
I checked, and there is a trip code u/#2622
Despite what cats5 says, he’s the most prolific FE poster on this board LOL!!
Use your brain. This is not a Flat Earth post. It's about the psyop, about the bots on X.
Anything to take a dogshit swipe at the mods.
Personally, I don't think any theory should be disregarded unless proven false beyond all belief. And I don't think it's right to look down on others for their beliefs or inquiries. Nobody on this board has been to space so there's that.. I would be willing to bet a fair share of money that the earth is round, but I have heard some compelling arguments from intelligent people on the other side. It's almost like a religion here, like you can believe these conspiracy theories over here, but if you believe any of those conspiracies over there then you are banned and shunned. Just weird to me.
Pointing out a disinfo campaign is not "looking down on others for their beliefs."
Why is there no evidence, no digging, no research on this disinfo campaign? Just claims that it is and people attacking anyone who doesn't tow the party line that that's what it is.
This is a research board, right? Maybe instead of shitting on people, you could present actual evidence that the FE stuff is exclusively a blackhat psyop? And if you can't, maybe you should say nothing if you have nothing nice, productive, or useful to add.
So far, this thread is just people throwing shit and truisms.
The post you are commenting in gave you that evidence. I don't think that's the only thing you've overlooked.
Posting a selection of seemingly obvious bots proves that all of flat Earth is a blackhat psyop with no honest people theorizing about it?
There is no digging and no research in this thread. No one is attempting to actually do anything with the starting point provided by catsfive. Because that is what this is, a starting point. People could be sharing info or insights, they could be looking deeper to figure something about this out, correlate it with some relevant Q posts, anything.
Instead, everyone is simply doing exactly what I said they are in my previous comment. This thread has preciously zero value outside of acting as fly tape for flat Earthers to ban them. Which, if that is the goal, great, but don't act like it serves some greater purpose of pointing out and exposing a disinfo campaign. It starts to point out the beginnings of one, but no one has capitalized on that.
I mean, how do we know this is coordinated by the CIA or whatever, and not just some retard in his basement who thought it'd be funny to make some bots? Without any deeper research/digging, which we don't have in here, we don't. All we know is that there are approximately 40 bots talking about FE (which, if we're being honest, may not even be bots in every case for the accounts shown).
The flat earth foolishness is some kind of psyop to dumb down the population, or something like that. It's utter idiotic thought to say that the earth is a flat disk. Gravity would cause such a disk to crumble and return to something close to a sphere. Look at water droplets. Are they disks? Granted, it's surface tension that causes droplets to form a sphere, but its the same principle. Small asteroids can be irregular shapes since they are small, and don't have the size to create strong gravity.
To look at it another way, if Earth was actually flat, all the cats would've knocked everything off the edge by now.
Flat earthers laugh and respond, "Ice wall."
I roll my eyes and respond, "Why don't we shove you through it and see what happens, then?"
it's a psyop to lump in "conspiracy theorists" as being "flat earthers" it's purpose is to make anyone who questions things, get lumped in with actual morons.
I mean, the claim is that space is entirely fake and that gravity is fundamentally misunderstood in how it works.
No "serious" (heh) flat earther thinks the Earth is a floating, flat disk in space going around the sun, with all the other planets being round.
Of course not. That would be stupid. It sits on the back of a giant turtle.
If Elon pops a hole in the firmament, won’t we get flooded? Also the firmament was mentioned many times in the bible.
The flat Earth firmament is NOT mentioned in the Bible
Genesis 1:20: "“Let the waters abound with an abundance of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the face of the firmament of the heavens.”
Oops, it's the atmosphere
Neither is round earth firmament....
Little do they know that the "firmament" is the asteroid belt (long story).
word translation: heaven/firmament - the most vague interpretation. The most basic is bracelet. A hoop.
Earth was created in an impact according some and that impact accounts for the the bracelet like hoop of debris from the event - The asteroid belt. Our moon accreted the debris around our planet after the event, Earth is the biggest chunk left over from the impact, the shattered bits formed the asteroid belt - this is a legitimate model that accounts for current solar system according to certain studies...
So the bible describes the truth, as an impact event. That is the moment of the creation of earth - as the bracelet (firmament) is created at the same time, from an impact "God [like force] "hovering" over the waters [of the source planet]"
Heaven (bracelet=asteroid belt) and earth (the chunk left over).
This cosmology maps onto other folk beliefs like Sumerian. Lots of religions talk about battles in heaven or between gods - which maps onto modern understanding so well it forces you to consider it as the explanation.
Here’s what the Bible says
6And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.
7And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.
8And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.
9And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.
10And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good.
Genesis 1:20: "“Let the waters abound with an abundance of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the face of the firmament of the heavens.”
Oops, it's the atmosphere
Did you ever consider that the firmament doesn't have to be around the Earth - it could be the Universe border/barrier.
6waters means several things here, first space, the asteroid belt divides the inner and outer solar system (waters)
10here is described the Earth gravitationally accumulating the water that covered the planet that was the source material for earth, gaining seas.
The Bible does not describe a random and chaotic impact event coincidentally creating our planet (which is a silly notion; chaos does not beget order). The Bible describes the Sovereign Creator of All making the Earth according to His design.
The latter is the best explanation because God is real and Christ is Lord. The former sucks because it completely removes God from the equation in all but name.
Genesis 1:20: "“Let the waters abound with an abundance of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the face of the firmament of the heavens.”
Oops, it's the atmosphere
This is actually a compelling argument for the "firmament" not being solid, as the flat-Earthers claim it is. How else would the birds "fly across the face" of it? Are they sliding along the underside of the dome? Doesn't really sound like flying to me.
Seems quite clear that means the atmosphere, as you point out. "and let birds fly above the Earth and in the presence of the atmosphere of the heavens" seems to be a valid translation based on my brief look at the Strong's Concordance for the word translated as "face" in the actual verse. And obviously, firmament would be atmosphere.
Very tactical application of scripture here.
Earth still wasn't made in a chaotic impact event, though ;)
Sorry—what was impacted, again?
Umm... Sumerians did not believe in a flat Earth. In fact, we have unearthed some mind-blowing clay tablets from their era, tablets that claim to show a list of all the "north stars" that change around one galactic year
Correct the Sumerians did not believe in FE - I am not suggesting they did. To the Sumerians Earth was created in a celestial "battle"
jupiter cut off saturn's balls. it's really pretty simple when phrased correctly.
The problem with this theory is that the Moon is only about 60% the density it should be to make this work. It's roughly 2% the volume of Earth, but 1.2% of its mass. If the Earth/Moon impact theory were true, they would have identical densities, since they'd be made of the same stuff.
Bulk of the moon was foreign object, small planet or moon of something else prior is the thought, not that it is entirely made from the impact, just that it accreted some debris (hence craters).
Are you basically saying the earth is a globe, and so is the firmament?
I myself am curious
The shear anger, frustration, belittling, etc of the responses on this post look EXACTLY like leftist responses to shit they can't argue with because they have no facts. THE COGNITIVE DISSONANCE IS REAL. Why so angry? That's the usual "tell" when brainwashing is involved. This is very interesting. Nothing else makes this board act like this. Gonna watch this behavior for a bit. 🤔🤔🤔 I bet I even get slammed just for pointing out the behavior changes....very very interesting.
Well, I guess you've investigated all the claims, experiments, and research?
You proved her point. Quite well, in fact.
Also, when I see a plane go overhead, I see a plane go overhead. I don't know that the real reason any of that works is what they say, because I'm not an expert on physics or on airplanes.
When I fall, I know that I'm going down. I don't know anything about gravity because you can't observe gravity. You can observe things falling. Now, that doesn't mean gravity is "muh fake", but maybe it is and the reason we go down is completely different, and we don't understand it at all. The same goes for light. We know light exists. We can observe that. Everything else is as suspect as the studies that claim the vax is safe that get sent down from on high, with the intent that we just blindly believe them.
What I'm not going to do is "trust the authorities" that tell me it works because of this or that reason. I'm also not going to go around saying it's all fake because it obviously isn't. But I will remain agnostic on the topic unless I care enough to do deeper research. To go back to gravity, I don't really care enough. It continues to work, and I don't make rocket ships for a living, so it's a side issue at best when there's so many more important and relevant things to look into.
And I become more and more convinced as time goes on that most "science" is just theoretical bullshit. It can't be observed, it can't be falsified, all you can really do is believe what they tell you about it, and I've had my fill of believing worthless authorities that are proven liars.
Ironically, all you're doing here is lumping people in to one big group. Either you believe the Earth is round unconditionally, or you're an FE retard. "Some people call everything fake, so that's what they all think!".
And as NanaQ45 pointed out, the responses that people get when bringing up the topic, are the same as they get talking to normies about the vaccine. That is itself compelling, and shows that there is something likely hidden under the surface. Maybe there isn't, and maybe you're right, but when this is how you present your position, the first thing I want to do is run the other way and find the guy you're calling a retard and an idiot.
Actually a very successful launch even with the rud.
Their goal was to pull off the 2nd stage separation for the first time, correct? If so, then they hit their goal.
Basically yes, anything after was mostly extra. Starship did get to space, and only had around 20 seconds of burn left to make it to Hawaii. But something happened with the liquid oxygen.
Yes, and also to test the changes to the launch pad. They hit their targets; anything more would have been gravy.
Their goal was to splash down the first stage in the Gulf of Mexico, and land the 2nd stage just N of Hawaii.
As I understood from the commentary on the livestream, the main goal of the day was to pull off the stage separation, which they hadn't done before. Anything after that is just bonus objectives.
I like the tweet about "red paint"
Flat earth is a roadblock put up by ds/kazahrians.
The reason so many follow the whole flat earth nonsense is because a LOT of the roads that led to that roadblock are very much valid and leads somewhere beyond that roadblock, the flat earth roadblock works by providing the psychological satisfaction of an 'answer' that removes the reason/motivation for continuing to dig.
So flat earth was created as a target for ridicule because they REALLY do not want people going further down the roads that introduced them to that roadblock, ridiculing and dismissing stuff because fLaT-EaRtH is what they want people to do.....
There is more there and dismissing it because of their roadblock is playing right into their hands.....
As to the firmament:
It is just one of the roads that leads to the flat-earth roadblock, there is more to find....
How in the world does FE give cause to stop digging any more than "the CIA assassinated JFK" or "vaccines cause autism"?
They don't have to 100% stop 100% of the people, just enough to make those that continue digging dismissible, people are hardwired to lie to themselves and being 'right' is a powerful feeling(pretty much all socials on every topic proves this....)
It's all about the numbers and the traction, people are barely awake enough to be willing to sorta start thinking there might be something to the 2 other examples you mentioned........
It's a variation of the whole 'you don't have to fool all of the people all of the time, just enough of the people enough of the time' thing, same concept applies to rather a lot unfortunately...
We’re in a simulation. For some it’s flat, for some it’s not.
Only the creator (God) knows for sure.
✌🏻among brothers and sisters
I lived in Nebraska for 5 years and have a degree from UNL
Legit 100% true Cornhusker, see you on O street
The Biblical "firmament" is in reference to the fixed stars. People from ancient times knew of the constellations that do not move in contrast to the planets which do. Thus they are "firm."
A launch from Cape Canaveral from up close will show it going straight up into the sky, but elsewhere, say northwest from there while viewed from a powerful telescope, that same rocket will appear going up at a slight diagonal angle. There are ways of proving a round earth without even leaving the atmosphere. But these goofballs will point to the UN logo and claim that it's a disk with the North Pole in the center (even though that very logo shows the continents wrapping around a sphere).
Another fun fact, the Ancient Greek word “planetes” appropriately means wanderers.
This is absolutely 100% untrue. The understanding of the movement of constellations, also known as precession, has been recognized by many ancient civilizations, including the Persians, Sumerians, Babylonians, Ancient Greeks, and the Maya... The Ancient Greeks, in particular, had a term for it, "the Great Year," described by Plato. Hipparchus is often credited with discovering the precession of the equinoxes around 150 BC. The Maya's Long Count calendar also reflects an awareness of astronomical cycles that span vast periods. This knowledge was often used in the context of astrology, agriculture, and the timing of religious ceremonies.
LOL, the UN logo... these tards also isolate isometric navigation maps as "proof that teh US Navy knew the Earth was flat back in the 40s" without realizing that these are NAVIGATION maps (for use in paper, with protractors, while flying). Tards. I swear to God I'm going to get every single one of them.
It looks like there are still plenty of Flat Earthers on this forum you've yet to get rid of. That VaccinesCauseSIDS guy is one of them and I am pretty sure I remember him going on about FE in the past. It's easy for a shill to drive the point of something most people here can agree on, such as vaccines damaging children, to gain a high forum score, get a Pepe icon, etc. and then push Flat Earth crap. Perfect way to embarrass the Q movement, even while Q said directly that the earth is not flat.
That tard and I hashed out an agreement last year, and I told him that if he toned the FE down and stayed focused on GAW, he'd be OK. But I start seeing flat earth and other dogshit conspiracies infecting the board. Like clockwork, out they come
While I do think making a FE honey pot every few months is a pretty ingenious idea, was he talking about it before this thread? I've personally never seen him mention it before, and his stuff is usually pretty good.
No. And he should have known well enough to have left this one alone.
I suppose that's fair.
Appreciate the work you and all the mods do to keep this place from becoming an unfocused dump, even if I don't agree with the exact approach 100% of the time.
It is absolutely saying the Earth is flat
Hmmm. Multilingual pedes will understand the significance and relevance of translation and cultural context.
Here's one interesting tidbit:
So let's note: "Firmament" is an English word, a translation. No translation is 100% 'accurate' in the sense that no translation can ever recreate the full meaning of the original.
So many folks formulate their views, their beliefs and their theological positions based on .... inaccurate translations or translations that miss certain aspects of the original meaning.
The irony is that even if it is a sphere, most of the comments are very ignorant to even the basics of the concept. Basically sound about on the same level of someone coming in here to claim Q is a LARP.
That's the thing, these seeming bot comments could just as well exist to discredit FE, rather than to discredit us.
And then everyone latches on as if this shit is actually what flat Earthers believe.
INFORMATION WARFARE! Now we can all see why Flat Earth faggots are banned ON SIGHT here on GAW. Many of these accounts mentioned crypto, #GreatAwakening, several above even mentioned #WWG1WGA in the bios or username titles. All of them mentioned some randomized & novel form of
a little birdie told me the flat earth thing is real. then I realized, birds are not, so it was the government pushing that conspiracy. kek.
C5, I think this thread on GAW is being attacked much like X was when the "Other F word" was put out for bots to attack. There's no way you'd be getting this many downvotes without it being a bot attack. Just for giggles, I'm going to follow this reply up with a couple of F ament comments to check if it's just that word that's sending in da klowens.
This isn't even an FE post. It's about the bots on X pushing the FE narrative on us.
two UP points for "believing" within 41 minutes, nothing for the other two. Pretty sure it's bot activity as there were no comments...
"I don't believe in the firmament."
See, here's the thing:
I'm not a bot.
I also don't work for the CIA.
Yet I remain open to all ideas. While I don't think the Earth is flat, I'm not going to dismiss outright something I don't know enough about. So when I see this thread, where people are simply indicating that they like to stay open-minded, and then those people, some of them well known users, get effectively attacked and derided by overly emotional responses, well the downvotes are perfectly explained.
Ironically, it seems that the less well known users are the ones attacking the better known ones as bots, shills, and CIA plants. At least in a few cases in this thread. Not that that matters, just an interesting observation.
Now we'll see where that goes with the parity check...who knows.
I got a meme for that
They're so ghey, and butthurt before the topic even comes up.
But you've been high enough to believe FE?
it's been investigated for the past 3000 years or so. it's established fact that the earth is round. Trying to appeal to the notion of ambiguity, the whole , "hey keep an open mind.. it needs discussion" concept, is beyond stupid.
the earth isn't flat, don't be an idiot.
"the earth is round"
Albert Einstein
Imagine being this stupid
Some Folk here are just as accepting of theories as the ones they critique.
Flat earth? More like fag earth amirite?
That’s the cabal plan at least.
Hahaha. My personal theory is that the starship did exactly what it was supposed to do - probably go into orbit to do more deep spying on the Cabal puppets.
maybe it was supposed to launch more Starlink satellites and return intact. my cousin saw Starlink a night or two after the launch and supposedly they are only visible for a few days until they deploy their sun shields. so maybe the satellites got up but the ship did not return as intended
It wasn't a Falcon 9 launch, tho. That's the only system that launches Starlink right now. It was Starship, which is still in testing.
is it in testing to replace the Falcon 9, and maybe this was the first cargo mission? because i havent heard of any other recent launches. altho maybe the falcon launches are so frequent it isnt news anymore
There was no cargo, only ballast.
It automatically self-terminated when it strayed outside the flight envelope
There were debris clouds in both locations where it blew up. Weather stations all through the region detected them. It'd be awfully tough to fake that.
The fuck is this chatter about "firmament"
Bible says we are a realm with a firmament above. Look up Lower Eath Orbit and why we have never left it. Either you are qrong or the Bibke is.
Genesis 1:20: "“Let the waters abound with an abundance of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the face of the firmament of the heavens.”
Oops, it's the atmosphere
Or you are. It doesn't say where the firmament is, other than between the waters above and below the firmament. Where does it say it surrounds only our planet in this vast universe?
Genesis 1:20: "“Let the waters abound with an abundance of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the face of the firmament of the heavens.”
Oops, it's the atmosphere
Where does it give any indications at all that space exists, other planets exist, or that we live in a vast universe?
It doesn't.
That doesn't mean space is fake, but there is undeniably a movement of interpreting the Bible through the lens of the world, instead of interpreting the world through the lens of the Bible.
The easy answer is that the creation account tells us everything we need to know, and that space isn't in there in a way we can understand by solely reading the Bible, because it is fake.
Easy doesn't mean true, of course, but still; I find that reading the Bible in a way that it only makes sense when we have prerequisite worldly knowledge, is no way to discern what the Bible is saying. The Bible stands firm throughout time. We shouldn't have to do linguistic gymnastics to make it out that the Bible is confirming something it very clearly doesn't say, and that no one took it to say for most of its existence.
you stop with this nonsense or I will hashtag chemtrails.
The engineers and physicists are already looking at options to fix the heat and fuel situation that either directly caused and or became a significant contribution to the booster destruction, the ship preformed as advertised.
just relax folks we are still moving forward. Also appears the fixes for water deluge worked as advertised!
Here we go. They also really improved the self-destruct mechanism from last time. Last time, the images of the booster falling down after having already been detonated were torturous to watch
Putting aside the thousands of photos of the Earth's curve for one moment, one thing the flat earth tards never make clear, is why exactly "they" would be hiding the edge of the world? Like, what do think they are hiding on the other side of Antarctica, the land of the Elves?
It's similar to evolution and big bang. These theories chip away at God. Sure, we can integrate all of them into a Godly word view, but there are plenty of people who don't believe because of all these modern scientific disciplines that teach all this nihilistic stuff as truth. "You are an irrelevant piece of matter that has only existed for a fraction of a fraction of the time of the universe; you are a meaningless organism that evolved from a pile of goo and that will die and become nothing".
And while that doesn't make these theories false, it is awfully interesting that the fruits of these theories are a loss of faith in God, and not a strengthening of it. Truth should lead to God, if something leads away from Him, I lean towards it not being true.
The Bible even says that in the end times people will be ignorant of the Creation, the flood, and the coming judgement.
And seeing as these people worship Satan, I think it's perfectly plausible that they would lie about anything and everything, including the shape of the Earth, if it benefits their master.
And for a more worldly explanation, if there is land past Antarctica as the FE theory claims, maybe the evil people just want it for themselves. Is that so hard to believe? Push the overpopulation narrative, kill all us peons, and take everything for themselves. Seems perfectly on brand for them.
Even the folks on conspiracies.win hate these flat earth retards.
The earth is flat 💁♂️
Good job finding bots. Bad job shitting on people possibly psyoped into believing a possibly false narrative about Earth's shape. Good job finding bots.
Matthew 18:3 is my favorite bible verse regarding the shape of the earth.
Mine is Genesis 1:20: "“Let the waters abound with an abundance of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the face of the firmament of the heavens.”
Oops, it's the atmosphere
This is truly four demensional and its incresibly bad ass if this was elons true motive when he self destructed the rocket after the booster failed
C5 is "Lead Mod" here, and IMO THIS is what leading should be
So let me get this straight if you don't believe in Flat Earth it's okay to post it and make fun of everybody who does believe in a Biblical Flat Earth but if you believe in a flat Earth and you share something you get banned for days
Correct. Flat Earth is not a topic around here. Any questions?
The Bible does not preach flat earth