Be aware there are a lot of liars and clout chaser's claiming to have seen something for which they will not or cannot provide receipts for. Rewarding them up votes gets us no closer to the truth.
I saw fragments of what was supposed to be, but it was so garbled and poor quality that who could tell what it was. This was circa 2020. I hope if it is real that it comes to light and they are punished.
CIA-mandated Intel and AMD zero-day hardware backdoors would like to have a word with you.
Unless you're manufacturing your own chips in your garage (which is doable, search on youtube), nothing you type, click, hover over, redirect to or read/write is unknowable to these sick bastards.
Yeah I'm sure two multi billion dollar corporations would jeopardize their businesses by intentionally installing backdoors in their chips which could be exposed by or used by an adversary that purchases and uses the same fucking chips.
It's not like they can erase physical evidence when everyone possesses said evidence. Stop being retarded.
Your claim and I quote "CIA-mandated Intel and AMD zero-day hardware backdoors"
Where in those links is your source for your claim?
Finding and concealing backdoors from the public or closing off possible side-channel leaks for themselves is not the same as MANDATING two corporations to provide zero-day hardware backdoors, Is it?
Hijacking top comment as this is super important I think albeit not confirmed obviously. I follow some former high-level operators & I’ve read conversations among them where multiple non-operators are posting on this topic with the former correcting them.
Appeals to authority wont get you any brownie points.
Also congrats, you went 104 days without a joofagging note being left on your account.
Now name me one program that uses .rip as an extension for video or file compression. Because people would need to be able to view it to make the claims they're making, right?
could have been a .zip with the file extension changed... comic archives use something similar all the time, most .zip friendly archive software don't care what the file extension is as long as the data is formatted correctly
So they found a .rip file and knew to set the association for their media player or their browser or website automatically recognized it as a video file.
Or a third possibility someone proposed a silly idea and others ran with it. Because pathological liars and dipshits don't exist on the internet in droves, right?
honestly, i have no idea, just adding a spec of information. most archive software, though (winzip, winrar, 7zip, Ark on linux, etc.) you don't even have to change the file extension, just tell the computer what program you wanna open it with, and if it knows how to read it, it'll open it up.
Although honestly, it sounds like one of those internet rumors that floats around forever, for all we know, is just an old duckroll that's been passed around since the early days of the internet, lol.
Wellll I’ve seen the vid that many are claiming is Frazzledrip.
It’s very grainy and was hard to make out, but with foreknowledge of what’s going on you think you understand what you’re seeing.
If behind all that grain is in fact what has been alleged it is THE MOST disturbing thing I could imagine seeing.
I’m stiluck hoping its true but on the other hand hoping it’s not. I believe this sort of thing is a reality and because of that I want ppl to know that this really happens. But,,,, if I had the choice of exposing this sort of thing to wake ppl up or stopping it from ever happening I’d chose 12guage birdshot close range to the head of whoever was planning to do this.
Well,, if someone describes an asshole of a person before you meet them and then you meet them and decide “yeah,, that dudes an asshole”, is that person not an asshole??
I agree suggestion is a powerful tool, but foreknowledge doesn’t always mean that what you are experiencing is only a figment of your imagination that was pre-seeded..
And I quote :
“”It’s very grainy and was hard to make out, but with foreknowledge of what’s going on “you think” you understand what you’re seeing.””
What part of that makes you believe I’m making a claim to it being real?
Of course, they will. This is exactly why they've been building up and hyping "deep fake" shit for the past 2 years. They know all their satanic shit will be coming out and this is how they will be denying it.
Devil's Rejects, Robocop films, Westworld, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Silence of the Lambs.... Just to name a few. In sure there are a plethora of other examples.
My point is that anon suggesting "that's why GotG3 character is this way... to inject narrative X" is moot. It's been done 100x before, just because some pedo produced garbage hit the theatres recently has absolutely zip zero nadda to do with supposed contents of supposed unseen snuff video.
Fuckin nicholas half-a-face cage in Face off. With that creepy ass scientologist fucker cant remember his name. The one with the retard kid he sacricificed for fame. Asshoe from Grease.
I remember years ago when this first popped up. Lots of talking but no video. We had video of the christchurch shooting within hours. Footage of the tranny that shot up that christian school in a day. Video of soldiers getting their legs blown off, all the time. If they can't suppress footage of the flashes of light coming from two different floors at the same time during the las vegas shooting then is it reasonable they could completely memory hole this one?
I'm not convinced they don't have some super-AI video / topic scrubber that they can unleash if something really damning leaks out, but until this video slips past the filters and a bunch of us confirm it, it may as well be a ghost story.
Btw, yes, I am sure they do rape / torture / eat kids as part of their twisted rituals. I wish it wasn't true, but I've seen too much to believe otherwise.
it might be difficult to claim since at one point it is said she removed the girl's face and puts it over her own like a mask.. perhaps something " deep fake" would have difficulty with? Just an idea anyway.
AI enhanced deep fakes get better and better. Slapping some low video quality and compression artifacts on it, some poor lighting, etc. and it could easily pass.
It's not like CGI in movies, where they are doing it in controlled, well lit sets in high definition camera quality.
Plus, we see it constantly -- development companies, both video games and movies, are full of low work ethic union workers who are afraid of a little crunch time. Third parties almost always do the work better nowadays.
You can hide the uncanny valley of Hollywood with a few tricks that aren't suitable for the big screen, but are for "found footage" or "hidden cam".
Also re: "multi million dollar movies"
Keep in mind we already know a lot of those dollars end up being laundered through overpriced stuff in order for executives to pocket as much of the revenue as possible without paying royalties from profits.
Deep fake is good for making jokes, like Biden in Skyrim and stuff. But it's not so good you could make a totally fake video out of it and no one would suspect
I saw the video on VOAT in late 2018, so it has been seen. Others on VOAT who surf the dark web (I don’t) claimed they first saw it when Killary was Obama’s SOS (2009 to 2013). Others claimed it first hit the dark web when she in the Senate (2001 to 2008). It has been seen by people that testified to it before the ability of believable deep fakes.
This is the video that was on Weiners laptop in a file titled insurance that Sydney Powell said made veteran NY cops physically ill and led to a bunch of those cops being 'suicided', right?
I tend towards believing this is real. Maybe Hillary can sacrifice a chicken in her backyard for the truth.
I am just remembering the discussion from the days on VOAT. Unless I spend a lot of time digging through their archives, I admit that I have no sauce. However, I just testified and commented to seeing it in late 2018. I have also seen stills of the event. I’m not too up on technology, but how good were deep fakes pre-2019?
You’re correct. I have heard that it has only been posted for a short time anywhere. When it was on VOAT, I think it was removed a few hours later. I was (un)lucky enough to see it when it was there. I have also seen pictures somewhere.
There are two questions on the legitimacy of it. 1. Why would Killary film it? 2. How would anyone in her organization let it out?
I thought you couldn’t reliably ‘deep fake’ video tape. Digital video is what’s used to make the best ‘deep fakes’. I am not a techno-fag, but I remember reading/hearing that all Epstein’s videos were on tape and therefore harder to claim ‘deepfake’. Please correct me if I’m wrong. Cheers
Besides you think no one could take a screen shot, black out children and upload stills? It's been done before to expose pedophiles. The reason they don't is because the lie gets exposed.
Quality really matters for deepfakes. The AI can only do so much with dark or low quality pixels. What program do you use to accomplish deepfakes on old data?
You can probably reliably date the Epstein videos if they are still on the original tapes in the equipment.
This video is "circulating" on the internet - which means it is in digital form. Likely mp4, mkv, or mpg. Anything could be done to that (if it is even the real one).
BTW, the downvotes are not from me. I like when people initiate a discussion or give a reason to go over a history on a topic. To prove it wasn’t from me, I’m going to give an upvote to both your comments now.
imho, this is the purpose of the great awakening. today I see way more people believing the "conspiracy theories" out there on the internet. when/if this evidence comes out it will be believed by those that have awakened and be heavily pondered by those that are starting to awaken
of course we know there will be those that continue to believe the cabal's conspiracy theories (e.g., it's a deep fake), but fuck them and the denial dilemma they're going to find themselves mired in
This is just another layer like the wiki email where Hillary says she is sacrificing a chicken, or getting her best bud Laura Silsby off for child trafficking, or her closest advisors husband being a sick pedo degenerate, or her daughters upside down crucifix necklace or Ghislane Maxwell being at her daughters wedding or her associations with the pedo podesta brothers and Oprah with her infatuation with sick fuck human farmer and child trafficker extordinaire John of God and many other examples.
How much evidence do we need? At some point even the weight of rumors cant be overlooked.
The Simple Putin channel on Instagram has short clips of Putin and Biden interacting. The quality is amazingly high. How does one determine if a video is fake or real? For example
"Investigating pizzagate" means "investigating the horrors our elite class inflicts on children", so yes. I totally believe your daughter could have found Frazzledrip in that circumstance. But you cant really call it an accident at that point
The most common way to "get on the dark web" is an app called Tor. It lets you browse the regular web anonymously or go to sites on the dark web. Here is a blurb from Norton antivirus...
"Regular browsers can't access dark web websites. Instead, the dark web uses what's called The Onion Router hidden service protocol. “Tor” servers — derived from “The Onion Router” — are undetectable from search engines and offer users complete anonymity while surfing the web."
So you can see the app itself is named after the communication protocol used by the "dark web". It's the equivalent of driving to the bank in an armored truck but claiming you arent planning to leave with a lot of money.
It could be true but forgive me if I dont believe you
People who use tor are already on the dark web on purpose. So it's not like "my innocent daughter just magically saw hillary doing terrible things before breakfast".
You literally cannot accidentally get on to the dark web.
It uses direct IP connections outside of web domains, and most use TOR (despite at least one node being compromised) to visit it.
In order to reach those direct IP connections, you have to willfully scrape IPs and stumble on what you're looking for, or be invited directly. Operators within the space may also automatically reject connections from IPs that aren't whitelisted.
Not only can you not access it "by accident", most have no business even doing it because you can get on some serious watch lists if you don't know what you're doing or where you're going, and you don't want to have to tell the federal government at your door why your IP address accessed one of their honey pots.
Nowadays the dark web also has a lot of encryption software that is intended to protect the site and its users.
Note that this is also different than the deep web, which is the vast majority of the internet, can be searched through similar means, but includes things like email addresses and so on -- it just isn't indexed by search engines. You also can't stumble on the deep web by accident.
What she would have stumbled on is probably some sketchy forum linked from somewhere that had said content.
Don't think she lied, think that people don't fully understand what the dark web is -- it is also conflated with the deep web often too, which is also then misinterpreted as just going to page 10 on Google haha
You literally cannot accidentally get on to the dark web.
Tor2web is no longer? links don't work any more? As always, you need to be careful what the links you click are and where they're taking you to.
That’s impossible, she just downloaded a deep web browser like Tor for presumably other reasons she chose not to disclose. You can’t access the deep web from the surface web
I saw on a site and the person before the recording went on to say that it took days to get over what he saw. He said it has been months and it still haunts him and he still doesn't sleep well. With about a 5 minuet warning before the video I decided it would not be good for me to watch it no matter how curious.
Did you find the video, or did you step back in time? Sorry to dig up the trauma, just trying to get a tally -- heard about it vs. physically watched it.
All these people talking about people "accidentally watching it" are talking out their asses. Anyone who saw it did so deliberately and anyone who says otherwise hasnt seen it. That video, which I do believe exists, is one of the fastest-scrubbed things from the internet, if it exists.
I've warned people before that this video would most definitely fall under child abuse laws, so owning, or even just viewing it, is illegal. They can downvote all they want, but that's the reality of it. This video is a "view at your own risk" form of media, whether video OR uncensored screenshots.
Were you left with any doubt in your mind that it was HIlldawg and Huma for sure, or could it have been other people? Was it clear?
I had the misfortune of watching the alleged "Podesta" video in which a man is screaming at a young boy trying to frighten him. But it was by no means definitive that it was Podesta as only a man's voice could be heard.
I'm just curious as to your level of certainty that it was the two of them with little to no possibility that it could have been somebody else. 100%? 99%? 90% 50%?
If it's the video I'm thinking of, it's poor quality (at least whatever version i may have seen) and generally hard to make things out. The voices I'd say are plausibly Hillary and Huma as they sound similar/ familiar but there's definitely doubt as I can't say 100% especially when visually the video was of poor quality.
But omg the screaming of the girl is forever seared into my memory. I don't think that screaming will ever leave my memory. It made me instantly feel sick and physically weak hearing such a torturous, helpless, scared, painful, scream.
/pol/ today was claiming that frazzledrip was a cartel video all along. I've never seen any of it so couldn't judge that possibility for myself. Anyone here seen it who could?
So what was in it? Who? What was the setting? Where did you find it? What events took place? How long was it? What sound was in it? What lighting was used? Was it grainy? Clear? Bright? Dark? How long was it? Was there music?
All these years and you are the first person to have claimed to have seen it first hand. It has always been 'Oh this guy saw it and shot himself' or 'I heard that these cops saw it'.
No way. There is no way anybody "accidentally" found that video. You have to be deep into conspiracy talk to even know it exists. Hell I've been this for 14 years and i still dont tell anyone about that video, because it sounds crazy and even tho I believe it exists, I've never seen it.
It's like saying "teehee i was on facebook and accidentally found the Roswell aliens yesterday".
Either she never saw it or she found it on purpose
Nah, just quoting The Doors to highlight this moment in time because I think a lot of stuff is converging quickly towards the Plan's end. We are almost there.
Ah... haha... I need more coffee. I saw that someone down-dooted you and I assumed they thought you were making some type of snide remark. I totally forgot the name of that album. How embarrassing! Cheers
The Doors "The End". “It hurts to set you free, but you’ll never follow me,” is Jim Morrison’s epitaph to his love bond with Mary Werbelow. It’s direct and final. As sung on the breakthrough first Doors album in the summer of 1966. Mary Werbelow was a big part of Jim Morrison's motivation for forming a band in the first place. She was a beautiful woman. Many of Jim's lyrics from the first three Doors albums were purported to be written about her, and their relationship. While he was dating Pamela Courson, he was reaching back to his first true love. Morrison loved Courson on some level, but it was Mary, who was truly his "cosmic love".
"'I'd see him when he really needed to talk to someone.' Before a photo shoot for the Doors' fourth album, she says Jim told her: 'The first three albums are about you. Didn't you know that?' More than once, she says, he asked her to marry. 'It was heartbreaking. I knew I wanted to be with him, but I couldn't.' She thought they were too young. She worried they might grow apart. She needed more time to explore her own identity. In late 1968, Mary moved to India to study meditation. She never saw Jim again."
The video and stills being referenced were completely sauceless and so riddled with artifacting it was very difficult to ascertain what anyone was viewing.
Also worth mentioning, several anons seem to be mixing up separate habbenings:
Security Cam stills from Rachel Chandler's IG (supposedly Little St James Island) & the relevant Q post(s).
Comet Ping Pong Heavy Breathing videos
Fake ass Frazzlenuts hype and illegitimate "clips & stills" shared by known Fake News PAYtriots at the time. E.g. Alex Jones using old stock footage as a thumbnail and insinuating it to be frazzlecrap.
IMO no one here has seen any type of authentic video. They are misremembering what they saw or trusting unverified sources.
Yeah I can easily understand that. Those that fervently follow disinfo outlets tend to support bunk narratives and trends cumulatively.
All kinds of garbage alt news outlets have ran with this topic over the years. IMO it's bait, and always has been. "Look, those silly Qsters are at it again..." NPR & VICE propaganda intensifies
What's interesting is that Frazzledrip has been used to reference the supposed Podesta video too.
I remember being confused when it seemed to reference several different videos depending on what community it was being posted to.
Really drives the point home; people will hear one person say something, and then repeat it to someone else and suddenly Frazzledrip is a Magic Schoolbus episode or something.
The rumor mill can be a cruel mistress.
At this point, if it were real, we would not be hearing from sketchy people "wandering through the dark web". We would have seen a lot more of it all over the place. It is impossible to totally scrub the internet once something has been put there to proliferate.
At this point, if it were real, we would not be hearing from sketchy people "wandering through the dark web". We would have seen a lot more of it all over the place
I completely concur with all of your points. This one though is where the brass tax is.
Another interesting caveat to this frazzled tale is the only, and I do mean only semi credible source we have on file is Erik Prince discussing the supposed nature of the media's contents. THATS IT. Everything else is either unrelated, has been lumped together as such by proxy (e.g. R. Chandler drops) or is sauceless.
And if Im not mistaken, Prince wasn't speaking verbatim about the supposed Frazz video. He was talking about Weiner's laptop. And even then, the outlet was of course Brietbart (long after they were comped given the death of Andrew in 2012 and the audio SXM interview was during the 2016 campaign madness).
About 3 years ago, my daughter found it by accident. She said it was evil and scary as Hell. And she said it was real, not fake because there would be no way to fake something like that
Something that's been bugging me ever since we became aware of the video. It's not called "frazzledrip."
It's a file called It's a .rip file. Idk why it bugs me when I see it called frazzledrip but for me, knowing that they named the file "frazzled" makes it far more malicious.
Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but with it being a .rip file, wouldn't that mean it was "ripped" from a stream or torrent?
Have never heard of it being capable of storing video files -- HOWEVER, the source of the video could easily have changed the extension to .rip without actually using the .rip format, which would be able to be changed back into a playable extension.
I think it is known as "frazzledrip" and the ".rip" theory is one put out by people who know about file extensions. There is no definitive proof one way or the other
Idk if its a theory. I remember seeing a screenshot of the file folder back when it was first making its rounds. I remember noticing that it was named Either way, I've always been skeptical of the video itself as there hasn't been anything definitively proving its validity. Just hearsay and theories. It very well could be real but we could also be on a wild goose chase.
With Sound of Freedom being released today, and with Caviezel bringing up child trafficking in all interviews, this is an appropriate time for that awful crime to be made public.
Wait, so it's actually real? I see people here saying they have seen it?
So what is the sequence of events, clarity, circumstances, location, people involved, camera operator or static? what are the details of it?
I do not want to see it - but I do want to know how clear and believable it is, how easy to ID Hillary/Huma?
All I hear is "it's bad" and I believe it is, but would like details so I can tell if people have seen it by whether they describe it the same as others have done....
The one I saw was black and white..Hillary repeatedly cuts this young girl looks like a box cutter..then she shoved a curved forceps like instrument up her nose and rips out her pineal gland then her and huma eat it...I quit watching at that point
All we need is an entire population with ptsd. Why stop with that video, why not just keep consuming snuff videos to keep learning about what's really going on?
I remember when the NYPD took possession of Weiner's laptop and news of this horrible video came out.
Hillary immediately went on a PR tear about deep fake videos and how they could mislead people. Maybe the most telling thing, to me, is that when the video didn't come out publicly, she just stopped complaining about deep fake videos. Suddenly it wasn't an issue anymore.
It's when they doth protest too much that my attention focuses in on what they are trying to distract from.
Yep this and the video made by Sydney Powell talking about the reactions from the police has me believing that it's real.
Right now Jim Caviezel's movie on human trafficking talking about them selling the organs of children is exposing people to the horrors happening.
just adding to your point Even if people doubt the video, and the movie, people just open their eyes to the horrific things that happen to aborted babies, or that they wanted post birth abortions (infanticide to be made legal)
I know the video is old news, but just wanted to put my two cents in anyway.
If it was already circulating, it would've made its way to clearweb file sharing services by now. It's either not real, or it's currently either on the hard drives of the NYPD or it's been completely destroyed.
This would've completely flooded the internet. 4chan and other chans would've blown it up so big and so quickly, your head would spin
Exactly, if you read the terms of service for Truth Social, it's carefully worded to allow people to post gore. The platform is set up for the world to see the horrific truth. That video would spread to every social media platform in minutes. Hence Q hinting that most platforms will shutdown as the only way to slow it.
y'all aware that in the recent Guaradians of the Galaxy 3, there is a scene of the villain getting his face peeled off? That's what is said to happen in
now everyone will say such a thing is just a movie
You're welcome and I'm wondering if we can archive Twitter links I'm going to go try with this one see if I can do it maybe that way people who can't be on Twitter can see the post
Just for the record, I never watched it. Back when this first broke, during one of Q's Q & A sessions someone on the Q board said it was fake and Q did not correct the poster. II took this to mean the poster was right.
i've always wondered why there would be a video of this in the first place. surely they would not do something like what's described, in a place Hillary of all people, could not have control over surveillance & privacy.
idk why the "white hats" would start a "conspiracy theory" of a frazzledrip video, if it didn't exist, so it's confusing on both fronts.
if this is something [they] do all the time & it's a religion, do [they] record each time? are there possibly hundreds of frazzledrip-type videos?
Remember: None of these creatures can trust each other, so they all control each other with blackmail. That's the only way to get in to join their club. Drug cartels and the mafia do the same thing.
Hope they got the firing squad, if true. I believe this story was told when the police had the Anthony Weiner lap top. Nothing was done then, and with the corrupt DOJ, FBI, DOS, CIA that we have, who knows if it was true or not. We can not trust the government bureaus when there has been a two tier system of prosecution and cover-up.
Everyone here debating whether or not this video exists or if it is authentic are missing the entire point. "At this point, what difference does it make?", whether it is real or not? We should simple burn Hillary and Huma at the stake, if they burn, they were witches and are guilty. If they don't burn, then they are innocent of these particular crimes. Problem solved. You're welcome!
I've never seen it, and believe I would have done by now, if it existed.
There have been some edited clips from horror movies etc that have attempted to masquerade as and I wonder if that is what the people who think they've seen it, saw.
It's always someone knows someone who has seen it. If real, isn't it comforting knowing the good guys haven't done anything about it and HRC is a literal cannibal murdering rapist waking free? Oh let me guess, she's been GITMO'D and replaced right? Once again something alleged but can't be proved...
Well, you have to know, that they’re not the only ones by far as SO MANY are tied to the same thing. Who came up with the name Frz. Drip also? Interested in finding that out, too.
So many comments indicate a great hunger for brutal justice. This brings me peace… God will expose this jezebel-spirited witch ‘fore He tosses her out the window in front of the crowds. This bitch is worse than Jezebel. Something worse than dogs will savor her entrails. Two for one deal with huma being equally wicked. If not even more so. May they rot in hades.
Be aware there are a lot of liars and clout chaser's claiming to have seen something for which they will not or cannot provide receipts for. Rewarding them up votes gets us no closer to the truth.
I saw fragments of what was supposed to be, but it was so garbled and poor quality that who could tell what it was. This was circa 2020. I hope if it is real that it comes to light and they are punished.
"so garbled and poor quality that who could tell what it was"
Then what is the point of your post?
To share their experiences. Seems reasonable.
reddit ------>
Lol ok, ——->
No one has ever seen this stupid thing
Hey, I'm ready to throw up a Tox chat link if anyone wants to send it to me.
Tox isn't something anyone can be traced back on and it's not like they're going to infect Tails.
CIA-mandated Intel and AMD zero-day hardware backdoors would like to have a word with you.
Unless you're manufacturing your own chips in your garage (which is doable, search on youtube), nothing you type, click, hover over, redirect to or read/write is unknowable to these sick bastards.
Yeah I'm sure two multi billion dollar corporations would jeopardize their businesses by intentionally installing backdoors in their chips which could be exposed by or used by an adversary that purchases and uses the same fucking chips. It's not like they can erase physical evidence when everyone possesses said evidence. Stop being retarded.
Dude, catsfive made a sticky post on this subject about a month ago. Surprised that you aren't aware of it.
^^ this right here
Are you calling Edward Snowden a liar? This is 100% documented, confirmed and known. So, no, YOU stop being retarded.
Your claim and I quote "CIA-mandated Intel and AMD zero-day hardware backdoors"
Where in those links is your source for your claim?
Finding and concealing backdoors from the public or closing off possible side-channel leaks for themselves is not the same as MANDATING two corporations to provide zero-day hardware backdoors, Is it? not Frazzledrip
Hijacking top comment as this is super important I think albeit not confirmed obviously. I follow some former high-level operators & I’ve read conversations among them where multiple non-operators are posting on this topic with the former correcting them.
Appeals to authority wont get you any brownie points.
Also congrats, you went 104 days without a joofagging note being left on your account.
Now name me one program that uses .rip as an extension for video or file compression. Because people would need to be able to view it to make the claims they're making, right?
TIL .rip is an audio file extension. So apparently they’re watching a bunch of sound waves that formed the shape of Hilldawg
could have been a .zip with the file extension changed... comic archives use something similar all the time, most .zip friendly archive software don't care what the file extension is as long as the data is formatted correctly
So they found a .rip file and knew to set the association for their media player or their browser or website automatically recognized it as a video file.
Or a third possibility someone proposed a silly idea and others ran with it. Because pathological liars and dipshits don't exist on the internet in droves, right?
Imma go with yes, lol.
honestly, i have no idea, just adding a spec of information. most archive software, though (winzip, winrar, 7zip, Ark on linux, etc.) you don't even have to change the file extension, just tell the computer what program you wanna open it with, and if it knows how to read it, it'll open it up.
Although honestly, it sounds like one of those internet rumors that floats around forever, for all we know, is just an old duckroll that's been passed around since the early days of the internet, lol.
Wellll I’ve seen the vid that many are claiming is Frazzledrip.
It’s very grainy and was hard to make out, but with foreknowledge of what’s going on you think you understand what you’re seeing.
If behind all that grain is in fact what has been alleged it is THE MOST disturbing thing I could imagine seeing.
I’m stiluck hoping its true but on the other hand hoping it’s not. I believe this sort of thing is a reality and because of that I want ppl to know that this really happens. But,,,, if I had the choice of exposing this sort of thing to wake ppl up or stopping it from ever happening I’d chose 12guage birdshot close range to the head of whoever was planning to do this.
Not a difficult decision.
"but with foreknowledge "
Your claims merit nothing.
Well,, if someone describes an asshole of a person before you meet them and then you meet them and decide “yeah,, that dudes an asshole”, is that person not an asshole??
I agree suggestion is a powerful tool, but foreknowledge doesn’t always mean that what you are experiencing is only a figment of your imagination that was pre-seeded..
And I quote :
“”It’s very grainy and was hard to make out, but with foreknowledge of what’s going on “you think” you understand what you’re seeing.””
What part of that makes you believe I’m making a claim to it being real?
Also what is the source of this headline. If it was Fox News that's one thing but if it's a site like Real Raw News then its a troll.
Won’t they simply say it was a deep fake?
They have been gaslighting deepfakes for a while.
Of course, they will. This is exactly why they've been building up and hyping "deep fake" shit for the past 2 years. They know all their satanic shit will be coming out and this is how they will be denying it.
I'm convinced this is why the bad guy in Guardians of the Galaxy 3 had his face peeled off, leaving him looking bloody and horrible.
Because now people will say, "That was just a movie, you idiot!"
It's great cover for this. I have not seen but I do believe it is real.
Those who know cannot sleep
It's been done in several movies prior to GotG3.
Devil's Rejects, Robocop films, Westworld, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Silence of the Lambs.... Just to name a few. In sure there are a plethora of other examples.
True Detective season 1 it was described by Matthew McConaughey’s character as a method of torture used by drug cartels.
Excellent example.
My point is that anon suggesting "that's why GotG3 character is this way... to inject narrative X" is moot. It's been done 100x before, just because some pedo produced garbage hit the theatres recently has absolutely zip zero nadda to do with supposed contents of supposed unseen snuff video.
Fuckin nicholas half-a-face cage in Face off. With that creepy ass scientologist fucker cant remember his name. The one with the retard kid he sacricificed for fame. Asshoe from Grease.
I remember years ago when this first popped up. Lots of talking but no video. We had video of the christchurch shooting within hours. Footage of the tranny that shot up that christian school in a day. Video of soldiers getting their legs blown off, all the time. If they can't suppress footage of the flashes of light coming from two different floors at the same time during the las vegas shooting then is it reasonable they could completely memory hole this one?
I'm not convinced they don't have some super-AI video / topic scrubber that they can unleash if something really damning leaks out, but until this video slips past the filters and a bunch of us confirm it, it may as well be a ghost story.
Btw, yes, I am sure they do rape / torture / eat kids as part of their twisted rituals. I wish it wasn't true, but I've seen too much to believe otherwise.
Your downvoter sucks balls.
it might be difficult to claim since at one point it is said she removed the girl's face and puts it over her own like a mask.. perhaps something " deep fake" would have difficulty with? Just an idea anyway.
That's what Wilson is...also on ellen degeneres hoodie
AI enhanced deep fakes get better and better. Slapping some low video quality and compression artifacts on it, some poor lighting, etc. and it could easily pass.
It's not like CGI in movies, where they are doing it in controlled, well lit sets in high definition camera quality.
Plus, we see it constantly -- development companies, both video games and movies, are full of low work ethic union workers who are afraid of a little crunch time. Third parties almost always do the work better nowadays.
You can hide the uncanny valley of Hollywood with a few tricks that aren't suitable for the big screen, but are for "found footage" or "hidden cam".
Also re: "multi million dollar movies"
Keep in mind we already know a lot of those dollars end up being laundered through overpriced stuff in order for executives to pocket as much of the revenue as possible without paying royalties from profits.
JFK had a conversation with Forrest Gump looked pretty real to me.
Deep fake is good for making jokes, like Biden in Skyrim and stuff. But it's not so good you could make a totally fake video out of it and no one would suspect
Kek biden dies look like a tard npc from skyrim. A breton retard farmer.
Nope. He is Joevahdkiin...Dragonborn!
The video goes back to the days before deep fake.
Any video that hasn't been seen before today doesn't go back before deep fakes.
Please explain.
If no one has seen it before, how would you know someone has not edited a 20 year old video two years or two weeks ago?
I saw the video on VOAT in late 2018, so it has been seen. Others on VOAT who surf the dark web (I don’t) claimed they first saw it when Killary was Obama’s SOS (2009 to 2013). Others claimed it first hit the dark web when she in the Senate (2001 to 2008). It has been seen by people that testified to it before the ability of believable deep fakes.
This is the video that was on Weiners laptop in a file titled insurance that Sydney Powell said made veteran NY cops physically ill and led to a bunch of those cops being 'suicided', right?
I tend towards believing this is real. Maybe Hillary can sacrifice a chicken in her backyard for the truth.
the 'suiciding' of all those officers leans strongly towards it being authentic.
I can’t comment on the NYPD story, but it has been discussed.
Ah yes, the old "other people" claim. Very credible.
I am just remembering the discussion from the days on VOAT. Unless I spend a lot of time digging through their archives, I admit that I have no sauce. However, I just testified and commented to seeing it in late 2018. I have also seen stills of the event. I’m not too up on technology, but how good were deep fakes pre-2019?
I am in the same camp as you for the most part, but considering the source material, who would you trust to judge except "other people"?
Certainly not the DoJ.
So if you saw it tell us what was in it.
I have heard of it but it was never anywhere people claimed it was by the time I got there. Most scrubbed AF
You’re correct. I have heard that it has only been posted for a short time anywhere. When it was on VOAT, I think it was removed a few hours later. I was (un)lucky enough to see it when it was there. I have also seen pictures somewhere.
There are two questions on the legitimacy of it. 1. Why would Killary film it? 2. How would anyone in her organization let it out?
I thought you couldn’t reliably ‘deep fake’ video tape. Digital video is what’s used to make the best ‘deep fakes’. I am not a techno-fag, but I remember reading/hearing that all Epstein’s videos were on tape and therefore harder to claim ‘deepfake’. Please correct me if I’m wrong. Cheers
run deepfake
That's enough to fool tards.
Besides you think no one could take a screen shot, black out children and upload stills? It's been done before to expose pedophiles. The reason they don't is because the lie gets exposed.
Quality really matters for deepfakes. The AI can only do so much with dark or low quality pixels. What program do you use to accomplish deepfakes on old data?
You can probably reliably date the Epstein videos if they are still on the original tapes in the equipment.
This video is "circulating" on the internet - which means it is in digital form. Likely mp4, mkv, or mpg. Anything could be done to that (if it is even the real one).
I can record a Blueray movie such as Avatar to a VHS tape and then rip it to my computer, doesn't mean the Na'vi are real.
It is also very trivial to add filters and rerecord over the raw video to keep those filters from being easily removed in the original file.
Thank you.
BTW, the downvotes are not from me. I like when people initiate a discussion or give a reason to go over a history on a topic. To prove it wasn’t from me, I’m going to give an upvote to both your comments now.
I wasn't assuming they were.
imho, this is the purpose of the great awakening. today I see way more people believing the "conspiracy theories" out there on the internet. when/if this evidence comes out it will be believed by those that have awakened and be heavily pondered by those that are starting to awaken
of course we know there will be those that continue to believe the cabal's conspiracy theories (e.g., it's a deep fake), but fuck them and the denial dilemma they're going to find themselves mired in
This is just another layer like the wiki email where Hillary says she is sacrificing a chicken, or getting her best bud Laura Silsby off for child trafficking, or her closest advisors husband being a sick pedo degenerate, or her daughters upside down crucifix necklace or Ghislane Maxwell being at her daughters wedding or her associations with the pedo podesta brothers and Oprah with her infatuation with sick fuck human farmer and child trafficker extordinaire John of God and many other examples.
How much evidence do we need? At some point even the weight of rumors cant be overlooked.
And Haiti
And the “Haitian Special” pizza at “Comet Pizza” CP get it haha. Barf.
Wag theDog principle: if it's out there for public consumption then it happened.
40 percent will believe this but 60 percent will think it is real and that is what matters. expose it all
The Simple Putin channel on Instagram has short clips of Putin and Biden interacting. The quality is amazingly high. How does one determine if a video is fake or real? For example
I never want to see it either and so sorry that your daughter did...🙏
You cant accidentally get on the dark web
She was lying to you. You can't accidentally get on the dark web.
"Investigating pizzagate" means "investigating the horrors our elite class inflicts on children", so yes. I totally believe your daughter could have found Frazzledrip in that circumstance. But you cant really call it an accident at that point
Not that I want to, but I’ve always wondered how one gets on the dark web. Does it take some sort of trick or a certain search term?
The most common way to "get on the dark web" is an app called Tor. It lets you browse the regular web anonymously or go to sites on the dark web. Here is a blurb from Norton antivirus...
"Regular browsers can't access dark web websites. Instead, the dark web uses what's called The Onion Router hidden service protocol. “Tor” servers — derived from “The Onion Router” — are undetectable from search engines and offer users complete anonymity while surfing the web."
So you can see the app itself is named after the communication protocol used by the "dark web". It's the equivalent of driving to the bank in an armored truck but claiming you arent planning to leave with a lot of money.
It could be true but forgive me if I dont believe you
Click on an onion link while using tor? Seems plausible to me...
People who use tor are already on the dark web on purpose. So it's not like "my innocent daughter just magically saw hillary doing terrible things before breakfast".
You literally cannot accidentally get on to the dark web.
It uses direct IP connections outside of web domains, and most use TOR (despite at least one node being compromised) to visit it.
In order to reach those direct IP connections, you have to willfully scrape IPs and stumble on what you're looking for, or be invited directly. Operators within the space may also automatically reject connections from IPs that aren't whitelisted.
Not only can you not access it "by accident", most have no business even doing it because you can get on some serious watch lists if you don't know what you're doing or where you're going, and you don't want to have to tell the federal government at your door why your IP address accessed one of their honey pots.
Nowadays the dark web also has a lot of encryption software that is intended to protect the site and its users.
Note that this is also different than the deep web, which is the vast majority of the internet, can be searched through similar means, but includes things like email addresses and so on -- it just isn't indexed by search engines. You also can't stumble on the deep web by accident.
What she would have stumbled on is probably some sketchy forum linked from somewhere that had said content.
Don't think she lied, think that people don't fully understand what the dark web is -- it is also conflated with the deep web often too, which is also then misinterpreted as just going to page 10 on Google haha
Tor2web is no longer? links don't work any more? As always, you need to be careful what the links you click are and where they're taking you to.
Bless her heart!
My goodness, this discussion has certainly grown very rude! And, what's the deal with all of the down votes and grammer correction?
We should be above this petty behavior and focus on the mission.
Take care Mary!
That’s impossible, she just downloaded a deep web browser like Tor for presumably other reasons she chose not to disclose. You can’t access the deep web from the surface web
It bothered me when I saw it and I’m a combat vet.
I’m not that tough.
I saw on a site and the person before the recording went on to say that it took days to get over what he saw. He said it has been months and it still haunts him and he still doesn't sleep well. With about a 5 minuet warning before the video I decided it would not be good for me to watch it no matter how curious.
Did you find the video, or did you step back in time? Sorry to dig up the trauma, just trying to get a tally -- heard about it vs. physically watched it.
had seen.
I read this in a Chris Farley meme voice. Thanq fren.
Lol same
You need one of these ? at the end of your question.
I'm a grammar cop as well. You've been promoted to the rank of Grammar Lieutenant.
Do you feel better now 😒
I have searched endlessly to find it. Where can I see this? Not that I want to buy I need to.
All these people talking about people "accidentally watching it" are talking out their asses. Anyone who saw it did so deliberately and anyone who says otherwise hasnt seen it. That video, which I do believe exists, is one of the fastest-scrubbed things from the internet, if it exists.
Just viewing it is committing a crime, fyi. But yes, it needs to be analyized
Oh, The irony 🤯 It's illegal to watch it but the criminals walk freely.
You'll get no argument from me. Just trying to prevent a fren from getting effbeeyed, but I see the downdooters are out in full force today
I've warned people before that this video would most definitely fall under child abuse laws, so owning, or even just viewing it, is illegal. They can downvote all they want, but that's the reality of it. This video is a "view at your own risk" form of media, whether video OR uncensored screenshots.
Exactly. Downdooters don't understand what a honeypot is
If one gets arrested for watching it or downloading it, wouldn't the prosecutor have to prove it is real?
Thats a great point. But I can see some loophole opening up about child abuse AI images are still child abuse images. Who knows
Quick question, did any of the commenters on this thread who claim to have watched it get charged with a crime?
I am not aware of any. But if they are in a federal gulag, would they be able to post ?
There are still a lot of sealed indictments.
We don't know who they are for.
I hope not for random people who stumble on that video.
You can't find it, it's under US mil control
If it's the video that I'm thinking of, the screaming of the girl made me feel instantly sick and gave me such a sharp feeling of dread.
Were you left with any doubt in your mind that it was HIlldawg and Huma for sure, or could it have been other people? Was it clear?
I had the misfortune of watching the alleged "Podesta" video in which a man is screaming at a young boy trying to frighten him. But it was by no means definitive that it was Podesta as only a man's voice could be heard.
I'm just curious as to your level of certainty that it was the two of them with little to no possibility that it could have been somebody else. 100%? 99%? 90% 50%?
If it's the video I'm thinking of, it's poor quality (at least whatever version i may have seen) and generally hard to make things out. The voices I'd say are plausibly Hillary and Huma as they sound similar/ familiar but there's definitely doubt as I can't say 100% especially when visually the video was of poor quality.
But omg the screaming of the girl is forever seared into my memory. I don't think that screaming will ever leave my memory. It made me instantly feel sick and physically weak hearing such a torturous, helpless, scared, painful, scream.
I saw that video and that was 100% podesta's voice...
/pol/ today was claiming that frazzledrip was a cartel video all along. I've never seen any of it so couldn't judge that possibility for myself. Anyone here seen it who could?
So what was in it? Who? What was the setting? Where did you find it? What events took place? How long was it? What sound was in it? What lighting was used? Was it grainy? Clear? Bright? Dark? How long was it? Was there music?
All these years and you are the first person to have claimed to have seen it first hand. It has always been 'Oh this guy saw it and shot himself' or 'I heard that these cops saw it'.
No way. There is no way anybody "accidentally" found that video. You have to be deep into conspiracy talk to even know it exists. Hell I've been this for 14 years and i still dont tell anyone about that video, because it sounds crazy and even tho I believe it exists, I've never seen it. It's like saying "teehee i was on facebook and accidentally found the Roswell aliens yesterday". Either she never saw it or she found it on purpose
X to Doubt.
I see your notes.
Serious question -- How did your daughter find it, accidentally? I feel like even the best detectives here haven't found and linked it yet.
This is the end, beautiful friend, the end
An American Poet
Nah, just quoting The Doors to highlight this moment in time because I think a lot of stuff is converging quickly towards the Plan's end. We are almost there.
That's what I was referring to. I still have the poster tucked away somewhere from my childhood.
Ah... haha... I need more coffee. I saw that someone down-dooted you and I assumed they thought you were making some type of snide remark. I totally forgot the name of that album. How embarrassing! Cheers
The Doors "The End". “It hurts to set you free, but you’ll never follow me,” is Jim Morrison’s epitaph to his love bond with Mary Werbelow. It’s direct and final. As sung on the breakthrough first Doors album in the summer of 1966. Mary Werbelow was a big part of Jim Morrison's motivation for forming a band in the first place. She was a beautiful woman. Many of Jim's lyrics from the first three Doors albums were purported to be written about her, and their relationship. While he was dating Pamela Courson, he was reaching back to his first true love. Morrison loved Courson on some level, but it was Mary, who was truly his "cosmic love".
"'I'd see him when he really needed to talk to someone.' Before a photo shoot for the Doors' fourth album, she says Jim told her: 'The first three albums are about you. Didn't you know that?' More than once, she says, he asked her to marry. 'It was heartbreaking. I knew I wanted to be with him, but I couldn't.' She thought they were too young. She worried they might grow apart. She needed more time to explore her own identity. In late 1968, Mary moved to India to study meditation. She never saw Jim again."
I first saw this video back during the VOAT days. That was something that I wish I could unsee.
An unsourced, undated image with no details. smh
I discovered this image first appeared in June 2021 using a few image searches. So it's fake news.
Am I wrong here?
No, you're not wrong.
The video and stills being referenced were completely sauceless and so riddled with artifacting it was very difficult to ascertain what anyone was viewing.
Also worth mentioning, several anons seem to be mixing up separate habbenings:
Security Cam stills from Rachel Chandler's IG (supposedly Little St James Island) & the relevant Q post(s).
Comet Ping Pong Heavy Breathing videos
Fake ass Frazzlenuts hype and illegitimate "clips & stills" shared by known Fake News PAYtriots at the time. E.g. Alex Jones using old stock footage as a thumbnail and insinuating it to be frazzlecrap.
IMO no one here has seen any type of authentic video. They are misremembering what they saw or trusting unverified sources.
May not even be either of those two things.
Could have been misinformed by someone else, and so it kept spreading on false terms.
Yeah I can easily understand that. Those that fervently follow disinfo outlets tend to support bunk narratives and trends cumulatively.
All kinds of garbage alt news outlets have ran with this topic over the years. IMO it's bait, and always has been. "Look, those silly Qsters are at it again..." NPR & VICE propaganda intensifies
What's interesting is that Frazzledrip has been used to reference the supposed Podesta video too.
I remember being confused when it seemed to reference several different videos depending on what community it was being posted to.
Really drives the point home; people will hear one person say something, and then repeat it to someone else and suddenly Frazzledrip is a Magic Schoolbus episode or something.
The rumor mill can be a cruel mistress.
At this point, if it were real, we would not be hearing from sketchy people "wandering through the dark web". We would have seen a lot more of it all over the place. It is impossible to totally scrub the internet once something has been put there to proliferate.
I completely concur with all of your points. This one though is where the brass tax is.
Another interesting caveat to this frazzled tale is the only, and I do mean only semi credible source we have on file is Erik Prince discussing the supposed nature of the media's contents. THATS IT. Everything else is either unrelated, has been lumped together as such by proxy (e.g. R. Chandler drops) or is sauceless.
And if Im not mistaken, Prince wasn't speaking verbatim about the supposed Frazz video. He was talking about Weiner's laptop. And even then, the outlet was of course Brietbart (long after they were comped given the death of Andrew in 2012 and the audio SXM interview was during the 2016 campaign madness).
I feel if it had existed I would have seen it, and also shared it with others. I believe the same as you.
There is hard proof in the comments here:
Something that's been bugging me ever since we became aware of the video. It's not called "frazzledrip."
It's a file called It's a .rip file. Idk why it bugs me when I see it called frazzledrip but for me, knowing that they named the file "frazzled" makes it far more malicious.
Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but with it being a .rip file, wouldn't that mean it was "ripped" from a stream or torrent?
Sorry but .rip files are audio files. Does not make sense in this context.
Not strictly true.
Can include textures and images.
Have never heard of it being capable of storing video files -- HOWEVER, the source of the video could easily have changed the extension to .rip without actually using the .rip format, which would be able to be changed back into a playable extension.
Ok, thanks for clearing that up. I wasn't entirely sure.
I think it is known as "frazzledrip" and the ".rip" theory is one put out by people who know about file extensions. There is no definitive proof one way or the other
Idk if its a theory. I remember seeing a screenshot of the file folder back when it was first making its rounds. I remember noticing that it was named Either way, I've always been skeptical of the video itself as there hasn't been anything definitively proving its validity. Just hearsay and theories. It very well could be real but we could also be on a wild goose chase.
This is fictional until linked.
With Sound of Freedom being released today, and with Caviezel bringing up child trafficking in all interviews, this is an appropriate time for that awful crime to be made public.
Yes, and Trump has been talking about Bill Clinton and Haiti in recent speeches...
The first arrest will trigger a mass pop awakening. While I would like it to be BC, I doubt it will be him.
You're pulling a lot of points together.
This makes me wonder if this is one single event or if it is a type of ritual that many people go through.
Couple questions:
Who made the image above?
Why do some list it as " " 👈 implies that it's an audio file.
It can be called "" and still have a video file extension after that. i.e.
Most people have file extinctions hidden by default.
Wait, so it's actually real? I see people here saying they have seen it?
So what is the sequence of events, clarity, circumstances, location, people involved, camera operator or static? what are the details of it?
I do not want to see it - but I do want to know how clear and believable it is, how easy to ID Hillary/Huma?
All I hear is "it's bad" and I believe it is, but would like details so I can tell if people have seen it by whether they describe it the same as others have done....
Details? You expect liars to provide details? That would require consensus among liars.
The one I saw was black and white..Hillary repeatedly cuts this young girl looks like a box cutter..then she shoved a curved forceps like instrument up her nose and rips out her pineal gland then her and huma eat it...I quit watching at that point
I'm noticing a pattern amongst those who are supporting this sauceless garbage.
Same types who blindly support other non Q outlets.... It's the trustmebro crowd.
Oh! That's a perfect name to start identifying the clout chasers.
For your own sanity, DO NOT watch it.
I disagree I think this is EXACTLY what normies need to see if they're ever going to wake the F up
All we need is an entire population with ptsd. Why stop with that video, why not just keep consuming snuff videos to keep learning about what's really going on?
That was cops who saw what was in the insurance files on weiners laptop, didn’t specify this exact video.
Have you seen it?
Do you have a link?
I remember when the NYPD took possession of Weiner's laptop and news of this horrible video came out.
Hillary immediately went on a PR tear about deep fake videos and how they could mislead people. Maybe the most telling thing, to me, is that when the video didn't come out publicly, she just stopped complaining about deep fake videos. Suddenly it wasn't an issue anymore.
It's when they doth protest too much that my attention focuses in on what they are trying to distract from.
Yep this and the video made by Sydney Powell talking about the reactions from the police has me believing that it's real.
Right now Jim Caviezel's movie on human trafficking talking about them selling the organs of children is exposing people to the horrors happening.
just adding to your point Even if people doubt the video, and the movie, people just open their eyes to the horrific things that happen to aborted babies, or that they wanted post birth abortions (infanticide to be made legal)
I know the video is old news, but just wanted to put my two cents in anyway.
If it was already circulating, it would've made its way to clearweb file sharing services by now. It's either not real, or it's currently either on the hard drives of the NYPD or it's been completely destroyed.
This would've completely flooded the internet. 4chan and other chans would've blown it up so big and so quickly, your head would spin
Exactly, if you read the terms of service for Truth Social, it's carefully worded to allow people to post gore. The platform is set up for the world to see the horrific truth. That video would spread to every social media platform in minutes. Hence Q hinting that most platforms will shutdown as the only way to slow it.
It's so sad that bullshit like this gets posted here.
The wording found in the graphic above existed prior to 2016. It's not "making the rounds".
y'all aware that in the recent Guaradians of the Galaxy 3, there is a scene of the villain getting his face peeled off? That's what is said to happen in
now everyone will say such a thing is just a movie
I'm sure that's just a coincidence
Twitter won't allow non-subscribers to access the site.
I'm aware but there are subscribers on here that would probably like to see the link
thank you for posting the Twitter link.
You're welcome and I'm wondering if we can archive Twitter links I'm going to go try with this one see if I can do it maybe that way people who can't be on Twitter can see the post
Web.archive is the only way I know to archive the twitter page since doesn't work for twitter anymore
You can still download twitter videos for offline viewing and upload on
It's gone.
Seems the Dems don’t won’t Hillary taking another shot at Top Gun so they are making it public
Since Monday? Like Monday 5 or 6 years ago
Just for the record, I never watched it. Back when this first broke, during one of Q's Q & A sessions someone on the Q board said it was fake and Q did not correct the poster. II took this to mean the poster was right.
And start the AI conversation in 3, 2,1.
It is. My wife asked me about it yesterday cuz she seen something about it in a fakebook group.
I really don't want to see it but I want it to be proven real and exposed to all.
When Q releases the video on Truth Social for the first time, the world will know.
i've always wondered why there would be a video of this in the first place. surely they would not do something like what's described, in a place Hillary of all people, could not have control over surveillance & privacy.
idk why the "white hats" would start a "conspiracy theory" of a frazzledrip video, if it didn't exist, so it's confusing on both fronts.
if this is something [they] do all the time & it's a religion, do [they] record each time? are there possibly hundreds of frazzledrip-type videos?
Why make something like this? Blackmail.
Remember: None of these creatures can trust each other, so they all control each other with blackmail. That's the only way to get in to join their club. Drug cartels and the mafia do the same thing.
Sidney Powell hinted it was in a folder marked 'insurance' on Anthony Wiener's laptop.
There's nothing to prove that this video is real. People can make crazy shit out of nothing and have been doing so for decades.
Hope they got the firing squad, if true. I believe this story was told when the police had the Anthony Weiner lap top. Nothing was done then, and with the corrupt DOJ, FBI, DOS, CIA that we have, who knows if it was true or not. We can not trust the government bureaus when there has been a two tier system of prosecution and cover-up.
Everyone here debating whether or not this video exists or if it is authentic are missing the entire point. "At this point, what difference does it make?", whether it is real or not? We should simple burn Hillary and Huma at the stake, if they burn, they were witches and are guilty. If they don't burn, then they are innocent of these particular crimes. Problem solved. You're welcome!
I've never seen it, and believe I would have done by now, if it existed.
There have been some edited clips from horror movies etc that have attempted to masquerade as and I wonder if that is what the people who think they've seen it, saw.
It used to be very easy to find
But it has always been a garbled, illogical mess. No one is getting charged from THAT video
It's always someone knows someone who has seen it. If real, isn't it comforting knowing the good guys haven't done anything about it and HRC is a literal cannibal murdering rapist waking free? Oh let me guess, she's been GITMO'D and replaced right? Once again something alleged but can't be proved...
Well, you have to know, that they’re not the only ones by far as SO MANY are tied to the same thing. Who came up with the name Frz. Drip also? Interested in finding that out, too. ...wish they could have gotten it right
.rip is for audio files.
You can take a jpg file and rename it to - that doesn’t magically turn it into an audio file. File extensions are arbitrary.
So many comments indicate a great hunger for brutal justice. This brings me peace… God will expose this jezebel-spirited witch ‘fore He tosses her out the window in front of the crowds. This bitch is worse than Jezebel. Something worse than dogs will savor her entrails. Two for one deal with huma being equally wicked. If not even more so. May they rot in hades.
Guys, so do we have any more sauce than that image above?
Did you copy from ADL?