I can narrow it down slightly. It's definitely a being who writes American English. Easy to tell from the spelling and m/d/y dates. It's also a being with specific military training or programming.
("Being" includes ET.) Probably not a computer because it makes typographical and grammatical errors.
Clearly there is a Q "Team". I think General Flynn is doubtful as he lost his position very early on. I also think there was a key member of the team who was close to the President most of the time as evidenced by the time stamps. Also the style is rather consistent and strongly suggests a central figure with military training, big picture skills and exceptional intelligence. The beginning date of the Q posts offers a clue. One man stands out to me but I prefer not to highlight my guess at this point in time.
Something weird with Flynn. The current public Flynn looks like a body double to me. Unknown if the real one is working behind the scenes or got taken out.
You're throwing out the possibility that Q might be an alien? That's certainly interesting. On another forum, I think someone threw that out there but it was dismissed as preposterous. The poster wasn't called an idiot, but the thought was considered out of the realm of possiblity.
I prefer the term, Extra-Terrestrial. Star Family works, too. Galactic is another way to describe them...
But yes, absolutely, the Q Team includes them. Anyone who doesn't think so has no idea who and what we're actually up against.
This is a frequency thing...and the beings with the highest frequency win.
Happily, (very happily) there are some heavy hitters from the highest dimensions who have a vested interest in what takes place here on Earth. The Earth Alliance and White Hats have the help of the Galactic Federation, and we all have the help of the Central races, who basically out-class everyone else in this unfolding.
Best get used to the idea...because disclosure is coming.
Yes, there have been ultra-negative ETs driven by AI at the core of the destruction to our planet and her people, and their time is O V E R.
It’s who they’re working with. Read the message....it’s almost creepy how it aligns to current situations. The broadcast interruption even mentions the words, “Great Awakening.” Watch the video too. It gives me chills. If you search it on YouTube there are some people who tell their story about remembering it when it occurred.
What evidence do we have that anything we believe is exactly the way we think it is?
All I have to go on is my own discernment when taking in what others have to say, and the one person that I'm most interested in following is talking about things that make what's happening on the geo-political scene more or less moot.
I'm still interested in those things, but from a different perspective. There's no anxiety about outcome for me, only about being able to tolerate life in what's left of 3D. The Light wins. God wins...it's already done. We just wait now for the truth of our existence to become widely known.
Why would a race that has been traveling the stars for 100,000 years care about what happens here? They have far more important things to do, like protecting their territory.
Elevator mechanic that used to work in my building thinks the Black Knight Satellite has the Annunaki/the Watchers on board. They had come down to make us slaves by upgrading DNA; a generation of them had come down to do some... stuff, namely reproducing. That's where the nephelim/giants come from.
People talking about an “entity” need to take a close look at Melania. There is something very special about her. Do some research on her. She appears to be hyper-intelligent and is likely Trump’s “evaluator” used to identify traitors in his midst.
Also look at her in the picture. The way she stand in front of Trump with her hands at her sides. Everyone seems to be framing her including Trump. They all look like her back up.
I believe Milley is playing a character, and that the "apology" for accompanying Trump was, as they say, "part of the show".
He sat in front of Congress and said he wanted to understand white rage. Also "personally I find it offensive that anyone would suggest our military is woke". Hilarious line.
Correct. Milley is “actor” doing his woke stuff as cover. Note he is not a great actor and his body language gives it away. This is why Trump had to jump in and criticize him to make it appear there is a “tif” or “betrayal” between them to convince stupid leftards that Milley is anti-Trump.
Anyone with discernment can see Milley is putting on a “show”.
I don’t doubt this for any length of time. The way that I have perceived events over the last 3-7 years has been polar opposite to the majority of normies.
I have no idea yet who Q is or isn’t yet. I’ve got clues and theories but nothing more.
Is Barron Potentially using a future Quantum computer to send the Q drops back in time? Which is just another parallel universe? Time shifted?
I sincerely feel that there is something magnificent happening here and considering Quantum Computers are public enough now, imagine 50 more years of advancement on what we DON’T know about yet. It’s exponentially more powerful quantum computers and they likely are small enough or accessible enough to allow, at least, people who have some substantial wealth.
If Pence hadn't done what he did, the deep state would still be there embedded in everything and Trump would have been back in office sitting in the same swamp. I'm not saying Pence has a good or bad past, but he just may have been selected from the outset to do this one thing for the effort to save America. Remember Trump said about the whole thing that "Sometimes it's harder to do nothing." Just a thought.
Yes. Anons must remember, Chris Miller thanked him for his efforts in "some of the most complex military operations this country's ever conducted". That's surely referencing the Q plan. He also thanked him for his "selfless service". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzDUVFRXGsA
Okay, I'm keeping an open mind. It's mind-blowing either way. If true, then when Trump gets re-instated, I wonder if they will let the truth out so he gets arrested but will be given leniency because of his deal. ie. not getting the death penalty for treason, if he is guilty of such.
This is likely true. But keep in mind the real Pence was pawn of George HW Bush Sr and boytoy of John McCain. So the real Pence was either flipped or replaced with body double. Side by side comparison 2016 to now looks like he was replaced, imo. Suspected sometime in 2018 or 2019.
Ha... jobbers! How many did we see thrown on tops of tables during WWF early 90s SummerSlams? I would love to see Eric Swalwell cast from the top ropes onto a folding table.... that would be extremely satisfying.
ok so a "heel" is a guy who the audience is supposed to hate, they build him up to be the bad guy and his job is to make the audience boo and let the other guy be the hero.
a "heel flip" is a guy who goes from being hated, to being the hero... he "flips" from one to the other. if you ever watched that stuff when you were a kid there's probably dozens of great examples from whatever era you were watching. it's a pretty standard plot device.
it's all about that redemption arc.
when i was a kid hulk hogan went from the hero, to the bad guy, to the hero again in the storyline. his fall from grace was a dagger to the heart of every kid in america, they felt betrayed and they hated him...
however his return to grace was a huge deal for pro wrestling and it really got the audience involved.
Trump was the hero, was in all the rap songs, had his own TV show... he was beloved in that way only Trump could have been. Then just like Vince McMahon, the media decided to change the official narrative and demonize Trump and make him the bad guy.
But sometimes the "bad guy" becomes the hero... He's such a great wrestler, so funny during interviews, so effective and connecting with the audience that the crowd loves him in spite of the storyline manipulation.
Thanks for the info! My brother watched wrestling, my husband and son watch it so I'm kinda familiar with the flip part. I didn't know it had a name. There was a guy in the 80s-90s who did the flip from good guy to baddie. I don't recall his name, but he had very light blond hair. My son was so sad when he flipped. I think his name was Bobby something? I only watched peripherally, so could be wrong. True about Trump too. The media sucks.
yeah just like most businesses there is insider lingo and phrases that people in the profession or hobby know about but most people don't. wrestling is no exception, there's a whole list. "kayfabe" for example refers to "keeping up the ruse", or "never breaking character"... the idea being you never want to shatter the illusion to the audience... so if you're a bad guy in the ring, you're a bad guy at the grocery store.
essentially, it's like saying if you are one of the guys that dress up as mickey mouse at disneyland, you shouldn't take off your mascot head in front of the kids.
wrestling is goofy but i do enjoy the lingo and how the entire thing is a giant work. it's how they survived that transition from people thinking it's real, to being forced to admit it was fake but the fans being ok with it...
it's like a male soap opera.
the fun part about this whole thing is once you understand the psychology behind it all and how they work the audience you start to recognize these tactics in so many things... tribalism is such an easy lever to pull. it's the reason you'll start to notice aspects of pro wrestling worming it's way into other sports... all sports honestly but some are more obvious than others... like nascar and MMA...
heroes and villains sell more tickets than just a bunch of polite guys with sportsmanship and respect playing a game together.
The total number of the Q team and the number of Mil vs non-Mil might be intentional disinfo. Why give out that kind of a breakdown on such a small team? I don’t really get wrapped up in it though. As long as they remain successful.
I’ve thought this for a while now. Xi and putin have their roles to play. States side though, will we ever know? I would love to see a documentary on the whole thing when it’s over. A loooooong docu series. All truths revealed. And I mean all. Aliens and hidden histories and the like.
No really, think about it. There are such things as super-intelligent gorillas (think "Beast" in X-Men). It would just so happen that Harambe is one of those super-intelligent gorillas that has a genius-level understanding of game theory; better than most humans. So the military needed his intellect to pull off the greatest sting operation the world's ever seen, but they couldn't just whisk him off without anyone noticing there's a 600 pound gorilla missing from the zoo.
So the military organized the whole hoopla of that kid falling into Harambe's habitat which led to the zookeeper "shooting" him, which really was a tranquilizer that knocked him out and allowed the military to discreetly transport Harambe to an undisclosed location where he would be hooked up to a device that translated the super gorilla's thoughts for coherent communitcation with the other members of the Q team as they devised the plan.
Shitpost aside: other than DJT (Q+), I think Scavino, Kash, and Chris Miller are on the team as well.
Q is the Military group in Virginia (forget the exact name for them).
It is NOT a single person.
"Count on two hands", "Only 3 civilian"
Trump, Kash, Scavino
Ricard (sp?) - the Admiral that met with him after election, and, I think asked him to run (forget his name, actually).
Military: Miley, Flynn, Miller (?), ECW, a few others. Can't recall names.
NOT PENCE. He was picked by Deep State to keep an eye on Trump, just like all previous VPs. It was allowed because if they didn't go along it would have tipped their hand that they had unfucked the 2016 election just enough to beat Hildabeast. (or worse)
Ezra Cohen-Watnick (military) definitely part of Q team, imo. He is in charge of handling/distributing declassified info and he appears to be JFK grandson (unclear if RFK Jr or JFK Jr or other Kennedy child son).
JFK Jr. may have a new identity, but likely NOT part of Q team. JFK Jr. (persona) is DEAD.
ISA is known as the "Secret Army of Northern Virginia". The "Army of Northern Virginia" was the Confederate unit based in the NOVA region and was the originator of what is now known as the Confederate battle flag.
Yes! Me, too. In fact, when I was searching for it I actually used the word “surprised” first, because I had that same sense that Q had said we would be “surprised” to find out. What excites me is the promise that we will, one day, know. These are extraordinary times. I have a friend who will be going to Heaven in a few days. I’m kinda jealous that she will soon see the whole picture, and I have to wait. I wish she could just come back for a few minutes and let me know. Ultimately, as I’ve been doing all these many months, I will have to continue to trust God and His faithfulness.
Rest in peace Mr. President (JFK), through your wisdom and strength, since your tragic death, Patriots have planned, installed, and by the grace of God, activated, the beam of LIGHT. We will forever remember your sacrifice. May you look down from above and continue to guide us as we ring the bell of FREEDOM and destroy those who wish to sacrifice our children, our way of life, and our world. We, the PEOPLE.”
Prayer said every single day in the OO.
JFK - Secret Socities.
Where we go one, we go all.
What’s the OO?
It would seem The Q group has been around since JFK. The original members are likely deceased or retired. This drop has always had me wondering. How did the cabal not take them out? Or put them in different positions where they couldn’t see everything . Someone had to give them the highest level of classification authority. Why wasn’t it revoked and the team scattered? There has to be very few individuals with this type of access. And a heart attack gun or car crash could have been a very easy method of wiping the Q team out for good and what we just went through would have been much more real, with billions dying after being forced vaxxed or rounded up in camps in order to get to their desired 500 million figure.
And I also wonder if this team added members over time only to watch helplessly on 9/11/01. Did they think consider the unthinkable that day? Or willingly let it happen to plant an ace in their pocket. We will probably never know the answers and it will linger in my head forever
I bet general Richard B. Myers, who was at arms reach of Donald Rumsfeld In the days after 9/11 knows some interesting things….
My family tried telling me tonight that Trump and Hillary are cousins, and their incohoots to fk us. Some obscure bloodline bs. Sry, but Papa D is a white hat!
Yea, I’ve been hearing stuff like this. People who awakened in the beginning of covid feel like they’re being played because no one is ever held accountable and it just keeps getting worse. They think it’s just a way to keep hope while the great reset rolls in. There’s been a lot of new “influencers” riding that train and putting it out there. Logic, faith, and GAW keep me grounded. I believe in our military and our country.
Regardless of family lines look at the actions. There are likely former blackhats now assisting Q team who have been freed from the blackmail or flipped. Trump is definitely a good guy.
Keep in mind that cabal tries to “hijack” nationalist movements and turn them into “nationalist dictatorships” so they can claim they are “fascist” in order to setup their continuous and fake “fascism vs communism” wars to destroy everything and consolidate control.
So your family may not be too far off from the truth of the cabal intent of using “HRC v Trump to f**k us”, but clearly Trump and Q team are outmaneuvering them. Otherwise we would be in kinetic Civil War 2.0 and/or WW4 sparked by Ukraine already.
Every US President who's ever been elected has royal blood, and the candidate with the most royal blood has won every time, Donald Trump being no exception.
(Note: I want to qualify that this statement was true up until 2016, and haven't sourced Biden's family tree yet to verify if it was true in 2020 as well.)
Obama had more royal blood through the Dunham side of his family than either Mitt Romney or John McCain.
John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, and his wife Kathryn Swynford, were the great grandparents of both Hillary and Trump. I've read Joe Biden is also related to Trump through this line, but not sure if Biden has more royal blood.
So, it's possible you have to meet those qualifications to even get a chance to do what we think Trump is doing, and it may be why he was chosen by the Q group in the first place.
However, it appears he may have done a "borrowed ladder" and taken on a new persona in November 2009, when a drug-addict and "based-pillow merchant" Mike Lindell likely died of an overdose. Look at the ears. Deep State appears to know and this is why they relentlessly attack Lindell and his company, but they can't expose him without looking like retards, publicly. Plus, Lindell is lying when he tells his story of how he "first met" Trump and got involved. Listen closely. Skilled actor, but not THAT skilled. Key player, but not in the 3 civilians in Q team.
And how did he get election data that was declassified on January 9th by Ezra Cohen-Watnik (JFK grandson?)? Because Ezra C-W gave it to his father? And E-C-W likely is part of Q team (military).
Elon Musk, regardless of his mommy, Trump, Scaveno, military would probably be people who aren't well known. Also keep in mind that Q stated less than 10 had the full picture, but Q likely has lots of people with a part of the picture.
McAfee is definitely key player over last 30 years and likely faked his death. He seems more like operator and not military so i would say not in inner circle.
Yeah, We can not even rule out that Q is even an American citizen or a single person or many people or a cow smoking crack in a corn field waiting to harvest.
Q is just Q to me, maybe one day, maybe one day. Until that day comes, eh.. Let Q do the Q things .. that Q has already done.. erm uh.. mm. that.
An elite team of NSA hackers the likes of which the world has never seen.... there are less than ten hackers with the skills required for this position.... and I am closely related to one of them.
Huh. Admittedly I haven't read all the Q posts. I can imagine there are one or more people on the Q team that may come into public knowledge and already have public-facing jobs, but only if they were completely insulated, like Q+
Q drops have information for anons and disinformation for the Deep state. Moves and countermoves.
I wouldn't be surprised if the "3 non-military" members on the Q team (or in the know) is disinformation. At times it seems like different people are in the know or at least see the situation from higher up. The limit of 3 provides cover and plausible deniability.
Trump has to be in the know. It seems like Scavino is in the know. Same with Patel. However I wouldn't be surprised if Scavino and Patel are small fish and directed as needed by a Q team in the shadows.
Trump, Scavino, Patel non-mil.
Lt. Gen Thomas McInerney, Gen Michael Flynn, Chris Miller, Adm Mike Rodgers, Ezra Cohen-Watnock,
If I were a betting woman, I'd put my money on this
I can narrow it down slightly. It's definitely a being who writes American English. Easy to tell from the spelling and m/d/y dates. It's also a being with specific military training or programming.
("Being" includes ET.) Probably not a computer because it makes typographical and grammatical errors.
Clearly there is a Q "Team". I think General Flynn is doubtful as he lost his position very early on. I also think there was a key member of the team who was close to the President most of the time as evidenced by the time stamps. Also the style is rather consistent and strongly suggests a central figure with military training, big picture skills and exceptional intelligence. The beginning date of the Q posts offers a clue. One man stands out to me but I prefer not to highlight my guess at this point in time.
I would suspect it would be someone completely off the radar.
Something weird with Flynn. The current public Flynn looks like a body double to me. Unknown if the real one is working behind the scenes or got taken out.
You're throwing out the possibility that Q might be an alien? That's certainly interesting. On another forum, I think someone threw that out there but it was dismissed as preposterous. The poster wasn't called an idiot, but the thought was considered out of the realm of possiblity.
I prefer the term, Extra-Terrestrial. Star Family works, too. Galactic is another way to describe them...
But yes, absolutely, the Q Team includes them. Anyone who doesn't think so has no idea who and what we're actually up against.
This is a frequency thing...and the beings with the highest frequency win.
Happily, (very happily) there are some heavy hitters from the highest dimensions who have a vested interest in what takes place here on Earth. The Earth Alliance and White Hats have the help of the Galactic Federation, and we all have the help of the Central races, who basically out-class everyone else in this unfolding.
Best get used to the idea...because disclosure is coming.
Yes, there have been ultra-negative ETs driven by AI at the core of the destruction to our planet and her people, and their time is O V E R.
What evidence do you have that extra terrestrials are on the Q team?
The Q team knows about this.
1977 TV Broadcast Interruption
It’s who they’re working with. Read the message....it’s almost creepy how it aligns to current situations. The broadcast interruption even mentions the words, “Great Awakening.” Watch the video too. It gives me chills. If you search it on YouTube there are some people who tell their story about remembering it when it occurred.
The famous tv hacks (including this one) : https://listverse.com/2019/07/19/10-times-hackers-hacked-live-television/
This isn't proof that someone on the Q team is an alien. This isn't even proof that an extra terrestrial exists.
I like the cheesy 70s style reverb someone added to the voice to make it sound creepier.
Check this out....time the news hack happened 17:10 compared to Q drop 1710.
What stuck out to me was the very bottom. Relevant today, news unlocks. u/#q1710
What evidence do we have that anything we believe is exactly the way we think it is?
All I have to go on is my own discernment when taking in what others have to say, and the one person that I'm most interested in following is talking about things that make what's happening on the geo-political scene more or less moot.
I'm still interested in those things, but from a different perspective. There's no anxiety about outcome for me, only about being able to tolerate life in what's left of 3D. The Light wins. God wins...it's already done. We just wait now for the truth of our existence to become widely known.
Don't shift the conversation. I asked you for evidence. Please provide.
Why would a race that has been traveling the stars for 100,000 years care about what happens here? They have far more important things to do, like protecting their territory.
I believe what we think of as angels, are actually benevolent extraterrestrials.
Elevator mechanic that used to work in my building thinks the Black Knight Satellite has the Annunaki/the Watchers on board. They had come down to make us slaves by upgrading DNA; a generation of them had come down to do some... stuff, namely reproducing. That's where the nephelim/giants come from.
Maybe they're us...from the future. Maybe they have a vested interest because what happens here on Earth affects basically all of Creation.
Don't take this the wrong way, but that's an extremely narcissistic view to take.
I lean in that direction myself, even though my logical brain thinks I'm crazy. I tell it to shut up.
Logical brain and gut feelings/intuition are two different things. Listen to your intuition.
I always listen to my intuition. It's very accurate. That's why it tells my logical mind to "shut up".
Probably dismissed by people who think that we are somehow alone in the universe.
A computer would definitely disguise itself with ungood grammar.
Don't forget Malania
People talking about an “entity” need to take a close look at Melania. There is something very special about her. Do some research on her. She appears to be hyper-intelligent and is likely Trump’s “evaluator” used to identify traitors in his midst.
Ismael Perez says that she's Pleiadian, and there to protect Trump.
She’s definitely special. Most can’t see it.
Also look at her in the picture. The way she stand in front of Trump with her hands at her sides. Everyone seems to be framing her including Trump. They all look like her back up.
I had not noticed that before. Melania is most definitely the center of that pic. Trump is also slightly turned toward her.
Her hands and stance are odd. Almost as if standing at attention. Trump is pointing one finger down.
Melania Trump.
This is my guess.
Lots of the same mind here. I saw exact same names posted before I jumped to answer.
But we seem to be missing two or three mil names...
It’s true Milley is in the calm before the storm pic.
I’m thinking there has to be a space force general too...
I believe Milley is playing a character, and that the "apology" for accompanying Trump was, as they say, "part of the show".
He sat in front of Congress and said he wanted to understand white rage. Also "personally I find it offensive that anyone would suggest our military is woke". Hilarious line.
Ditto for SecDef* Lloyd Austin.
Correct. Milley is “actor” doing his woke stuff as cover. Note he is not a great actor and his body language gives it away. This is why Trump had to jump in and criticize him to make it appear there is a “tif” or “betrayal” between them to convince stupid leftards that Milley is anti-Trump.
Anyone with discernment can see Milley is putting on a “show”.
Might be sleepers
Yup! This.
Same here. Saved me posting a list👍
You guys are funny, pretending you don't know the obvious answer: Barron Trump.
I don’t doubt this for any length of time. The way that I have perceived events over the last 3-7 years has been polar opposite to the majority of normies.
I have no idea yet who Q is or isn’t yet. I’ve got clues and theories but nothing more.
Is Barron Potentially using a future Quantum computer to send the Q drops back in time? Which is just another parallel universe? Time shifted?
I sincerely feel that there is something magnificent happening here and considering Quantum Computers are public enough now, imagine 50 more years of advancement on what we DON’T know about yet. It’s exponentially more powerful quantum computers and they likely are small enough or accessible enough to allow, at least, people who have some substantial wealth.
ie. Barron
Think about it.
You know it’s possible.
through the looking glass
Too Outlanderish.
This, and also Michael Jackson.
The moon walker?
Agreed. Possibly Princess Diana as well.
Nope… he’s Il Donaldo
Leroy Jenkins
Glad to see he is still remembered
If you're a real old fag, you remember "the motherfuckers who stole your fucking cloudsong"
TIL- I'm real old LoL
Angry upvote.
Hey he learned the value of patience that day
now i'm gonna have sesame street style dreams with an enormous Q going LETS GO CHUMS!
Nope it’s Cornpop - he’s a bad dude
I think K$SH the Wizard Patel is likely among the team.
Those punisher socks were a dead giveaway!
Or a very, very, very good troll!
Three non-military, easy to deduce. Trump. Pence. Scavino. Tho - do we think Trump as CiC might disqualify him as civilian?
Pence is a great actor if so.
Is your reasoning for Pence that DJT is openly "upset" with Pence's decision, but is a guise used to keep a man on the inside?
If Pence hadn't done what he did, the deep state would still be there embedded in everything and Trump would have been back in office sitting in the same swamp. I'm not saying Pence has a good or bad past, but he just may have been selected from the outset to do this one thing for the effort to save America. Remember Trump said about the whole thing that "Sometimes it's harder to do nothing." Just a thought.
Yes. Anons must remember, Chris Miller thanked him for his efforts in "some of the most complex military operations this country's ever conducted". That's surely referencing the Q plan. He also thanked him for his "selfless service". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzDUVFRXGsA
And I'm also seriously wondering if the testimonies of him being a pedophile were disinfo to help provide cover and throw off the deep state.
No. These are true. Pence grew up in Arizona. Gay and groomed by McCain with penchant for teen boys. Either flipped or replaced.
Okay, I'm keeping an open mind. It's mind-blowing either way. If true, then when Trump gets re-instated, I wonder if they will let the truth out so he gets arrested but will be given leniency because of his deal. ie. not getting the death penalty for treason, if he is guilty of such.
This is likely true. But keep in mind the real Pence was pawn of George HW Bush Sr and boytoy of John McCain. So the real Pence was either flipped or replaced with body double. Side by side comparison 2016 to now looks like he was replaced, imo. Suspected sometime in 2018 or 2019.
never forget Trump spent time with the WWE and Vince... kayfabe is strong with a lot of these guys...
Trump is the ultimate heel flipper.
so many jobbers, marks, and rubes...
Ha... jobbers! How many did we see thrown on tops of tables during WWF early 90s SummerSlams? I would love to see Eric Swalwell cast from the top ropes onto a folding table.... that would be extremely satisfying.
But a real table, not one design to collapse and absorb the fall :)
Yes- Even better! Solid Mahogany.
I love how you guys think!
hahaha, right on.
i was so happy to see brian steltzer take that metal folding chair to the back and get thrown over the ropes.
"From the top of the steel cage, ACKchewallly" - Probably King
"Bah Gawd King, Swalwell is a douchebag!" - Probably JR
What's a heel flipper?
ok so a "heel" is a guy who the audience is supposed to hate, they build him up to be the bad guy and his job is to make the audience boo and let the other guy be the hero.
a "heel flip" is a guy who goes from being hated, to being the hero... he "flips" from one to the other. if you ever watched that stuff when you were a kid there's probably dozens of great examples from whatever era you were watching. it's a pretty standard plot device.
it's all about that redemption arc.
when i was a kid hulk hogan went from the hero, to the bad guy, to the hero again in the storyline. his fall from grace was a dagger to the heart of every kid in america, they felt betrayed and they hated him...
however his return to grace was a huge deal for pro wrestling and it really got the audience involved.
Trump was the hero, was in all the rap songs, had his own TV show... he was beloved in that way only Trump could have been. Then just like Vince McMahon, the media decided to change the official narrative and demonize Trump and make him the bad guy.
But sometimes the "bad guy" becomes the hero... He's such a great wrestler, so funny during interviews, so effective and connecting with the audience that the crowd loves him in spite of the storyline manipulation.
Thanks for the info! My brother watched wrestling, my husband and son watch it so I'm kinda familiar with the flip part. I didn't know it had a name. There was a guy in the 80s-90s who did the flip from good guy to baddie. I don't recall his name, but he had very light blond hair. My son was so sad when he flipped. I think his name was Bobby something? I only watched peripherally, so could be wrong. True about Trump too. The media sucks.
yeah just like most businesses there is insider lingo and phrases that people in the profession or hobby know about but most people don't. wrestling is no exception, there's a whole list. "kayfabe" for example refers to "keeping up the ruse", or "never breaking character"... the idea being you never want to shatter the illusion to the audience... so if you're a bad guy in the ring, you're a bad guy at the grocery store.
essentially, it's like saying if you are one of the guys that dress up as mickey mouse at disneyland, you shouldn't take off your mascot head in front of the kids.
wrestling is goofy but i do enjoy the lingo and how the entire thing is a giant work. it's how they survived that transition from people thinking it's real, to being forced to admit it was fake but the fans being ok with it...
it's like a male soap opera.
the fun part about this whole thing is once you understand the psychology behind it all and how they work the audience you start to recognize these tactics in so many things... tribalism is such an easy lever to pull. it's the reason you'll start to notice aspects of pro wrestling worming it's way into other sports... all sports honestly but some are more obvious than others... like nascar and MMA...
heroes and villains sell more tickets than just a bunch of polite guys with sportsmanship and respect playing a game together.
CIC is actually a civilian position I believe. Read it here. I will look for sauce and get back.
I've always thought Q was a team, not one person.
Definitely a team!
Here's a wild thought...
"only three non-military..."
U.S. Military?
Could leaders like Putin and Xi covertly be part of the Q team, and count among the military personnel who are "in the know".?
Mind blown
The total number of the Q team and the number of Mil vs non-Mil might be intentional disinfo. Why give out that kind of a breakdown on such a small team? I don’t really get wrapped up in it though. As long as they remain successful.
Game Theory.
I’ve thought this for a while now. Xi and putin have their roles to play. States side though, will we ever know? I would love to see a documentary on the whole thing when it’s over. A loooooong docu series. All truths revealed. And I mean all. Aliens and hidden histories and the like.
He means it as a team. Who as in who all.
It is a team. Ron Watson, Jim Watkins and Austin Steinbart (from future) now he is just baby Q as I last heard.
No, it's Nikolai Tesla, JFK Jr, and Seth Rich. (I hope you were just being flippant and not serious.)
Lol. Yes. I was being flippant.
Man, you're really drinking the gay sauce tonight.
I think you're way off on this list...
Well its obviously a woman cause she's taking so long to get ready
Who is Q (or is an integral part of the team)?
No really, think about it. There are such things as super-intelligent gorillas (think "Beast" in X-Men). It would just so happen that Harambe is one of those super-intelligent gorillas that has a genius-level understanding of game theory; better than most humans. So the military needed his intellect to pull off the greatest sting operation the world's ever seen, but they couldn't just whisk him off without anyone noticing there's a 600 pound gorilla missing from the zoo.
So the military organized the whole hoopla of that kid falling into Harambe's habitat which led to the zookeeper "shooting" him, which really was a tranquilizer that knocked him out and allowed the military to discreetly transport Harambe to an undisclosed location where he would be hooked up to a device that translated the super gorilla's thoughts for coherent communitcation with the other members of the Q team as they devised the plan.
Shitpost aside: other than DJT (Q+), I think Scavino, Kash, and Chris Miller are on the team as well.
This is the best answer.
If there is some intelligent chimera up there helping Trump, that would be amazing.
Q is the Military group in Virginia (forget the exact name for them).
It is NOT a single person.
"Count on two hands", "Only 3 civilian"
Trump, Kash, Scavino
Ricard (sp?) - the Admiral that met with him after election, and, I think asked him to run (forget his name, actually).
Military: Miley, Flynn, Miller (?), ECW, a few others. Can't recall names.
NOT PENCE. He was picked by Deep State to keep an eye on Trump, just like all previous VPs. It was allowed because if they didn't go along it would have tipped their hand that they had unfucked the 2016 election just enough to beat Hildabeast. (or worse)
Admiral Rogers?
Probably? He was NSA, too?
He is who I think you were referring to when you said "Ricard (sp?)"
The NSA sucking up all data seems to be what allowed the white hats to “”have it all””.
Makes since Rogers would be there.
Ezra Cohen-Watnick (military) definitely part of Q team, imo. He is in charge of handling/distributing declassified info and he appears to be JFK grandson (unclear if RFK Jr or JFK Jr or other Kennedy child son).
JFK Jr. may have a new identity, but likely NOT part of Q team. JFK Jr. (persona) is DEAD.
Intelligence Support Activity (ISA) aka The Activity is what you are probably thinking about.
I recall something like "Army of Northern Virginia".
Maybe they are the same thing?
ISA is known as the "Secret Army of Northern Virginia". The "Army of Northern Virginia" was the Confederate unit based in the NOVA region and was the originator of what is now known as the Confederate battle flag.
918 Q !UW.yye1fxo 03/10/2018 14:05:58 ID:5b7643 8chan/qresearch: 614093
Someday we will know.
It's that line that makes me feel like it's somebody that we are all NOT thinking of. Like, surprise!
Yes! Me, too. In fact, when I was searching for it I actually used the word “surprised” first, because I had that same sense that Q had said we would be “surprised” to find out. What excites me is the promise that we will, one day, know. These are extraordinary times. I have a friend who will be going to Heaven in a few days. I’m kinda jealous that she will soon see the whole picture, and I have to wait. I wish she could just come back for a few minutes and let me know. Ultimately, as I’ve been doing all these many months, I will have to continue to trust God and His faithfulness.
Watch it be James Woods. Lol.
I hope it's not JEB!
please clap
JEB is literally a retard.
Rest in peace Mr. President (JFK), through your wisdom and strength, since your tragic death, Patriots have planned, installed, and by the grace of God, activated, the beam of LIGHT. We will forever remember your sacrifice. May you look down from above and continue to guide us as we ring the bell of FREEDOM and destroy those who wish to sacrifice our children, our way of life, and our world. We, the PEOPLE.” Prayer said every single day in the OO. JFK - Secret Socities. Where we go one, we go all. Q
What’s the OO?
It would seem The Q group has been around since JFK. The original members are likely deceased or retired. This drop has always had me wondering. How did the cabal not take them out? Or put them in different positions where they couldn’t see everything . Someone had to give them the highest level of classification authority. Why wasn’t it revoked and the team scattered? There has to be very few individuals with this type of access. And a heart attack gun or car crash could have been a very easy method of wiping the Q team out for good and what we just went through would have been much more real, with billions dying after being forced vaxxed or rounded up in camps in order to get to their desired 500 million figure.
And I also wonder if this team added members over time only to watch helplessly on 9/11/01. Did they think consider the unthinkable that day? Or willingly let it happen to plant an ace in their pocket. We will probably never know the answers and it will linger in my head forever
I bet general Richard B. Myers, who was at arms reach of Donald Rumsfeld In the days after 9/11 knows some interesting things….
Surely the Oval Office.
Even when Bush / Ohomobama was working in there? Would be more appropriate to be code for a military location
I read it as being said every day once Trump moved in. But what you state is a potential too.
My family tried telling me tonight that Trump and Hillary are cousins, and their incohoots to fk us. Some obscure bloodline bs. Sry, but Papa D is a white hat!
Yea, I’ve been hearing stuff like this. People who awakened in the beginning of covid feel like they’re being played because no one is ever held accountable and it just keeps getting worse. They think it’s just a way to keep hope while the great reset rolls in. There’s been a lot of new “influencers” riding that train and putting it out there. Logic, faith, and GAW keep me grounded. I believe in our military and our country.
Yeah, I heard that Owen Benjamin was spouting that BS today too.
Regardless of family lines look at the actions. There are likely former blackhats now assisting Q team who have been freed from the blackmail or flipped. Trump is definitely a good guy.
Keep in mind that cabal tries to “hijack” nationalist movements and turn them into “nationalist dictatorships” so they can claim they are “fascist” in order to setup their continuous and fake “fascism vs communism” wars to destroy everything and consolidate control.
So your family may not be too far off from the truth of the cabal intent of using “HRC v Trump to f**k us”, but clearly Trump and Q team are outmaneuvering them. Otherwise we would be in kinetic Civil War 2.0 and/or WW4 sparked by Ukraine already.
Every US President who's ever been elected has royal blood, and the candidate with the most royal blood has won every time, Donald Trump being no exception.
(Note: I want to qualify that this statement was true up until 2016, and haven't sourced Biden's family tree yet to verify if it was true in 2020 as well.)
Obama had more royal blood through the Dunham side of his family than either Mitt Romney or John McCain.
John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, and his wife Kathryn Swynford, were the great grandparents of both Hillary and Trump. I've read Joe Biden is also related to Trump through this line, but not sure if Biden has more royal blood.
So, it's possible you have to meet those qualifications to even get a chance to do what we think Trump is doing, and it may be why he was chosen by the Q group in the first place.
"I am Spartacus."
Q isn't a who.
It's a what.
^^^ Most important comment in this thread ^^^
Personification is wilful illusion to the true nature of things.
President Trump, JFK Jr, General Flynn, Jackie Kennedy, and some 'blackhats' who are really whitehats in disguise.
also wonder if JFK is involved, count the words😎...
"Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."
I always thought JFK Jr. was part of the team.
It wouldn't surprise me at all at this point.
"Wait until you learn who's been talking to you here" was the kicker.
I agree. That line definitely implies a surprise. And the part I love about that is Q is telling us one day we will know.
According to Q, JFK Jr. (persona) is DEAD.
However, it appears he may have done a "borrowed ladder" and taken on a new persona in November 2009, when a drug-addict and "based-pillow merchant" Mike Lindell likely died of an overdose. Look at the ears. Deep State appears to know and this is why they relentlessly attack Lindell and his company, but they can't expose him without looking like retards, publicly. Plus, Lindell is lying when he tells his story of how he "first met" Trump and got involved. Listen closely. Skilled actor, but not THAT skilled. Key player, but not in the 3 civilians in Q team.
And how did he get election data that was declassified on January 9th by Ezra Cohen-Watnik (JFK grandson?)? Because Ezra C-W gave it to his father? And E-C-W likely is part of Q team (military).
fyi...McEneny also appears to be a Kennedy.
Milley lol
Hey, that’s the first I’ve heard of Milley being a white hat, seems logical.
I dropped off the boards for almost 7 months and when I come back folks are talking about Milley being Q. MIND BLOWN
I was joking, but he is in the photo with Trump & he has publicly made himself into the biggest woke clown. It could be an act.
Correct. It is an act and Milley is a terrible actor.
I read Miley. laugh
Yup and he’s definitely has made himself look like a woketard.
Guarantee it's people you've never seen nor heard of.
Elon Musk, regardless of his mommy, Trump, Scaveno, military would probably be people who aren't well known. Also keep in mind that Q stated less than 10 had the full picture, but Q likely has lots of people with a part of the picture.
And WE are part of Q...
I like the idea of Elon being the author of the posts. Q referred to anons as autists (in a good way) and Elon has Apergers or something like that.
But I also think the author of the Q posts could be John McAfee.
McAfee is definitely key player over last 30 years and likely faked his death. He seems more like operator and not military so i would say not in inner circle.
Musk definitely flipped, but I doubt he is in the inner circle. He is a key player like Lindell, but not on inside, imo.
Note that Musk was only flipped in 2018 or 2019 according to some decodes of his tweets.
Musk? Lol! More likely Harambe the gorilla than Elon Skum. No doubt the gorilla is more intelligent and honest.
Potentially sentient AI?
Yeah, We can not even rule out that Q is even an American citizen or a single person or many people or a cow smoking crack in a corn field waiting to harvest. Q is just Q to me, maybe one day, maybe one day. Until that day comes, eh.. Let Q do the Q things .. that Q has already done.. erm uh.. mm. that.
Admiral mike rogers who was head of NSA. Q is a team of people at NSA that Roger's formed. My best guess.
I don’t see how he doesn’t play a big role
Trump, Scavino, Pompeo, Watnick, Patel, Miller, Lindell
Definitely Pompeo for sure!
I have no idea who Q is. I'm not even sure Q is a single person.
Grammar aside, the OP is asking who Q team is, not an individual.
No informed anon thinks Q is one individual. IMO.
Where's Pepe?
I think it's Ezra
Mike Rogers, Kash Patel, Trump himself, Mike Flynn, and Don Jr.
An elite team of NSA hackers the likes of which the world has never seen.... there are less than ten hackers with the skills required for this position.... and I am closely related to one of them.
We will NEVER know their names.
Post 918
"Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here."
Huh. Admittedly I haven't read all the Q posts. I can imagine there are one or more people on the Q team that may come into public knowledge and already have public-facing jobs, but only if they were completely insulated, like Q+
The guy behind blue dress to the left
Thanks for the :)
Am i the only one who doesn't give a single flip Who it is? Just dont be s psy op.
Q drops have information for anons and disinformation for the Deep state. Moves and countermoves.
I wouldn't be surprised if the "3 non-military" members on the Q team (or in the know) is disinformation. At times it seems like different people are in the know or at least see the situation from higher up. The limit of 3 provides cover and plausible deniability.
Trump has to be in the know. It seems like Scavino is in the know. Same with Patel. However I wouldn't be surprised if Scavino and Patel are small fish and directed as needed by a Q team in the shadows.
Nathan Ford.
Fun show. You're crossing the streams.
I'm throwing Bruce Wayne in the mix because he always wins with prep time.